HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-01-11, Page 18F ..m {J it. • 4. 44'. ::•01{ r:•4i'4� .h• ;r +v 4t• v f.' :y¢�h%:e✓'C:>to �+:'rri ids: .FJ Yr. Orr , h•r .,C. J?. . rr.. •v.4r,r. .•h• Jr,•`.•f, {r✓'''':J: �hiJ;. ':'tif'''}J''•.f'"rrr4:{'"':I "f.y:!.-� n..rt,.ii't.. of . •..4... r . r . fii:rf''• :4} ..y •fir �:'.!r:;{f'r: KERNEL CORN 12 oz> CREAM CORN OR GREEN PEAS 14 oz. r.':a:•: :hr:•:C�f•S�� :t. ..r..•JJ.'J5 •Jr •rrr LIBBYS GETABLES a SUPER FOOD SAVINGS WESTONS ENGLISH MUFFItIS 59! SUPE FOOD . SAVINGS ASSORTED FLAVOURS SWISS STYLE GAY L EA YOGURT ALL WHITE 4j TIN WHITE • YELLOW p BEIGE DELSEY. ISSUE CHOICE QUALITY fr :4 ASSORTED VARIETIES DARES. COOKIES PKG. SALTED OR PLAIN CHRISTIES _PREMIUM PLUS CRACKERS - SUPER PHOTO SAVINGS 1 / 3 OFF PHOTO FINISHING 12 EXPOS. 15 EXPOS. 24 EXPOS. 36 EXPOS. REG. 4.99 SPECIAL A32 REG..6.49 •,SPECIAL 4.29 REG.8.99 •SPE.CIAL 7.97 REG.12.99 SPECIAL 16•6 NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR KING SIZE PRINTS DURING THIS SPECIAL MATTE OR GLOSSY FINISH ON KODAK PAPER C-41 PROCESS SIZES 110, 126, 135 8 DISC COLOUR OFFER EXPIRES AT CLOSING' JAN. 21, 1984 TEMPO TWIN/DOUBLE. LAN KETS 180 CM x 210 CM' Allergy Free '50% Acrylic. 50% Polyester, Nylon Binding - Four Solid Colours To Choose From REG. •OR DEODORANT NEW FREEDOM MAXI PADS 30'S PACK 3.49 SELECTED VARIETIES DR. BALLARDS DOG FOOD 24 oz. E • CUSTOMERS PLEASE NOTE! Effective week ending Sat. Jan. 21784 all of our weekly special offers expire at close of bus,ness EACH SATURDAY DELMONTE SLICED OR HALVES FRUIT DELMONTE COCKTAIL PEACHES 14 oz. 99° 14 oz 99° NEILSONS 6 PACK ICE CREAM SANDWICHES 4 VARIETIES GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES IN StUCE x 250g 890 1.79 REG. OR DEODORANT NEW FREEDOM MINI PADS 30'S PACK 2.59 VARIOUS FLAVOURS MISS' M.EW. DINNERS ALL PURPOSE ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 400%o BONUS - 5 kg 3.39 SWEET MIXED BREAD & BUTTER McLARENS PICKLES 1 L • 9 S PACK NEILSONS ICE CREAM BARS f.79 3 6 oz. FOR PURITAN FLAKED HAM 184 g TIN 119 RAGU PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 796mL 3 VARIETIES HABITANT SOUPS 28, oz. 99# 3 VARITIES McLARENS,_ DILLS f•59.•H STOKELYS KIDNEY BEANS 2 VARIETIES 19 oz. II 0 LARGE 48 oz. TINS CAMPBELLS V-8 JUICE ,1.69 1 i.i9: NEILSONS 2% PARTLY SKIMMED CHOCOLATE MILK .L89° POPULAR CEREAL NABISCO SHREDDIES 675g f. COUNTRY OVEN FRESHLY -BAKED DELICIOUS 160z BRAN BREAD ORANGE PEKOE RED ROSE TEA BAGS 120's 3.69 COUNTRY OVEN FRESH RAISIN BREAD CrossrOad5m4ai , 111 IOW -4M A FRESH SPICY DELICIOUS CARROT CAKE 16 oz. NEILSONS LARGE CURD COTTAGE CHEESE 5008 1.49 2 VARIETIES VAN CAMP BEANS 19 oz.'9 TIN BLUEWATER BOSTON BLUEFISH STICKS FRIES - KRISPS 680 g 3.29 GILLETTE TRAC II CARTRIDGES ZEHRS SAVE -A -TAPE PLAN Can Help The Group Organization or Club of Your Choice Start Saving To -day, WESTONS 1882 - STONE MILLED BREAD 67.5 g 89' WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE' YOU 11\1:- ., HANOVERE0210th Strast N - HANOVERe3:21®thstteet Lii/III 'Open 6 n16h6i week 6119:30 232 Arthro St. S Open Wed., Thurs end Fri. evenings LISTOWEL 975 Wallace Ave. N. Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. evenings FERGUS 735 Tower St. S. Open Wed.. Thurs. and Fri. evenings WINOHAM Corner of No. 4 and 86 Iiwys: • Open Thurs., Fri. avenin. : ,t. W GORDON GREEN Now that wealth* -J - gan has- consentedt to give Americans another holiday, this one o honor Martin Luther King, it seems in- credible that we are little more than •a ' century re- moved from the 'time when slavery was both, legal and respectable. It was in fact just 150 years ago this month when the Rev. Richard Fur- man, then the leader of the Southern Baptists in the U.S. wrote a most amazing de- fence of slavery. Furman pointed out that the Bible clearly approved the institu- tion both in the Old Testa- ment and the New, and then he made a proposition which angered. many of the slave owners. He said that slaves should be given religious instruction. Why? Well not so much to save their souls it seems, be- cause there was some real doubt among the God people then, as to whether or not the black man had a soul. But Preacher Furman said the negro should be given Chris- tian teaching nevertheless so that he would be taught what the Bible said about slaves having the proper respect for their masters. And when certain Aboli- tionists of the norith pro- tested at the inhumanity of such a calloused viewpoint being urged in the name of religion, Rev. Furman found plenty of support from other southern clergymen. Two in particular, distinguished Episcopalians both of them, wrote very scholarly treat- ises on the matter. The Rev. Dalche declared that the church was not nearly bold enough in accepting the fact that black men were called upon by God • HimselT to serve.. the whites, and William Barlow, the rector of the Protestant Episcopal' Church in Charleston urged the church to propose a learned society to promote pro -slavery doctrine. He sug- gested that the name of this be "The American Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge" and he pro- posed the senior .bishog;;as, the society's president:- . - -•! Bat before you label such men as bigots or hypocrites, we should realize that these men did have the authority of the Bible to back up their contentions. The Bible, not once but many times, either , gives its outright support, to slavery or at least accepts its existence without protest. I had occasion to think about this supposedly divine support of slavery last week when one of my ultra -pious friends got rather angry at me for my casting what he thought, was a slur on the authenticity of the Bible. And I was told with all the righteous indignation, this a • man could utter that "all scripture is the divinely in-, spired Word of God. Not one jot or title of it is false, con- tradictory or superfluous",. Well my answer to 'that is simply this: if you are will- ing to -study those parts of the Bible which our clergymen conveniently overlook; you will discover that ever since Eden, men have"claimed Di- vine approval for commit- ting almost all of the major atrocities and injustices. That in addition,to slavery• they have foughtone merci- less war after another, each in the name of God; ' that all through the Old Testament ° they were consistently guilty of cruel and unyielding racial prejudice: that even rape and incest were some- times in t --w.lL..of Gott too; that God gave them the inali- enable right to buy and sell ,, their own wives anddaugh- ters; that they were com- manded topunish the inno- cent for the guiliy.,,`the..child for the sin of his father or his • grandfather; that it was often God's will for a man to commit murder, (as for in- stance when he discovered that the woman he had mar- ried was not a^100 per cent virgin;) that no mercy be shown • to thevanquished, even to the women and child- ren. True, Christ had nothing but contempt for such a con- , cept °Med and His`mission ,^,was I see it was to bring a gos- `%lel-ove to take the place of blame -shed and vengeance and prejudice. Hut if you will overlook the teaching and the spirit of those very few red-letter sayings Christ left us in the Gospels, it is still' possible to find a Biblical precedent for afrhost any act of violence or, hate it suits a man to conl- mit