HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-12-13, Page 2iIIE Mal ADYANCETIMES
Farm tax
Reductionsrans a e will
into tough decisions at
Continued from front page
Later in the evening, the tough
choices the board may be faced
with in the corning months became
evident during discussion on an ex-
ecutive committee recommendation
to pay shift deferential to non -
unionized hospital workers for
weekends, call-back and standby.
George Underwood, reporting for
the executive committee, said it
would cost the hospital an estimat-
ed $34,000 a year, but would only
be awarded if funds were available.
Koch called it a "pay -parity is-
sue", The Wingham hospital al-
ways has had a policy of paying
non -unionized employees on a
scale comparable to those under a
union contract. "This will bring us
back to where we were before the
Social Contract."
Board member Bob Pike spoke
out against the proposal saying,
"We're (the hospital) facing cuts of
a million, three."
"We won't know that until Janu-
ary," replied Koch, "and we'll pre-
pare a budget with that in
mind...We're attempting to bring
• some justice. This is nothing in ex-
cess of other hospitals."
Pike remained unswerved by the
argument. "We're sending a mes-
sage that we just don't 'get it' in
min down," he
light of what s co g
"We have to be fair," said Doug light would make it easier for
Fortune. "There's Tots of unions out members to see the intersection,
there that they (non -unionized hos- and wItild also help to improve
pital employees) can join under a visibility at night for all drivers.
central agreement and that could be However, Morris Township
a lot more costly to us." council sent a letter to the golf and
"But we have to cut a million, curling club that the club would be
three," said Pike. • responsible for the cost installing
"This is a big stick they (non- the light, including the servicing of
unionized workers) have," replied
Employee honored...Shirley McKague, a
switchboard operator at Wingham and District Hospital for 20
years, was honored on her retirement by the hospital board of
governors at the December meeting last week. Making the
presentation to Mrs. McKague is board member Mary Lou
Cameron and Lloyd Koch, hospital executive director.
Street light wanted
The Wingham Golf and Curling
Club sent a letter to Morris Town-
ship council, requesting that a
street light be installed at the inter-
4and Concession
section of Hwy.
In the letter, the. golf club said a
the light.
Fortune. "We have to be fair." The council also replied that
Dr. Brian Hanlon said the ptopo they would not be responsible for
sal is contingent on whether or not the cost of installing the light.
the funds are available. If they are There was also a concern about
not, it will not be granted and the lights in hamlet of Belgrave. It
board will not know that until Janu-
When Fortune asked Koch if he
knew that provincial funding would
be cut by $1.3 million, he replied,
"No. Cuts to the hospital sector are
to be five per cent (in 1996). But
it's not across the board, small hos-
pitals may not be hit as much."
Don Carter also spoke against
the proposal, saying that imple-
menting it in 1996 would be setting
a precedent. "We can't implement
it in '96, then take it away in '97,"
he said, comparing it to "dangling a
carrot" in front of employees.
Pike suggested that the board
wait to vote on the issue until the
board knows what its position is as
far as funding is concerned. How-
ever, he did not suggest that as an
amendment to the motion and when
the vote was called by the chair-
man, it was carried.
was decided that Coun. Kevin
Pletch and roads superintendent
Lloyd Michie would tour the Mor -
Morris Township council will
send a letter to Huron MPP Helen
Johns and Ontario Premier Mike
Harris regarding the Farm Tax Re-
bate, program.
The letter was in response to let-
ter received from the Premier.
The township's letter would ex-
plain the intent of council's initial
letter regarding the Farm Tax Re-
bate program.
In the first Tette , Morris Town-
ship council had stated that they
were in favor of the tax rebate pro-
gram continuing, but that in order
to receive a rebate, the taxes on
the property would have to have
been paid.
The letter now being prepared
would reconfirm the township's
support of the program.
Morris Township council has
received favorable response to its
resolution from municipalties in
Huron and Bruce Counties. A
copy of the resolution was sent to
16 municipalities in Bruce County
and 15 in Huron County, with a
total of 17 supporting the resolu-
ris Township portion of the village
to locate "dark spots" and deter-
mine how many lights are required.
They were to make a report to
council at its next meeting on Dec.
Council was informed by the
roads superintendent that the de-
partment is presently $22,284 un-
der budget.
At an earlier council meeting,
Carter Waste Disposal of Wingham
had informed council that he would
charging $14 per bin per week for
cardboard recycling.
However, after some re-
negotiating, Carter would be charg-
ing the township $12 for the first
bin, and $10 for the second bin.
List of Advertisers to be found in this week's
c'�tje zngbam
A. R. MacDonald Const.
All Wall Construction
Anstett Jewellers
Bakelaar Jewellers
Baintons Old Mill
Belgrave Co-op
Bob Martin Golf
Brian's valu mart
Bridge Motors
Heating Service
Canadian Tire
Coldwell Banker
Cowan Printing
Crawford, Mill & Davies
Culligan Real Estate
Dave's Aluminum
Doane Raymond
Ernie King Music
Flower Nook
Heads Up
Hillside Hearing Clinic
Homuth Optometrists
Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd.
Maitland Welding & Machine
McCreery Auto Wreckers
Mclntee Real Estate
McPhee Pharmacy
Metcalfe Auctions
Middletons Home Furnishings
Montgomery Mechanical
Moran Mechanical '
Newell, John Construction
Pandora's Pantry
Pletch Electric
Reid & Associates
Reliable Automotive Tanks
Rosalind's Fashion Ave
& The Male Room
S &K Sales & Service
Snyder Studio
Stainton Home Hardware
Steffen Auto Supply
Tiffin, Dave
Town & Country Homemakers
Town of Wingham
Turnberry Township
Ward & Uptigrove
Huron Cty. Planning & Develop.Wheeler Auto Glass
Huron Fuel Injection Ltd. Wingham Palliative Care
Huron Tire & Auto Wilson Paralegal Service
KG Electronics Wingham Chiropractic Centre
K -W Spring & Suspension Ltd. Wingham & District Hospital
Wingham Golf & Curling Club
Wingham Mini Mart
Wingham Ministerial Assoc.
Wroxeter Collectables & Gun Shop
Wroxeter Parks Board
Keil Insurance
Lauretta's Hug & 1/2
Lewis Flowers
Lucknow Village Market
"improved Cellular. Service Coming In The Near Future,
if you can't wait,
we have
111 -Gain
7 db antennaes
available now
These antennaes
allow you to
use your cellular
in Wingham.
You've Got (Questions,
We've Got Answers!
Sha The Joy!
"Little Snowflower Bouquet'
'Your extra touch florist"
135 Francis Street, Wingham
These Wingham Stores
will be open
from 12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m.
On Sundays December 3,10,17,24.
Rosalind's Fashion Ave. & The Male Room
Wingham Mini Mart
The. Workshop
Gibson's Mens Shop
Christine's Clothes Closet
Lauretta's Hug & 1/2
Middleton's Home Furnishings
Radio Shack
From 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.me
Canadian Tire
Brian's valu mart
Mrs. B's Baskets & More
fry Hmmm... What to get
that hard to buy for person
this Christmas??
The perfect gift is something that someone would
pick out themselves if they were buying it.
Gift Certificates
from the following Merchants:
The Gift Chest
Pandora's Pantry
Total Indulgence
Bavarian Brewhouse
Lauretta's Hug & 11 2
Bluewater Office Equipment
The 2 -Step Family Footwear
Hanna's Men's & Boys Wear
Adriennes Hair Design
Stylette Hair Design - Kay Ducharme
Crystal's Aesthetics
Token Treasures
Wroxeter Collectables
& Gun Shop
KG Electronics
Bakelaar Jewellers
The Workshop
The Decor Shoppe
Snyder Studio
McPhee Pharmacy
Mrs. B's Baskets & More
The Toy Shoppe
Rosalind's Fashion Ave.
& The Male Room k
Middleton's Home Furnishings &RRadio Shack.
164 Josephine St.
Wingham 519357-1432
Open 7 Days a Week Sundays 12 - 4
Carrie, 335.3525
Wirigham, 357-2536
Listowel, 291-510Q
Holly Keil
Wednesday. Dec. 13
•Bring any Christmas gifts you want wrapped to McPhee
IDA Pharmacy from today until Dec. 23, (except Sunday)
between 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30-4:30 p.m. each day. All
donations go to the Wingham & District Hospital. Auxiliary
Friday. Dec. 15
•F.E. Madill Drama Guild presents Children's Christmas
Story Theatre, 7 p.m.
•Seniors Dance at Wingham Armouries, 8:30-11:30 p.m.
Everyone welcome.
Saturday. Dec. 16
•F.E. Madill Drama Guild presents Children's
Christmas Story Theatre, 2:00 p.m.
*Community Carol Service, 7:30 p.m. at Bluevale
Presbyterian Church. Combined choirs from Bluevale
United and Presbyterian churches. Everyone welcome.
Social time to follow.
Tuesday. Dec. 19
•Turnberry Township Council meeting, 7:30 p.m.
at Township office.
We Represent
• Farm. Residential
• Competitive Rates
• Inspection Service
• Auto
III 1,' Iicai
A review of activities at
Auxiliary members will be wrapping Christmas parcels at the
GIFT WRAPPING McPhees IDA Drug Store, December 13-23 (except Sunday,
December 17) from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 to 4:30
p.m. (lift wrap and ribbon will be provided by McPhees. Gifts
purchased elsewhere will also be wrapped. Donations to the
Auxiliary will be used for hospital projects.
The following activities are planned during the Christmas
1. Staff Tea - December 21st at 2:00 p.m.
2. Christmas Worship Service for patients and their
families - December 14 at 6:45 p.m.
3. will be provided, at no charge, on Christmas family
A festive meal for each and one and
New Year's Day.
The members of the Auxiliary started Christmas activities the
first week of December by decorating outside and inside the
hospital and serving coffee and treats to hospital staff. Babies
born during the Holiday Season will be sent home in a
Christmas stocking made by 111e Auxiliary members. The New
Year's Baby will be presented with a gift.
New Service
The Hospital Auxiliary Coffee Cart will be available each
weekday morning in the Out- Patient Department. Nutritious
snacks and hot coffee well be available. Proceeds to Auxiliary
projects. Volunteers are still needed. Call 357-3322 or
BEREAVEMENTA bereavement Support Group Is being offered at Teeswater
SUPPORT United Church, Thursday evening from January 11 to February
GROUP 29, 1996 (8 weeks) from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. The cost Is $5.00 per
person plus cost of materials.
Thls ugh
Cares Ices Inc. The aam is offered cllitao sWingham broad education and Palliative
experience relates to counseling in bereavemeentissrepy and re
will be three components of the group: Support,
3Education. Please 573723 afternoon orrevenn9 fo357-2720 r more 12:00 pm or
From all the staff at Wingham & District Hospital to the Hospital
Auxiliary for the refreshments and Christmas treats served on
December 1, 1695.
Perry May a Registered Chiropodist will be providing services at
Ole Wingham & District Hospital every other Thursday. This
private service Is not covered by OHIP but may be coveed call overed by
your private Insurance. To book an appointment
weekdays between 12:30 and 3:30 p.m.
UNSELING A qualified counselor, Beth Bower, has begun private caunsell
services. She can be reached by calling 3574210, Ext. 268.
Seasons Greetings from the
Hos •.Its! Board, Management S