HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-12-27, Page 3ronvemormayon approves agreement BERA - East Wawanosh Township council approved the agreement between the Wingham Area Fire Board and Culross Township. The agreement was presented to council at its meeting last Tuesday afternoon. Coun. Fred Meier, a former chairman of the Wingham Area Fire Board, said that they were fi- nally able to get something. Coun. Jinn Hunter, a current member of the fire board, said "at least it is something." He made the motion to approve the agree- ment. Council also agreed to the new fees for planning applications re- cently approved by the County of Huron council. It was noted that the fee for re- zoning went down from $1,000 to $925 and the fee for a severance was decreased from $750 to $605. However, the fee for a minor vari- ance was increased from $610 to $Ci50.. ti Although council had no com- plaints with the new fees, they were requesting a reduced fee for a renewal of a temporary zoning ' amendment. Apparently, the county had reduced the fee for Grey Township by 25 per cent. Council will also bring in an en- gineer to design equipment form the well in the Hamphrey subdivi- sion. ' The decision was made after roads superintendent Ralph Camp- bell, informed council of a recent survey he had to complete for the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MOEE). Campbell informed council that he would also have to assess all the wells used by public buildings on a daily basis, rather than on a weekly basis as he has been doing.. As well as getting an engineer to design the . equipment for the well, council will also have to come up with a procedure in case something goes wrong. S.ticers Cfpn)in from fiv, rpage would only be given to residents of the township. If a person owned a house, buthad it rented out, the tenants would be given the stickers. Coun. Jim Hunter asked how the stickers would be distributed to the residents. Reeve Don Schultz said there should be some way 'keeping track of who receives tags. Coun. Hunter said that should have to come to the township hall to pick them up. 'However, coun. Meier came up with a novel method of distributing the stickers. "As a councillor, we should vol- unteer to distribute them," said coun. Meier. Each household. would be providedwith 50 stick-. ers. "I'm game (for distributing them)," said Reeve Schultz. Coun. Meier said that it jus makes sense for the councillors to distribute them. Corn. Hunter said that when they are distributed, the councillors can tell the residents that they will have to pick them up at the township hall the next year. Coun. Murray Scott said that a list of all the materials that can be recyclable should be provided for the residents. Council also decided that the charge for extra tags would be $2 per tag. Residents will be charged the extra tag rate, as soon as the 50 tags provided in January by the councillors going door-to-door. Residents will also have to pay to drop off items such as mattress- es, chesterfields, sofas, play pens, kitchen tables and chairs, lawn chairs, and day beds. People dropping off mattresses, chesterfields, and daybeds will be charged $2 per item, or else have a sticker on them. Council also wants people leaving kitchen ta- bles and chairs, play pelts, lawn chairs, and day beds to have them "tom apart better." Corn. Scott said there should be away to make people more aware of what materials can be recycled. Council will also begin charg- ing for loads of drywall, hale wire, asphalt shingles, carpet and under fay, and non-recyleable plastics and feed bags. The charge will be $5 for a pick-up load, $20 to $25 for a wagon load', and $50 for a dump - truck Toad. Roads superintendent Campbbl'1 said he will also begin charging $30 for every time he has to open up the landfill site gatesring the week.. 4 Christmas cheer...For the third straight year, the SAAN store in Wingham helped raise funds for the Salvation Army Christmas Cheer Fund through the sale of its popular Christ- mas Gift Boxes. Since the beginning of November, the SAAN store has been offering packages of two Christmas Gift Boxes for $1 and donating all money collected to the Christmas Cheer Fund. Lt. Marc Pittock of the Wingham Salvation Army accepts the $400 cheque from Wingham SAAN store manager Jane McLenna Women's Missionary Society BEL.GRAVE--The Women's Mis- sionary Society held its meeting on Monday, Dec. 18, at the' home of Freda Scott. The purpose was re- • peated and Alice Nicholson read the call to worship. The first reading was taken by Ivy Cloakey with Mrs. Nicholson reading the first reflection. "Away in a Manger" was sung. Mrs. Scott gave the second reading, Margaret Siertsema, the third and Mrs. Cloa- key, the fourth reading. Ora Bruce gave the second reflection, Mrs. Nicholson the third and final reflec- tion before Mrs. Siertsema led in prayer. The secretary's report Was given by Mrs. Siertsema and the treasur- er's by Mrs. Cloakey. The roll call was a Christmas story or poem by the eight members present_ "Once irl , Royal "David's iCtts+" was sung and the hostess served lunch. ,. L1di -,1 I III) nom. 411.111111.11110.—'1, rf i>,• )ii.`i 11e. TliF T�� tMil ' ', We �.. st;;7;fi Y. ' •}, '�,•::�,V''.."r`.•u:>:;:e•>ih•q_r'"^'�Z"'t'6.•yvkFa,"i•.trk,3 ..... =L 1N\ SIMNEL\ lVII \. r� , '� 11ssw e• k3ttt fili g <• -g: ,, )- , t. z NOTICE FOR ROAD CLOSING THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Turnberry proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990 Chapter M 45, Section 297, and amendments thereto, for stopping up and closing and selling a portion of a laneway between Lots 330 and 331, through to Lots 326 and 335, Plan 410, Township of Turnberry, County of Huron, more particularly described on Schedule "A" attached. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council shall hear any person who claims that this land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard at the regular meeting of Council. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the proposed by-law may be examined by all persons interested at the office of the Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Turnberry during business hours, at any time, before the same is finally, passed. ' DATED this 21st day of November, A.D., 1995. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY PER "B.W. McBurney -Reeve "Dorothy Kelly" -Clerk WE HAVE AUTHORITY TO BIND THE CORPORATION. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES, BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS WINGHAM, Ontario NOG 2W0 PER"Ross E. Davies" ROSS E. DAVIES SOLICITORS FOR THE CORPORATION OF SI'HE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY SCHEDULE "A" All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of lands and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham, County of Huron and being composed of a Lane, Plan 410, lying to the East of Lots 326-330• inclusive, and lying to the West of Lots 331-335, inclusive, Platt 410, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING: at the Northeast angle of Lot 330, Plan 410; THENCE: Easterly, along the extension of the North limit of said Lot 330. to the Northwest angle of Lot 331, Plan 410; THENCE: Southerly, along the Westerly limit of Lots 331, 332, 333, 334 and 335, Plan 410 to the Southwest angle of said Lot 335; THENCE: Westerly, along the extension of the South limit of said Lot 335 to the Southeast angle of Lot 326. Plan 410; THENCE: Northerly, along the Easterly limit of Lots 326, 327, 328, 329 and 330 to the point of cotnmencetnent. The .engineer's report on the. Abraham Drain was received at the second December meeting of Turn - berry: council. Andy McBride of Maitland Engi- neering Services in Wingham pre- sented a report which detailed two options for the drain. The firstop- tion includes repairing the existing tile, cleaning and widening the ex- isting ditch for an estimated cost of $39,000. MES recommends the oti dra that option, McBride writes in his report. The second option includes re- pairing the existing tile and widen- ing and cleaning the existing ditch,... However, it also recommends a pond be constructed to collect wa- ter. The cost of the second option is approximately $60,000. Council will deal with the report and its • recommendations early in the new year. Hurry! Hurry! YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS THIS MAJORfi%LEUOU!E Sale Ends January 6, 1996 - LiuC G an S of Wingham 164 Josephine Street 519.357-1411 Easy Financing Available O.A.C. "ismonlmNEMMMEI, BOXING WEEK SPECTACULAR r ... r,4C1#.:"flsO,VYA,•^✓.•ri'll'1�541JK-\:f Cul V :�'S'2YYtY.•AG� %kac%1 bMi {Y/1lN V5'll+*AMM.,,•Y YA?YaYl%Y.2S0 ...,.95M.WXflal,/a%�^ .9264YnYNPiYTY.9YAWbZ.15,. MXS"Z'y QUAKER STATE L UBE, OIL, FILTER REQ TAG CLEARANCE-) SPECIALS Reductions Taken Throughout The Store SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! r •Up to 5 litres of quality Quaker State 10W/30 Oil. •A New Mdtomaster Oil Filter (up to 3.99 value) •Chassis Lubrication 599 most care • reg. 24.95 4 DAYS ONLY! L. offer expires December 30, 1995 Our Main Fiver For Hundreds of Boxing Week Specials A If