HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-01-11, Page 24.
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atipa4inlea,r'Jan. .
c..tardFSCurri9 vows
The JOY MA heanti the.
Christmas .seasor,.. forrOnd
lovely 'ba.chge01104: .for
special clay in the lives of
Sandra Currieof' Burlington
and,. Norm. Richards' of
Georgetown, the day they
chose to become husband
and wife and begin a new life
.together.. ,Benmiller United
Church was decorated with
black wrought - iron. can-
delabra decorated with
festive garlands and con-
taining red candles 'covered.
with glass globes. Red and
white poinsettias also
adorned the altar, red and
green candles , and pine
boughs. decorated the win-
41-1 . flieSt PeWs WOO
MOW with Plaid ribbon
accented with • sprig of
evergreen and Mowers. •
• Rev. John Wood of
Goderich and Benmiller
United Churches officiated
at the-teremony which was
solemnized at five o'clock on
Saturday, December 17.
Organist Mrs. Don Robert-
son complemented the
setting with the playing of
Christrhas..-4srols and
guitarist RickMcGlile of.
London played and salt
"Follow 'Me", "On The
Wings of Love", "You
Needed Me", "Annie's
-Soar and 'Unger".
1.1A torlea-is a daughter of
Mr. and . John A. ,CUrrle,
RR 3, Wingham, and parents
of ithe groom are Mr. and
Mrs. Norman E. Richards of
Scarborough. The bride was
given in marriage by her
The bride's gown, which
she designed and made
herself, was ankle:length
and featured a taffeta skirt
and heart -shaped strapless
bodice with long puffy
sleeves. The skirt and bodice
were overlaid with ivory
heirloom lace and a cum:,
merbund of heirloom lace
encircled her waist. Ivory
gloves of heirloom lace and
an ivory cocktail hat with
netting and lace completed
her ensemble. She carried a
bouquet of red roses, baby's
breath, ivy and stephanotis.
• : 1., ^ ,^
. •
. .
•• A
Mrs. Ruth Courtis of
, • .
" • •
• 1
• • •
. ,•
MR. & MRS. JIM COULTES of Wingham werOlonored - president of --the Ontario and national associations. He
Dorchester was her sister's by the Canadian Hereford Association at a National and Mrs. Coultes are flanked by Charles Scranton,
matron of honor and Mark of Excellence show. Mr. Coultes is a long-time president of the Canadian Hereford Association, and
bridesmaids were two other Hereford breeder and cattle buyer who has served as Duncan Porteous, its secretary -manager.
2 , ,
sisters, Mrs. Karen Peter of
Woodstock and Miss Heather
Currie, Toronto. They wore MrsHarry Bateman installed a president
blouses styled
with three-quarter sleeves
ivory taffeta
Mrs. Harry Bateman was
and bodice yokes and installed aS- president of the
trimmed with ivory heirloom Women's Missionary Society
lace, prettily complementing of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
cocktail -length red tartan Church, Wingham, when the
taffeta skirts and set off by group held its New Year's
Glad Tidings and pertaining
to the new year. It was
followed by prayer. Mrs.
Bateman read scripture
from St. John's Gospel,
chapter 13, and also gave the
black velvet cummerbunds. meeting on January 3 in the
he ' Andrea u
T Upper Room.
Courtis, niece of the bride, of Mrs. Paul Mills installed
Dorchester, wore a red plaid the officers for the coming
skirt with a ruffle and a
blouse to match those worn d t G d
year. They include: past
presi en , Mrs. or on
by the senior attendants. All Wall;
secretary, Mrs.
the girls carried red poin- Charles Tiffin; assistant,
settias and baby's breath Mrs. Roy McKay:, treasurer,
with accents of red velvet: Mrs. Wall; pianist, Mrs.
ribbon. . Johnston Conn; assistant,
Dr. Morley Pitts, of Ux- Mrs. William Ford; supply
bridge was groomsman and secretary, Mrs. Tom Currie;
guests were ushered by the publicity, Mrs.. D. A. Rit-
bride's two brothers, Robert_ • chie; Glad !ridings, Mrs.
Currie of Hamilton and Paul Wilfrid Congram; Associate
Currie, Wingham. Members, Mrs: Walter
Lighted trees, waterfalls Woods, Mrs. David Eadie;
-and a rippling stream out- Literary and Library, Mrs.
side Benmiller Inn added to Conn; Friendship and
the beautifully decorated • Service, Mrs. -R. Wright,
interior of the Inn where Mrs. Willis Lapp; nominat-
supper was served and a :-
mg, Mrs. Lapp:- auditors,
reception held. Guests at- Miss Agnes Williamson,
tended from Unionville, Mrs. 11. Robertson.
Oakville, Scarborough,
Past President Mrs. Wall
Toronto,London, Woodstock • -
opened the meeting. with the
and Barrie. • call to..worship taken from
Snyder Studio Photo
Savings in the
The Wingharn
Call us Today.
The bride's mother wore a
cocktail -length dress of deep
red georgette styled with
longr sal en edvceisic u rg hs k irrut .f f=Calgary couple wed in',
meditation on "Time of Joy
and Love Will Make a Good
New Year". Mrs. Congram
gave a reading, "How Do We
• Pray?", ending with prayer.
The offering was received
Brookhaven Events
Winners of the December Moffatt, Isabel Kerr, Jean
sports events are: horseshoe .. Kelly, Erie Ward, Bob
toss, Bob Coultes; knock Coultes, Sam Vanstone, Gus
down the , castle, Sam Renzetti and Tom Metcalfe.
Vanstone; bingo, Margaret • Several kinds of,squares
Curtis; bowling, Gus Ren -L were served and some
mai. . poems were read.
We welcome two new
residents to Brookhaven, •• Annie Moffatt, a cyclamen
Kennedy, and wish them plant and -Viola Campbell,
much happiness here. j ... chocolates. The hosts were
. We are sorry to hear Ethel Tony and Sybil Straker. The '
Cook is in hospital and wish next friendship tea will be
heldFeb. 2.
her a speedy recovery.
A friendship tea was held •Everyone at Brookhaven
Jan. 5 with the following was Saddened by the deaths
residents attending: Viola of Chester Gillunson, Dec.
Campbell, Margaret Carter, 23, and Reba Gilmour, Dec.
1Viargaget Afirtia', Edith • 27. Both residents will be
Ross, Pea) Hogg, Annie greatlyinissed.
wore -a corsage of ivory roses
and lilies. The groom's
mother chose a cocktail- ;
length dress of beige crepe
with y neckline, beaded yoke
and long sleeves. Her car -
sage was ivory roses.
Following a honeymoon at
Niagara -On -The -Lake and
Stowe, Vermont, - Mr. and
Mrs. Richards are residing
in the Georgetown area. The
bride is a graduate in Family
• Studies of the University �f -
Guelph 'and is presently
Family Studies teacher with
the Halton Board of
Education, teaching Grades
6,' 7 and 8 in- Burlington, The
groom is Director off
Provincial }arks Branch,
Ministry of Natural
Resources, Queen's Park.
Mrs. John Strong of Gorrie
was an honored guest at her
granddaughter's wedding.
urch Directo
• WinghamticiieCo8tal Church
359 Centre ' &red
Rev. Victor Grieco, Pastor
•' SUN., JAN. 15, 1984
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
• 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
•"The Penalty for Useless Living''
1:30 pm. - Afternoon Family Service
Film - "See You Sunday"
Listen to:
CKNX-FM - 8 a.m. - 12 noon, Sunday
1/4.1 ' ARMY
Edward St.,
Sunday, Jan. 15
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School
11 .00 am - Family Worship
7•00 p,m. - Salvation Meeting
Everyckte Welcome
• Monday, Jan 16
800 p.m. • Home League
for Ladies
Teeswater • United Church
carried basket of
• Heather E. Struthers and
Mark W. Chisholm were
• joined in holy mtrimony en
Friday, December ,9, at 7:30
p.m. The ceremony took
place at Teeswater United
Church amid lighted.. tapers
in candelabra and red
poinsettias." Rev. Arnold
Proud and Rev. Ted Sidman
The bride is the daughter.
of Mrs. Rosemary Colvin of
Teeswater and William
Struthers, Brights Grove.
Parents of the groom are Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Chisholm,
The bride entered the
church, escorted, by her
brother, Todd Struthers,
Brights Grove. Given in
marriage by her mother, the
bride chose an off-white
gown of crepe de chine with
chiffon overlay. A Lady Di
hat with chiffon shoulder -
length train accented her
dress. She cied a unique
217 Minnie St.
Sunday Jan. 15
9:45a,m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. • Worship
Minister: Rev. J. Rea Grant
Organist: Mr. Hap Swatridge
Church - 357-2961
Manse - 357,1072
St. Paul's Church
'rjohn Street at Centre Street
wax. eteltr.
it1 ontetes
SUNDAY, JAN 15, 1984
11:00 a.m. - Mattins
Trinity will join withSt.
St. F,)auls for this service
by Mrs. R. as ngs
dedicated by Mrs. Ritchie
Mrs. Lapp read a message
•from the moderator of the
Presbyterian Church, Dr.
Donald C. MacDonald,
giving praise to the work of
the Women's Missionary
Society. Mrs. Wall gave a
report on a new church in
Lim, Central Africa, then
conducted a memorial
service in remembrance of
members deceased during
• Mrs. Wall conducted the
business part of the meeting
and Mrs. McKay read the
minutes, gave the roll call
,and read correspondence.
Treasurer Mrs. L. Sliickluna
gave her report. Mrs. Conn
presided at the piano for the
singing of several hymns.
The new president, Mrs.
Bateman, closed the meeting
and Mrs. R. McKay offered a
closing prayer. A social hour
followed, with Mrs. Tiffin
- and Mrs. H. Aitchison as
bouquet of off-white itlibrum • she carr a
lilies, fern and spider plant. off-white roses and red pain-.
Matron of honor was Mrs. , settias. •
Irene Irw,in, Calgary, friend • The groomsman was Greg
of the bride. She wore a floor- Hamilton, Calgary, friend of
length gown of jade green the groom, and ushers were
polyester with a metallic • Doug Orrin, Calgary, friend
thread, designed by the • of the groom, and Todd
• groom's mother. She carried • Struthers, brother of the
a nosegay of off-white roses bride.
and •lilies accented with Debbie McRae, as organ-
. three small red poinsettias ist, accompanied Mrs. Doris
and baby's breath. Fischer who sang "On This
Bridesmaids were Ms. Day" as the mothers of the
Brenda Chisholm, Lucknow, bride and groom were seated
sister of the groom, and Ms. and "These Are 'The, Best
Debbie Foxtbn, Teeswater, Times" as the bride entered
sister of the bride. Their the church. "Ave Maria"
gowns were styled the same • was accompanied by the
as that of the • matron of bride's mother during the -
honor. signing of the register and as
Melissa Rieman, Wing- the bride and groom left the
"Edelweiss" was
ham, niece of the groona, was church,
flower girl. She was dressed sung amid the best wishes of
in a floor -length gown simi- family and friends• :
lar to those of the senior at- Following the ceremony,
tendants. Three small red guests were received at an
pointsettias and baby's open reception in the
breath accented her hair and Belmore Community Centre
Crippled Duck.. The bride's
mother received guests in a
street -length dress of
periwinkle blue crepe with a
corsage of pink Sweetheart
roses. She was assisted by
the ,groom's mother in a
street -length dress of
turquoise knit with a corsage
of peach lilies.
Honored guests were the
• bride's maternal grand-
mother, Mrs. Isabel Adams,
Gorrie; the groom's paternal
grandmother, Mrs. Bessie
Chisholm, Goderich, and
friend of the bride, Mrs.
• Freda Colvin, Teeawater.
• •
.•.! .•
• •
Guests were present from
. .. • Calgary, Toronto, Hamilton',
• London,GodeliGoderich,,
uLelvipchkn, ollwa,rrivvstoinng„.
ham and Teeswater.
Prior to the wedding, the
!,. bride was hondred • at a
girlfriends' - shower in
Calgary given by Irene Irwin
and Marilit? Lawson. A
community shower was held
• iri the Belniore Library, host- •,„
ed by DebloieFoxton, Brenda
Chisholm and Chris Inglis.
Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm are
yielding itt Calgary where
the lnride is employed in
Charterhall Oil ails a junior
bookkeeper -secretary 'and
the groom laself,ernployed.
16 In.
1-111.111(1.111. 111
- xcx
Due to municipal snow removal operations,_
notice is hereby given that the byla(v-goVeming
the parking of cars on town streets during the
`0Inter months (Oec. 1 to April 1) will be strictly
All vehiorie must be removed from town
streets, from roadways of the municipality, bet-
ween the hours of 1 a.m. and 7 a.m.
Violators will be prosecuted ,or will be re-
quired to bear the cost of having their vehicle
towed away. "
The owner of any such parked vehicle will be
liable for'any damage to the said vehicle or to
snowplow equipment.
Notice is also given that the fine structure
for the above parking violation has been in-
. creased to $10.00 first offense and $25.00
second offense. All parking fines other than
parking meters previously at $3.00 have
been raised to $7.50.
J. Byron Adams,
Clerk -Treasurer
Maple Leaf 73A oz. Red
Sockeye Salmon 1.99
Libby's 14 oz. Spaghetti or
Alphagetti 2/1.29
Schneiders No. 1
Wieners lb. 1.89
Schneiders Sliced 175 gr.. pkg.
Cooked Ham 1.49
Nabob Reg. Grind 369 gr.
Clark:s 24 oz. Irish or
Beef Stew
Welch's 500 ml. Grape Jam or
Grape Jelly • 1,.59
McCormick's 600 gr. 3 Varieties
Cookies 1.89
Store Hours:
7:30 a.m. to 700 p.m.
Fridays 730 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Closed Sundays
Phont 57-224O. We De1iver.
Doug Doig, Senior Grocery Clerk ofZehrs Market, Wingham
presents a Zehrs Save -A -Tape cheque for $327.80 to Mrs.
Ale Elliott (centre) and Mrs. Laura Jenkins (L) of The Bluevale
Senior Citizens, whose organization redeemed Zehrs cash
register tapes in order to purchase a vacuum cleaner for
Bluevale Hall.
Our sincere congratulations to all who participated in this very
commendable project. We are pleabed we were able to assist
This exciting offer is open to any non-profit organization,
church or school group, service cltib or charity, Each $6Q0
worth of Zehrs cash 'register tapes is worth one dollar. For ex-
, ample, if our club wishes to raise $250 towards a project,
$75,000 worth of Zehrs tapes would b,e required. Cprnplete
details are contained in a helpful brochure available at, any
Zehrs Market.
Start saving your Wes today!