HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-01-18, Page 6144P ' 'I'.he. Wingham: AJYance Nimes, Jan, I0 1,116 :4Y LTi T ham•;{_�+ rt,•i SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Engagement Notices (with picture) $5. Engagement Notices (without picture) $4.0 Graduation Pictures $4.00 Anniversaryftctures, 55 years and over - ... No,Charge Wedding Write Ups .. No charge it copy is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for accompany- ing picture.i$ $5.00, .After Third Week Write up $5.00 Detailed ,wedding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks. but for a Blotted time picture and a brief caption will be published at charge of $5.00 Birth Announcementa,to our regular format No Charge -additional information or a change in the wording, charge i i41 .70 first 10 words; Be a word thereafter. - - FOR SALE DO YOU have items to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the pro- vince. The Wingham • Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 16rrb HARD maple firewood, $30 per cord, picked up. Phone 367-2504. 21,28,4,11,18,25 SWIMMING pools. Leading manufacturer has a limited quantity of last year's models. Package includes filter, motor, pump, walk around deck and fence. Regular .$2,495; reduced $1,390. Phone 519-623-0251, days or evenings. 11:8 ENGRAVED signs: door plates, mailbox plates, house ,numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, wash- able, stainproof. The Wing - ham Advance -Times, 357- 2320. 7rrb CANARIES and finches, various prices. Phone 357- 1048. 11,18 FISH tanks 35 and 65 gal., with stand, with fancy fish, pumps and filters. Best of- fer.'Phone 357-1048. 11,18 ASSORTMENT of car and truck tires, snow 'and sum- mer: •Phone 357-1303. FOR SALE STEEL buildings. Straight wall I Beam constructed factory clearance. Save up to 40 per cent, limited quanti- ties. Act now and save, no re- serves. Call toll-free 1-800- 268-0822, Argus Steel. GUN bargains. No you can save up to 40 per cent on some firearms by subscrib- ing to "The Gunrunner". The only Canadian monthly newspaper for buying, sell- ing and trading modern and antique guns, and accessories of all types. Subscription,: $15 per year, to Gunrunner, Box 565K, Lethbridge, Alta., T1J 3Z4. Sample copy, $1.50. BEE pollen for your health and energy. Send self ad- dressed envelope for free sample and literature or $11 for 1 lb., $20 for 2 lbs. George Rother, RR 2, Proton Stn., Ont., NOC 1LO. - 39" WHITE Colonial Mates bed; Girl's skates size 2; Child's cross country skis. .Phone 357-3474. DOUBLE WIDE, tilt -bed snowmobile trailer, execell- ent 'condition. Phone 357- 2498. TWO BEDROOM mobile home, 12' x 40', best offer. Phone 357-1342 or Seaforth- • 527-0168. • 11:18 ADDRESS labels: gummed 200 for $2.95; presson 200 for $4.25; transparent .200 for $5.75; iron -on labels for clothing, 50 for $3.95. Phone The Wingham Advance - Times, 357-2320. • 16rrb BERG stable cleaners and. stabling; bunk feeders , and water bowls, silo unloaders and farrowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. 27rrb • DO YOU have a favorite re- cipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photocopiesof it for you to pass along to your friends. We can do any quan- tity. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. • 31:rrb PETS FOR SALE SPRINGER Spaniel pups, liver and white in calor, ap- proximately six ,weeks old. Phone 887-6586. 18,25 WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-2320. 9rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE 1977 ELTIGRE 5000 in good condition; 1971 Olympic 300, with electric start; one Olympic for parts. All 3 for $800. Phone 357-3565. 18:25 19$0 JOHN DEERE Sport fire, snowmobile, excellent condition, 1300 miles. Phone 357-3420. 1980 5500 BLIZZARD Ski-doo with cover. Low mileage and good condition. Phone 357- 2633 after 6 p.m. CARS AND TRUCKS -FOR SALE 1972 CHEV Biscayne, $200 as is. Phone 357-9935 after 5 p.m. 11:18 1970 CHEV one ton with 12' stock rack and dump box, $1,000 as is. Phone 335-3079. 18,25,1 1975 FORD 150 pickup,,in ex- cellent condition, $2,500 certified or best offer. Phone 357-3766. TWO Holstein heifers due to freshen. Phone Gordon Bate-.• man 357-2777. 11:18 LARGE selection of bred gilts with due dates. Vaccin- ated and pregnancy tested. Israel Albrecht, RR 1, Wing - ham: Phone 357-3495. ,18rrb BUFFALO. Quality buffalo cows and heifer calves -for sale. Phone 403-773-3666. DUCKS and . geese. Phone 528-2399. FARM EQUIPMENT 23,rrb FOR SALE ROGERS drums, kit comes complete with hardware and cymbals. Phone 357-3618. - 18:25 MOVIE RENTALS VHS and Beta. New movie titles: Blue Thunder, Psycho II, Raiders of the, Lost Ark, 'Superman III, Risky Business and many more. VCR sales and rentals. John Schedler, "Wingham Video, 160 Park Dr. Phone 357-2233. Hours: Monday to Friday 12 noon to 1 p.m. and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sat- urday 11 emir: to 5 p.m. 18:25 MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $29. For further information phone The Wingham Ad- " vance-Times, 357-2320. 20rrb 250 LAYING pullets, $4 each._, Phone 887-6706. USED file cabinets, desks, storage cabinets, bookicases, office chairs,, stacking chairs, lockers, drafting boards, restaurant tables. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St. S., London. Monday to Frid'ay 9-5, Satur- day 9-12. Phone 681-2254. a 1975 DODGE half -ton pickup, good mileage, 302 engine, automatic, power brakes. Phone 335-6382. MISCELLANEOUS SIR Sandford Fleming Coal - lege in Lindsay is.offering4 12 -week urban Tree Main- tenance Program. This course is designed to teach skills required in the main- tenace of urban trees. These,, include tree identification, equipment operation and maintenance, tree climbing, tree removal and mainten- ance. These skills will help you obtain employment in this growing field. 1f inter- ested, please contact your lo- cal Canada Employment Centre or call SSFC, Lindsay at (705) 324-9144. 90 POLICE cars, trucks, vans, station wagons and,4 X' 4's. 30 1981-82 Chevs, Ply. Mouths, Fords, and Mer- cury's; three 1979-80 Volare and Chevettes; 10 1978-80 station wagons, Malibou and Volare; two 1978 GMC Su- burbans; four 1978-79 Chev and Dodge yens; six 1977-78 4 X 4 pickups.and ram char- ger; riine1.977•80 ikand 3/4 ton pickups; six1976-80 club and crew cabs; 10 1976-78 1/4 ton stake dumps and cab and chassis; two GMC 1 ton with holmes wreckers, eight van 'and utility bodies and caps. Mighton's Car Sales, six miles east of Hanover on Highway 4. Phone Durham 1- 369-3136. FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT BUTLER—Ring Drive Silo U oaders, Big Jim Silo Un - 1 ' 'r ers, Volume Belt Feed - e ;s, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, 'Single , Chain Coq- veyors, Barn' Cleaners,. Os- r wait Ensilmixers. FARMATIC—Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN—Cable Barn Clean- ers. • WESTIE; EL-ROSCO—Grain Bins, 1,350 to 250,000 bit., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME—Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. HOULE—Liquid• Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trusses, B & L, Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLURRY -SLINGER — Liq- uid Manure Spreaders. CLAY—Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. ALSO Parts, Electric Feed carts; straw choppers; fibre - funnels; Ritchie heated bowls; Hurst equipment. is r.. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING—ALMOST Lowry Farm Systems Ltd., RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 McCRE'ERY Auto .Wreckers RR 2,. Wroxeter' on Highway 86 • Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS 24 -HR. TOW SERVICE Scrap cars wanted Highest prices paid Phone LISTOWEL .29.1-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 FREE 120 page career guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part-time jobs. Granton In- stitute, 267A Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al - Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb immemismmodlismImIlmoloolot WORK WANTED MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 14rrb WILL babysit in my home lo- cated on Highway 86. Phone 335-3030. 11,18 RESPONSIBLE teenager will babysit in her '=home -.— Monday to Friday, or in your home. Phone 357-1334. WANTED ROOM and board in Wing - ham for 29 year old man. Write to Box 696, Wingham, Ont., NOG 2WO. 18,25 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IT'S not too late! Learn in- come tax preparation now. Write U & R Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Wmmpeg, Man.,. Ift3T 213.6, for free brochure. HELP WANTED PHONE work a at home ser v- icingour customers from the comfort of . your.'.own home; Work youff own. hours, excel- lent earnings assured. Must be of legal age: For informa- tion phone Fuller Brush Company .collect 631-4383 anytime. • 11,18 DEALERS wanted for energy and. money saving Magnetic Window Systems. Opportunity to reap rewards helping businessmen and home owners dramatically reduce heating bills. No franchise fees, just. a small start-up investment - for materials and tools to start you making, your money im- mediately. We provide sales. leads and train for success., To 3oin our growinng� team of successful dealers`All Goffi, Wintite Energy Systems, (416) 669-6800. SALESPERSON wanted to sell irrigation products and systems. Commissions and territory negotiable. Contact 3571252. Submatic Irrigation Sys- tems, 7620 Woodbine Ave., PIANO tuning and repairs. Markham, Ont., L3R 2N2. Used pianos bought and sold. Phone (416) 475-3270. Phone 357-1049, Michael Lip- nicki. 18rrb it SERVICES UPHOLSTERING of furni, ture, automobile and tractor seats. Free pick up and de- livery, free estimates. Qua- lity workmanship. 10 per cent discount on most mater- ial until the end of February. Montgomery's Custom Up- holstery, Blyth. Phone 523- 4272. 18: rrb TED'S Appliance Servicing and Refrigeration. Phone REPORTER required im- mediately for a large East- ern Ontario weekly, The Record -News in Smiths Falls. Photography skills and car required. Town is. surrounded by lakes, excel- lent hunting and fishing and other outdoor recreation. Excellent benefit package, competitive salary: Apply Patrick Dare, P.O. Box 158, Snffflsis Falls, Ont., K7A 4T1. Phone (613) 283-3182. EXTRA income, local per- son required to sell Canadian made water distillers for manufacturer retailing $239.50. Excellent profit, no investment necessary, full or part-time. LBH Industries, 116 Viceroy Rd. C-9, Concord (Toronto), Ont., L4K 2M3.. Phone (416) 494-9849. COPY for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 5 p.m.. Thursday of week prior to publication. HURON HISTORIC Gaol Board, Goderich, requires a curator, April through Octo- ber, including weekends. Duties include responsibility for building maintenance, and restoration; hiring, training and supervising small youthful staff; promo- tion and public relations; re- porting to the Board. The successful applicant will have building restoration skills and experiences; • fin- ancial, administrative and communication skills. Salary package $10,568 per annum. Applications must be made in writing to Mrs. J. Van den Broeck, RR 4, God- erich,N7A 3Y1 by February 15, 1984. WILL shovel roofs, reason- able price. Phone 357-1334. WILLbabysit in my home in Belgrave. Phone 357-2237, anytime during the day. WILL BABYSIT in my home located on second of Culross, (Belmore-Teeswater-Wing- ham area) . I am responsible and have experience in the pre-school and day care sys- tem. Phone 392-6660. NOTICE Wedding notices en• gagements. In memonams and obituaries are accepted in written fare' ONLY We cannot accept such notices by telephone Please remember that rio classified advertising is ac cepted atter noon Monday BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly. HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free information Kitchener -Waterloo School of Hairdressing 188 Victoria St. N Kitchener N2H 5C6 745.5641 • CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - TICE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12°00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads; just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: RESPONSE I.E• perpon wanted to look after, two chil- dren ages 6 and 7 for 11%z hours before getting on the busnear the sixth of •Turn - berry. If interested call" 335- 6233. • ' 18,25 The Listowel, Wingham and Goderich 'District Associa- tion for the Mentally Retard- ed, need a sales representa- tive to solicit on behalf of the threeAssociations, contracts for work from industries in the area. The position re- quires an aggressive self- starter with sales experience and a valid drivefs. licence. This position is for 6 months with renewal if demonstrat- ed to be profitable. Apply to G.D.A.M.R., P.O. Box 527, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4C7 en- closing 3 references and sal- ary expected. Applications must be received by Feb. 8, 1984. 18:25:1 IN-STORE DEMONSTRATORS required in the Wingham Area Must have an out oin persona ity, neat appearance and a car. Experience an asset Phone (416)878-2231 Professional Demonstrating Services CRAIG (Home) Heating, new furnace installations, repair, service; chimney cleaning. Phone 357-3641. 26rrb SEWING, mending, altera- tions, English smocking. Phone Jean McBurney, 357- 1786. llrrb MOVING? Truck and driver available for moving any- thing, anywhere in Ontario. For a reasonable rate, phone 887=6694 anytime. 11,18 NOTICE TEACH your dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, .8 galfred St., Wingham. Free personal chequing accounts. Competi- tive interest rates on deposit accounts. Phone 357-2311. lrrb TENDERSWANTED TOWNSHIP of East Wawa - nosh : Tenders for clear diesel fuel, colored diesel fuel, furnace oil and leaded and unleaded gasoline. Seal- ed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 11 a.m. Tuesday, February 7, 1984 for the supply of clear and colored diesel fuel, furn- ace oil and leaded and un- leaded gasoline. One 900 litre above -ground tank and stand required. Quantities and de- tails may be obtained from Road Sup't at the Township Office. Tenders to be com- pleted/ on tender forms pro- vided/ by the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ralph W. Campbell, Road Sup't., Township of East Wawa - nosh. 18,25 PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance , Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. 5rrb PHOTOCOPYING now available. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. 31rrb RESULTS you'll applaud with WANT ADS 357-2320. ATTENTION REGISTERED UFFI HOMEOWNERS SAVE UP TO 25% ON YOUR HOME HEATING i We Have The Solution! We may have the alternative to e complete removal that is totally covered by a Government Grant. • Gov't. tax• tree grant to cover cost up to •5,000. ' •No additional cost to homeowner. *No I'nconvenieribe due to removal. • Energy conservation. •Humidity control„ • Makes your property more valuable— and saleable. GODERICH ENERGY SEAL INC. AIR SEAL SPECIALISTS Phone 524-2311 Collect Gov't. Certified, Bonded, and Approved C.C.A. No. 2428.1 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS . Person required to . nt dogs" in the-_ Tow ip of Morris. > Duties 1 e: issu- ing licenses, di,. and collecting Tax. Please state charge per dog desired. Sealed clearly mark- ed"applications will be 'received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. January 1984. 'Nancy Michie; Clerk -Treasurer RR 4, - Brussels, Ontario. NOG 1 HO Dog. 1 • JUNIOR STORE MANAGER • This position Is a career opportunity with long term potential, full time salaried position that will participate In cur profit sharing plan. FULL TIME SALES PERSON L. • Experience considered but not essential on the lob training provided. 3PART-TIME SALES PERSON . • (student considered) A°PLY IN WRITING (NOT TYPED) TO: P.O. BOX 99, MYTH, ONT. NgM IHC OR PHONE 52S-4593 The Y'''' Id 1111iI1 WROXERAMICS January Sale in stock - CHRISTMAS GREENWARE 50% OFF in stock all other GREENWARE & GLAZES , ':204)Ar . Classes Starting in January WROXETER 335-3450 �yfrr`Ji PERSONAL ARE you being assaulted physically or abused men- tally? The Huron County Crisis Centre for Women and Children can help you. Phone 482-7988. 18rrb PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 357-2392,357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. rrb pisr� Jockey Stevens. COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK°N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances. anniversaries, parties, etc. Phqne Brussels evenings 887-6159 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 665-7 R.R. 1, NEU A. C. Feige D.T. or 1-336-6580 �i Vehicles, Sheet Metal & Mechanical Equipment AUCTION. tot be held at BRESLAU AIRPORT RD. AUCTION & STORAGE COMPLEX Waterloo Regional Road, 1.7, Breslau,. (Kitchener). Saturday, Jan. 21st 10:00 a.m. SHEET METAL: Brown & Boggs 8' brake; 30" shear; Cir- cle shear; Spot welder; rolls;, etc., etc., etc. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: Hammer drills; drills; Greenlee bender; scaffold; pumps; etc., etc.; many misc. items pertaining to mechanical contracting. . CONSTRUCTION, SHOP & MISC. EQUIPMENT: OFFICE EQUIPMENT: VEHICLES: 82 Lada; 81 Aro 4 x 4; 77 & 78 Aspens; 77 Monaco & Matador wagons; 76 Lincoln MK IV; 76 Datsun F10; 75 Gremlin. X; 75 Dodge Van; 73 Ford 4 x 4; 76 Ford LTD; 71 Dodge 0300 tow truck; 76 IHC Scout 4 x 4; 1I0 ton tri axle equip. trailer; etc., etc: Partial ListtOnly . Heated Building - Lunch 'on Premises Viewing Friday, Jan. 20, 1984 (1:00 - 4:00 p.m.).' TERMS: $100 cash or -certified cheque deposit on major items. • b....MR:.:JU Z�.•.& CO.' INC. 'Industrial Liquidators, Apprairsers and Auctioneers • •• Professionals in the orderly liquidation of Construction, Industrial and Commercial Enterprises 69 Sydney St. S., Kitchener (519)648-2111 or (519)743-5286 i QUOTATION LIST/REQUESTS The Huron County Board of • Education will receive requests for placement on their , quotation lists' for the period, . of January 1, 1984 to . December 31, 1984, from all in- terested parties.'. handling such equip- ment and/or supplies of a type that Would be complementary to those areas listed below: Audio Visual Custodial Computers & Software Duplicating & Copying Family Studies Fuel Oil Supplies General Classroom General Office Industrial Arts Supplies & Equipment Library Equipment • Lighting Maintenance Supplies Office, Library 8. Classroom Furnishings Physical Education. Stage Equipment & Lighting Typewriters & .Calculators Local merchants are, encouraged to for- ward their names and type of products sold so a source of supply for school promotional items can be maintain- ed. Letters of request must be received no later than Friday, February 10, 1984. Please direct inquiries ' to: R,M. Wright, Manager of 'Purchasing (519) 482-3496 The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St. Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 , E. Frayne Chairman R.B. Allan Director FARM FOR SALE The Farm Credit Corporation offers for sale: BY PUBLIC TENDER Parcel -No. 1': Lots 3 and 4, Concession 9, Turnberry Township, Huron County.'200' acres . with approximately 140 acres workable, 22 ,acres arable, balance bushland. Buildings: 2 storey, 4'bedroom 13rick dwelling, large ".frame barn with pole barn , addition' for feeder cattle, 2 tower silos•with)feed-bunk and implement shed. Parcel No. 2: Part of Lot 4,, !Concession 8, Turnberry. Township, Huron Cdunty. 30 acres - with approximately 14 . acre workable. No buildings. The properties are located approx. 4._miles East -of Wingham; Ontario, on gravel road. Offers will be considered on each parcel separately or both parcels combined. The purchaser of this properti must rely on his own inspection and knowledge of the farm and not on the 'above or any other particulars or . representations made verbally or -in writing by or on behalf of. the Farm Credit Corporation. An offer to purchase must be made on a form obtainable from the Farm Credit Corporation on request to the address below or from any office of the Corporatforl. An offer to purchase must be acccompanied by a certified cheque, bank draft or money order payable to Farm Credit, Corporation, for a minimum amount of $5,000.00: If an offer is not accepted, the dePo*t will be returned. Offers to purchase muslt be received at the Regional Office listed -below prior to February 15, 1984. Before making an • offer, those interested should ascertain that the property can be used and occupied for,the purposes intended,in ac- cordance with Provincail Legislation, and Municipal Regulations. Cash offers are preferred but consideration will be given to offers to purchase on terms. The highest or any offer to purchase will not necessarily be accepted, and the Corporation could request new o!ifers to purchase after the above Mentioned date, if deemed necessary. Alt offers to purchase, and. inquiries should be addressed to: . Regional Office FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CANADA °' clo Lorne McGee, 105 Silvercreek Parkway North Guelph, Ontario, N1 H 7G7 Telephone: 821-133(1/— Field Office FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CANADA clo Andy Vas?°itilfiekerk m 242 Inkerman Si. E., P.O. Box 39 Listowel, Ontario, N4W 3H2 Telephone: 291.3450 ' - Please refer to file rtumb'er-32832.637.