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FQ1l;TlIWjEI -- The gen-
eneral meet' alf the Ili ted
Church Wgttief• was held
last Thwaday 'at 2 yam
in the . ?lday Scho l room.
The theme at the meeting
was "Thee. NeW- Year" and
was presented by Mrs. Cecill,
Wilson and Mrs. Mel Penny.
Mrs. Wilson opened the
meeting with an invocation
on the New Year and a hymn
was sung, after which she
read the scripture.
Mrs. Penny spoke on the
opportunities presented by
the New Year, such as the
opportunity to help others.
She closed with a pfaem.
Mrs,. Wilson continued the
meditation with the thought
that each year is time and
time is life, let us not, waste
tit. She lighted few.,
sigmifying, truth,
faith and love, and- a by nn.
,was sung, ..followed by the
closing prayer by Mrs,
Mrs. Ben G. ibeen presided
for the.business part of the
meeting. She welcomed
everyone and thanked all for
their cooperation. ' over' the
past two years• Mars. Jack
Mann read the minutes -and a
detailed treasurer's report
for 1983was given by Minnie
Rev. Cy Marzec installed
the officers for 1: r 4 and he
commenced' his remarks
with a poem saying we anist
depend upon God use the
skills he has given us. °Mr.
Marzec also read from the
The officers for 1984 are:
past president, Mrs. Gibson;
president, Mrs. Elmer
Harding; first vice, Mrs.
Karen Ross, .Head ,Cashier 'of . Zehrs Market, .Wingham
presents a Zehrs.Stve-A-Tape.cheque for $726.67 to Eileen
.McGlynn, Treasurer of Registered Nurses of Wingham District ,
\Hospital, whose organization redeemed Zehrs cash register
tapes in order to purphase special hospital equipMept.
Our sincere Qongratulatignsto all . who participate:0 401is. t p- ,,
commendable project. We are pleased, we were -able "td assist
This exciting offer is open to arty non-profit organization,
church or school. group, service club or charity. Each $300
worth of Zehrs cash register tapes is worth one dollar. For ex-
ample, if your club wishes to raise $250 towards a project,
$75,000 worth of Zehrs tapes would be required. Complete
details arecontained in a helpful brochure available at any
Zehrs Market.
Start saving your tapes today!
iIs&It; second vice, Mrs. .
Bruce Kenn ly; third vice,
Mra. Mann secretary, Mrs.
Harold Gilpen; treasurer,
Miss.McElwain; represanta.>
tive .to stewards,' Mrs.,' Pen-
ny; pianist, Mrs, Ron.
aeon; iariit,'
On; evening
Ml's. Penny;
l^'Mrs. Russell
more; archt
C'!' a kspn; E,
1V M
unit leaf
card sfcre
Cards of
from Mrs,
for her husband and from
Alma Cellejgaf, the Scott
Mission and'Brazil thanking
the group fendolations.
The ladies• extended a vote
of thanks to Miss McElwain,
treasurer, .fieO er work and
her report.
Two dates severe set: the
garden party',:June `26; and
the fowl supper Oct. 24.
The meeting closed with
the Mizpah Benediction.
were read
ilii Wilson
Notes from Fordwich
Friends in the community
extend best wishes to Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Vittie who will
be married 65 years this
Guests last Saturday with
Mrs. Freida D'Arcey . were
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Webster of Lucknow, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Hunt and Dale
of Listowel, Lynn Chambers
of Wroxeter and Mr, and
• Mrs. Randy Hunt and
Cameron of Kitchener.
The sympathy. of the
community goes to Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Petznick in the
death of her mother, Mrs.
Ira Schaefer, and to Mrs.
Roy Simmons, Mrs. Bal
Brears and Bill and Bruce
Sothern ire' the passing of
their sister.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Stewart,
Schaefer of London spent the
weekend with Mrs: E. A.
Schaefer and_ also attended
'the memorial service for the
late Mrs. I'ra Schaefer last
Saturday in the Fordwich
United Church. .
Guests last Saturday with
Minnie McElwain - and John
McElwain ,were • Mr. , and
Mrs: Ian Pittendreigh and
- family of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob McElwain of
Grimsby, Mrs. Annie Pit-
tendreigh. The occasion was
Ian Pittendreigh's and his
mother's birthdays.
Friends °of Joe McInnis
will be sorry to hear he has
been a patient in the Listowel
hospital this past two weeks.
and .we wish him a speedy
recovery. • • ' •
Mr. and Mrs,. Andy Miller
and Kimberley spent the
weekend with relatives in
Kitchener:. .
Kevin Miller. spent the
weekend. with his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Johnston attended the
funeral in the Clifford United
Church last Friday of the
late Mrs. Arnold Darrroch,
Mrs. Bill Mulvey of
Belmore visited last
Saturday with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Friends here will be sorry
to hear Mrs. Mary Graham
is a patient in Palmerston
Mrs. Cart -"Stewart and
Mrs'. John Wagler spent
Monday in London.
Pot luck dinner
precedes meeting
of seniors' group
FCRDWICH — The first
meeting of eche new year for
the local senior citizens
opened with a bountiful pot
luck dinner. The business .
session was conducted by the
group's new president, Mrs.
William Wilson, and the new
secretary, Mrs. George
Hartman. "Happy . Birth-
irthda" was s 'r to two, mem-
The senior e tizehs card
party will be held Friday,
January 13, at 8:30.
The program, with Mrs.
• Cooper's group ' in°' charge,
a quiz, en exercise fitness
skit andqa duet by Mrs.
George Richards , and Mrs.
Marzec, ' with Miss Minnie
McElwain at the piano.
The meeting closed with a
toast to the new year, the
joining of hands and the
singing of "Auld Lang Syne"
by everyone. '
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We have lots of ready-to-gowall-
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cause the savings are big. Up to
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162 Josephine Street
: The Wingham Advance-Tilmes,:Jan. 11, l -Page 3
WATCHING HER NEWH.OME—Mrs. Kelly Skinn wat-
ched Monday morning as a crew from Royal Homes
swung a section of her new home onto its foundation on
Bristol Terrace. Factory building techniques allow Royal
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Evers, Derrick, M and
Joanna of Belmor Mr. and
Mrs. Barry Cur , Ben-
jamin and Rachel of Kit-
chener; Jerry Currah; Nora
Haveman, Listowel; Mr. and
,Mrs. Rick Currah; Kin-
cardine; and Mr. and Mrs:
. Lyle Binkley, Becky and
Joshua of Elmira spent New
Years with Mr. and Mrs. Bev
'Mr. .and Mrs. James
Austin, Jeffrey and Derek of
Elmira, visited Mrs. William .
Austin Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Fleming,
Lana. and. Lindsay of
Neustadt, visited Sunday a'
the home --of Mr. and Mrs.
Williarri A. Smith.
Day Ce ntre News
By Rita Rice We would appreciate any
The new year has arrived. tapes you have.
Programs resumed at the Our craft prograain will be
centre after the Christmas starting again soon. After
holiday and we are again our December craft sale, we
back to our normal schedule. ' took a break from the craft
The next scheduled foot program. Any craft ideas
clinic is set for. next Wed- ,from .the community are
nesday,•Jan. 18, from 1:30 to welcome. Share your
3:30 p.m. If any senior in the .-talents!
community wishes to attend This Thursday, we are
the' clinic, please cell the having 20 guests' from
centre at 357-1440 or 3574445. Ripley. The ,day centre is
Another clinic will be held expanding to Ripley and
Jan. 26. • Huron Township and some
A reminder to our board seniors from that area are'
members:: the next meeting visiting Thursday to learn funeral of
with the board of directors more°albout the centre. San attendMr. Sid Med thehey of Au -
will beheld Jan. 16. We have a portable library Barn at . the Tasker Funeral
Other upcoming programs with various reading. Horne, Blyth on Saturday.
.at the centre include a slide materials here and a large . Harold Keating spent tike
show by Dorothy and Ken selection of pamphlets and New Year weekend with his
Estates, Tuesday on Quebec
Stevens of Turnberry brochures geared to the sister and brother-in-law,
senior citizen.
A passag"Aging, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snell,
e from
the Myths and the Reality" and nieces Mrs. Eileen
reads: "In our sit-down Beecroft and Mrs. Shirley
, takes
Gude, all of London.
discipline.societyit If you're
a tiredbit rat of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hall,
the end of the day, it's all too y Chris and Kim of New Ham -
easy to slump in front of the burg visited with her grand
TV. But it's.precisely this mother, Mrs. Joe Dunbar, on
Matthews, a professor there kind of armchair living, with Saturday.
in the family and consumer its overeating and lack of Ten tables were in play at
'' de artaraent and exercise, that Lets the body the weekly euchre which was
Mr.. and Mrs. Bev_Currah
went by plane to Sydney,
N:S., to- spend Christmas
with the latter's father,
Alfred Rudderham, Nand
other relatives. • -
Mr. and Mrs. Eric
McKenzie of Bluevale visited
Mr. and Mrs. Robert.
Ferguson last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Molloy; Kristi and Leslie of
Paris, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. George
Russell Ruppel of
Kamloops, B.C., and Mr. and
Mrs: Terry Ruppel of Guelph
visited over the, holidays
with. Mr. and Mrs.. Cla�
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ferguson visited last
Wednesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Nickel of
Fordwich and with Mr.. and
Mrs. •Clayton Lobsinger of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ma-
son spent a week at Christ-
mas time with . their daugh-
ter. and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. George O'Dell, and Ivy
of Lipton, Saskatchewan.
Nancy wishes her old friends
a Happy New Year.
Peter 1Vtason of Listowel
spent New Year's weekend
with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Mason, aand
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vin-
cent' and Mrs. Dorothy Lo -
Homes to continue construction year-round. A split-
level, this home was built in four sections instead of the
usual two.
Hanover last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Petrs
visited their uncle and atilt,
Mr. and Mrs. James. Gray,
enroute from .a holiday in
Jamaica_ to their home in
Singleton, New South Wales,
Australia. Isobelle Gray .of
`Burlington and her fiance,
Ronald Golden of Windsor,
Linda Gray and Carol King
of Toronto, Douglas Gray of
Camp Borden and Mike
Wright, RMC Kingston, were
holiday visitors as well with
Mr. and- Mrs. Gray and
Mr. and Mrs.: Clayton
Ruppel spent New Year's
•Day with Mr. and Mrs. E.
Watkins of Elora.
Gordon Coulter and Ken
Coulter of Kitchener visited
Fred Coulter in the Wingham
and District'Hospital Sunday
and also visited Mr. and Mrs.
Clifton Coulter. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Ruppel attended the Hyn-
dman Transport Christmas
party and were one of the
lucky draw winners of a
dinner for two at the
Riverboat Restaurant,
Wingham, .compliments of
Randy • Scott, Modern
Livestock, Alberta.
Mrs.- Bert .Richmond of
Winnipeg visited a few days
.with Mrs. Cecil Grainger.
Spending Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ruppel
of Gorrie were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Norton, Kelly and Tim
For approximately a year
now, we have been waiting to
see the video presentation
about the centre and the
rural elderly which was
produced by the University
of Guelph. Dr. Anne Martin
stuure� la x , held in th€-Wt Ha11-We'dnes-
director of its new geron- become rusty with disuse
tology research centre, has and 'encourages heart day, January 4. Winners
visited the centre on several disease, high blood pressure wrxre high lady, Mrs. Olive
occasions and has in and other ailments of Bolt; novelty lady, Mrs,
ed Stewart; low lady;
Mrs. Eva McGill; high man,
Leslie Vincent; novelty man,
terviewed many local aging.''
seniors for the production.
She will be showing the
• RECYCLE Bert Johnston; low man,
video Jan. 24. at 1:30 p,n1., at CONTAINERS Wilfred Walker. There will
the centre in the Armouries. - Recycle pottery, chipped be euchre again next Wed
All are welcome to come and - mugs, glasses or vases by nesday evening starting at
,view the video. '- -I using them as planters for 8:00. Everyone is welcome.
We will be starting our trailing ivy Drill a hole in
winter bowling program the bottom or put a layer of
soon. Also we are still stones,' in the bottom for
looking for, a good used drainage, fill with soil and
chesterfield and are still train the ivy to hide chips,
collecting Knechtel's tapes. etc.
RESULTS you'll applaud
of Whitby; Mr: and Mrs.
John Lovell, Nicole, Jessica
and Jamie of Shelburne; Mr`
ind Mrs. Clarke Han
and ,.Christopher.,..., a;
Nancy. Fischer of Thornhill';
Paul Cerson-of Mississauga;
Pam. Johnston of Kitchener;
and .Douglas Fischer of
Allstate may have
special discounts
just for you!
327 Josephine Street
Wingham, Ontario
• Phone 357.1414,
Does the -
have all your clothes
in a MESS?.
All the terrible weather
we've been having is a
menace to your clothes . .
so bring them to us. We're
sure all the snow, slush,
salt, etc. has made a real
-mess-of..them -but -but-our exx---
perts can- make them look
fresh and new again. Read-
man Cleaners is your
clothes best friend.
ReAdm n Cleanets
8 lea's Wear
8' j&sephine St. • ;57424.