HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-11-15, Page 17MAITLAND ESTATES CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ON FULLY SERVICED LOTS IN WINGHAM 357-2310 i rMostgomery Maid id Wildors Logi Ma UM1WNO • HEATING AMET ANIMAL ACONDITIONMfd, VENTILATION Now located on May S4 South of Wlnpham 357-4300 $'7,50 per week gives you this much exposure. Call 357-2320 A WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1995 THE IWINGHAMADI/JWCE=T/NES Belgrave Fair attracts over 2,900 exhibits Twenty attend November. Belgrave UCW meeting BELGRAVE--Once again, the Bel - grave School Fair, held in Septem- ber, was a great success. The enthu- siasm of the community was evident in over 2,700 exhibits shown at the fair. The school fair board thanks all students, teachers and parents for their help in making the 75th anniversary fair a success. Danielle Thompson of East Wawanosh Public School was the over-all winner with 150 points. Books were presented to the junior and senior students with the highest number of points at the fair. They are: junior girl, Camerra Yuill, Grade I, EWPS, 66 points and runner-up, Ellen Procter, Grade 1, EWPS, 65 points; Junior boy, Chris Cottrill, Grade 3, EWPS, 127 points and runner-up, Kevin Frei - burger, Grade 2, EWPS, 82 points; Senior girl, Danielle Thompson and runner-up, Michelle Thomp- son, Grade' 8, EWPS, 137 points; senior boy, Shawn Cottrill, Grade 5, EWPS, 117 points and runner- up, Tim Robinson, Grade 7, EWPS, 89 points. Sweatshirts from Wescast indus- tries in Wingham were awarded to the girl and boy winning the high- est number of points excluding school work. They went to Danielle Thompson with 120 points and Chris Cottrill with 115 points. The Belgrave Kinsmen Club Award is presented to the students with the highest number of points for school work only. Kinsmen awards went to: Kerri Meier, Grade 4, EWPS, 47 points; Dane Corneil, Grade 3, Blyth, 45 points. The top 15 students competing at the fair are as follows: Danielle Thompson, 150; Michelle Thomp- son, 137; Chris Cottrill, 127; Shawn Cottrill, 117; Tim Robinson, $9; Keyjn,•„leeibgrger, ,82; Kerri_ Meier; 82; Vicky 'Black, 72; Johna- thon McDowell, 66; Camerra Yuill, 66; Ellen Procter, 65; Heather Black, 64;'Jodi Snowden, 61; Ni- cole Meier, 59 and Donna Pattison, 59. All pupils are from East Wawa - nosh Public School. Total prize money awarded is $1,899.20 with $1,426.65 going to EWPS students and $472.55 to Blyth youngsters. BELGRAVE--The evening unit of the United Church Women met re- cently at the home of Norma Moore with '20 members answering the roll call with a memory of Armis- tice Day. The meeting opened with a Re- membrance Day prayer read by Muriel Coultes. Ida Procter began the worship service with a medita- tion, "Ways We Could Get Close to God". Two hymns, "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow" and "Now Thank We All Our God," were sung. The offering was received, and dedicated and the worship service closed with a prayer. During the business, the election of officers took place: leader, Bar- bara Anderson; secretary, Donna Shaw; treasurer, Mrs. Coultes; so- cial, Sheila Nixon, Mrs. Moore and Laura Johnston; community friend- ship, Louise Bosman; pianist, Mrs. Johnston; group leaders, Lorna Cook, Doris Michie, Mabel Wheel- er, Thelma Pletch, Annie Cook and Mildred Yuill. The roll call for December will be a pair of mittens for the Christ- mas Bureau. Mrs. Yuill introduced the program by reading the story of Zaechaeus from Luke 19, 1-10, which was followed by Mrs. Coultes portraying Zaechaeu®' wife's reaction to an unexpected guest for dinner. The group then discussed how the story could re- late to our situation today. The meeting closed with a prayer. Grace was sung and lunch served by Jane Grasby and Lois Anderson. Belgrave Community Club holds regular meeting BEL( RAVE --The regular meeting of the Belgrave Community Club was held on Friday, Nov. 3, with 26 members present and the president, Bob Grasby,' in charge. The meet- ing opened with the singing of "0 Canada", accompanied by Freda Johnston at the piano. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the treasurer's report was given by Gordon Bosman. The date of the club's Christmas dinner has been changed to Dec. 8. The following anniversaries and birthdays were recognized: George and Doris Michie, Lloyd and Lil- lian Appleby, anniversaries and Jane Grasby, a birthday. A discussion was held regarding shuffleboard and it was agreed that it would start Nov. 9. The meeting .adjourned and cards and shuffle- board were enjoyed. The next meet- ing of the community club is Fri- day, Jan. 6, 1996. Fordwich UCW meets 1nSunday School hall FORDWICH—The November general meeting of the Fordwich United Church Women was held in -the Sunday` School lull_Minnie McElwain read the 23rd Psalm, and Margaret Livermore repeated each verse with a paraphrase, "Housewife's Version of the 23rd Psalm." Florence D'Arcey of the ste- wardship and finance committee led the worship service. She read the story of Zaccheus (Luke 19: 1- 10), followed by' the meditation "Pay the Postage." The minutes were read by Rose- mary Magill. Florence D'Arcey presented the treasurer's report. Margaret Livermore, the 'presi- dent, accepted year-end reports from the committees. A donation was made to the general fund of the church. Used clothing for the bale must Linda` Whitechurch WI met CampbellNov. 8 at the hall brings message to BMF BRUSSELS --Linda Campbell °brought the message to. the Brussels Mennonite Fellowship on Sunday, Nov. 5. The general theme of "Facing Down Our Fears" was continued with the focus being "Facing an Unhealthy Fear of God". She said we develop our perceptions of God in various ways and some of these perceptions are erroneous. We may think God is like our earthly fathers who, being human and not divine, may carry flews such as abusive- ness, absence or being overly - judgmental or critical. We may have developed percep- tions from childhood memories of sermons based on hell and darttna- tion, she continued, or Satan may have given us warped ideas in nu- merous ways. A healthy fear of God is based upon respect. Noah, Abraham and Cornelius, to mention a few, were God-fearing but not ?really afraid of Him. They respect- ed Him enough to obey Him. God is patient, protective, and loves us enough to send a savior, Mrs. Campbell said. This doesn't fit the image of a God whom we need to fear. As long as we accept the gift of grace and salvation, we, can build a meaningful relationship with God and learn to love and re- spect Him without being afraid. Lloyd Koch was worship leader for the service with Lucy Hesse and Anne Hemingway in charge of. the singing. Joanna Steinman played the piano for the offertory. Yvonne Dettweiler, Anne Hemingway, Erla ,Koch and Lucy Hesse provided speical music by singing "Unto the Ejllis" The Grade 7-8s enjoyed a pro- gressive supper last Saturday eve- 'ning when they visited eight differ- ent homes of people in the congregation and were served part be in the church by Nov. 20. The ° : of the meal at each. The youth Christmas Bureau Box will be tak- r group attended the Power and en to Wingham on Dec_ 4. Final .4 Praise Event held recently at Lis - plans were made for the Christmas towel and last Friday evening, the bazaar, to be held on Dec. 2 at 11 Grade 4-5 group went bowling for a.m. its monthly activity. WHITECHURCH--The Women's Institute meeting was held on Wednesday evening, Nov. 8, at 8 p.m. in the hall. This was the reso- lutions meeting under the conven- orship of Norma Rintoul. The president, Jean Ross, opened the meeting in the usual manner. The minutes were read by Jean Tif- fin and the business discussed and the correspondence read. Mae Johnston gave the motto, "Human beings survive best when they have to scratch for it." Roll call was answered by 12 with a res- olution for self-improvement Agnes Farrier gave the treasurer's report in place of the treasurer, Evelyn Gibb. Helen Currie gave the report from the rally at Belmore. Mrs. Rintoul introduced the guest speaker, Sean Moore of Dick- ie Creek Therapy Centre. He gave a splendid talk and demonstration on reflexology. He was thanked by Mrs. Farrier and presented with a monetary gift, which he graciously returned to the society. The next meeting is Dec. 13 at a Wingham restaurant for a Christ- mas dinner and the meeting will follow at Marjorie Wall's home. The singing of "God Save the Queen" closed the meeting, fol- lowed by lunch served by Mrs. Far- rier and Mrs. Ross. Obituaries McGREGOR — Alexander Ken- neth McGregor of Wroxeter passed away peacefully on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1995, at' the Sick Chil- dren's Hospital in London in his second year. The beloved son of Sarah and Russell McGregor of Wroxeter, Al- exander was the dear brother of Josh. He will be sadly missed by his grandparents, Alvin and Mary Yoder of Wroxeter and Ken and Linda McGregor of Wiarton, as well as many aunts, uncles and cou- sins. The late Alexander McGregor rested at the Betts Visitation Cen- tre, Gorrie, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 10. The funeral service was held on Saturday, Nov. 11, from Brethen-In-Christ Church, Fordwich. Spring interment in Ma- ple Grove Cemetery, Fordwich. In remembrance, donations to Ronald McDonald House or the Ontario Heart and Stroke Founda- tion would be appreciated. STAPLETON — Janet Lynn Sta- pleton died as a result of a car acci- dent on Highway No. 3, Cayuga, on Wednesday, Nov, $, 1995, in her 24th year. Her parents, Don and Marion Stapleton of Selkirk, Ont.,are left to mourn her passing, as are her brothers, Donnie, Barry and his wife Terry and Todd and his wife Melissa, as well as one sister, Carol and her husband Randy. There are two nieces and two nephews. Janet's maternal grandmother, Lillian Harrison and her paternal grandmother, Mary Stapleton of Wingham, also survive. The funeral service was at the Anderson Funeral Home, Fisher- ville, with Pastor Brian Ynswoith of Church of Christ, Selkirk, offi- ciating. Interment in Union Ceme- tery, Selkirk, on Sunday; Nov. 12, at 2 p.m. WATSON — George "Keith" Wat- son died peacefully at Groves Me- morial Hospital, Fergus, on Friday, Sept. 1; 1995, in his 82nd year. Born in 1914 in Turnberry Township, Mr. Watson was the son of the late Milton Watson and Ni- rene Stewart of Gorrie. The beloved husband of Marga- ret Jean Ferrier, Mr. Watson is sur- vived by son Robert, his wife Shei- la and grandsons John and James of Guelph. He was the brother of Har- ry Watson of Kitchener and was predeceased by four brothers and two sisters: Mr. Watson was a faithful mem- ber of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, where he taught Sunday School, was an elder, member of the choir and clerk of session. He was a former Town of Fergus coun- cillor and also served as chairman of the Groves Hospital Board. The family received friends at The John Thomson and Son Funer- al Home, Fergus. The funeral ser- vice was at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, .Sept. 5, from St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Fergus. Donations to St. Andrew's Church or the Well- ington Lung Association were made. <ee 4.Q•oct.i.lib 11 .' '. a 'AMO **1 u¢w VCOV A.R. MacDonald Construction Ltd. 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Optometrists Harriston, Ontario L 338-2712 r —41 Kemp tiding g /Ippitaikil Solaces Licenced Auctioneer "Pride in Sale Preparation" Box 121 Listowel, Ont N4W 3142 Ross H. Kemp L.,(519)291-3818 Bids are more binding than offers! 4.10 $7.50 per week gives you this much exposure. Call 357-2320 JOHN NEWELL GENERAL CARPENTRY • . snovet na • Interior & Exterior Finish .Drywall Roweling & Finishing •Decorative Ceilings For FREE Eatimates CALL 1