The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-01-18, Page 2•
• figh,alnrAdVail ,Jax 1,0,1984
PRESBYTERIAL PacunteE—To Maitland Presbyterial held its an-
nual meeting Monalay at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham
The executive members for 1984care: back, Mrs. Evan Keith, first
vice president, Mrs. Robert Arbuckle, second vice, Mrs. G. Halden-
by, third vice, Mrs. William Smith, fourth vice, Mrs. Hazel Bateman,
treesurer,`Mrs. H. MacKenzie, hlitorian; front, Mrs; Ross Cummin
past president, Mrs: R. Bregman, president and Mrs. Donald Robe
son, honorary president. Absent from the photo is Mrs. T. A. Curr
Wingham, assistant historian.
J let *4 feiliOnbar ' , O , falth-
'.. .centennial,year,I,
0e107 in St. Andrew a
fulness of li long tine ofc urrl; !Ingham, April..24
000010 0 Christ's Mission in. alit125,, '4,-----.24, . .
this, world," ,said Rev. Hugh Mrs. • Evan Keith,
Nugent, moderator of the Lucknow, asked each society
Bruve-Maitland Presbytery, to make small gifts like bibs, •
wlian:1*lwaughkgreetings to slippers or lap afghans,
the group's annual meeting suitable for people liviig in
'esbyieri: ala, tn!A!**4.04111(4.'3Wing- . nd iusrt r$ iibnugt e
Mrs. J. W. English,
thhoemme iso c a na nyd.' to
"Make tour ineinbers Wingham, installed the
InOre.a*ar:Ct)rtlmrr Worthy officers- for, 19841 honorary
heritage and the continuing president, Mrs. Donald
challenge of being a part of Robertson, Kinlough; past
the., Women's Missionary president, Mrs. Ross
Society 'of the Presbyterian Cumming. Lucknow;
church in Canada today," he president, Mrs. Bregman •
first vice, Mrs. Keith;
Mrs. Robert flregman„ second vice, Mrs. Robert
TeesMwaaitertla'nd' sdelegate
presided a n d will) Arbuckle.e, Mrs.
Jubilation '04 to be held at Kinlough, fourth vice, Mrs.
the University of Western
Wtreilalsiuraimer, Smmristh. , Bateman; Ontario June 22 to 24.
In presenting her historian, Mrs. MacKenzie;
treasurer's report, Mrs. and assistant historian, Mrs.
T. A. Currie, Wingham.
Ham; Bateman of Winglpm
The 1984 secretaries are:
thanked ,all those rnemb\ars
recording, Mrs. G. Wall,
who. had made the spreading
of gospel of Christ their Wingham; corresPonding,
special priority. The
Mrs. Evan MacLean, Ash -
secretaries all reported a field; adult west, Mrs.
successful year.
Gordon Finlayson, Ashfield;
. ..
I ^
PRESBYTERIAL SECRETARIES—Maitland Presbyterial met Monday
at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Wingham, for its annual
business meeting.. The secretaries for 1984 are: back, Mrs. 'Mrs.
Jessie Johnston, associate members, Mrs. Ira Dickie, friendship and
service, Mrs. Helen McCreath, literature and library, Mrs. Howard
Baker, Glad Tidings, Mrs. A. Mundell, press, Mrs. T. McDonald, life
membership, Mrs. C: MacAuley, supply; front, Mrs. G. Wall, recor-
ding, Mrs. Ewan MacLean and Mrs. K. Dickson, youth and children's
Church Directory
,Wingham Pentecostal ,Qhurch
359 Centre (Street
Rev. Victor Grieco, Pastor
• SUN., JAN. 22, 1984
1 0:00 a.m. - Sunday SChool
1 1:00 am. - Morning. Worship
1 :30 p.m. - AfternoonFamily Service
Listen to:(
CKNX-FM - 8 a.m. - 12,noon, Sunday '
217 Minnie St.
Sunday Jan. 22
9 45 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Sacrament
of Holy CommutiOn '
• January 21 (1
7 - 8:00 p.m. - Skating party'
Wingham Arena
Minister: Rev. J. Rea Grant
Organist: Mr. Hap Swatridge
Church - 357-2961
Write- 357-1072 -
Edward St.,
Sunday, Jan. 22
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m 7 - Family Worship
Service .
7:00 p.m. - Salvation Meeting
gveryorie Wel&me
Monday, Jan 23
8:00 p.m.', Home League
for Ladies
adult east, Ma's. Clarence
Maude Fisher, Mrs. Jack Gibson, Molesworth; youth
MacDonald nand Mrs. Frank and children's groups, Mrs.
Hawthorne of the Lucknow Kenneth Dickson, Belmore;
Evening Auxiliary led the associate members, Mrs.
devotions on the theme Noble Johnston, Lucknow;
"Rejoice". , They said friendship and service, Mrs.
reasons- for rejoicing are Ira Dickie, South Kinloss;
illustrated by the lives of library and literature, Mrs.
people in the Bible and Helen MacCreath, Ripley;
Modern heroes. "To find Glad Tidings, Mrs. Howard
happiness, think of what you Baker, Molesworth; press,
can do for someonielsei" Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Gorrie;
said Mrs. MacDonald. life membership, Mrs. Tom
The historian, Mrs. Henry McDonald, Kinlough;
MacKenzie of larcknow, led supply, Mrs. Cameron
a discussion on the• cen- MacAuley, Ripley.
tennial presbyterial to be Mrs. Joseph Martin of
held in Knox Presbyterian Brussels and Mrs. Kenneth
Church, Kincardine May 28. Grant of • Teeswater are
Mrs. Eileen . Parish, members without portfolios,
president of the WMS while Mrs. Walter Milligan
council, will be the guest of Whitechurch and Mrs.
speaker, Mrs. Bregman Ralph DicksOrr-or Belmore
explained the duties of each are the auditors.
society for the Hamilton and The nominating com-
ponstats Alit,'
tollawing, tasi-
LticknoW Aftertaion,'1110101
Eveping, MolesworthAf-
ternoon and Mrs; MacLean. -
Mrs. Bateman welcomed the
ladies on behalf of the host
church and Mrs. Ken
Dickson gave the courtesies.
Mrs. Hugh Nugent and Mrs.
Mundell were asked to serve
on the Kintail Ladies' Camp
Committee. '
St. Paul's Guild
holds Jan. meeting
St. Paul's Evening Guild -
Merin the parish hall for the
..lanuary meeting. The
meeting • opened with the
singing .of a hymn with Mrs.
Edna Davis at the piano.
Mrs. Jean Deyell - read
scripture from Isaiah,
chapter 40, and Mrs. Terry
Nethery read the
meditations from The Living
• Message and an article
entitled "Positive Thinking
for the New Year".
President Mrs. Edith
Lockridge conducted •the
business part of•the meeting
and presented each member
with •an agenda for 1984 and
the year-end report or 1983,
showing a• very successful
• year for the newly -formed
Secretary -treasurer Mrs.
• Jack King gave her reports
• and Mrs. Jean Lewis offered
• to look after the collection of
dues for 1984. Plans were
• made for the Valentine tea to
be held Wednesday, •
February 15. Mrs. Davis and
Mrs. King wilkbe in charge,
Mrs. Delmage and Mrs.
Gavreluk will, look after
advertising,' ,:
Mrs. Deyeltintreduced the
guest speaker for the
meeting, Mr. Jean Young,
executive director of Hired
County Town and Country
Homemakers. She gave an
interesting talk and showed
slides on the services
provideciby the Town and
Country omemakers. Mrs.
Deyell'pr ted Mrs. Young
with a gift in appreciation.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Gavreluk and Mrs. Lewis.
The February meeting will
take the form .Of a work
• meeting to prepare for the
Valentine tea.
At this time we would like to say
thank you to all our customers for
their patronage over the last six
Also thank you to our staff and
part-time' help. It has been a
pleasure to have met so many
friends. A thank you is also ex-
tended to the salesmen that we
dealt with. -
We wish -Mr. and Mrs.
•Ferguson every success.
Thank you from
Marjorie and
Harvey 'Payne
The Dieel Car Diner
Weston 283 gr. Family
,chocolate Roll .99
Schneiders 500 gr.
Beef Steakettes 2.19
Skippy 500 gr, Smooth or Crunchy
Peanut Butter 1.49
Weston 400 gr. 4 Varieties ••
Cookies • 1.69
• Fancy Grade 3 lb. bag -• Ida Red
Apples • 1.19
Salco 61/2 ot•.., 4 •,
White -1.49
Pork &Beans • .72
Store Hours: , •
• 7:30 a.rn. to 7:00. p.m. -
Fridays 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
• tlosed Sundays
Phone 357-2240. We Deliver.
Dependable system needed,
school board chairman says
Despite financial re-
straints, the Huron County
Board of Education "has to
provide an education system
the students can count 'On,0
says Chairman Eugene.
Mr. Frayne outlined sub-
jects the board will have to
face in 1984 at the Board's
Jan. 9 meeting.
"Young people today face,
on a ,day-to-day basis, the
'possibility of a nuclear war,
, the uncertainty of a job when
they graduate,, peer pres-
sure, sextial and pornogra-
phic material that degrades
man to genial level, mpvies
that depict heroes who excel
in violence and it goes orf and
on," Mr. Frayne said.
The chairman said that
'after the board has dealt
With the continued imple
mentation of Bill 82 (special
education), the changes
forthcoming in the secon-
dary systeln, financial re-
straint and accommodation
reviews in three county ele-
mentary school, the board
"should look. at the system• .
and the product it is produc-
"When we as.a board con-
sider What the student is up
against, then itis imperative
St. Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
SUNDAY, JAN 22, 1984
1 1:00 a.m. - Trinity, BeigraveMill join St. Paul's
for HOly Communion,
Rev. George Garratt Officiating
8:00 p.M. - The annual Vestry meeting
at St. Paul's
• . •
that we provide an educa-
tional system that they can
count on to be realistic, sym-
pathetic, understanding and
give a moral tone that is up-
right and honest," said Mr.
He urged employees of the
board to "appreciate and co-
operate" in carrying out
their duties "so that students
can have something to hang
on to".
The new chairman ex-
pressed hope that the board
would try to limit increases
to the provincial five per
cent guidelines.
"I fail to see the need for
excessive- salary increases
When inflation is running at a
little over -four per cent, the
lowest in nearly 10 years. 1
believe that weas a board,
senior administration, prin-
cipals and teachers have an
obligation to restrain any in-
creases to the guideline
levels. Keeping in mind that
with declining enrollment,
the tax harden is going to be
increased to the public, and
while there is considerable
belief that the recession is
waning, many sectors of our
economy have yet to see the
Mr. Frayne is a Colbourne
Township farmer who repre-
sents the separate school
supporters in the north half
of Huron County.
Savings in the
The Wingham
Advance -Times
in Walkerton announces its annual
Fall 04 Winter
, January 26, 27, 28
We will be offering our entire
• fall and winter stock at
We will remain open until 9 p.m.
• on Thursday, January 26 and
Friday, janOary 27 to give you the
opportunity to come and save.
Sale ends Saturday, January 28 at
5 p.m.
• 228 Durham St., Walkerton 881-2294