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Gorrie UCW hold Canpbell United
lead BMFchurch
.• Oct.2 _
meeting on . worship Women
GORkIE--The Thanksgiving meet-
ing of the Gorrie United Church
Women was held Oct. 2 in the Sun-
day School Room.
Jacquie Gowdy opened the wor-
ship, followed by the hymn "Sing
to the Lord of Harvest" with Marie
Strong accompanying on the piano.
The members read Psalm 95 in uni-
son and through many readings of
scripture brought to everyone's at-
tention how much God likes music
and thanksgiving and how they go
Rev. Jeff Hawkins read several
hymns by Fanny J. Crosby and
played them on the piano. Joyce
Mann read the scripture taken from
Exodus 5:1-2 and Psalm 33:1-4.
Florence Gibson led in a
Thanksgiving prayer. The hymn
"Lord of the Dance" was sung and
Mrs. Gowdy gave a short history of
some of the hymns.
Rev. Hawkins sang "Amazing
Grace" and Mrs. Mann received
the offering. Mrs. Gowdy dedicat-
ed the. offering and closed the wor-
ship. The president, Wendy •Stew-
art, thanked the ladies, for their in-
teresting meditation. Marion
Schefter read the September min-
utes and Shirley Doig gave the fi-
nancial report.
Mrs. Stewart brought several
items to the members' attention, in-
cluding the 33 North Huron Re-
gional Rally of the United Church
Women, which is to be held on
Thursday, Oct. 21. at the White-
church United Church. Registration
is at 6:30 p.m. The guest speaker
will be Muriel Coultes.
The Hallowe'en supper date was
set for Oct. 29 from 4:30 to 7 p.m.
Mrs. Stewart closed the meeting
with the UCW Benediction and
grace was sung, followed by a deli-
cious lunch of fruit loaf and cheese.
EWPS School News
BRUSSELS --Bruce Campbell was
worship leader at Brussels Mennon-
ite Fellowship on Sunday, Oct. 1.
Anne Hemingway and Lucy
Hesse were in charge of the congre-
gational singing and Darlene Hem-
ingway played for the offertory.
Christine Knorr, Dave Becker, Sue
Siegers, Tracy Goodland and Eric
Wideman all contributed to the ser-
vice by way of drama.
Elwin Garland brought the mes-
sage, which introduced the theme
for the next two months of serivces,
"Facing Down Our Fears". The
scripture passage was from Mark
4:35-41. Last week's message was
"Tiger Hunting With Jesus".
We may think we have our fears
under control when we find they
are stalking us from behind, said
Mr. Garland. Everyone has fears,
whether they admit it or not. Some
fears are of very real things, while
others are of imagined things. Fears
cripple us, he said, but we have an
antidote for fear, one that is always
available: Jesus.
Mr. Garland referred to the Bibli-
cal story of Jesus stilling the waters
during the storm. Even the disciples
who had seen Jesus perform mira-
cles were amazed that He could
calm the waters. Would Jesus say
the same to us, in many circum-
stances, "Why are your afraid?".
God did• not give us the spirit of
fear, Mr: Garland continued, but
the spirit of power. We need to un-
derstand that He is in complete con-
trol in our lives, just as He calmed
the waters. Fear is a big enemy of
Rod Steinman brought the mes-
sage last Sunday on the topic of
"Facing the Fear of a Society that is
Breaking Down".
By Amy Barnes, Rebecca Bruton, ing place value, decimals and how
Samantha Gibson, Paul Walker to estimate. To date, the class spot -
and Michael Procter light has focused on Craig Marks
and Mrs. Gross.
The Grade 3-4 students have In gym, they are learning how to
been very busy so far this year. use a soccer ball to full ability. In
They have been talking about and cross-country, many of the students
working with "Our Amazing Sens- tried out, but alas, only six could
es" in environmental studies. participate in the course run. As
They have had three birthdays so part of the social studies program,
far: Tim VanCamp on Sept. 17; Fe- they are presenting current events
lisha Price, Sept. 25 and Kevin ,each day. Lately, they have been
Freiburger on Oct. 10. following the O. J. Simpson case,
Many students tried out for government news and Native land
cross-country. They also started a claims.
Junior Jug Band with their Grade 2 To raise funds for their class
buddies. trips, Grade 6 will be selling
Mrs. Hessels is reading them the doughnuts purchased at a Blyth
book The Indian in the Cupboard cafe. Please check your 'school cal-
Whitechurch --The United Church
Women held their meeting on Sept.
27 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. El-
mer Sleightholm.
Pauline Adams was the leader
and opened with a poem, "Living
Prayer", as well as a Thanksgiving
prayer. Evelyn Gibb read "Best of
All Creations".
Mrs. Adams gave the scripture
and Agnes Farrier a reading on
"Little Leaves". The roll call was
on Thanksgiving. The offering and
Least Coin were received.
Mrs. Farrier conducted the busi-
ness and Mrs. Adams closed with
Guest Speaker
entures Workshops in October:
October 12, 7:30 pm' Customer Service with Nancy Ross
at the Clinton OMAFRA office.
October 27, 7:30 pm: Doing What You Love, Knowing
Your Strengths with Cora Wittington at Trinity United
Church. in Listowel. Others coming in November.
Call 1-800-790-9949 for details.
1Go rrt e
Ray and Jacqueline Gowdy re-
turned from a visit to cousins in
Edmonton and Fawcett, Alta., and
spent time with cousins at Lake
Louise and Banff.
Edith Noble and Ken Noble vis-
ited for a couple of days at the
home of Harry and Lois Vander -
Linden of London.
Erlene Huber of RR 2, New
Hamburg, visited recently with
Robin and Florence Bolander. The
ladies are sisters.
Rob and Helene Stafford, Alex-
andra and Devin, have purchased a
home in Tyler, Texas.
Lorne and Reta Mann accompa-
nied by Velma Mann and Mona
Lucas of Listowel were at Colling-
wood on Sunday.
Bob Grainger of Waterloo spent
the weekend with Janet Grainger.
Lloyd and Sadie Faust spent a
few days with Olive Thrun of De-
Kalb, III., recently.
Donalda Graham was a supper
guest of Bob and Beverley Colvin
of RR 2, Teeswater, on Sunday.
Marie Douglas of Atwood visited
Look at some of the programs we're offering this fall...
Indoor Soccer Angel Grapevine
October 12 - December 14 Thursday, November 16
7-9 p.m. Thursday evenings
F.E. Madill S.S., Gym 254
Did you play soccer during the summer
and loved it? Then this drop-in program is
for you. You will be able to maintain your
soccer skills, physical fitness and
October 12 - December 14
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Thursdays
F.E.Madill S.S. Gym 228
Everyone gets a chance a fun and sports
that couples or singles canplay. This
drop-in program is to get together with a
group of friends to have fun while
„reproving your skills.
To register for any of these programs or to find out
other programs that are being offered,
please give us a call at -.357-1.208
6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Town Hall, Court Room
A quaint Angel Grapevine garland -
Country Style. This Christmas garland is
charming and loveable. Something
different to hang on your mantle.
Round Tablecloth
& Napkins
Saturday, December 2
10:00 a.m. - noon
Town Hall, Court Room
Need a tablecloth to set off your de-
cor with a final touch of napkins?
Learn to make your own to coincide
with your decor.
$10.00 (materials extra)
and students really are enjoying it. ender for the day doughnuts will he with Mrs. Graham last Saturday.
There is a "Computer Whiz" sold. •
each day who is allowed to use the Student ouncil
Harold King underwent surgery
Irtstltuin Wingham and District Hospital.
classroom computer. Last, but not Our student council executive GORRIE--The September meeting His many friends wish him a good
least, they made BUMP Faces'with was elected late last month. After of the Gorrie Women's Institute recovery.
sandpaper and crayon. They „turned listening to many entertaining was held at the home of Mrs. Alvin Alvin and Marion Mundell
out very well. speeches in the gymnasium, stu Mundell recently. joined Betty Ann Elphick of Luck -
Grade 4-5 News dents were asked to return to their The topic for the meeting was now and her "Retired Teenagers"
The Grade 4-5s had fun organiz- classrooms and fill out the final bal "color". Mrs. William Thornton o❑ a color tour to see Sir Sam's Inn
ing their first treat sale' last Friday, ' lots. read many interesting facts about in the Haliburton Highlands.
Abe Wiebe moved to Monkton and From the number of votes, Julie color. Each member answered the Russel and Helen Nickel of Bel-
s class will miss him Woodley was elected president; ' roll call by telling of a color in her more visited last Monday evening
Assorted Japanese Maples 30
Norway Maple 8-10' Bareroot...,....s11�vo
ar 1r aple 8' Bareroot.a............+ V(a Qv
P�1 U'Barero' t - - Au •
P Pj
� it
bush 3' $460cg. 600
rens & Asateas
fi-t Spreading vantipers
rte S,trtuce. Aust, PijSI 6A
h Clulmp,`,lE
the laruuc -*
dearly. Heidi Meier, vice president; Lauren
Many students have been trying Walker, secretary and Kevin Hopf,
out for cross-country. They practise treasurer. Congratulations go to all
every day. The class visited Mr. the candidates who participated in
and Mrs. Pengelly, who live next the election. We are looking for -
door to the school. They learned ward to many interesting events
about their cotton plant and how which council is planning this year.
cotton grows. Sports News
The Grade 4-5 birthdays to date Once again, our girls' soccer
are: Jenni Hopf, Abe Weibe, Jac- team has had a great season. We
quie Macintosh for September and thank Mrs. Dodds for coaching.
Paul Garniss, Krista Hewitt, Emily She did a superb job. The girls
Elston, Matthew and Heather Ro- played at the tournament held at
chetta over the summer. The Grade Grey Central Public School recent -
4 -5s celebrated the school fair by ly, winning one game, losing one
marching in the parade, enjoying and tying two.
the fair and by creating torn paper Team members include: Sherri
pictures and school fair stories. Robinson, Tania Pletch, Vicky
They have heard to "All About Black, Courtney McGee, Tracy Els-
Me" stories by Nathan Spivey and ton,
Lauren Wallle Thompson, er, Peggy
CFFro ter,
Bonnie Forsythe.
The class is enjoying a book by a ger, Becky Logan, Colleen Van -
favorite author of school children Camp, Heidi Meier, Julie Woodley,
from England named Roald Dahl. It Holly Pfeiffer, Cathy Caldwell,
is entitled Danny Champion of the Marie Cook and Jodi Snowden.
World. We also congratulate the boys
Grade 6 News for their, excellent participation in
In Grade 6, the pupils have start- the soccer tournament. They played
ed an Earth Alive Program in five games, losing three and tying
which they will he studying trees. two.
Each student will be adopting a tree These are the boys who played:
for this year. They also will be Justin Campbell,,, Jason Fear, Tyler
studying veining patterns and how Fenton, Aaron Bakker, Knight, John ht, Buchanan,Zoet
to tell the age of a tree.
As a follow-up on their Earth Jonathon Cucksey, Ryan Fear, Ke -
Alive program, they will be taking vin Hopf, Jimmy McCracken, Ja-
a trip to the Wawanosh Conserve- son Ward and David Wray.
tion Centre on Oct. 17. On the artis- The boys thank Mr. Scott for tak-
tic side of Earth Alive, Grade 6 ing the time to coach their team.
made prints out of leaves.
In math, Grade 6 is reviewing
their multiplication and addition
facts. For new skills, they are learn -
1. Char 5. Kent 9. Add 12. Sana
13. Gnar 14. Sea 15. Chic 16. Size ,
17. Tan 18. Meg 20. Damming
22. Eraser 25. Roe 26. Get
27. Lacerates 32 Anew 34. Can
35. Dame 36. Dosimeter 39. Hin
40. Cot 41. Satire 43. Dunkirk
47. bat. 48. Age 49. Naif 51. Aide
54. SLA 55. Ecto 56. Laic 57. Hip
58. Skeg 59. Snug
I . Csc 2. Hah 3. Animates 4. Races
5. Kgs 6. Enid 7. Nazarenes
8. Tremor 9. Asti 10. Dean
11. Pang 19. Gel 21. Mead
22. Egad 23. Reno 24. Racetrack
28. Cat 29. Tahitian 30. Emir
31. Sene 33. Wick 37 Moines
38. Rad 42. Tanis 43. Dash
44. Llgli 45. Neap 46. Kite 50. Fog
52. Din 53. ECG
home and why it was chosen. at the home of Ivan and Gladys Ha -
Jean Wilson brought the group skins.
up to date on the East Huron Wom- Delmar and Inge Gorsalitz of
en's Institute groups. The fall rally Birch Run, Mich. and Carl and
will he heldin the Gorrie hall on Marion Quellig of Kalkaska,
Monday, Oct. 16. The Institute ca- Mich., visited for a few days with
tered to a dinner for the judges of their aunt, Edith Hayden and other
the Howick-Turnberry Fall Fair on relatives.
Friday, Oct. 6.
Mrs. Alvin Grainger conducted
hree very interesting contests on
color. Mrs. Thornton presented the
president, Mrs. Ray Stewart, with a
gift in honor of her recent mar-
The meeting closed with the
hostess and Margaret Taylor serv-
ing a surprise lunch of several deli-
cious kinds of pie and ice cream.
Corrw check out our other Un ,;"(Z.,,' clots
On staff design teai'i for touts tint
and full scale blueprint proposals.
Hours: Mon.r- Fri 8 • 5 p.m.. Sat. 8 - 3 p.m.
-c1Tuz.on Zandiealain.9 .CiunihEd
RR 02 LUCKNOW 1 tokm South of t:ucknowt
Share the
Flame is
the theme
"Let's Share the Flame" is the
theme of the London Area Wom-
en's Institute's 8I st annual conven-
tion. It will be held Friday, Oct. 20,
at the Kirkton-Woodham Commu-
nity Centre.
Mary Pardy scholarships will he
presented and the guest speaker
will be Sharon Kelly, winner of the
1994 Huron County 4-H Scholar-
N video series
a War Amps
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm
spent a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Sleightholm and
family of Brantford.
Agnes Farrier returned home on
the weekend after spending a week
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and
family of Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and
Karen visited last Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw and family
of Dorchester.
Norma Rintoul and Kathleen El-
liott attended the Lucknow Than-
koffering at the -Presbyterian church
last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson of
Georgetown were visitors last
Wednesday with Don and Jean
Hurry in and choose from our
fine selection of plus sizes fall
• Coats
• Blouses
• Dresses
• Slacks
• An Much More...
Sizes 16 & Up
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Watson of
Govan, Sask., visited for a week re-
cently with Ron and Ethel McMi-
Paul and Rilla Higgins of Elk
Point, Alta., visited last week with
his parents, Stewart and Marie Hig-
• Discount Equal to Applicable Tax.
290 d1
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