HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-02-01, Page 1• •
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THANKS MINNIE—"Once upon a ime, in the year 1941, Minnie became the
' librarian in the Fordwich Public Library. Now, 43 years later, we wish you the best on
your retirement, and all join to say Thanks Minnie.” This cake baked for Minnie McEl-
wain by her successor Marion Feldskov, said it all at the retirement party for the Ford-
wich librarian. (Staff Photo)
•„'; !•• • • • Ja
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is for
°Winghaiii, Ontario, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1984
The new Wingham Area
Fire Board, created to own
and operate the Wingham .
fire department on behalf of
the town and four par-
oficipating townships, comes
into existence this week
following ratification by all
member municipalities.
Members of the rural fire
committee at a meeting in
Wingham Monday night
picked today, Feb. 1, as the
date for the changeover after
getting confirmation that the
bylaw establishing the board
had been passed by all the
The committee is now
disbanded, with its members
moving to the new board.
The board will own and
operate the fire department
Fordwich pays tribute to
librarian Minnie 11/1cElwai
Single Copy 60c
ire board
on behalf of the member firemen, some of whom have
an -had previous experience
muriicipatities, with each
owning a share in the assets with other departments.
according tcfan agreed-upon The council also is looking
formula Which also sets out at a piece of land for the fire
Ch h to hall Mr. Kaster said, but
how much w Ave „ ,
pay toward; the operating Once the site is selected a
deficit arid any capital ex- building will still have to be
peeditures, - erected and furnished.
Under theAdd system the' He said the township is
town oWkedr. the fire looking at the possibility of a
department andalthough the building which could serve
chairman of the fire com-
mittee (now the fire board),
with William Crump of
Wingham acclaimed as vice
chairman, taking over from
Mr. Stafford.
LITTLE RACHEL PHILLIPS was the envy of the -Children
last Friday night at the annual Awana Club's model car
races held at the local Pentecostal Church., Rachel
brought along her "Cabbage Patch Kid" to take in the
Community publisher named
to Ontario Press Council
townships had a voice in its as a joint fire hall and
operations-throngh the fire municipal office, since the OTTAWA — Chairman J.
current offices are becoming
committee they had no share Allyn Taylor of London has
in the assets, even though cramped. announced the appointment
they had Contributed the In other business at the of three newspaper repre-
lion's share' toward pur- meeting, the committee sentatives as members of the
chasing Much of the went into closed session to Ontario Press Council. They
equipment. . . discuss personnel policies, will succeed three members
While the neiv cost-sharing firemen's wages and a of the council whose terms
formula will apply to any report on land purchases for expired December 31.
capital expenditures. for a new Wingham fire hall. The appointees are:
equipment or anew fireball, Following the meeting, Susan Glasgow, lifestyle
the ,committee agreed to Chairman Douglas Fortune editor of the daily Barrie
retain the old formula for said the new board will be Examiner, succeeding Alex
sharing operating expenses meeting with members of Beer, editor of The Hamilton
until some df the proposed the fire department in two Spectator;
changes in' Tire coverage weeks, to discuss wages and Stuart Paterson, advertis-
have been implemented. • policies., ing director of - the daily
. .
Ho ick Reeve Jack He added that the mem- Brockville Recorder and
that The 'Hornepayne Bear
News, with a circulation of
700, became a Council mem-
ber newspaper Jan. 1, in-
creasing to 93 the number of
participating newspapers
35 daily and 58 community
The council consists of an
independent chairman, 10
members representing the
public and 10 officers or em-
ployees of members newspa-
Barry Wenger has been
publisher of newspapers in
Western Ontario since 1943
and has served as director
• Stafford pointed out to other begs gave approval to pay 'rimes, succeeding Gerald and resident of the Ontario
committee members that his $55,000 for the Old Gulf McNaughton, advertising Community Newspaper As-
cOulicil bad agreed to raise station property as a site for manager of The Owen Sound soc., as well as director of
its share to lb percent from the new fire hall, Negotia- Stm-Times; •
. • Barry---- Wenger, president Newspaper Assoc.
the Canadian Community
FORDWICH — It is warm the upstairs hall begins to fill someone made me chair- they thought would be 17 per cent. provided it nous are continuing for the
College at Barrie. She work-
ed for weekly newspapers in
the Midland area, followed
by free-lance work for news-
papers, radio and television
stations and has been life-
style editor of The Barrie
Examiner for the past two
The Ontario Press Council
was established in 1972' for
the purpose of providing a
board of adjudication for
members off the public who
may feel that they have been
treated unfairly by the press.
Newspapers, too, may ap-
peal for redress when they
believe themselv.es t be
under . unfair criticism or
received ad,ditional coverage purchase of a second, small- Mr. Paterson, a native of CC)nservation
of Wenger Bros. Limited,
by means of a satellite fire er property pubhsher of The Wingham Kingston, joined- The
basement of the Fordwich books is replaced by the —1-rOurn firstrealatesta'said- "We-at.ok to-tb---tadr
Community Hall and that mouth-watering scent of Mrs. Sotheran, "came when authors such as Ralph
that is in place, however, it is The edalleithad--•wrBananTme...mouitipor_ _as_a_reporteri_eoverip
Advance -Times, The Listo- Recorder and Times in1.946 .•
smell of books — old and new home -cooked food but the the store the library was in Connor, Zane Grey and *Irthe-lewbsbip,--Unult' ated into. the lot.
Purchase est Confederate, The Milver- vvide range of subjects fr•om
— that pervades all libraries pifkole'are here for the same burned, in 1929 or 1930 — Grace Livingston Hill . . . no better off "then before and Plade an offer to
in tbe_little room in the with people. The smell of man". suitable. to be incor'por- •
hangs in the air. reason they were down- Mhmie fells me it was 1930. That fO arnell,.the.funding
Y ton Sun, Crossroads and municipril affairs to theatri-
Seated behind a avelnused stairs:71A" -say -goodbye .2to • - WeVere4left with Ain .190oita- bilitrie0Oli*;ek :09111'104.10.gadOPaM"
yiteler of °till mut Rai tbr. coverage the Gulf station property
fromJack Hodgins;:and Mr.
Farming Today; who, sue- cal eVents:Nad.cOneerta. He -
ceeds Jean 13aker-Fearce, also corresponded for news- atilititinCed
wooden desk, librarian Minnie McElwain and to except the few out in cir- The new library was ments. " Roden§ has accepted- the
Minnie McElwain is showing wish her well in her ciliation. publisher of the weekly papers it) Toronto, Ottawa
located upstairs in Wade's
store. Later it was moved to councillor dord
Mr. Stafford., and fellow- offer. Mr. Fortune said the
on Kaster P
rice ineludes some work to Alliston,Herald. awria ad
aWcati*vetir br2oaNdYea'stinangd. Conservation Autherity has
The Maitland V alley
her successor, Marion retirement as librar
Feldskov of RR 1, Fordwich It is a mixed crowd. There
the procedure for checking are as many children as
books in and out of the there are adults and they all
library. know Minnie.
It is something Minnie It isn't a fancy party, but
McElwain could do with her the pot -luck dinner would put
eyes shut but she is careful to most restaurant fare to
explain each step. It's her shame and the special cake,
last day on the job and after baked and decorated by Mrs.
43 years she's making sure Feldskov, is. something to
the younger woman un- behold.
derstands it all. 'White with pink
....The door opens to admit a decorations, the cake is
small, elderly man. He has a shaped like an open book and
couple of books under his on it, in chocolate icing, Mrs.
arm. Feldskov has written, "Once
"Good 'day, Elmer," the. upon a time in theyear 1941,
librarian greet a him. Minnie beedlethe librarian
After laying his two books in the Fordwich Public
on the desk and selecting a Library. Now, 43 years later,
couple of new ones, Elmer we wish you the best on your
Williamson turns to Miss retirement and all join to say
McElwain. Thanks Minnie."
"So this is your last day. It When the time comes,
will be quite a change for you Miss geElwain says it's a
— but then you've had your shame to cut into it. But she
days off." , does, and the same little
"Yes, and I've enjoyed girls who presented her with
everyone of them too," her gifts of a signed card, the
replies Miss McElwain. farewell speech, written and
Nodding to Mrs. Feldskov, delivered by- Mrs. Crosby
Mr. Williamson says he's Sotheran; and an engraved
glad to see the new librarian wrist watch, pass the cake
is someone he knows. around to the tables.
Before the afternoon is Recalls History
over a steady stream of'In paying tribute to Miss
people, regular library McElwain, Mrs. Crosby
customers, call to exchange Sotheran, to the delight of
their books and to extend the audience, also outlined
best wishes 'to the librarian the history of the library in
and tell her how they'll miss the Village of Fordwich.
her. At the same time, like Mrs. Sotheran is the oldest
Elmer Williamson, they say member of • the • Fordwich
how happy they are to see a Library Board. Moving to
local person take on the job. Fordwich in 1921 she joined
Less than an hour after the the library and "somewhere
library, has closed for the day in the early Twenties,
Paint refuse blamed
for garbage truck fire
Spontaneous combustion
of paint refuse is blamed for
a fire which damaged a
garbage truck at the Stanley
Door factory in Wingham
'early Saturday morning.
Fire Chief Dave CrViers
said refuse from -the fac-
tory's paint shop had been
dumped into the truck, which
*as parked ontside.
Firemen ptit out the blaze
and alerted the owner of the
vehicle, Don Carter of
Wingham. There was no
estimate of damage. '
Mr. Crothers also reported
that following two months of
instruction in first aid and
CPR (cardio -pulmonary
rs. and her
husband_invited the. dentist
and his wife, Dr. Charles and
Mattie Ramage of Gorrie,
and the FordWich doctor, Dr.
and Mrs. McInnis, to supper
and then the six of them
spent the evening checking
book catalogues for titles
resuscitation) at the Fire
Hall, 18 out of 21 members of
the department have
qualified for recertification
it standard first aid and a 10
are qualjfied in CPR, in-
cluding two who have been
certified as CPR instructors
and one who is awaiting
He said that upcoming
events include g one-week
regional fire school to be
held- at Seaforth, in
striictional and . training
meeting's of the Huron
County mutual fire .aid
association and a fire chiefs'
conference at Windsor,
which he plans to attend.
be done to the property by' ' All three appointments are
Mr. Hodgins, including effective as ofJan. 1. council
removal of the underground membership terms are for
storage tanks and surveying. two years but Ms. Glasgow's
However the board will be initial term is one year be -
responsible for removing the cause Mr. Beer resigned
. existing building. midway through a two-year
Mr. Fortune ' was ac- term,
claimed' to another term as Mr. Taylor also announced
editor and in 1949 shifted to beenundertake $ous,7.7w0a ter '
a little frame building "on reported the preliminary
settingrk of upthe Eventually he became city grantedva r i
the advertising department management, conservation
and became director Of ad-.
and recreation projects this
vertising in 1972. year, Alan Pope, minister of
M. Glasgow, a native of natural resources, an-
Collingwood, graduated in nounced.
$37T . higrants smi sen acmnr at
rediof il 1 ap r otbovti an Ictih:efl . . ,
journalism from Georgian
ministry „ to help finance
projects being undertaken
by the province's 39 con-
servation authorities this
the lot just south of Donald w°
Wilson's garage. I think satellite hall' is going well,
Minnie started in this but it will be at least six
building" - months before all the pieces
"When the Fordwich Hall are in place. So far they have
was built in 1947, provisien received more than a dozen
was made for a library applications from persons
Please turn to Page 5 interested in being volunteer
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ROBBIE BURNS DAY was celebrated In fine style last Wednesday at the Wingham
Day Centre for the Hoinebound. Mrs. Jim McNaughton of Lucknow,, a Scottish lass
by birth, made a presentation oh the Scottish poet laureate at the program.
New Day Care fee policy
reverses funding practice
By Henry Hess
At least for those' most
closely involved with it,
concern is continuing to
mount over the Ontario
government's plan to require
that day care fees reflect the
actual operating costs of
publicly-Mnded centres.
Though the policy is not
scheduled to take full effect
for another two years, local
parents and day care
workers say they still fear it
could spell the end of widely -
available child day care in
small communities such as
Raising fees to a break-
even level would make the
cost prohibitive for most
working parents, they say,
and the resulting dreg:, in
enrolment would force
centres to close. So far they
have found little comfort in
vaguely -worded assurances
that ways might be found to
soften the impact of the
The plan, by which the
Ministry of Community and
Social Services proposes to
scrap its current across-the-
board 80 per cent subsidy of
day care operating deficits
in favor of individual sub-
sidies for families which
meet a means test, was
announced only last year.
Although ministry officials
insist it is not a departure
from previous policy, at the
same time blaming the
change on federal guidelines
for social assistance, the
local 'day care director says
she had never heard of it
before last March, and a
review of the history of day
care in Wingham over the
past dozen years leas no
doubt it represents an about-
face from previous ministry
practice in funding day care
programs. fees.
moting day
Reports on the establish-
ment of the first day care
centre in the old Post Office
building in 1972, and later
construction of the new
centre in 1976, indicate that
not only did the ministry
(previously the Department
of Social and Family Serv-
ices) agree to pay the entire
capital costs for building and •
renovation, but also pro-
mised an 80-20 split of the
operating deficit.
No mention is recorded of
any suggestion that some
parents should pay the full
cost of day care for their
children, or of a means test
to measure ability to pay.
Those involved with set-
ting up day. care programs,
here during those early days
confirm the impression that,
at that time, the government
was actively promoting day
care for children and the
issue of making the centres
self-supporting was never
Jack Gillespie, a former
town councillor who chaired
the day care committee for
four years between 1972 and
'76, said there -is no question
in his mind that the province
was promoting day care.
"I think the philosophy in
effect when I was in day care
was that the government
wanted to put in place
centres across the country,
wherever they were need-
ed," he said.
"It was day care, pure and
simple, for anyone who
needed it," and there was no
effort to set up the operations
in such a way that fees would
cover the operating costs. In
fact, he said, ministry of-
ficials never talkedabout
'operating costs and there
was no incentive to set high
They were pro
care and new facilities and
there was no discussion at
that time about operating
expenses: they would pay 80
per cent for everyone and the
town 20 per cent.,"
Actually, it was presented
to council originally on the
basis that it would not cost
the town anything, he said,
though he does not know
where that idea came from,
and some councillors' were
upset when they found the
town, would be liable for 20
per cent of the operating
As for current ministry
claims that Ontario: has
never had a policy of
universal public day care
and the 80 per cent operating
subsidy was a twisting of the
rules, Mr. Gillespie said it
appears to him the province
is trying to shift the
responsibility for funding a
program it set up.
"What's really happening
now is the provincial govern-
ment is transferring the cost
of day care from the
shoulders of the provincial
government to the shoulders
of municipal government —
very nicely backing out,
The government is ab-
dicating its responsibility,
handing the financial burden
of a program they initiated
and promoted — and I think
the key word is promoted —
back to municipal govern-
ment to sort out — or to the
He added that he per-
sonally remains a strong
supporter of day care,
ranking it as a social service
the same as education of
health care, and he is
disturbed at the possibility it
The MVCA plans to use a
major portion of this year's
grant ' for, work on .the
Listowel conduit flood
control project. A total of
$378,675 has been earmarked
for that project.
Other conservation
authorities in this area alSO
are receiving MNR grants. A
grant of $724,345 has been
announced for the Ausable-
Bayfield 'Conservation
Authority and $1,373,828 for
the Saugeen Valley Con-
servation Authority.
The provincial grants,
representing about 10 per
cent of the ministry budget,
were based on proposals
submitted by the authorities
last year. They represent
about a four per cent in-
crease over the " 1983
Will mark
April 913
Students in the Huron -
Perth Separate School sys-
tem will be marking On-
tario's 200th anniversary
during education week from
April 9 to
chairmanThe of the
Huron -Perth Separate
School Board's bicentennial
committee, Arthur Haid of
RR 4, Listowel, reported pn
possible activities at the
board's Jan. 23 meeting.
Mr. Haid said there would
be opportunities for students
to prepare displays, drama
festivals, written presenta-
tions, photographs and art
suggested local histori-
kould be interviewed by
students, local historical
landmarks could be photo-
graphed or relics from
pioneer days could be placed
, Please turn to Page 5 on display: