HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-12-13, Page 14THE W NNGII4M ADVANCETIME$ Athletes earn 21 medals at meet Two Ontario records set by Wingham club A small but powerful team from the Wingham Op- timist Track and Field team competed at an interna- tional youth meet in Toronto, Dec. 1-3. Over 750 athletes from Canada, the United States, and Mexico competed in the three-day event, where over 40 teams were represented. The Wingham contingent of 16 athletes collected 21 medals, captured two Ontario indoor meet records in pole vault and shot put, set two new club records, and achieved 22 personal bests. Competing against some very large teams, Wing - ham athletes did extremely well in winning fifth place in overall team standings. The Wingham Optimist Track and Field Club re- sults from the International Youth meet are: Tykes Sandy Lougheed - high jump, 1st, 1.20 metres; long jump, 4th, 3.61 metres; shot put, 7th, 6.75 metres; 60 metres, 9.80 (PB). Nigel Black - 800 metres, 2nd, 2:42.56 minutes; high jump, 3rd, 1.15 metres (PB). Tom Pettigrew - 1500 metres, 4th, 5:48 minutes; 800 metres, 5th, 2:57.56 minutes; 60 metres, 10.42 sec- onds; shot put, 6th, 6.90 metres (PB). Jaden Dickson - long jump, 4th, 3.52 metres (PB); 60 metres, 10.12 seconds (PB). Atoms David Lisle - shot put, 1st, 10.33 metres (PB, NCR). Tiffany Shaw - long jump, 6th, 3.62 metres; 60 me- tres, 9.72 seconds. Kristyn Gerth - shot put, lst, 9.06 metres (PB, Ont. Record); high jump, 3rd, 1.29 metres (PB); 60 me- tres, 10.4 seconds (PB). Laura Sande - long jump, 6th, 3.62 metres; 60 metres, 9.67 seconds. Bantams Janet Lisle - shot put, 2nd, 8.80 metres (PB); long jump, 2nd, 4.91 metres (PB); 60 -metre hurdles, 6th, 9.95 seconds (PB); 200 metre, 1 l th, 28.67 seconds. Audrae Dickson - triple jump, 2nd, 9.93 metres (PB); Tong jump, 3rd, 4.76 metres; high jump, 3rd, 1.50 me- tres (PB); 60 metres, 8.62 seconds (PB); 60 -metre hurdles, 11.25 seconds. Sjaan Gerth - 60 -metre hurdles, 6th, 9.93 seconds (PB, NCR); pole vault, 3rd, 2.80 metres (PB); 3,000 metres, 6th, 10:22 minutes. Midgets Mary Lisle - shot put, 1st, 11.0 metres; long jump, 2nd, 4.85 metres; 60 -metre hurdles, 10.74 seconds (PB); 60 -metres, 8.79 seconds. Adam Schiestel - high jump, 1st, 1.75 metres; triple jump, 2nd, 12.55 metres (PB); long jump, 3rd, 5.96 metres (PB). Juniors Julie Lisle - pole vault, 1st, 2.85 metres (Ont. Record); shot put, 1st, 11.93 metres; long jump, 2nd, 5.13 metres; 60 -metre hurdles, 6th, 9.95 seconds; 200 metres, 28.3 seconds. Andy Shaw - 60 metres, 8.46 seconds (PB); 400 me- tres, 1:03.64 minutes (PB). Stephen Anger - pole vault, 2nd, 3.40 metres; 60 me- tres, 8.07 seconds. The next meet for the Optimist Track and Field Club is the Hamilton Spectator Games next month at the Copps Coliseum. Key - PB - Personal Best; NCR - New Club Record. Golf Club cash calendars raises funds for expansion The Wingham Golf and Curling Club is selling 1996 cash calendars to raise funds for its clubhouse ex- pansion project. Fund-raising committee chair- man Gord Dougan said that the calendars are selling for $20 each, and have over $11,000 in prizes. The first of the daily draws will be held Jan. 1, 1996. "We are hoping to sell all 2,000 calendars," he said. "Five hundred calendars have already been sold." Dougan said that between $4,000 and $5,000 would be real- ized if all 2,000 calendars are sold. "These make expellent Christ- „utintis sal• �: t He said a number of fund-raising • events have already been held in order to raise funds for the expan- sion project. A couple of dances have been held, and this past sum mer the club held a hole -in -one Legion.Pee Wees reach tourney final The Wingham Legion Pee Wees defeated Kincardine and Clifford en route to the finals of the Tees - water Kinsmen Pee Wee tourna- ment held on the weekend. In their opening game, the Pee Wees came up with a superb effort and downed a solid contingent from Kincardine 3-1. Don Schies- tel continued his torrid scoring pace, again netting a pair as he is becoming a familiar inhabitant at the edge of the opposition's goal crease. Kent Readman added the third Wingham tally while Zack O'Krafka was credited with assists on all three Wingham goals. Joel Leitch got the start in the Wingham goal, and although not tested very often, kept things fairly clean in the Wingham goal area. The Legionnaires then met Clif- ford in their second game and held on for a 6-5 win. Kent McPherson had a pair of goals while Greg Ma- chan, Andrew Laing, and Jake Henderson added singles as the Wingham club carried a com- manding 5-2 lead into the third. But, Clifford exploded in the third period, notching three of their own to knot the game at five, before Machan iced the contest with his second of the night late in' the period, providing the slim die - goal margin and sending Wing - ham into the finals. Wingham went up against Ri- pley in the final. It was just a week earlier that Wingham had defeated Ripley in a Legion tournament, but it was payback time as Ripley skated to a 6-4 decision. Rys Jones was Ripley's big gun as he fired four goals and added an assist. O'Krafka fired two goals for Wingham with Schiestel and Laing adding singles, Mau Dinning earned three assists. The next league game for the:Le- gion Pee Wees is Thursday when they host Seaforth. competition. The Wingham Golf and Curling Club has some of the lowest mem- bers fees in the area, and Dougan said that the club does not really wantto increase the fees. Among the expansion plans are the extension of the deck and the closing in of the patio, in'order that golfers can sit and watch play on the sixth and ninth green, and the first tee. NOTICE Turnberry Township Municipal Office will be closed for vacation from December 22nd, 1995 until January 2nd, 1996. If you wish to pay any year end accounts after December 22nd, there is a mail slot in the front door. sem r4ee/., Dorothy Kelly, Clerk Treasurer Corporation o, f the TOWN OF WINGHAM CALL FOR PROPOSALS REDEVELOPMENT OFRAILWAY LANDS �( The Town of Wingham has declared the lands around the CNR to be surplus to their requirements in accordance with By-law No. 2310 (1995). The land fronts on Josephine Street and unopened Alice Street and consists of approximately 67,787 square feet. • The actual layout and dimensions •of the parcel are indicated as Part 3 of a plan of survey which is included in the information package: Proposals to redevelop the lands for commercial purposes will be received by the Clerk -Treasurer until 4:00 p.m. local time on Friday, February 16, 1996. Information packages are available at the Clerk's Office. J: Byron Adams, C.A. Clerk -Treasurer Town of Wingham FEATURE PACKED! 6 Honda -powered, "Slick -Shift" snowblower models to choose ro • Unique "Slick -Shift" hydrostatic transmission allows variable forward and reverse speed control with a single lever • Powerful 5.5 hp Honda engine with electric start • Single lever electric control for adjusting discharge chute angle & rotation • 24 inch clearing width • "Slick -Shift" models are available with 5.5 or 8 hp Honda 4 -stroke engines • All controls are designed for easy, gloves -on operation Available today at: WINOHAAM tM 151-3436 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13.1995 Save Antwerp Direct Diamonds .25 cts .33 cts .40 cts .50 cts .75 cts 1.00 cts Reg. '875z01 Reg. " Reg. 54650.W9 Reg. 52690e0 Rego 4225.°° Reg. 86995:°1) SAVE Hundreds Even Now 559900 Now '850 00 Now '1150." Now 51800,°° Now '2950." Now '4925 °° Thousands (Styles & Prices vary by store) Anstett Jewellers Main Corner, since 1950 Clinton 482=3901 NOW OPEN TILL 9 P.M. for your Christmas Shopping convenience. except Saturday December 16 & 23, open til 5 p.m. Sunday Dec. 17 Closed: Open Sunday Dec. 24, 12 - 5 p. Gift Baskets Food or Health & Beauty Predone or made to order. Christmas Baking Supplies Bulk & Pre Packaged NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WINGHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham passed By -Law No. 2315 (1995) on the 4th day of December, 1995 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. AND TAKE NOTICE that any persons or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Wingham, no later than the 2nd day of January, 1996, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by- law and reasons in support of the objection, accompanied by payment of the fee prescribed under the Ontario Municipal Act. AMOUNT OF FEE payable on appeal is $125.00 Ortly individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a zoning by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal, may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group. AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies is provided below and a Key Map showing the location of the affected lands is attached. The complete by-law is available for inspection at the Clerk's Office during regular office hours. DATED AT THE TOWN OF WINGHAM THIS 13TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1995. SHE 'CRY MAP 13 —_i 1 1 1 l R$ -i i 1 l I r PATR,YCK STREET R2 11.0 10 39 19 R 10 2,1 JOHN VICTORIA Ill, waiwasia anal Lasa �iil ■ aid gm STREET EDS1111111.4,. Nam STRBET Z d 0 N SEE Kav MAP 20I FT - Zone change from R2 (Medium Density Reelden1141) arid Cb (Core Arse Commercial) to Ca -1 (Co.. Area Cammerc al - 0peelal zonae). J. Byron Adams, Clerk Treasurer Town of Wingham Box 90 Wingham Ontario NOG 2W0 (519) 357-3550 PURPOSE & EFFECT: The purpose of the zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning on the south part of Lot 3 and part of Lot 28, Registered Plan 409, municipal address is 202 Josephine Street, Town of Wingham. This property is commercial in nature and fronts Josephine Street between John Street and Victoria Street, on the west side. This application proposes to change the zoning from C4 (Core Area Commercial) and R2 (Medium Density Residential ) to C4-1 (Core Area Commercial - Special Zones) to permit the construction of an accessory garage to the rear of the existing commercial building on the subject (ands. A severance application was approved by the Town of Wingham Committee of Adjustment in 1992 (File 81/ 92) which had the effect of adding an additional 4.7 metres (15.5 feet) to the rear of the subject commercial property. It is within this area that the accessory garage is proposed to be constructed. The provisions for the accessory building shall require that it be located no closer than 2 metres from the main buildingon the subject tot and further that the accessory building not exceed 6 metres in height. urther, the rear yard and interior side yard setbacks may be reduced to 0.61 metres (2 feet ). These setbacks have been amended following the public meeting. This by-law amends Zoning By -Law 2197 (1992).