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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-02-15, Page 17
e ALBACORE FIAM WHITE ISLAND QUEEN TUNA SAVE 30` 170 g TIN FINE QUALITY KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP SAVE '1.10 APRICOT HALVES - PEACH HALVES PEACH SLICES - FRUIT COCKTAIL FANCY QUALITY FORTUNE CASE OF 24280 mL TINS ALL VARIETIES TAS OR SPRITE m. COCAiNiCOLA SAVE 52.00 CONCENTRATED FROZEN 12 oz. KENT BRAND ORANGE JUICE SAVE 50` HOMO - 2% OR SKIM FRESH MILK 4 litre bag AVAILABLE THESE STORES ONLY CASE TIN EXTRA BRAND CANNED HAM Ib. 2.19 144 ORANGE PEKOE TETLEY TEA BAGS 454 g3.99 3 VARIETIES BICKS DILL PICKLES 1.5 LU 2.59 D3 VARIETIES ERBY DOG FOOD 141/89 4oa. o JAVEX FRESH SCENT BLEACH 1.8 L 99$. LIQUID 5 LITRE FLEECY SOFTENER 3.99 MINI -WHITE OR FRUIT KRAFT MARSHMALLOWS 250 g69' 7 POPULAR VARIETIES WILL -0 -PACK CANDIES PKG200 g . 1.39 3 VARIETIES 2 Kg KEN -L -RATION DOG FOOD 3.99 3 VARIETIES 1 Kg PURINA CAT CHOW 1.99 PURINA 6 VARIETIES MOIST `N' MEATY CAT FOOD 1848 FOR$ NEILSON 2% COTTAGE CHEESE 500 g1.4 PIECES & STEMS LEAVER MUSHROOMS SAVE 36 10 oz. TIN SURTEC GARBAGE BAGS 14,©z. I'61V FRUITS SAVE 4OE BONUS 33% MORE PACK 1 Kg FOR THE PRICE OF 750 g YORK PEANUT YORK BUTTER EXTRA SMOOTH OR EXTRA CRUNCH REG. 53.59 °• f.49 3 VARIETIES VAN CAMP BEANS 14 oz. 69° 2 VARIETIES STOKELYS KIDNEY BEANS 14 oz. SCHNEIDERS 2 VARIETIES BUCKET OF CHICKEN 900 +3 TUB • 39 REGULAR 30's SUPER 30's TAMPAX TAMPAX .i�■tA�,1VITURuc MAXIT.FHNS 3.99 4.49. ALL VARIETIES 750 mL TAB, SPRITE OR COCA-COLA 49' PLUS 30¢ DEPOSIT 3L VEGETABLE OIL BRAVO OIL 3.79 5 VARIETIES LANCIA PASTAS 500 g S9° ASSORTED NEILSONS FAMOUS ICE CREAM 2L 2. 99 BRAVO PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 14 oz. 79#. SILKIENCE CONDITIONER OR SILKIENCE SHAMPOO 200 mL PURE CHOICE QUALITY MARTINS APPLE.ICE SAVE 65` 48 oz. TANe i Crossroads-Feb. 15, 1984 -Page 5 i H. GORDONGREEN 01110011100000 Browsing through the pages off Time magazine given over to reader reac- tion, I note that one man, jubilant over the glorious American victory in Gren- ada, wonders patriotically why Vie United States hadn't mustered similar courage ten years ago in Angola. Had the U.S. only wielded the big stick then as it 'aid re- cently in Grenada, he thinks, Angola would never have fallen into the Communist camp. Well he could be right. Maybe American guts and gunboats could have. saved Angola for the free world, but what dismays me about our never ending battle to prevent the spread of revolu- tion and Communism in the world is that we seem to give so little thought to those conditions in a country which made Communism seem at- tractive to it. What, for instance, were the grievances suffered by Angolans in the early '70s which made them welcome the Marxists? Well listen now to some of the most shameful statistics of modern history. The African colony of Angola was first claimedby the Portuguese because it had an abundance off two kinds of ivory: the white kind provided by unfortunate ele- phants and the black ivory of the slave trade. By 1836 when slavery was supposedly abolished, Portugal had taken some four million blacks out of Angola and sold them on the flesh markets of the globe. By 1950 there were no more than five million na- tives left in that sad country, and while their Portuguese masters did their best to hide the fact, 125,000 of these were still slaves in almost every sense of the word. These were the blacks, men, women and children, who were forced by law to work on the coffee plantations. STRAIGHT. CUT OR CRINKLE STYLE 1.691 McCAINS BLUEWATER MINCED COD FISH AND CHIPS 400 g 1.19 ARCTIC GARDEN 2 VARIETIES MIXED VEGETABLES 1 Kg 2.19 SOFT STYLE PARKAY MARGARINE MAPLE LEAF IND. WRAP CHEESE SLICES THREE VARIETIES OF RUFFLES McCORMICKS COOKIES MOZZARELLA OR HAVARTI BADEN CHEESE STUART HOUSE FOIL WRAP MRS. SMITHS APPLE OR PPLE R IKB PIES CHOICE QUALITY CUT GREEN OR WAX BEANS GREEN PEAS OR CREAM CORN AYLMER VEGETABLES SAVE 28 19 oz. TIN • HNEIDERS FROZEN SA SAGE R9LLS 2 Ib. 500 g 400 g 227 g 12 N. X 50 FT. 1.99 2.99 1,09 1.79 1.119 700 g 219 DIXIE BRAND CUPS BATHROOM REFILL PROCESSED BADEN CHEEZ IT 100 COUNT 1.79 500 g 2.79 KRAFT PLAIN SOFT STYLE 1 PHILADELPHIA CR. CHEESE 250 g 7�9 FOR YOUR BAKING FLEISCHMANS YEAST GAY LEA FOUR S 500 g 1. 49 WESTON'S DELICIOUS GRANNY'S BUTTER TARTS 10's DIETRICHS 100% WHEAT ROLL$-PKG NEILSONS NOVELTY MI, 4 oz.• 250 mL OF 12 2.29 d9# 99# 2.29 FRESH COUNTRY OPEN CRUSTY ROLLS DOZ. EACH 9 COUNTRY OVEN RAISIN 1.29BREAD <�, COUNTRY OVEN PLAIN ENGLISH MUFFINS 12 1.29 SUPERFRIES 1.5 Kg SAVE 806 VVESTONS FRESH SPICY HOT CROSS BUNS SAVE 396 PKG. OF 8 les IN et= WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU IN. 133210th Street Open 8 nights IA week till 9:30 HANOVER ELMIRA 232 Arthur St S Open Wed . Thurs and Fri evenings LISTOWEL 995 Wallace Ave. N. Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. evenings FERGUS 135 Tower St. S. Open Wed., Thurs and Fri. evenings WINGHAM Cnrner of No. 4 and 88 Hwys. Open Thurs.. Fri, evenings • By.the law enforced in the colony until the mid '70s any African might be recruited for work on the coffee plan- tations unless he could prove that he was an independent producer with more than, 5,000 coffee plants of his own, or unless he already had a job with a white employer. On the 'plantations -he .worked.._.._ - whatever hours his employer chose to make him work; he worked under an armed guard provided by the Portu- / guese army; he . might be beaten if he didn't work hard enough, and shot if he showed the slightest sign of rebellion. The army even used napalme to destroy wholvillages, justto make sure that the natives knew • they meant business. Pay? Yes, there was a little. About $7.50 a month. If. a man had children, these might be forced to work alongside of him for no pay at all. It all depended on the goodness of the white man. And indirectly these .wret- ched people were paying for the guards and the armies which Portugal kept in Angola to make sure they stayed on the job because 30 per cent of the revenue the coffee brought into the coun- try was earmarked for such things as the rifles, bombs and tanks to keep the blacks in their place. And who bought this cof- fee? You and I did perhaps, for at least five of the world's major coffee blenders bought much of their beans in Angola. Angolan coffee was especially in demand for the blending of the instant varieties. Any wonder that things are a little different in Angola to- day? Any wonder that in 1976 Angola was finally gathered into the Communist camp? What had it to lose? Why are we in the righte- ous west so reluctant to gee that more than anything else, it is desperation in a Country which makes it possible for communism to find a home. Obelisk honors Duce Rome has many obelisks, nearly all of ancient Egyp- tian origin, but one on the north side of the city, by the Tiber River, reads "Mussoli- ni Dux." Erected by dictator Benito Mussolini, it stands unscathed among a complex of buildings he put up to glo- rify Italian youth during his 21 -year rule.