HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-01-11, Page 6P4e. OF -The Vitingham Advan 'Whiners: .!an. .tt, 19.64 1 SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Engagement Notices (with picture) $5.00 Engagement Notices (without picture) $4.00 Graduation Pictures $4.00 ' Anniversary Pictures, 55 years. and over No Charge Wedding Write Ups .. No charge if copy is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for accompany- ing picture is $5.00 .Atter Third Week Write up $5.00 Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted atter six weeks but tor a limited time picture and a brief caption wilibe published at a charge of $5.00 Birth Announcements to our regular format No Charge -additional information or a change in the wording, charge is $1.70 first 10 words; 80 a word thereafter. FOR SALE MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $29: For further information phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 20rrb DUCKS and geese. Phone 528-2299. 23, rrb DO YOU have a favorite re- cipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photocopies of it for you' to pass along to your friends. We can do any quan- tity. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. 31: rrb BERG stable cleaners and stabling; bunk feeders and water bowls, silo unloaders and farrowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR. 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. 27rrb POOL table and accessories., Phone 357-3684, after 5- p.m. KID'S World Recycled win- ter sale.- Gaytog snowsuits (up to size 12) now 30 per cent off; resale clothing (ex- cept boy's suits) shoes and, boots , 30 per off; leo- tards, hats, mitts, leg warm- ers•available while they last. 154 Broadway, Orangeville. Phone 941-8733. FOR SALE ASSORTMENT of car and truck tires, snow and sum- mer. Phone 357-1303. 11,18 TWO BEDROOM mobile home, 12' x 40', best offer. Phone 357-1342 or Seaforth 527-0168. 11:18 SOFA and chair, rust color, excellent condition. Phone 335-3694. 11:18 ENGRAVED signs: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers, name desk signs. Easy to read, washable, stainproof. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 7'rrb SWIMMING "pools. Leading manufacturer has a limited quantity of last year's models. Package includes filter, motor, pump, walk around deck and fence. Regular $2,495; reduced $1,394). Phone 519-623-0251, days or evenings. 11:8 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LARGE selection of bred gilts with due dates. Vaccin ated and pregnancy tested. Israel Albrecht, RR 1, Wing - ham. Phone 357-3495. 18rrb ADDRESS- labels: gummed `{{ 200 for $2.95; presson 200 for 6 $4.25; transparent 200` for $5.75; iron -on labels, for clothing, 50 fo1i $3.95. Phone The Wingham . `Advance - ,Times, 357-2320. SUBSCRIBE: Canada's only publicationfor..-spinners, weavers. "Heddlo", $5 for. four issues in 1984. Send name, address, payment to Heddle, Box 220, ' Goderich, Ont., N7A 4B6. WOOD splitters: 3 ph, 24 - inch (Wiling; ng; gas -powered 24 -inch opening; 25 -ton pres- sure;.. gas powered 18 -inch opening; 9 -ton pressure; -also` electric. Dealers wanted. Phone 519'-699-4328. ' SADDLE horses. Phone 367- 2268. ' STOCK LIQUIDATION. All yarns reduced. Also child- ' ': .'; ren's clothing, kits etc. 10 to • 20 per cent off. Coulter's Cor- ner Yarns and Crafts, Gerrie .335-3345. A 500 BALES of straw. Phone 887-9451. LIMOUSIN bull, 20 beef cows and dry, wood. Phone 357-1988. FRINK 81/2-' V -plow for truck or large tractor. Phone 887- 9493.. 87- 9493., 18 CALVES approximately 450 pounds, Charolais and Hereford. Phone 357-2955. 16rrb HARD maple firewood, $30 per cord, picked up. Phone .367-2504. TWO Holstein heifers due to freshen. Phone Gordon Bate- man 357-2777. 11:18 21,28,4,11,18,25 SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE 1977 340 JOHN DEED` Liquifire snowmobile . with cover. ` Excellent condition, reasonably priced. Serious inquiries only. No test pilots. Phone 392-6980. , 1980 JOHN DEERE liquifier with 82 clutch system, $1795 or best offer. Phone 357-3533 after 6 p.m. CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1977 PLYMOUTH Sports Su- burban station wagon, V8, power steering„ .......,..power brakes, _ power windows, cruise control, air condition- ing, radio, very good condi- tion, $1000 firm as is. Phone 335-3280.. 1972 CHEV Biscayne, $200 as is. Phone 357-9935 after 5 'p.m. p.m. `. 11:18 DO YOU have items to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news-< papers? Call us flow,for de+ tails on -our blanket classi- fied coverage of Contaii'o or' . ,- specific, areas of the pro- , wince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. • 16rrb PETS FOR SALE FREE to a good home, white female Samoyd .pup, spayed. Phone 887-6095. MARANATHA Kennels, Rothsay has Poodles, -toy and miniature and Yorkshire terriers. Phone 1-638-2919. 21:28:4:11 PERSONAL PREGNANT and need help? Free positive,/fconfidential support. Bt right. Phone 357-1066, 357/3'Y , 357-1769 or London 432-74 ' c011eet. • rrb SNOWBLOWER 31/2 hp. 21'4" • M1SCELLANEOUS cut,• two years old,, asking " • $200. Phone 357-3643 `after "6 p.m. . WEDDING invitations. Drop - in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -'Times, ' 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-2320. 9rrb CANARIES and &inches,' various prices. Phone 357- 1048. . w 11,18 FISH tanks 35 and 65 gal.,' with stand, with fancy fi h, pumps and filters, Besf- fer. Phone 357-1048. 11,18 McCRERY Auto Wreckers ' RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86, . Midway between Wingham • and •Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS 24 -HR. TOW.SERYICE Scrap cars wanted Highest prices paid Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3514 Services °. PHOTOCOPYINGnow available. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times ofhone 357-2320. 31rrb PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. 5rrb PIANO tuning and repairs. Used pianos bought and.sold. Phone 357-049, Michael Lip- nicki. 31rrb CUSTOM drapery by Linda for your home or business. Phone 395-5629 or 395-2765. llrrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO' CREDITORS AND OTHERS 44 IN THE ESTATE OF RICHARD CHESTER GILKINSON NOTICE , is . hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Richard Chester Gilkinson, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the Cpu y of Huron, Retired Farme , and Province of ' Ontario, Deceased are re- quired to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to Mr. John T. Goodall, Barris- ter and Solicitor, P.O.. Box 730, 261 Josephine Street, Wingham, , Ontario, NOG 2W0, on or before the 20th' day of January, 1984, and that after such date the Exe- cutorswill proceed to distri- • bute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only. • to the cltt<intiis' of whith,they shall then have had notice: .DATED at Wingham On- • tario, this 28th day of De- cember,1983. Mli _CHH A,u,. GOODALL -N` Solicitor for the Estate of RICHARD CHESTER GILKINSON 5:11:18 MOVING? Truck and driver available for moving any- thing, anywhere in Ontario. For a reasonable rate, phone 887-6694 anytime. - 11,18 SEWING, mending, altera- tions, English smocking. Phone Jean McBurney, 357- 1786. — NOTICE TEACH your dollars to have More cents at North Huron Credit Union, 8 Alfred St., Wingham. Free personal chequing accounts. Competi- . tive interest rates on deposit accounts. Phone 357-2311. irrb FREE,120 page career guide shows how to train at home for 205 top -paying full and part-time jobs. Granton'. in- stitute, 267A Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Call 416-977-3929 to- day. 1REALS ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James. 35'- 3657. -" 14rrb IF YOU are a friend or rela- ti of an alcoholic, the Al - An Family Group may be a le to help you solve your side of; the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLiNE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS iS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statuitoty .holiday. To place one. of. these action ads, just drop in at The Advatnce•Times'Office or Phone: '357-232$ rrb WORK WANTED llrrb CRAIG (Home) Heating, new furnace installations, repair, service; chimney cleaning. Phone 357-3641. 26rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE ,OF JAMES HUNTER CAMPBELL - ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of James Hunter Campbell, 'late of the Town of Wingham, in the County Of Huron, and Province of Ontario, de- - ceased, are required to send particulars of -their claims, duly verified to the -under- signed. on or before the 27th day of January, .1984, and UPHOLSTERING of furni- ture, automobile and tractor seats. Free pick up and de- livery, free estimates. Quali- ty workmanship. Montgom- ery's Custom Upholstery; Blyth. -Phone 523-4272. 27rrb WANTED TO BUY PIANO wanted. Not neces- sarily in good condition. Phone collect 519-669-2198 or - 519069 -2280. WANTED Cards of Th,c.rk:s We would like,to thank all our family, friends and milk producers with Gardiners Milk Trans. for Heir visits, cards, gifts and support at the time of Don's illness. Thanks also to Dr. Jolly, Dr. Corrin, Dr. McKim, emergency staff and ICU nurses for their speedy and excellent care. Don and Marlene Taylor Many thanks to Dr. Jolly and the staff in emergency and ICU and all who took such good care of me, after my accident. Thanks also to the two young men who drove me to the hospital. It is all very deeply appreciated. Sybil Chandler A sincere thank you to my family, relatives and friends for their cards, and visits. '0'while I was a patient at the Wingham and District Hos- pital. It was greatly appreci- ated and it made my stay a bit more bearable. Thanks also to Dr. Ping and the nurses on the•second floor. Cheryl Delmage We, the family of the late Gil our wish to ex FEMALE roommate to Reb a m , share Forest Hill, - Toronto, press apartment, with working girl our relatives, friends and from Lucknow. Apartment is neighbors for the many acts attractively tree -shaded, • of. kindness shown tows. We well-equipped an tom ably furnished excpet fo- r St. Andrew's Church, the area btisinesses that donated available bedroom; non- Ladies' Auxiliary, Heart articles and-or cash, to ker preferred. Rent $250 '' Fund and Cancer Society in Standard the Trust for to the splay- y- - month plus share Of utili- memory of mother. Special • g ties; immediate occupancy " thanks to the Brookhaven siastic public who purchased, possible. Phone 528-3601 , Nursing -Home staff• for the the articles, to CKNX Radio –Lucknow 'evenings, or 416- care and kindness shown to ' for the use of its facilities, to 7834329, Toronto (hone) at 8 her; ,.to Rev.., Mills„ffor his The Wingham Advance- visits'andcomforting words;' Times for the accurate pub- th C - Walker Funeral fishing of the list of articles We would like to thank o families and relatives for ar tending our wedding recep- tion on December 9, 1983. Your best wishes Will fondly be remembered. Mark and Heather Chisholm We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Gord and Mary Walter, Wroxeter' Topnotch Feeds and all our friends and neighbors for your expres- sions of sympathy during our recent loss of a dear father and grandfather, Mr. Bob Hamilton of Milverton. Wayne, Pat, Grady and Darcy Lamb •Thank you to everyone for the visits, the nice get -well cards, the lovely gifts and flowers received while I was in hospital. Special thanks to Mr. Perry for visiting me, also to the Turnberry Ladies' Aid for the nice gift, to the Bluevale WMS for the cheery get -well message and to Ann and John for their help at home. Thank you also to Dr. Ping and the nursing staff on second floor for the good care. Elizabeth McKercher our sincere thanks to - •- d fort are grateful for donations to The 1983 Wingham Kins- men Radio Auction was. a success. This was due to the generosity of Wingham and Coming events BOBBY VINTON SHOW Coming to the Centre in the,. Square in Kitchener on Tues- day, February 14. Shows at 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Ticketing agent in this area for The Centre is Holiday World. Call 357-2701. a.m, to after 10.p.m. '• • Im�aNaausr L,aessnai nunannunnu l.. McDOUGALL—David . and , Donna McDougall of Stratford are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Erin Ashley, eight pounds, eight ounces, on Sunday, December 25, at Stratford General Hospital. Grandparents that after such date the WILL babysit in my home lo- cated on Highway -8 . Phone 335-3030. 11,18 :HELP WANTED ,� RESPONSIBLE part-time Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate; having regard , only to the claims of which they shall then have had no- tice.. • DATED at Wingham, "On- tario this 6th `day of Janu- babysitter for three children. • arY+ 1984.. Mr, John T. Goodall., Phone 357-2461', anytime., Barrister and Solicitor, P.O. Box 730, PHONE work at home serv- icing our customers from the comfort of ,your own home. Work your own hours, excel= lent. earnings ,assured. Must be'of legal age. For'informa- • tion , phone Fuller Brush Company collect 631-4383 anytime. , 11,18 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESOLVE now ,to earn some extra money this .year. We'll show you howiii our free in- formation kit. `Write Regal, 939 Eglinton Ave. E., Dept. 625, Toronto, M4G 2L6. 261 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 ' Solicitor for the Estate of James Hunte ;fa Abell .' •• ,' 18 25 • ' BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX ' For free information • ' ' Kitchener -Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St N• Kitchener N2H 506 745-5641 • A GOOD BUSINESS THAT MAKES DOLLARS & SENSE Huron Leaf is introducing to Canada a revolutionary new line o oflood and related products. We are .looking for self -motivated,' qualified individuals who can take bur Successful ¢fbgram and work tsith us to build their owil profitable business . • , Consider the advantages: o low start-up coat. Approx. $5,500 • tremendous profit potential • no franobise or royalty fee • In house dlstrlbution * ongoing training & management -assistance Take the first step towards this important business oppor• tunity, Call collect or write now for complete information. HURON'LEAF 190 Mitchell Avenue, Listowel, Ont. N4W 283, (519) 291-4445 415,91. f e urrte- Home and the St. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary, To' those who brightened her day with a cheery card or visit these a four,years, ,we, say a Pa — Club. of a dear husband, Harvey hertfel "Thank you" . Marion and Don Campbell Reidt who passed away one and family; Marj and Mac I am so overwhelmed by year ago, Jan. 12,1983. Smith and family; Audrey the - many ' expressions of Sadly m.issed along life's and Ken McKague and fa*n- sympathy 'received during way ily. my recent bereavement. My Quietly remembered every heartfelt thanks to those who day. We would like to thank our brought in dinners, sent No longer in my life to share friends for the many expres- beautiful fioral tributes, But in my heart he's always Bions . of sympathy on the made contributions to the there. death ' of my sister Mary many charitable organza —Lovingly remenibe `"ed Dales. Thanks for the Mass tions, sent cards, letters and by wife, tide. and to the Town of Wingham for the use of the co r. for article pick up. '' o a ` of you in llearty "Thank: You' fron}:the W,inghat�il. Kinsmen' WINTER CARNIVAL Brussels Figure Skating Club presents their winter carnival in the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre on Saturday, Jan. 21 at 8 p.m. featuring Michelle McCutcheon and "The Supremes" (precision line skaters). Advance tickets please, phone 887-6801 or 887- 6789. 11:18 GRAND OLE OPRY Show coming to the Kitchen- er Auditorium, Saturday, March 24. Buy your tickets early from Holiday World, Wingham, 357-2701. Exclu- sive ticketing agent in this area for the Kitchener audi- ' toriumn. - IN MEMORIAM GREENAWAY—In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Les- lie R. Greenaway •who passed away Jan. 9,1981. They say time heals all sor- rows, and helps me to for- get But time so far, has only proved, how much I miss you yet. God gave me the strength to . fight and courage to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose him, no one will ever know. BUS TRIPS , , • Carleton Showband, Binge- '"loan Park, Kitchener Satur- day, Jan. 21;' Ice Capades, Kitchener Tuesday, Feb. 14, bus only. You can use 7.E.hrs' coupons. Other dates Wed- nesday, Feb. 15 evening show and Sunday, Feb. 19, 5:30 p.p. show. Book early and don't be disappointed. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines 357- 3424, 11:18 —Always remembered and loved by wife Dorothy and family. 2 x.� REIDT—In ' loving memory CHILD HEALTH The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, Wing - ham Hospital Clinic Building on Wednesday; January 18 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. for health surveillance, anae- mia screening, immuniza- tion, hearing screening, vi- sion screening, fluoride brushing for ages three to five years. Adult immuniza- tion will also be offered at this clinic. ds flowers ands pathy '"' made phone 'calls to me. are Murray and . Joyce , M..car , Yin McDougall of -Wingham . cards.' It was very much ap- and Nelson and Myrtle predated. Sleightholm of Brussels. Ed and Jean Bauer MITCHLER—Brian and. Doris Mitchler, RR 4, • Brussels, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Trevor Brian, seven , pounds, '• 15' ounces, on January 4 at Wingham and District Hospital: A brother for Michelle.. BARBOUR—Mr. and Mrs. John Barbour, RR. 2, Wingham, joyfully an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Jennifer, eight pounds, five ounces, on January 7 at Wingham and District Hospital. A sister for Jeremy and Jonathan. R. W. Bell OPTOMETRIST Goderich, The Square 524-7661 The family of the late Wil- liam Gilbert Irwin wishes to thank all friends, neighbors and relatives who sent flow- ers, cards and donations. Special thanks to Rev. J: Rea Grant and the Currie -Walker Funeral Home. Shirley Irwin, Scott and David Tulett Mr. Fred Hyndman, Geri - Care Nursing Home would like to thank his ' many friends for the cards,. treats and visits over the holiday season. , NOTICE Wedding notices . en gagements.. in membriams and obituaries are accepted In written form ONLY We cannot accept such notices by telephone Please remember that no classified advertising is ac cepted after noon Monday WROXERAMICS -January Sale in stock CHRISTMAS GREENWARE 50% OFF in Stock all other GREENWARE & GLAZES 20% OFF, Claws Starting in, January WROXETER - 3354450 ieaadeieraatai.ra.erir. ..0,•• Your watchful careover me . during day and night was most appreciated: Thanks also to Dr. Hanlon and the ambulance attendants. What a great community to live in. Vivian (Cantelon) Campbell We wish to express special thanks to 'pr. Gear,. ' Dr. Wong,and the nurses on se- cond floor for the safe arri- val of our son. • Mr. and Mrs.' Brian Mitchler Disc Jockey Stevens COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 REIDT-In • loving memory of• a dear father and grand- father, Harvey Reidt who passed away Jan. 12,1983. The depth Of our sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well. • And while he sleeps in peace- ful sleep His memory we shall always keep.- -Ever „ienaternbered and sadly missed by Lyle, Mary Helen, Shirley and Bob and grandchildren. COMMISSIONED REPRESENTATIVES To market windows,. entrance doors, overhead doors to building trades in Western Ontario. Apply in writing with resume ` to CAR-VI/AL DOOR SYSTEMS LIMITED, 115 White Oak Rd., ondon, Ont. NeE ICE CAPADES The Smurfs are back with a new show for the Ice Ca- pades at Kitchener from February 14 through Febru- ary 19: -Individual tickets are available 'from Holiday World ... exclusive ticketing agent in this area for the. auditorium. Call' early for tickets 357-2701. _ BOOK HUNT Go on a book hunt If you have something from the li- brary that's long overdue, return it during Forgiveness Week January 16 -to 21 and pay no fine. All library ma- terials except films and equipment can be returned free of charge to any town or village library in the Huron County Library system dur- 'ingthis period. So,hprIt.any misplaced library books to- day and save money. ENTION REGISTERED, UFFI HOMEOWNERS SAVE UP TO 25°i° ON YOUR HOME HEATING We Have The Solution! We may have the alternative to a complete removal that is totally covered by a Government Grant. •Gov't. tax free grant to cover cost up to ' '5,000. •No additional cost to homeowner. • No Inconvenience due to removal. •Energy conservation. •Humidity control. •Makes your property more valuable— andsaieattyp. INe�ner•seOl LTROMETER T ESTEE) GODERICH ENERGY SEAL''INC. AIR SEAL SPECIALISTS Phone 524-2311 Collect Gov't. Certified, Bonded, and Approved C.C.A. No. 24281 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 665-7818 R.R. 1, NEUSTADT Horst Feige D.T. or , 1-336-6580 -WALTON SALE; ARENA 2 Miles West of Durham, Ontario on Hwy. No. 4, on: Thurs. Jan. 19, 1984 12:00 Noon WALTON'S 129TH CONSIGNMENT SALE Selling in this sale' the complete Clayloam Milk- ing Herd Dispersal, the herd of Clarence Berry, Walkerton, Ontario. 9 Registered Holsteins, 14 Grade cows, bred to U.B.I. sires in various stages of Lactation. 7 d"ue January and February. LISTED HERD. Consignments of Registered and grade fresh and close springing cows, first calf heifers with R.O.P. records and A.I. sires. Bred heifers, yearling heifers and calves from local listed herds. Plan now to attend. Open for Consignments. Sale Manager & Auctioneer DONALD E. WALTON Ferner .519469'3804 tr. 5