HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-02-01, Page 2WI
2 1e Wingha'in Adva ace-TOcnes, Feb. 1, 1910
MiNNIE AND FRIENDS—Just about everyone in the
Village of Fordwich knows Minnie McElwain. At her
refitment party she was surrounded by children —.many
of them not yet old enough to read: Miss McElwain was
honored by the village for her 43 years as librarian. The
children, from left are: Carol Clarkson, oan Clarkson,
Mary Feldskov, Cheryl Meyer (held by Miss McElwain)
and Angie Meyer. (Staff Photo)
Whitechurch Personal
Dave Gibb and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Tiffin were at
University Hospital, London,
on Tuesday where Mrs.
Tiffin had a checkup.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw
and Kimberley were at
University Hospital on
Tuesday also where Mrs.
Laidlaw had a checkup.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Uuldriks
attended the wedding of their
grandson, Randy Uuldriks,
son of Mr. and, Mrs. John
Uuldriks, in Kitchener on
Mr. and Mrs. John deBoer
__�._._.._wsgt antlY their, brotl;pr.
law, D. Bruinsma of Clinton,
on Friday.
Mrs. Archie Purdon and
Mrs. Walter Elliott _attended
the 4-11 workshop . held
Thursday at Ripley.
Congratulations to Mrs.
Robert Mowbray on the
arrival' of a great-grand-
daughter, Sara,, at Sarnia on
Friday, January 27. Sara is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs..
Paul Falconer.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin of
Wingham visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Mrs: Bevin Tiffin and Mrs.
Bill Gibson were in Kit-
chener Friday. Mrs. Tiffin
slipped on the ice as she got
out of the car and broke a
bone in her left wrist on
which she now wears a cast.
Thesoranalm t _wishes her a,�
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Ed Carey of Kit-
chener spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Purdon.
Jim Ross had the
misfortune to sprain his
offered .,,.., the inh that CamP. grants
Muriel Coulter, recently -in- Here, ioyiu friends." , �- - ---- - - comes .� government o -
stalled president of the ' Janet Amos' involvement night. ^I was speechless. I because it is a designated
'd have to go
ankle but with the aid of a
cane was able to attend the
Soil and Crop Convention in
Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Oberholtzer, Jeffery and
Julie of Waterloo, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Rintoul.
Whitechurch Women's
Institute will hold no meeting
in February.
The After -Four Class met
on Monday at the manse,.
with leaders Mrs. Lamb and
Mrs. Moore serving the nine
drinks. Mrs. Moore told the
story, "Why We Can Always
Be Happy", based on Psalm
32, verse one. Songs were
sung and the children made
Viking warriors from egg
crates and construction
It is to be hoped the
groundhog does not see his
shadow on February 2, to
bring six more weeks of
Thee'Bl ►t 6entze for
Arts t sVm mer Wilt have.
sonnet '. to celebrate —
and to lament.
This year marks the.leth
anniversary : the Blyth
Festival one of the most
successful su[tmerr theatres
in the country.
However, this summer will
also be the last season for
Janet Amos as arti�etic
Ms,, Amos, announced late
last week that she will be
leaving Blyth at the end of.
the summer season. She has
accepted the position of
artistic director of Theatre
New Brunswick. As such she
will be responsible for
productions"at the 700 -seat
Playhouse Theatre in
Fredericton and for touring
productions playing Saint
John and Moncton.
Ms. Amos has been a
director at Blyth 'since the
1979 season. In 1979 she was
named associate director,
working with the theatre's
founding artistic director,
James Roy. She assumed the
artistic directorship in
September of.that same
A successor to Ms. Amos
has not yet been named.
However it has been an-
nounced the Centre plans to
follow the format established
when Ms. Amos was hired.
"We ;will be interviewing
in March and we expect to
come up with someone ready
to work with me by April
lst," said Ms. Amos. "They
will have tie .opportunity of.
working with me throughout
the summer just as I did
with James Roy."
While she was well-known
as an accomplished actress
when she was named the
associate director at Blyth,
Janet Amos says, "Every-
thing I know about directing
a theatre, I learned from
James Roy."
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lo- Understandably excited
gan, Shawn and Becky of about heer.pdsition at Theatre
Burlington spent the week- New Brunswick, at the same.
_ _.eud Leith them.parants,--Mx- _time- J net_tOns aures.--oJ. k.ta-three,maple-at--siring oneyn-Thirs-su er
and Mrs. Roy MacKay of emotional at.the thoughts of , that time. They were very the . Board of Directors is
Wingham and Mrs. Cliff Lo- leaving Blyth. ° interested in what we were hoping to raise $55,000.
gan of Belgrave.. "I really'do feel as though doing at Blyth -- in our Government grants! from all
r r I'm . u r o yself . — all concept .oaf "Canadian ;, plays. sou; esu ill total,;; about
Congratulatory ectOgni upr'
thethole.down in dui tourmg ro ram end "our $ "40.
tion in formof a 1Few;rvehi; � ; ° � I
chosen words and a hearty thug ares ct the -years are , children s .t eatre. Ms. Amos says Theatre
handshake was extended by being . pull . i "loose We've "So I talked to them and New Brunswick .is in a more
friends after' the interview, they favorable position.when it
was running out of steam."
She is hoping to find new
sources of original Canadian
material as the artistic
director of Theatre New
"Who knows, perhaps we
can work out some kind of
exchange between Blyth and
New Brunswick. Wouldn't •
that be wonderful."
Ms. Amos says she was
"speechless" when she was
offered the New Brunswick
"They invited me down for
an interview., I think they'd
children, Chris, 13, and Joey,
"Chris will be starting
highschool this year, so it's a
good time to go and Joey will
be fine."
No matter where she
travels, .dr how many years
fly by, Janet Amos will no
doubt think of Blyth every
time she recalls the birth of
"That was a terrible time
for me -- 1977. I was still
working on the television
series, 'A Gift to Last', I was
acting that season at Shaw,
of money raised by our
board. They said, 'Oh .well,
you're working in a rich
"I let them know we are
located in a depressed
farming community and we
are able to raise that kind of'
money because of the loyalty
of the people to their theatre.
In Fredericton with a
population of 40,000, I think
there is some work to be
The Blyth theatre is the
envy of many theatrical,
grotips when ,it comes to
and. 1 w,as :pt'egnaflt For
a ltfive�MenemMathoul t't
would o cry. T I came
to Bly tO MOO "The
Blyth illistory Miaow". Joey
was born the night after it
opened"' .-
And, no doubt whenever a
new Canadian play, .opens at
Blyth, no matter who the
artistic director is at the
time, theatre -goers will
recall Janet Amos and the
theatre's first ,,,artistic
director, James Roy.
These two people have not
only given the area a theatre
of which they can be proud,
but have given a boost to
Canadian talent and made
Canadians aware that
drama doesn't have to be
foreign to be good.
It won't be an easy act to
ma wolnd,er
Rev. John G. Roberts to Mrs. m fu1
ChaIflers church congregation
reviews the year's activities
Whitechurch —The annual throughout the year included donat pns. The allocation
meeting .of Chalmers a picnic at the manse and a was `reached, $227.50 for the
Presbyterian Church was Family Night at the com- active members, and $159.50
held Friday afternoon in the munity hall where talents of for the home helpers. The
Sunday School room. many members were on Ladies' Aid closed the year
Interim Moderator Rev, display. with a balance of $1,334.88. .
Paul Mills conducted the The Sunday School had an The youth group disbanded
meeting and opened with a enrolment of 14. Superin= as most' members had in -
word of 'prayer. There 'were tendent is Mrs: Don Ross and terests elsewhere. Their
13 in attendance. ' ...-.-. treasurer is Mrs. Alex Craig. financial balance was turned
Teachers are Miss Cora. over to the congregation. A
On December 31, 1983, Blom, Miss Kendra Purdon, new younger group meets on
there were 94 members on Mrs. Kevin Falconer and alternate Sundays at the
the roll. Roderick Lamb is Mrs. Rod Lamb. They manse.
student minister and clerk of presented a Christmas The After -Four is a
session is Walter Elliott. The concert and ended the year program open to all Grades
trustees are Donald Ross, with a balance on hand. ' . 1-8 students, with an hour of
John Gaunt and William R. The Women's Missionary singing, Bible stories and
Purdon. Elroy Laidlaw Society hada membership of crafts. The average at -
heads ' the Board of nine active members and 16 tendance is 12.
Managers, secretary is Fred home helpers. The group The current account closed
deBoer and treasurer Mrs. participated in the''' World with a balance of $125.74.
Agnes Gaunt. Other mem- Day of Prayer service and Mr. Mills closed the
bers are William Young, cards were sent to several meeting with prayer. All are
Archie Purdon and Alex people throughout the year. grateful to Mrs. Lamb for
Craig. Money is raised by offerings, typing the annual reports
Family gatherings teas, members' fees and and acquiring copies.
Huron -Perth Presbyterial in theatre in • the Bruce, told them I av regional theatre.
United Church Women, dur- Huron and Perth County home and discuss it with my "I'.ve always thought Blyth
ing the service in Knox area goes back to her days of husband." should be considered a
United Church on Sunday touring "The Farm Show" Theatre New Brunswick's regional theatre too, because
morning. with Theatre Passe season is a winter one, that's what it really is."
The sympathy of the com-Muraille. running from October Since Ms. Amos arrived at
munity is extended to Mr. "Then of course there's the through May: Five plays are Blyth the Centre has com-
and Mrs. Bruce 'Campbell fact Ted (her husband performed during the pletely paid for a $300,000.
and boys, Mrs. Florence playwright and, actor Ted season, each playing for one addition and with its "small
Coultes., Mrs. Olive 'Camp- Johns) was born in the area, week at the Playhouse surplus" last year bought a
bell. on the, death of their.in Mitchell. We really are Theatre and then touring for new light board. The old"
daughter, sister and grand-
daughter, Iris, who passed: leaving.home': We've loved it two weeks.
"I can see where that can board will be used for
here:..' g
_away at her home on Thurs- So why move on? perhaps be expo ed, says Janet Amos is also proud
day afternoon. "I think it's important .not Janet Amos, ut one of the fact the theatre has
Mrs. Jack Taylor is ,pro- . to leave when something is doesn't rush into making. been able to keep ticket
gressing favorably following on its way down. Blyth is changes. It takes at feast a prices down.
surgery in Victoria. Hospital, alive and `well and it's im- year to get to know the "We still have our deal of
London. portant to me that I can pass situation." four tickets for $25 and we
Mr. and Mrs.' Rick Bali it on when it is alive and Ms. Amos is also keen to hope that won't have to
and Matthew of Hanover, *el
put into practice some of the change."
Miss Sheila Anderson .of The search for new fund-raising ideas of the In her decision to go to
Waterloo, Richard Anderson Canadian plays, the lifeblood Blyth Festival's Board of New Brunswick Ms. Amos
of London and Mrs. Cliff Lo- of the Blyth Festival, says Directors, had to consider not only her
gan of Belgrave were supper Ms. Amos is exhaustive "The people in New husband, but her two
guests of Mr. and s. Ross Work.
Anderson on Sunday.
Brunswick were amazed
"I was beginning to feel I , when I told them the amount
iri Mission
to Ventures
The group also decided to
hold anniversary services on
Sunday, November 4, at
which time Rev. Larry
Marshall of Shallow Lake
will be in charge of the
evening service, bringing a
musical presentation as he
did in 1982.
After accepting the date of
Sunday, January 27, 1985, for
the next annual meeting, the
congregation was dismissed
with the benediction.
The Wingham United over four Sunday evenings, a
Church held its annual `"March of Fines" approach
congregational, ' . meeting
Sunday following a potluck
luncheon after the morning
service. The group which
gathered in the Sunday
School hall was introduced to
Ventures in Mission via a
filmstrip depicting where
revenue from this national
fund-raising campaign
would be used.
Rev. J Rea Grant who
to raising money for world
development, an Easter
Sunrise service and break-
fast, the formation of a youth
group for young people in
Grades 7 and 8 and the
establishment of a new
morning UCW -group called
Unit '83.
The congregation accepted
a budget .of :over $80,000. for
1984, including a com-
chaired the meeting, read mitment of $14,000. to the
the names of s�o� e 2 Mission and Service Fund.
members and adhered§ who Those appointed to the
had passed away. during Official Board for a three -
1983. Ken Wood was re- year term include Mrs. W. B.
elected secretary. Cruikshank, 'Murray McLen-
As the congregation nan, Mrs. Robert Crawford,
adopted the printed report, it Mrs. Ken Wood, Gary Lisle,
was noted that over $13,000. Andrew McBride, Robert
more was contributed to the Pike and 'Mrs. Charles Hod -
church and its organizations gins.
in 1983 than in 1982. A total of The congregation learned
$1'7,800, was forwarded to the with regret that caretakers
Mission and Service Fund, of George and Beth Whitby
which $4,100. was raised by have announced their
the United Church Women. resignation. Mrs. Jack
The combined objective for Reavie extended the ap-
1983 was $17,000, preciation of the congrega-
Innovations undertaken in tion to them and other mem-
1983 included a film festival hers of the church staff.
Weekly euchre
Town of Wingham
WHEREAS the effects of heart disease are
responsible for widespread suffering and
create serious economic hardship in our com-
AND WHEREAS the Ontario Heart Founda-
tion is taking positive action to reduce heart
casualties through a planned, priority research
program; ;
AND WHEREAS the Canadian Heart Fund
Campaign to support heart research is being
conducted from February 1, through February
29, 1984.
1, THEREFORE, proclaim that the month of
February be observed as Heart Month in The
Town of Wingham. I further urge all citizens to
co-operate in the Heart Fund drive, and all
civic, social and fraternal organizations and
business establishments to give this campaign
the greatest possible support.
Schneiders No. 1
Wieners - lb. '1.89'
'SOhr icer `3 > •SitzleA: Serve
-_ 1.'89
Weston 6's
Butterhorns, 1.19
Four Star 10 oz. Whole
Mushrooms .79
Beemaid 500 gt.
Creamed Horley 1.29
No. 1
Head Lettuce .59
Store Hours:
7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Fridays 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Closed Sundays
Phone 357-2240. We Deliver.
Church Directory
Wingham Pentecostal Church
359 Centre Street
Rev. Victor Grieco, Pastor
SUN., FEB, 5, 1984
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
7:00 p.m. - Family Service
Listen to:
CKNX-FM - 8 am. - 12 noon, Sunday
tables were in play -at the
weekly euchre which was
held in the WI Hall Wednes-
day, January 25.
Winners were: high lady,
Mrs. Jim Coultes; novelty
lady, Mrs. Olive Bolt; low
lady, Mrs. Laura Gowdy;
high man, Clarence Hanna;
'novelty man, Jim Leddy;
low man, Lawrence Taylor.
There will be euchre again.
this Wednesday evening
starting at 8:00. Everyone is
Edward)) St.,
Sunday, Feb. 5
9':45 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Family Worship
7:00 p.m. - Salvation Meeting
Everyone Welcome
Monday, Feb. 8
8:00 p.m. - Horne League
for Ladles
217 Minnie St.
Sunday, Feb. 5
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 am - Worship Service
Broadcast on CKNX
Minister: Rev. J. Rea Grant
B.A., M.DiV.
Organist: Mr. Hap Swatridge
Church - 357-2961
Manse - 357-1072
St. Paul s Church
John Street at Centre Street
SUNDAY, FEB. 5, 1984
1 1,:00'a.m. - Communion Service
Rey. Douglas Madge Officiating
7:30 p.m. - Induction Service of Rev. Douglas