HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-11-08, Page 9WEBNEBORT, NOVEMBER 8,1995
ilernembrance essay
(Editor's Note: The following es- "Slowly, from the ground, I
say, by Geoffrey Little of Guelph, heard a low, moaning sound. I
captured first place in the Cana- looked around and saw Mike. I
da -wide competition sponsored crawled towards him andrabbed
by The Dominion Command of g
The Royal Canadian Legion. Lit- his waist and slowly, agonizingly
g� pulled him back to our camp while
tie will be in Ottawa this Satur-
day, Nov. 11, at National Remem- ns and bombs rained overhead.
brance Day services.) When we got back to camp they
It was my turn to sell poppies on
a cold day in November. It was
only a few days before Remem-
brance Day and I stamped my feet
to try to keep warm from the cold,
blustering winds. Most of my day
was spent standing on the corner,
watching passers-by deposit their
coins and bills in my little box that
contained the red felt,flowers.
But then I stopped and watched a
beggar on the sidewalk. He had
placed a battered Fedora hat on the
pavement and was asking for The man's eyes misted over and
change. As soon as passers-by had he wiped them with a tattered
dropped in about two or three dol- sleeve. "The army gave me a medal
lars, he got up and shuffled over to for going back to get Mike and as I
me. And, in one fluid motion, de- went from place to place, I collect -
posited his collection of change ed a few more." The man drew
into my box. The man moved a from his pocket five tarnished med-
soiled hand into the small sea of als. The ribbons were dirty and
scarlet and slowly pinned a poppy moth-eaten and the silver and cop -
on his dirty corduroy jacket. per dull with age, but pride shone
"Um, excuse me, sir," I said, from the man's eyes.
knowing that those meagre coins
were the only money he had. "I
wouldn't mind if you took back
your money, I'm sure you might
need it."
rushed Mike to the nursing station
and there, half an hour later, he
died alone in a foreign land.
"After the battle, we dug graves
for the hundreds of boys who died
in the fighting. We soon noticed
how poppies returned to the mud
and dirt that was once a beautiful
field. A caroet of scarlet hathed the
humble, makeshift graves where
Joe, Frankie and Mike were bur-
His eyes flashed with anger. "Do
you know where the money from
these poppies goes, my boy? I'II
tell you where, it goes to keep the
graves of the young boys who died
in the war, the boys who didn't
come home." The man stopped in
mid -sentence and I saw his •eyes
glaze over as if he were not of this
world or this time, but back at the
front in France. The anger had left
his voice now and he began to tell
me a story.
"I joined the army with three oth-
ers, Joe, Frankie and Mike. We
were so full of ourselves then' and
thought the war would be all roses
and glory. Everyone told us the war
would be over before Christmas
and we believed them. But, Christ-
mas came and then the New Year
too and we saw and smelled the'
horrors of war.
"We made th'e best of it though
until one day our company was sent
into no man's land to lay some wire
before an attack. We were in the
middle of a large field when all of a
sudden shells started to rain down
on us. I started to run back to the
camp, not looking back for my
The man paused and I waited for
him to continue his story. He took a
couple of deep breaths and slowly
"I was almost back at camp
when I remembered the others. I
looked back, but didn't see my
friends. I ran Hell for leather back
to the point where the bombs start-
ed to fall. I.saw that Frankie and
Joe were dead. I knew that the first '
shell that had fallen had killed them
instantly and 1 took comfort in
knowing they felt no pain.
"They're very pretty, aren't
they?". he said. "But inc le of them
will bring back my friends." Then
the man signets a oittersweet sigh his eyes onto his brilliant red pop -
and slowly walked away. py.
That November 11, I saw the As the immortal lines of the
man again as the Last Post was "Poem for the Fallen" were recited,
played at the Cenotaph. His scarlet "At the going down of the sun and
poppy was still fixed on his jacket in the morning, we shall remember
and on his chest his medals were them." 1 wonder...who would re -
proudly displayed. And as the last member the man who came to my
notes were played, 1 saw him salute corner and bought a poppy to re -
and I saw the tears pour forth from member his friends.
A German field gun. , .is among the items on
display in the military gallery at the Huron County ftilhseum at
Remembrance Day
Saturday November 11, 1995
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 121
Service Starts
at 10:30 a.m.
Members meet in lower Legion hall by 10:00 am.
Remembrance Day
Legion Banquet
To commemorate the 50th Anniversary
of the end of World War II
Saturday November 11, 1995, Legion Hall
Comradeship 6:00 7:00 p.m.
Supper 7:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker
Tickets $6.00 per person
Available at the Bar or At the Door
"In honour of those who served...They
MNtruly are Canada's Heroes."
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Lest we forget... Speak not of battles lost or won
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"Look at the names on the cenotaph and think
of all the dreams that never came to life."
Town Council
of the
To o. f e7,Utngham