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The Wingham Advance Times, 1995-09-27, Page 16
TILE MEAN ADYANCETIMES WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER n 1995 75th anniversary ofthe Belgrave School Fair Continued from page 10 McNeil, 5th; John Weiler, 6th, all Blyth; Class 213, Shawn Cottrill, 1st; Paul 6th, both EWPS; Vicky Black, 3rd, EWPS; Mary Beth Class 242, Ashley Howson, 1st, Dawson, 2nd; Garrett Knight, 3rd; Class 237, Nicholas Stryker, Ist; Mi- Brigham, 4th; Sarah Naylor, 5th; Ra- Class 2176, Melina Hussey, 1st; Blyth; Laura Dillon, 2nd; Tracy Elston, Margaret Vincent, 2nd; Staci Dunbar, t , Chad Cook, 4th, all EWPS; Mike chael Moore, 2nd; Danny Cullen, 3rd; chel de$oer, 6th, all Blyth; 3rd, both EWPS; Joy Cullen, 4th; Julie y 3rd, all EWPS; Chelsea Carter -Brown, - Class 180, Dane Cornell. -lst, Blyth; .Walsh, 5th, Blyth; Kenny McCracken, Travis Penfound, 4th, all Blyth; CREATIVE WRITING Ritchie, 5th, both Blyth; Becky Logan, 6th, EWPS; Class 238, Mike Beyersbergen, 1st, Class 187, Mary Thompson, 1st, 4th,Blyth; Nicole Sippel, 5th, EWPS; 6th, EWPS; Class 214, Tim. Jerva, 1st; Steven EWPS; Korey Machan, 2nd, Blyth; Mi- Blyth; Camerra Yuill, 2nd, EWPS; Jen- Ashlee Cook, 6th, Blyth; Class 243, Melina Hussey, 1st; Ali - McBurney, 2nd; Curtis Knight, 3rd; Ja- chael Gamiss, 3rd; Adam Lutz. 4th, na Rinn, 3rd;Alyssa Gross, 4th, both • ART -MY FAVORITE TIME OF cia Potter, 2nd; Michelle Thompson, son Fear, 4th, all EWPS; bpth EWPS; Taylor Hesselwood, 5th, Blyth; Ann Marie Forsyth, 5th; Lindsay YEAR 3rd; Holly Stein, 4th; Donna Pattison, Class 215, Tim Procter, 1st; Jona- Blyth; Jason Hewitt, 6th, EWPS; Malhiot, 6th, both EWPS; Class 218, Jenna Rinn, 1st; Rebecca 5th; Jamie Campbell, 6th, all EWPS; thon Cucksey, 2nd; Jimmy McCracken, Class 239, Matthew Rochetta, 1st; Class 188, Amanda Bearss, 1st, Schultz, 2nd; Nikki Hill, 3rd; Alyssa GIRLS' WORKBOOKS 3rd; Ryan Fear, 4th; Nathan Dettweiler, Paul Garniss, 2nd; Scott Folkard, 3rd, Blyth; Nicole Meier, 2nd; Bridget Kell-. Gross, 4th; Stephanie Sanderson, 5th; Class 244, Camerra Yuill, I st, all EWPS; ington, 3rd; Amy Cook, 4th; Leanne Kerissa VanAmersfoort, 6th; all Blyth; EWPS.; Mary Thompson,' 2nd; Stepha- Sth; Ricky Buchanan, 6th; ART -KITE THEME PAINTING Class 216, Johnathan Sanderson, 1st; Class 240, Mike Walsh, 1st; Shaun Mullin, 5th; Danielle DeLong, 6th, all nie Sanderson, 3rd, both Blyth; Lindsay Joey Schmidt, 2nd; Matthew Sherred, Henry, 2nd; Kyle Aldrich, 3rd; Devin EWPS; Class 219, Leanne Mullin, 1st; Amy Malhiot, 4th; Amanda Dorsch, 5th, 3rd; Jesse Hakkers, 4th; Jamie Taylor, Shannon, 4th, all Blyth; Class 189, Heather Rochetta, 1st; Ni- Cook, 2nd; Ahsley Qaunt, 3rd; Nicole both EWPS; Alyssa Gross, 6th, Blyth; 5th, all Blyth; Class 241, Jeff Lewis, 1st, Blyth; cole Procter, 2nd; Vanessa Wall, 3rd; Meier, 4th; Nicole Walker, 5th; Bridget Class 245, Bridget Kellington, 1st; ART -GRANDMA AND ME Curtis Knight, 2nd, EWPS; Teaguen Courtney Bakker, 4th, all EWPS; Va- Kellington, 6th, all EWPS; Amy Cook, 2nd; Nicole Meier, 3rd, all Class 217A, Johnathon McDowell, Onn, 3rd; Anthony deBoer, 4th, both nessa Fritz, 5th; Nicole Bailier, 6th, ART -FAVORITE SEASONAL AC- EWPS; Amanda Bearss, 4th, Blyth; lst; Adam Malhiot, 2nd; Cameron Blyth; Justin Campbell, 5th, EWPS; Ja- both Blyth; TIVITY Leanne Mullin, 5th; Danielle DeLong, Blyth; Class 190, Krista Hewitt, 1st; Kerri Class 220, Kristen Palmer, lst; An- 6th, both Blyth; Chaffe, 3rd, all EWPS; Cody Roetci- son Stryker, 6th, Ward, 2nd, both EWPS; Vanessa soender, 4th; Mitch Coultes, 5th, both Class 242. Chauncey Carter -Brown, Meier, 2nd; Jenni Hopf, 3rd; Kristyne gelClass 246, Alisha Marshall, 1st, Blyth; J.D. Shiell, 6th, EWPS; 1st, Blyth; Kevin Hopf, 2nd; Aaron Wray, 4th; Michelle Nixon, 5th, all Fritz, 3rd, Blyth; Courteny Bakker, 4th; Blyth; Kristen Palmer, 2nd, EWPS; Class 217B, Justin Wesselink, 1st, Bakker, 3rd, both Blyth; EWPS; Laura Walden, 6th, Blyth; Nicoleboth EWPS;Nicole Procter, 5th. e Ashley Saur, 3rd; Melissa Black, 4th; Myth:" yt EWPS; Adam Young, 2nd, Blyth; Class 243, Gavin VanCamp, Ist; Class 191, Heather Black, lst; Laura Bailie, h; Lindsay Nicholson, 5th, all Blyth; Brandon Kellington, 3rd; Carter Cloa- Sjaan Gerth, 2nd, both EWPS; Johna- Meier, 2nd; Becky Nethery, 3rd; Sa- GIRLS' ART Heather Rochetta, 6th, EWPS; key, 4th; Kyle T. Jamieson, 5th; David than Sanderson, 3rd, Blyth; Justin Ho- mantha Gibson, 4th; Amy Barnes, 5th, Class 221, Krista Hewitt, 1st; Jac Class 247, Michelle Nixon, 1st; Jen- Garniss, 6thquie McIntosh, 2nd; Kern Meier, 3rd; , all EWPS; watt, 4th; Robbie McGee, 5th; Tom all EWPS; ni Hopf, 2nd; Kerri Meier, 3rd; Krista 5th Wray, ray, 4th; JenniHopf, , ART- MY FAVORITE TIME OF Pfeiffer, 6th, all EWPS; Class 192, Harmony Spivey„ 1st; KrHewitt, 4th, both EWPS; Andrea Car - YEAR BOYS' WORKBOOKS Vicky Black, 2nd; Jessica Lockridge, Darlina DeLong, 6th, all EWPS; diff, 5th; Charlene Bromley, 6th, Blyth; Class 218, Justin Baarda, 1st; Jacob Class 244, Rodney McIntosh, Ist; 3rd; Holly. Pfeiffer, 4th; Julie Hopper, Class 222, Sonya Schultz, lst, Blyth; Class 248. Sonya Schultz, 1st, Blyth; Rouw, 2nd; Jeffrey Elliott, 3rd, all Trevor Hopf, 2nd; Andrew Procter, 3rd, 5th, all EWPS; Kim Denomme, 6th, Laura Meier, 2nd, EWPS; Amanda Heather Black, 2nd; Katie VanCamp, Blyth; Deric Kruse, 4th; Zachery Hor- all EWPS; Jacob Rouw, 4th, Blyth; Blyth; Palmer, EWPS, tied for 3rd with JamieLewis, Blyth; Stephanie Burchill,4th,3rd; Laura Meier, 4th, all EWPS; Jamie en, 5th, both EWPS; Josh Albrechtas, Zachery Horne, 5th, EWPS; Justin Class 193, Dianne Mason, ist; Ash -Lewis, 5th, Blyth; Amber Koehler, 6th, 6th, Blyth; Baarda, 6th, Blyth; ley Howson, 2nd, both Blyth; EWPS; Jenny Ritchie, 5th, Blyth; Kris- EWPS; ART- KITE THEME PAINTING Class 245, Tim VanCamp, 1st, Class 194, Stephanie Wall, 1 st; Ro- tyn Gerth, 6th, EWPS; Class 249, Vicky Black, lst; Jodi Class 219, Tim VanCamp, 1st, ' EWPS; Nicholas Stryker, 2nd; Danny byn'Faw, 2nd; Melina Huseey, 3rd, all Class 223, Vicky Black, 1st; Amber Snowden, 2nd; Jessica Lockridge, 3rd; EWPS; Brett Mason, 2nd, Blyth; Jacob Cullen, 3rd; Kyel McNeil, 4th; Bradley EWPS; Shawna Stryker, 4th, Blyth; Lutz, 2nd; Cathy Caldwell, 3rd; Har- Andra Dettweiler, 4th, all EWPS; Kris- Dettweiler, 3rd; Christopher Gibson, Brooks, 5th; Jim Ritchie, 6th, all Blyth; Donna Pattison, 5th; Jamie Campbell, mony Spivey, 4th, all EWPS; Sabine ty Blair, 5th; Sabine Schroecker, 6th, both Blair Kristy y , 6th, 4th, both EWPS; Nicholas Stryker, 5th; Class 246, Dane Cornell, 1st, Blyth; 6th, both EWPS; Schroecker,both Blyth; Michael Moore, 6th, both Blyth; Mike Beyersbergen, 2nd; Trever Koeh= Class 195, Kristen Palmer, 1st, Blyth; Class 250, Julie Woodley, lst, ART- FAVORITE SEASONAL AC- ler, 3rd, both EWPS; Scott McLellan, EWPS; Alisha Marshall, 2nd, Blyth; Class 224, Joy Cullen, Ist, Blyth; EWPS; Jolene 'Coburn, 2nd, Blyth; Julie Wood- J Th Thompson, 2nd; u 1ZVITY 4th; Korey Machan, 5th.; Raymond de- Heather Rochetta, 3rd; Emily Elston, DanielleCindy Freiburger, 3rd; Tracy Elston, Class 220, Jason Hewitt, 1st, EWPS; - Boer, 6th, all Blyth; 4th; Marie Cook, 5th; Nicole Procter, ley, 3rd; Colleen VanCamp, 4th; Lisa 4th; Danielle Thompson, 5th; Becky Scott McLellan, 2nd; Raymond deBoer, Class 247, Matthew Rochetta, 1st; 6th, all EWPS; - Goll, 5th; Tracy Elston, 6th, all EWPS;Class 225, Holly Stein, 1st; Srepha- Logan, 6th, all EWPS; • 3rd; Dane Cornell, 4th; John Battye, Scott Folkard, 2nd, both EWPS; An- Class 196, Michelle Nixon, 1st; Ker- Class 251, Holly Stein, lst; Donna 5th, all Blyth; Abe Wiebe, 6th, EWPS; drew Toll, 3rd; Bradley Schmidt, 4th; ri Meier, -2nd; Jacquie McIntosh, 3rd; nie Wall, 2nd; Alicia Potter, 3rd; Meli- Pattison, 2nd, both EWPS; Angie Wal - BOYS' ART • Mark Caldwell, 5th; Steven VanAmers- Leanne Vincent, 4th, all EWPS; Aman- na Hussey, 4th; Kendra Folkard, 5th, den, 3rd; Tammy Walker, 4th; Shawna Class 221, Ryan Moran, 1st; Mat- foort, 6th, all Blyth; da Cook, 5th, home; Candice Bearss, all EWPS; Shawna Stryker, 6th, Blyth; Stryker, 5th, all Blyth; Stephanie Wall, thew Rochetta, 2nd; Paul Garniss,OPEN ART 3rd; Class 248, Mike Walsh,-Ist; Shaun 6th, Blyth; 6th, EWPS; Scott Folkard, 4th; Nathan Spivey, 5th; Henry, 2nd; both Blyth; Garrett Knight, Class 197, Amber Koehler, 1st; Amy Class 226, Michelle Nixon, 1st; Ka GIRLS' FRENCH Gregory Caldwell, 6th, all EWPS; 3rd; Kenny McCracken, 4th; Shawn Barnes, 2nd; Stephanie Burchill, 3rd; tie VanCamp, 2nd; Heath& Brack, 3rd; Class 252, Lindsay Malhiot, 1st; t Amy Barnes, 4th; Amber Koehler, 5th, Class 222, Mike Walsh, 1st; Nicho- Cottrill, 5th; Travis Hopp6r, 6th, Heather Black, 4th; Katie VanCamp, Amanda Dorsch, 2nd; Tamara Koehler, Burchill, 6th, all EWPS; las Courtney, 2nd; Robert Popp, 3rd; EWPS; 5th, all EWPS; Robin Mason, 6th, Stephanie3rd; Camerra Yuill, 4th; Leanne Elston, Class 226A, Becky Logan, 1st; Julie 5th; Janisa Cloakey, 6th, all EWPS• Thomson, 2nd; Tracy Elston, 3rd; Ca- Class 253, Amy Cook, 1st; Ashley thy Caldwell, 4th; Amber Lutz, 5th, all Gaunt, 2nd; Leanne Mullin, 3rd, all EWPS; Joy Cullen, 6th, Blyth; EWPS; Amanda Bearrs, 4th; Kayla Du - Christopher Cottrill, 2nd; Adam Lutz, 3rd; Jason Hewitt, 4th; Trever Koehler, 5th; Mike Beyersbergen, 6th, all EWPS; Class 181, Matthew Rochetta, lst; Paul Gamiss, 2nd; Nathan Spivey, 3rd; Kyle Campbell, 4th, all EWPS ; Cole Stewart, 5th, Blyth; Scott Folkard, 6th,• EWPS; Class 182, Mike Walsh, 1st; Mark Machan, 2nd, both Blyth; Shawn Cot- trill, 3rd; Matthew Bromley, 4th; Ken- ny McCracken, 5th, all EWA Shaun Henry, 6th, Blyth; Class 183, Jason Fear, 1st; Myron Hussey, 2nd; Curtis Knight, 3rd; Tim Jerva, 4th, all EWPS; Teaguen Onn, 5th; Chris Hill, 6th, both Blyth; Class 184, Kevin Hopf; lst, EWPS; Bryce Toll, 2nd, Blyth; Ryan Fear, 3rd; Tim Robinson, 4th; Ricky Buchanan, 5th, all EWPS; Ryan Montgomery, 6th, Blyth; Class 185, Allan Gibbons, 1st; Joh- nathan Sanderson, 2nd; Joey Schmidt, 3rd; Dennis Higgins, 4th, all Blyth; Class 186, Johnathan Sanderson, 1st; Mark Machan, 2nd, both Blyth; Curtis Knight, 3rd; Justin Campbell, 4th, both EWPS; Joey Schmidt, 5th; Jamie Black, 6th, both Blyth; CREATIVE WRITING Class 187, Josh Albrechtas, lst; Jef- frey Elliott, 2nd, both Blyth; Andrew Procter, 3rd, EWPS; Justin Baarda, 4th, Blyth; Zachery Home, 5th; Deric Kruse, 6th, both EWPS; . Class 188, Tim VanCamp, 1st, EWPS; Jim Ritchie, 2nd; Danny, Cul- len, 3rd; Nicholas Stryker, 4th, all Blyth; Kyle Procter, 5th, .EWPS; Alli- son George, 6th, Blyth; Class 189, Dane Corneil, lst, Blyth; Sean Price, 2nd; Michael Gamiss, 3rd, both EWPS; Raymond deBoer, 4th, Blyth; Trever Koehler, 5th; Mike Bey- ersbergen, 6th, both EWPS; Class 190, Scott Folkard, 1st; Nathan Spivey, 2nd; Paul Garniss, 3rd; Ryan Moran, 4th; ,Matthew Rochetta, 5th; Matthew Cowan, 6th, all EWPS; Class 191, Mike Walsh, 1st, Blyth; Michael Procter, 2nd; Kenny McCrack- en, 3rd; Paul Walker, 4th; Travis Hop- per, 5th, all EWPS; Nicholas Courtney, 6th, Blyth; Class 192, Jeff Lewis, 1st, Blyth; Tim Jerva, 2nd, EWPS; Anthony de - Boer, 3rd; Teaguen Onn, 4th; Chris Hill, 5th, all Blyth; Jason Fear, 6th, 1 WPS; Class 193, Ross Clark, 1st, Blyth; Class 194, Robin Sanders, lst; Justin Howatt, 2nd; Gavin VanCamp, 3rd; Ben Dettweiler, 4th; Tom Pfeiffer, 5th; Sjaan Gerth, 6th, all EWPS; 'Class 195, Adam Lutz, lst, EWPS; Dane Cornell, 2nd; John Battye, 3rd, both Blyth; Christopher Cottrill, 4th, EWPS; Justin Peters, 5th, Blyth; Court- ney McGee, 6th, EWPS; Class 196, Nathan Spivey, lst; Mat- thew Rochetta, 2nd; Paul Gamiss, 3rd; Gregory Caldwell, 4th; Kyle Campbell, 5th; Ryan Moran,,6th, all EWPS; Class 197, Shaun Henry, 1st, Blyth; Garrett Knight, 2nd, EWPS; Kyle Al- drich, 3rd; Mike Walsh, 4th; Mark Ma- chan, 5th, all Blyth; Michael Procter, 6th, EWPS; Class 198, Tim Jerva, 1st, EWPS; Brian Sherred, 2nd; Jeff Lewis, 3rd; Ja- son Stryker, 4th, all Blyth; Jason Fear, 5th, EWPS; Kyle Procter, 4th, all EWPS; Raymond Class 199, Drew Corneil, 1st, Blyth; deBoer, 5th, Blyth; Matthew Hanna, Tim Robinson, 2nd; Jason Ward, 3rd; 6th, EWPS; Ryan Fear, 4th; Jonathon Cucksey, 5th; Class 226D, Gavin VanCamp. lst; Tom Mullin, 6th, all EWPS; Shawn Cottrill, 2nd; Tim Robinson, Class 200. Robin Sanders, 1st, 3rd; Nathan Spivey, 4th, all EWPS; Jeff EWPS; Daniel Sauve, 2nd, Blyth; Lewis, 5th; Shaun Henry and Cole Michael Procter, 6th, all EWPS; BOYS' PROJECTS Stewart, tied for 6th, all Blyth; Class 257, Tim Robinson, 1st, Class 201. Levi Cook, 1st; Jeremy CRAFTS EWPS; Shawn Bromley, 2nd; Cody Robinson, 2nd; Rodney McIntosh, 3rd; Class 227A, Adam Malhiot, 1st, Mason, 3rd; Nathan Sherred, 4th; Dar- Deric Kruse, 4th; Andrew Procter, 5th; EWPS; Mitch Coultes, 2nd; Jesse Hill, rell McDougall, 5th, all Blyth; Justin Kyle Nixon. 6th, all EWPS; 3rd; Drew Taylor, 4th; Benjamin Black, 6th, EWPS; Class 202. Christopher Gibson, 1st, Walsh, 5th; Derek Youngblut, 6th, all Class 258, Gavin VanCamp, 1st; Ja- EWPS; Danny Cullen. 2nd, Blyth; Or- Blyth; son McBurney, 2nd; Sjaan Gerth, 3rd; rey Bromley, 3rd, EWPS; Allison Class 227B, Kyle T. Jamieson, lst, Matthew Beck, 4th; Justin Howatt, 5th; George, 4th. Blyth; Jacob Dettweiler, EWPS; Devin Jenkins, 2nd; Blake Hes- Ben Dettweiler, 6th, all EWPS. 5th; Tim VanCamp, 6th, both EWPS; selwood, 3rd; Matthew Wilson, 4th, all GIRLS' WRITING Class 203, Adam Lutz, 1st, EWPS; Blyth; Justin Wesselink, 5th, EWPS; Class 178, Amanda Dorsch, 1st, Dane Cornell, 2nd, Blyth; Christopher Robert Thompson, 6th, Blyth; EWPS; Mary Thompson, 2nd; Rebecca Cottrill, 3rd, EWPS; Raymond deBoer. Class 228, Jeffrey Taylor, lst, Blyth; Schultz, 3rd; Stephanie Sanderson, 4th, 4th, Blyth; Michael Garniss, 5th; Trey- Zachery Horne, 2nd, EWPS; Orrie Fal- all Blyth; Camerra Yuill, Sth, EWPS; er Koehler, 6th, both EWPS; coner, 3rd; Jacob Rouw, 4th, both Kaitlyn Toll. 6th, Blyth; Class 204, Paul Garniss, lst; Scott Blyth; Josh Albrechtas. Blyth and Rod- Class 179, Amanda Bearss, a•I�st, Folkard, 2nd; Kyle Campbell. 3rd: Mat- ney McIntosh, EWPS, tied for 5th; An- Blyth; Amy Cook, 2nd; Leanne Mullin, thew Cowan. 4th; Nathan Spivey, 5th; drew Procter, 6'h.EWPS: 3rd; Ashley Gaunt, 4th. all EWPS; Matthew Rochetta, 6th, all EWPS; Class 229, Christopher Gibson, 1st: Kayla Durie, 5th; Sarah Raymond, 6th, Class 203, Steven Empey, 1st; Nich- Cart Procter, 2nd, both EWPS; Brett both Blyth; • olas Courtney, 2nd: Justin Rinn,. 3rd; Mason, 3rd;. Danny Cullen, 4th;' Brad- Class 180, Heather Rochetta, 1st; Mike Walsh, 4th; Tyler Wilson. 5th; ley Brooks. 5th; Nicholas Stryker, 6th, Kristen Palmer, 2nd, both EWPS; Ali - Kyle Aldrich, 6th, all Blyth; all Blyth; sha Marshall, 3rd; Lindsay Nicholson, Class 206 Tim Jerva, 1st; Steven Class 230, Dane Comeil, 1st: Korey 4th; Lisa Baarda, 5th, all Blyth; Marie Kyle Aldrich, 4th, all Blyth; Chad Class 249, Tim Jerva; lst; Curtis Blyth; Cook, 5th; Matthew Bromley, 6th, both Knight, 2nd; Justin Campbell, 3rd; Ja- Class f98, Vicky Black, lst; Harmo- EWPS; - son Fear, 4th, all EWPS; Teaguen Onn, , ny Spivey, 2nd; Julie Hopper, 3rd, all Class 223, Justin Campbell, Ist Tim 5th; Jeff Lewis, 6th, both Blyth; EWPS,; Kendra Brigham, 4th; Rachel Class 226B, Tammy Walker, Ist; Jerva, 2nd; Myron Hussey, 3rd; Tyler Class 250, Bryce Toll, lst; Derick Morrison, 5th, both Blyth; Amber Lutz.rie, 5th. both Blyth; Danielle DeLong, Angie Walden, 2nd; Sarah McNichol, Fenton, 4th; John Zoet, 5th; Curtis ' Doerr, 2nd; Darrell McDougall, 3rd, all 6th, EWPS; 6th, EWPS; Knight, 6th, all EWPS; Blyth; Kevin Hopf, 4th, EWPS; Shawn Class 199, Colleen VanCamp, 1st; 3rd; Shawna Stryker, 4th; Mary Beth 254, Heather Elliott, 1st; Lind - Class 224, Tim Robinson, 1st; Na- Bromley, 5th, EWPS; Aaron Bakker, Julie Woodley, 2nd; Danielle Thomp- Brigham, 5th, all Blyth; say Nicholson, 2nd, both Blyth; Kristen than Dettweiler, 2nd; Tim Procter, 3rd; • • 6th, Blyth; . Class 226C, Marie Cook. 1st; Vanes - son, 3rd; Becky Logan, 4th; Heidi Mei-Palmer, 3rd; Marie Cook, 4th; Nicole sa WaII, 2nd; Nicole Meier, 3rd- Brid Ricky Buchanan, 4th; Ryan Fear, 5th, Class 251, Joey Schmidt, 1st; Johna- 'er, 5th; Lauren Walker, 6th, all EWPS; Procter, 5th; Angel Ward, 6th, all all EWPS; •Chauncey Carter -Brown, than Sanderson, 2nd; Justin Sauve, 3rd, Class 200, Melina Hussey, 1st; Mi- get Kellington, 4th; Kristen Palmer, EWPS; 6th, Blyth; all Blyth; Sjaan Gerth, 4th; Justin Ho- chelle Thompson, 5th; Heather Rochetta, 6th, all EWPS; 2nd, both. EWPS; Class 255, Candice Bearrs, Ist; An - Class 225, Joey Schmidt, 1st, Blyth; watt, 5th; Gavin VanCamp, 6th, ,all Shawna'Stryker, 3rd Class 226D, Samantha Gibson, lst; Blyth; drea Cardiff, 2nd. both Blyth; Amanda Ben Dettweiler, 2nd; Gavin VanCamp, EWPS; 3rd, both EWPS; Matthew Sherred, 4th, BOYS' FRENCH Blyth; Derek Campbell, 5th; Robin Class 252, Zachery Home; 1st; Rod - Sanders, 6th, both EWPS; ney McIntosh;. 2nd; Levi Cook, 3rd; OPEN ART Trevor Hopf, 4th; Andrew Procter, 5th; Class 226, Chad Cook, 1st; Matthew Kyle Nixon, 6th, all EWPS; Bromley, 2nd; Paul Walker, 3rd; Mi- Class 253; Kevin Freiburger, 1st; chael Procter, 4th; Adam McBurney, Tim VanCamp, 2nd, both EWPS; Dan - 5th; Jeremy Arkell, 6411, all EWPS; ny Cullen, 3rd; Michael Moore, 4th; Class 226A, Ricky Buchanan,. 1st; Nicholas Stryker, 5th, all Blyth; Jacob Jonathon Cucksey, 2nd, both EWPS; Dettweiler, 6th, EWPS; Ross Clark, 3rd; Teaguen Onn, 4th; An- Class 254, Adam Lutz, 1st, EWPS; thony deBoer, 5th, all Blyth; Jason Dane Corneil, 2nd, Blyth; Matthew Ward, 6th, EWPS; Hanna, 3rd; Jason Hewitt, 4th, both Class 226B, Allan Gibbons, ist, Joh- EWPS; Raymond deBoer, 5th, Blyth; nathan Sanderson, 2nd; Jamie Black. Michael Garniss, 6th, EWPS; 3rd; Dennis Higgins, 4th; Joey Class 255, Cole Stewart, 1st; Tammy Schmidt, 5th; Matthew Sherred, 6th, all Root, 2nd; Andrew Toll, 3rd; Mark Blyth; Caldwell, 4th; Bradley Schmidt, 5th; Class 226C, Tim VanCamp, 1st; Jesse Hakkers, 6th, Adam Lutz, 2nd; Jason Hewitt, 3rd; Class 256, Anthony deBoer, 1st; Ja- son Stryker, 2nd; Chris Hill, 3rd, all Blyth; Tim Jerva, 4th; Jason Fear, 5th, both EWPS; Teaguen Onn, 6th, Blyth; Class 256, Chad Cook, 1st; Craig Marks, 2nd, Garrett Knight, 3rd; Jeff Beyersbergen, 4th; Travis Hopper, 5th; Kerri Meier, 2nd, both EWPS; Kendra GIRLS' PROJECTS Brigham, 3rd Jenny Ritchie,4th,both Cook, 3rd, home; Charlene Bromley, Class 201, Camerra Yuill, lst; 4th;.Laura Walden. 5th; both Blyth; a Dorsch 2nd` Katie Mullen Blyth; Julie Ritchie; Blyth and Krista Class 256, Jodi Snowden, 1st; Andra Amana 3rd; Lindsay Malhiot, 4th, all EWPS; Hewitt, EWPS, . tied . for 5th; Jenni Lisa Root, 5th, Blyth; Tamara Koehler, Hopf, 6th, EWPS; 6th, EWPS; y GIRLS' CRAFTS Class 202, Amanda Bearss, 1st, Class 227A, Leticia Kolkman, 1st; Blyth; Bridget Kellington, 2nd; Nicole Corine Falconer, 2nd. both Blyth; Me - Meier, 3rd; Amy Cook, 4th; Leanne lissa Cowan. 3rd; Meagan Carter, 4th, Mullin, 5th, all EWPS; Tasha Cook, both EWPS; Jenny MacDonald, 5th, 6th, Blyth; Blyth; Class 203, Kristen Palmer, 1st; Class 2278, Chelsea Carter -Brown, Heather Rochetta, 2nd; Jenna Howatt, 1st, Blyth; Nicole Sippel, 2nd, EWPS; 3rd, all EWPS; Alisha Marshall, 4th, Heather Schmidt, 3rd; Katie Stryker, Blyth; Nicole Procter, 5th, EWPS; Ash- 4th, both Blyth; Margaret Vincent, 5th; ley Saur, 6th, Blyth; Melina Hussey, 6th, both EWPS; Class 204, Michelle Nixon, 1st; Kris- Class 228, Amanda Dorsch, 1st, Lyne Wray, 2nd; Krista Hewitt, 3rd; EWPS; Mary Thompson, 2nd; Rebecca Kerri Meier, 4th; Bonnie Forsythe, 5th; Schultz, 3rd, both Blyth; Tamara Koeh- jenni Hopf, 6th, all EWPS; ler, 4th; Camerra Yuill, 5th; Ellen Class .205, Heather Black, 1st; Laura Procter, 6th, both EWPS; Meier, 2nd; Amanda Palmer, 3rd; Kris- Class 229, Nicole Walker, 1st; Da- tyn Gerth, 4th, all EWPS; Jamie Lewis, 5th; Mandy Mason, 6th, both Blyth; Class 206, Amber Lutz, 1st; Jodi nielle DeLong, 2nd; Amy Cook, 3rd; Nicole Meier, 4th, all EWPS; Amanda Bearrs, 5th; Kayla Durie, 6th, both Snowden, 2nd; Vicky Black, 3rd, all Blyth; EWPS; Bonnie Stewart, 4th, Blyth; Jes- Class 230, Melissa Black, 1st; Alisha sica Lockridge, 5th, EWPS; Rachel Marshall, 2nd; Josie MacDonald, 3rd; Morrison, 6th, Blyth; Heather Elliott, 4th, all Blyth; Courtney Class 207, Michelle McNichol, lst. Bakker, 5th; Marie Cook, 6th, both Blyth; Danielle Thompson, 2nd; Tracy EWPS; Elston, 3rd, both EWPS; Ashley How- Class 231. Michelle Nixon. 1st: Kris - son, 4th, Blyth; Julie Woodley, 5th; Ju- to Hewitt. 2nd; Kerri Meier. 3rd: Kris - lie Thomson, 6th; tyne Wray, 4th; Darlina DeLong, 5th: Class 208, Michelle Thompson, 1st; Jenni Hopf. 6th, all EWPS; Donna Paulson, 2nd: Class 232, Bridget Cucksey, I st; Class 209, Mary Thompson, 1st, Lis Black. 2nd; Samantha Gibson, 3rd, Blyth; Amanda Dorsch. 2nd. EWPS; all EWPS; Robin Mason, 4th, Blyth; Alyssa Gross, 3rd, Blyth; Lindsay Mal- Candace Procter, 5th: Elizabeth Goll. hiot, 4th, EWPS; Rebecca Schultz, 5th, 6th, both EWPS; Blyth; Anna Marie Forsythe, 6th, Class 233. Jackie Brak, 1st. Blyth; EWPS; Courtney McGee. 2nd; Vicky Black. Class 210, Amy Cook, lst; Danielle 3rd; Andra Dettweiler, 4th: Jessica DeLong, 2nd, both EWPS; Amanda Lockridge, 5th; Jodi Snowden, 6th, all Bearss, 3rd, Blyth; Nicole Walker. 4th, EWPS; EWPS; Sarah Raymond, 5th, Blyth; Class 234, Cindy Freiburger, Ist; Ashley Gaunt, 6th, EWPS; Colleen VanCamp, 2nd; Danielle Class 211, Kristen Palmer, 1st, Thompson. 3rd; Heidi Meier, 4th; Laur- EWPS; Katelynn Linner, 2nd; Brianne en Walker, 5th: Julie Thomson, 6th, all Schultz, 3rd, both Blyth; Angel Ward, EWPS; 4th; . Heather Rochetta, 5th, both GIRLS' NOTEBOOKS Class 236, Amanda Dorsch, 1st; Ca- EWPS; Alisha Marshall; 6th, Blyth: ,,,.,,,: metra Yuill, 2nd, both EWPS; Mary McBurney, 2nd: Curtis Knight. 3rd, all Machan, 2nd; Raymond deBoer, 3rd. Cook, 6th. EWPS; Class 212, Kem Meier, Ist; 3rd; Rebecca Schultz, 4th, , on Thomps EWPS; Jason Stryker. 4th; Jeff Lewis, all Blyth; Adam Lutz, 4th, EWPS; Class 181, Kerri Meierr, 1st; Bonnie Hopf, 2nd; Nathan Spivey, 3rd; Mi- both Thompson, Leanne Elston, Sth; Ann Sth, both Blyth: Scott McLellan, 5th, Blyth; Trever Forsythe, 2nd; Jenni Hopf, 3rd; Krista chelle Nixon, 4th; Candace ,Procter, Hewitt, 4th, all EWPS; Andrea Cardiff, 5th. all EWPS; Marie Forsyth, 6th, both EWPS: EW Class 207. Nathan Sherred, I st. Koehler. 6th. PS; Class 237, Amanda Bearrs, 1st; Kay - Blyth. Aaron Bakker. 2nd; Jonathon Class 231, Matthew Cowan. 1st; • 5th, Blyth; Michelle Nixon, 6th, Class 213, Amy Barnes,- 1st: Spina la Durie, 2nd; Tasha Cook, 3rd; Melis' Cucksey, 3rd; Kevin Hopf, 4th, all Ryan Moran, 2nd; Matthew Rochetta, EWPS; tha Gibson. 2nd; Pamela Ca'n bell, Wilson, 4th; Britany Fritz, 5th, all EWPS: Drew Cornell. 5th, Blyth; Jus- 3rd; Scott Folkard, 4th; Paul Garniss,sa WClass 182, Amy Barnes, 1st; Pamela 3rd; Lisa Black, 4th; Bridget Cucksey, sa W; tin Black, 6th. EWPS; 5th; Gregory Caldwell, 6th, all EWPS; Campbell, 2nd; Samantha Gibson, 3rd, 5th, all EWPS; Jackie Falconer, 6th, Class 238, Emily Elston, Ist; Heath - Class 208, Sjaan Gerth, 1st; Gavin Class 232, Travis Hopper. 1st; Craig all EWPS Sonya Schultz, 4th; Robin Blyth; er Rochetta, 2nd, both EWPS; Katelynn VanCamp, 2nd; Jason Howatt, 30; Marks, 2nd; Jeff Beyersbergen, 3rd; Mason, 5th, both Blyth; Heather Black, Class 214, Jessica Lockridge, lst; Linner. 3rd, Blyth; Courtney Bakker, Robin Sanders, 4th; Brian Sinclair, 5th, Jimmy Wray, 4th, all EWPS; Justin 6th, EWPS; - Tania Pletch, 2nd; Harmony Spivey, 4th; Nicole Procter, 5th; Kristen Palm all EWPS;' Rinn, Sth, Blyth; Devin Moffatt, 6th, Class 183, Vicky. Black. 1st; Jodi 3rd; Jodi Snowden, 4th; Vicky Black, 4t , Niall EWPS; Justin EWPS; Snowden, 2nd; Amber Lute, 3rd: Tania 5th; Amber Lutz, 6th, all EWPS; Class 239, Kristyne Wray, I st; Kerri Class 209. Jacob Rouw, 1st, Baarda, 2nd; Josh Albrechtas, 3rd, all Class 233, Curtis Knight, 1st; Tim Pletch, 4th; Andra Dettweiler, 5th, all Class 215, Laura Dillon,1st, gDa- 2nd; Hewitt, 3rd; Mi - Blyth; Zachery Horne, 4th; Rodney Jerva, 2nd; Justin Campbell, 3rd; Mi- EWPS; Sabine Schroecker, 6th; nielle Thompson, 2nd; BeckyLoan, Meier,elte Nixon, Krista Jenni Hopf, 5th, all EWPS; Devin Jenkins, 4th, Blyth; J.D. McIntosh, 5th; Andrew Procter, 6th, all chael Campbell, 4th, all EWPS; Ryan Class 184, Julie Woodley, 1st; Da- 3rd; Julie Thomson, 4th; Julie Wood- Shiell, 5th; Danielle Thompson, 6th, EWPS; Lee, 5th, Blyth; Steven McBurney, 6th, nielle Thompson, 2nd; Lauren Walker, ley, 5th; Lauren Walker, 6th, all EWPS; 240, Jamie Lewis, I st; Rachel both EWPS; CUT OF HAY Class 210, Orrey Bromley, 1st; Craig EWPS; 3rd; Julie Thomson, 4th, all EWPS; Eli- EWPS; Class Folkard, 2nd; Tim VanCamp, 3rd. all Class 234, Tim Robinson, 1st; Justin sha Courtney. 5th; Karin Schroecker, Class 216, Sarah McNichol, 1st; An- deBoer. 2nd, both Blyth; Heather Class 9, Kevin Freiburger, 1st; Court - 6th, both Blyth; a Walden, 2nd; Maty Beth Brigham, Black, 3rd, EWPS; Robin Mason, 4th, ney McGee 2nd; Robbie McGee 3rd; EWPS; er. S Mason, Procter, ter, 6;- Kevin McCracken,Black2Jd4th; Cucksey, H 3rd; 5Jth; Class 185, Leanne Ha g itt, 1st; Mary3rd; Leanne Haggitt, 4th; Michelle Hal- Blyth; Amanda Palmer, 5th; EWPS; Tracy Elston 4th; Ashley Casemore, Freiburger, 5th, Kyle Procter, 6th, both 4th; Kevin Hopf, 5th; gg EWPS; Ricky Buchanan, 6th, all EWPS; Beth Brigham, 2nd; Michelle Hallahan, lahan, 5th. all Blyth; • Jackie Falconer, 6th, Blyth; Sth; Jeremy Robinson 6th, all EWPS; NOTEBOOKS 3rd; Tammy Walker, 4th, all Blyth; Mi- ART -GRANDMA AND ME Class 241, Amber Lutz. 1st, EWPS; HUSKING CORN Class 21 I, Adam Lutz, 1st, EWPS;chelle Thompson, 5th, EWPS; A Class 217A, Melissa Cowan, lst, Kendra Brigham, 2nd; Rachel Morri- Class 10, Scott Pletch 1st; Michelle Scottrd;Dane Con, 2nd; Korey Machan, i Class , 2nd; Trevor Hopf, rst;oc Rodney p Angie EWPS; Leticia Kolkman, 2ndt Corine son, 3rd; Kim Denomme, 4th, all Btyth, Thompson 2nd; Danielle Thompson 3rd; Cornell, 4th, all Blyth; Mi- McIntosh, Andrew Procter, 3rd, Walden, 6th, Blyth; chaei Gamiss, 5t11; Abe Wiebe, 6th, all EWPS; Jacob Rouw, 4th, Blyth; Class 188• Lather Walker, 1st, Falconer, 3rd; Jenny MacDonald, 4th, Jodi Snowden, 50; Courtney McGee, EWPS; Leanne Ha bath EWPS; Zachery Horne, 5th; Jeremy Leishman, ggitt, 2nd, Blyth; all Blyth; 6th. both EWPS; Please see MORE/17 Dettweiler, 2nd; Holly Pfeiffer, 3rd, all EWPS; Shanda Loder, 4th, Blyth; Ca- thy Caldwell, Sth; Vicky Black, 6th, both EWPS; Class 257, Joy Cullen, lst, Blyth; Colleen VanCamp, 2nd; Lauren Walk- er, 3rd; Laura Dillon; 4th; Lisa Goll, 5th; Heidi Meier, 6th, all EWPS; Class 258, Alicia Potter, 1st; Melina Hussey. 2nd; Holly Stein, 3rd; Stepha- nie Wall, 4th; Michelle Thompson, 5th, all EWPS. BICYCLES Class 1, Darcy Cook, 1st, Blyth; Bradley Haines, 2nd; Mark McCracken, 3rd, EWPS; Alyssa Gross, 4th, Blyth; Lindsay Malhiot, 4th; Adam Malhiot, 6th, both EWPS; Class 2, Christopher Cottrill, 1 st; Ma- rie Cook, 2nd; Vanessa Wall, 3rd; Ash- ley Gaunt. 4th; Joshua Bruton, 5th; Leanne Mullin and Nicole Walker, tied for 6th, all EWPS; Class 2B, Shawn Cottrill, 1st; Kevin Pattison. 2nd; Lisa Black, 3rd; Steven McBurney, 4th; Chad Cook, 5th; Justin Black and Jordan Arkell, tied for 6th,, all EWPS; Class 2C. Shawn Cottrill, 1st; Chris- topher Cottrill, 2nd; Marie Cook, 3rd, all EWPS; Darcy Cook. 4th, Blyth;Vanessa Wall, 5th, EWPS; Lisa Black and Ashley Gaunt, tied for 6th, all EWPS; OATS Class 3, Michelle Thompson, 1st; Da- nielle Thompson, 2nd; Kerri Meier, 3rd; Nicole Meier, 4th; Heidi Meier, 5th; Laura Meier, 6th, all EWPS; BARLEY Class 4, Michelle Thompson, 1st; Da- nielle Thompson, 2nd! Kerri Meier, 3rd; Heather Black, 4th; Vicky Black, 5th; Tim Robinson, 6th, all EWPS; WINTER WHEAT Class 5, Heather Black, 1st; Cameron Chaffe, 2nd; Kerri Meier, 3rd; Danielle Thompson, 4th; Michelle Thompson, 5th; Janisa Cloakey 6th, all EWPS; SHEAF OF OATS Class 6, Danielle Thompson, 1st; Mi- chelle Thompson, 2nd. both EWPS; SHEAF OF BARLEY Class 7. Michelle Thompson, lst; Da- nielle Thompson, 2nd. both EWPS; SHEAF OF WHEAT Class 7A, Danielle Thompson, lst; Michelle Thompson. 2nd; Heather Black, 3rd; Vicky Black, 4th, all EWPS; FIRST CUT OF HAY Class 8, Marie Cook, 1st; Robbie McGee, 2nd; Cody McGee, 3rd, all 1 s