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The Wingham Advance Times, 1995-09-13, Page 9
IMIEAY. $EPiENPER 13, win REEVES CONSTRUCTION LTD. DRAG LINE. BACKHQE•, BULLDOZING • TRUCKING SAND • GRAVEL o FILL « LOAD Pile Driving & Equipment Rentals REEVES CONSTRUCTION LTD. 372 Main St. N., Mount Forest , 323-1.241 • WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13 EVENING 8 p.m. ® ** "Covert Action" (1978) David Janssen, Corinne Clery. An ex -CIA agent probes a fellow agent's death and finds his life imperiled after penning a book about his experiences. 8 p.m. 0 *1/2 "Shadow Dancing" (1988) Nadine Van der Velde, Christopher Plummer. A long -dead stage star gets a second chance to perform when she takes over the body of an aspiring young dancer. 9 p.m. ® *** "The Falls" (1991) Filmmaker Kevin McMahon's look at Niagara Falls, from so-called tourist traps to the contam- ination of Love Canal. 9 p.m. ** "Love and a .45" (1994) Gil Bellows, Renee Zelwegger. A young thief and his lover flee across the Lone Star state with debt collectors and a lunatic partner in hot pursuit. (In Stereo) 317 10:45 p.m. Fc "Truman" (1995) Gary Sinise, Diana Scarwid. FDR's death puts Vice President Harry S. Truman in the Oval Office at a crucial time as World War II draws to a close. (In Stereo) 12 a.m. (S "One Full Moon" (1991) Dyfan Rob- erts, Tudur Robers. A Welshman haunted by dreams of his past returns to his native village in search of peace. (Subtitled) 12 a.m. 0 m *** "The Barefoot Contessa" (1954) Ave Gardner, Humphrey Bogart. Flashbacks at a funeral reveal how a Madrid nightclub dancer was propelled to instant stardom and eventual misfortune. 12 a.m. ® *** "The Freshman" (1990) Marlon Brando, Matthew Broderick. A mobster with an uncanny resemblance to "The Godfather" makes a college film student an offer he can't refuse. 12:05 a.m. 0 W ** "Cold Comfort" (1989) Maury Chaykin, Margaret Langrick. A traveler in Canada falls into the hands of a madman in search of a birthday present for his 18 -year-old daughter. 1 a.m. (Fc) **Y2 "Fortress" (1993) Christopher Lambert, Loryn Locklin. A former officer and his wife are sentenced to a futuristic, underground prison for violating population -control laws. (In Stereo)'© 2 a.m. • e3► **'/2 "Island of the Lost" (1968) Ri- chard Greene, Luke Halpin. An adven- turesome anthropologist and his family are stranded on a remote island. (FC) THURSDAY, SEPT. 14 (FC) EVENING 6 p.m. *'/2 "Milk Money" (1994) Melanie Griffith, Ed Harris. A suburban widower winds up with ,a kindhearted hooker in his home after his young son's excursion'in the city. (In Stereo) 9 p.m. ® **** "The Godfather" (1972) (Part 1 of 2) Marlon Brando, Al Pacino. Francis Ford Coppola's Oscar -winning adaptation of the Mario Puzo novel about the Cor- leone crime family. 9 p.m. *** "Roswell" (1994) Kyle Ma- cLachlan, Kim Greist. Flashbacks reveal a military officer's report and subsequent government denial of an alleged UFO crash in 1947. (In Stereo) 711 10:45 p.m. **1,'2 "Color of Night" (1994) Bruce Willis, Jane March. A man gets involved in a steamy affair and escapes several at- tempts on his life while solving his friend's murder. (In Stereo) 3€ 12 a.m. 0 G *** "Return of a Man Called Horse" (1976) Richard Harris, Gale Son- dergaard. An English lord returns to America when he learns that the Indians who initiated him into their tribe have lost their modest preserve. 12 a.m. • **** "The Godfather" (1972) (Part 2 o1 2) Marlon Brando, Al Pacino. Francis Ford Coppola's Oscar -winning adaptation of the Mario Puzo novel about the Cor- leone crime family. 12:07 a.m. Ola ***-* "Double Indemnity" (1944) Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck. A money -hungry woman manipulates an insurance salesman into becoming an accomplice in her husband's murder. 1:15 a.m. "Les Amoureuses" (1993) Louise Portal, Kenneth Welsh. Two women at- tempt to face the challenges of a fast- moving and changing modern world. (Dubbed) (In Stereo) 1:50 a.m. • **1/2 "Julius Caesar" (1970) Charlton Heston, John Gielgud. Based on Shak- espeare's play. Political intrigue and treachery culminate in the murder of an emperor in ancient Rome. 3:05 a.m. 0 **' 2 "The Evil of Frankenstein" (1964) Peter Cushing, Duncan Lamont. The Baron's revitalized monster becomes an instrument of evil when a hypnotist uses it for his own insidious purposes. (FC) (FC) (FC FRIDAY, SEPT. 15 EVENING 6:15 p.m. (Fc) **1/2 "With Honors" (1994) Joe Pesci, Brendan Fraser. A Harvard student must go to unusual lengths to retrieve his 100 -page thesis from the hands of a homeless man, (In Stereo) 131] ...Kies® qtesze WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 WDIV 3 WTVS a WJBK 1. CICA 1 • CIII 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX ` 0 CKCO lentil CITY ® CHCH IiD CBLT 0 CD CKVR 0 CFPL IBJ ru Tse+ 6:00 :30 News NBC News MacNeil- Lehrer News Bonds Tonight Science GuyNews Enc's World News News " News News News News News CBC News News News " Movie: 'Little Grants" C&II'd Boxing Sportsdesk 7:00 :30 Wheel -Fortune Jeopardy' Business Rpt. Bing' His HighwayPatrol Most Wnted 'Measure Italian Cookery. Current Agar Enl. Tonight ABC News Ent. Tonight Wheel -Fortune Major League Wings Am.Joumal Samleld Semteld Wings Extra 'Protection Force ,UI in Fay.' WA'S'H Wheel -Fortune Major League " Outer Limits Inside Sports Major League 8:00 :30 Seaquest DSV " Legendary Years Beverly Hills. 90210 Studio Two Beverly Hills, 90210 Ellen Drew Carey Baseball. Texas Movie. 'Coven Aeon Fashion Cares Ooh La La Seaquest DSV Touched by an Angel Movie' "Shadow Basebail: Texas " Dream On Baseball: Philadelphia 900 :30 Dateline ' . The Eagles rine New York e cl 60 Undercover " Inside the Line 3 " " Grace Under Naked Truth Rangers at Toronto Blue 1000 :30 Movie "The Falls" Highlander The Senes Central Park West Dancing" Pan5ers at Toronto Blue Movie: "Love and a 45' Phillles at Montreal 0 80 1 30 Law & Craw 48 Hours Naocrat.CBC News News. " From the Heart " Courthouse Pnmesme Lwe Jays Home Imp. Pometime Lee Musk Red Green Pnmetirne Live NationaLC'9C News Renegade Jays Horne :mp Movie: Execs Baseball q 00 1 1 :30 News Tonigrl Snow Keeping Up Cheers Nigel Court Bits and Bytes Taoist Tal Chi News Sponslinx News Nightline News CTV News News News Addicticrs News CBC News Acsciuleiy News Tcrigr: S-cw News " 'Trams' Sccnsdesk 00 1 2 30 Jenny Jones Bing! His Legendary Extra Top Coos Movie. 'One Full Moon" Current Affair Bamaby Jones inside Edition Aso Journal Movie' 'The Bareloot .nos Psvcrr 'Neacn Wise Movie 'The Freshman' auder0aie, Psycrrc ''c,'e 'C:id Ccr. r -r. _ace N on: Moire "The Barefoot rs.de Sporn Sccr'srirg 1 00 :30 ' Einer Call Years Highway Patrol Nigral Court " Sign -Cif Mr. Belvedere Gordon Enion " Contessa' Pxk'crd nes I Dial-a•Date Ncneem Pes Enduroseries Auto Racing Csa tessa' Movie Eauestn• _ate, 'Fortress Mcrrrg 95 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1995 WDIV • 'a WTVS s' WJBK T CICA 333 CIII 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX 0 CKCO '© CITY eD CHCH CBLT ee 0 0 CKVR CFPL 0 0 _ -5N 00 News NEC News MacNeil- Lehrer News Bonds Tonight Science GuyNews Eric's World News News News News " News " News CBC News News " News News " Movie: -Milk Money Bourg6:30 Sportsdesk :00 7:30 'Wheel -Fortune Jeopardy' Business Pet. Sportsman Highway Patrol Most Wanted Pnson.•Gravrty Quest for Rose Current Afar Ent. Tonight ABC News Ent. Tonight Wheel-For,_rre Jeopardy' Wings Arrt. Dura Seinfeld Semteld Wings Hearn Srcw Extra 22 Mirues 44 .r :17111/ MP A'S'H 'Nheel•Forune Jeopardy' Seinfeld Seinfeld Sports rsde Spu Major League 8:00 :30 Friends Hcpe & Gloria Lawns ad Gardens Living Single Crew Studio Two Friends Simpsons Charlie Grace Charlie Grace � Due Soon Media. MovieTV Crane Grace Nature s1 Trines A Crew Charlie Grace Outer units " Baseball: Texas :00 9:30 Seinfeld Mad Abo You Lawns a Gardens New York Undercover Head Over Heels Seinfeld Mad Abo. You Monroes Monroes Lonesome Dove-Senes Movie "The Godfather" rine New York e cl 60 Undercover " "veersof Hcce Mrrc oes Movie: 'Roswell" Rangers at Torccto Blue 1000 :30 ER Mannheim SteamrollerExposure News. Imprint Northern Day gee Night Heat ER Bob Dylan 48 Hours Naocrat.CBC News Women -Spens Crgiras Night Heal Moms: -Color Jays Baseball 11 00 :30 News Tonight Show Musk Red Green Cheers Night Court Future Sense Pholog•I01 News Sportsline News Nightline News " CTV News News News Addictions. News .CFC News " Absclulety News Tor,gh Shaw News " of Nigrt" Spodsdesk 00 1 n G :30 - Jenny Jones Lawns and Gardens Extra Top Cops Human Edge Current Altar Bamaby Jones Inside Edition Ant.Joumal Movie: "Return of a Ma Psyche Food 4 Pay Movie: "The Godfather" In the Heal of Movie: the Night "Double Late Night Movie: "Petum of a Ma Movie. "Cnce E.sr'y A: cr '.10",,e'n Around" F:elba.l 'Juroir Jack Irsde Sports Golf Today :00 :30 Paid Program Lawns and Gardens Highway Patrol Night Court Sign -0N Mr. Belvedere Gordon Eifion Called Horse" Rockford Files Pxk':rd F les Fasr" " Penney Inc.djo's PsychoIneenmiry" Later Called Horse" Movie: "Les Amduresses' Cycling1 Canadian Ch. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1995 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1995 J WDIV T WTVS 1 WJBK Y. CICA to CIII 0 WXYZ O CKNX 0 CKCO 0 1 CITY 0 CHCH I CBLT 0 1 0 th CKVR 0 CFPL 0 CFPL . m -sin 00 News NBC News MacNeil- Lehrer News Bonds Tonight Science Guy Enc's World News News News News " News News ' News , i News COC News " News ..Honors' News Movie "With gut Highlights6:30 Sports:task 700 :30 Wheel-Forture Jeopardy' Business Rpt. Black Journal Highway Patrol Most Wanted Journeys Italian Cookery Current Mair Ent. Tonight AEC News End. Toright Wheel -Fortune Brotherly Lave Wings Am Journal Seinfeld Seinfeld Wings Extra Oh Road Nary All .n Family M'A'S'H 'Wheel -Fortune Brotherly Love " " 'rside Sports YVWF 8Op :30 Major League Baseball: Wash. Week Wall St. Week Strange Luck Studio Two " Simpsons Ready or Not Family Masers Boy -World Family Matters BoyWodd Today,'S Rock Duckman Speakers Cmr, Strange Luck Major League Baseball: Deadly Games Family Masers Boy -World • Outer Limits News Wrestling Raw Australian 9:00 :30 Teas Rangers at Service With Soul X -Files " Came in. Spinner X•Files " Sta_p by Step Maybe -Tine Ellen Drew Carey Movie' 'Betrayal :f Movie: "Wisecracks" Step by Step Mr. Cooper Milwaukee Brewers at Xena: Warrior Princess Ellen Drew Carey Movie' "The Rrver Wild" Pules Football, CFL Football: 00 1 0:30 Debar!, Tigers " Bob Dylan News '''Sweetie" Movie 20.20 " 20 20 Naked Truth Love & War Silence' " New Ycrk Taranto Blue Ja'+s Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Naked Truth Love & War " " Winnipeg Blue Bcmcers at :00 :30 News Tonight Show Unplugged Cheers Mont Court Mees News News Sponsiire Nicrcire News.. "TV News News Ness V:cn PartyNees N:ndsr:over aws Nat:cnaL CBC News Tonight Show New News Move: "K,Ilmg Zoe dm:mental11 sk.n-cs 1 200 Jenny Jcres Service With Extra Too Ccps 'Miracle cf Morgan's Slepharie Irs ce Eoiucn Miller Ar.:c-mal Movie. "Cnce E.sr'y A: cr '.10",,e'n Around" F:elba.l 'Juroir Jack ire Heat, :1 Mc. e. "Tom :be Nigrt Sawyer' Movie.' Late Night Arturo" •30 Movie: 'Vlchm Bcx:ng: :00 1 :30 " Paid Program Soul - Highway Patrol Night Court Creek' Sign-Ctt Cameo,/ Gcr:cr 8 lion Showcase - Pxk':rd F les Fasr" " cio s Fs,_ is Northern -es Sign -CF Later .. of Desire" 'Items vs. Pcenguez SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1995 J SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1995 WDIV 1, WTVS c • WJBK T CICA 'a CIII 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX 0 CKCO CD CITY ED CHCH CH CD CBLT . 0 CD CKVR 0 CFPL . m Fc (TSN) 700 :30 Today. Sd Model I TBA Gentle Doctor Reality Check Encs Wong Cnicken Care Sears Sailor Moon Animal Advent Captain Plane: 100 Huntley S0eat Big Too Talent I Ute on Venus 5ishos I Ave Alex Trebek Walks Playground Paid Program Paid Program 100 Huntley Street "Ernest Goes to Sdtool" European Golf Highlights 800 :30 " " Mi: 'Discover h I EvevIttness Magazine Weekend Nature Dues,Tiny Polka Doi Toon Adv' Lde With Louie New Madeline Free Willy Kingdom A Master Control Ty oeay•invenlar I naps Goin: rising 'Pao Program Discover Homeworks P.a^.coons Sesame Street Town & Cntry Cityhne Kingdom Adv. Master Control Movie: "Clear and Present' Sportsdesk Inside Sports 900 :30 Newsbeat Tday Woodshop Homep•rre Creepy Crawl Tenko-Mapic Join In' Masked Rider Elephant Show Eek'st•avag George-Jung:e Bump in Nipnt • " - • ' WJ2'Jo ma: Ca aoa I Dinar Sean Gardener Bestseliers " Pennon Place " TBA " " Danger" - Outdoorsma Real Fishrnp 00 .4 0 30 Saved by Bell Hang Time T. Oa Hoose Jerson Yankee Shop I Flirt:stones Sewing -Nancy Saves by Bell Stretch -Yoga I Hang Trne Fudge Pebool .. . Ea! s'T2'Inc o- Asa Mom:ng Home Check TBA Street Cents Cyde! ' Cottage Ute " •• Movie: Soccer Saturday: 1100 .30 Saved by Bell GiSatrs.e2033 Michigan I Iron Man SetYour Sans 1 rantasti: Four Homeb'ew I Save: by Bei Cross Tramnn Calif: Dreams Bugs & Tw;zy Bugs & Tweer. X.Men 0 L=-acs•SOJn45 Cana,a A.M �%ois-. Stud : - Weer.: Rainbow Bingo Makin E - Home Can. Gardener World o1 Goll Women -Sports X -Men Leaps -Bounds "Deception" Teams to Be Announced 10 00 G :30 Inside Stull WCW Wand Ghosts a -d 1 Paid Prog'am Guardans 'Sweet }'alley Look & Cook 1 KidsBeat Photog•101 i S^airy College Footoalh B.n Eea' Fishnp Oro:a•sn',an ' Cm Salton 'SA I Socrr'ia'vnp 1 Crvine Fish:ui Tank Gong Fishing Busy Bodies Spilled Milk Knight Rider Real Fishing TBA Dream On Mower "My Sportsdesk 00 1 .30 Wide Wrestling Ryder Cup Lawns and Gardens ,Beads Clash " Growing Art of I Adven•Tmtn Bonsai , A^.•en-Tintin Ten Game -- Teams 1: 5e ,gonVide Westing is M'e I ' " My "SJ»z^ F ' uy1 War Yeas I WWF Wrestling Persona Best Major League Movie' "The • Princess World Wide Wrestling Life" " Boxing: Gibbins vs. • 200 :30 Preview College . Lawns and Garoens Soul Tran . Wntting News Blue Rainbow Cn Wareorkshp Batter Announced A.camag Plus Fs" n Canaoa g On inals CIAU Football: Toronto at Baseball Milwaukee Bride" Automag Plus Fish's Canada .. " Movie: "House Rodriguez Auto Racing: 3:00 :30 Football: Vanderbilt at Cooking Marathon II High Tide " Massage for Health Albert -Fifth C,L.Y D.E. " College PerryMason World Vision Newmusic " Lauder Brewers at Toronto Blue Travel Mag. Travel Mag. PerryMason Parry 3" Enduroseries Auto Racing 4 :00 Nohe Dame '':30 Brawers at Toronto Blue U 5. Customs. Cessd;eo Dudley Dragon Bookmrce Pe! Monster Crvptkeeper Football. . Regional WWF Super. ;zed Wrestling Aon: Fenno I CHUM, FM 30 Toerla A:' " " " Jays Taxi Power Boat Real Fishing WWF Super. ' card Wrestling " Movie: "In the Horse Racing' Woodward :00 5 30 " - ' " News Tough Target Nature Digest, Bugs & Tweery Polea Dot 54os & -weeny Coverage Eguesina• 0 Power Ca -ax eake• I Sos Cmr Ince Country ' Mega Movie Shaw • News Glass, Houses Xena: Warrior Princess Equestrian: CU Power Army Now" Stakes. Auld Raring, C •00 6:30 News NBC News Evening Virim Net Kin': Coe Sirens ' " Gobal Family (News Senior Report i Focus Ontario ' News ncJ'"y News 1 News Kung FFu. The Ins 30 Ec:rnn: ' Fashor:eie:, Legend Cont. CBC News " News Fasn,onteiev, ' News Inquiry ' ' Movie: "Clear and Present F1600 Series Sponsdesk 00 7.30 Wneei•Fonhe M•ch Lo"ery Lawrence Welk Show Highway patrol Hghway "Patrol National I17iaemess Geographic Caner Bay News Inside Edna-) Wnee:•F3nune Nan:, Crew . Star Trek Next Nancv Drew Jeopa5v' 14 sal; Orni3 : Getter Boogies Diner Music Works Air Farce Inside Country Up and... Wheel•Fortune Jeopardy! Danger" Week•Baseba Major League 00 8.30 Brotherly Love Una Adjust, Then an: Now - Martin Preston Movie. "My Man Godley', Lener•Frands Ali for One xw Jeff Fcorth, Maybe•Time Cr. Ounn. Sgntncs Or Lu _a Methane ' I glean: Crcus 3attle-Cnrne Missing Chiid CFL Football: Toronto Argos Movie: "The Princess Dr. Quinn. Medicine ' " " Baseball: Houston 900 .30 Miss America Pageant Ki:aro -- An Enchanted Cops Mos: Wanted Conversations Ready or Nal Madison Movie "Encino Man" Womac Larroo.iette " ICcsil Counterstrike " at Sari Antonio Texans Bride" " Woman Movie: 'The Crow" Astros at Montreal 1 0.00 30 Movie: "Zoya" Evenma Dead Ahead •• News Night Court Moine. Twent ell Commish Insole Country I P Hawkins Newrnusc Fed Green Highlander The Senes Har P:uge Beside Mre' Hercules Le- gendary Jmys. Inside Country Red Green Movie: Expos '00 11 30 Movie: "Body The Grateful Dead n Strange Luck Century" RUM Rendell News Comedy News Movie Vows `V Naws B tress I News News Movie News Caval- Sat. Report Country Beat News Magnum, P.I. News Business "Beheld of the Doubt" CFL Football: Hamilton Tiger - n 00 1 G 30 News Saturday Night Concert Kitaro •• An Tales -Crypt Tales•Crypt Mystenes Sign -Off Showcase Saturday Night "Dakota" " Movie ' Twin Peaes. Fre , Move ' The Galen Gale ' Tommy' cade Wrestling Jack Van ;ripe " Movie: " Hill Street Movie: "Twin Peaks: Fire " Movie: Cals al B C. Lions 1 00 :30 Live " Enchanted Evening Forever Knight " 5atylen 5 Lry e " - "Hot Rod" Welk Wim Me' Mu'del" ' ' How•Cbhe3e Pepper Pot Jojo s Psychic "Huckleberry Finn" Blues Dirty Dingus Walk With Me" "Fatherland" " SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1995 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 THE W11 VOHAN MAMMIES WDIV e WTVS in WJBK •Y CICA i4 CIII 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX 0 CKCO 0 CITY 0 CHCH CBLT eD . 0 c CKVR 0 CFPL 0 cc 77 700 '30 Emer Call Paid Program Etnis m Ame-ca Paid Program Feed Children Fnc's World Chicken Cryptkeeper Chipmunks Lrvirg Home Again Masser Control World 'estop Titans ?aid Program Challenge I Food for Ute I Cycle' Paid Program World Vision Master Control " "Amore!" Movie' "Super Motoring '95 Hydro. Pacing 8.00 ;30 Today ' Daseal Doors Magic Bus Eyewitness Weekend Nature Digest Polka Dot Freakazoid' Animaniacs News ' ' Surcay AMI Pad Program Hello Japan Sung Temple Cottage Cntry. it IS Written Can. Gardener " . John W. White " " Matto Bros." " Sponsdesk Week•3aseoall 900 :30 Newsceat Today Sunday Sesame Street ; Moneywise MclorWeek Join In a ecnarl Show Pinky & Brain Good Mtcrring Sylvsli Tweery Arerca • Day-Cisxvery Studio Twc " Mkx TV " Prayer Peace Hymn Sing I:crcnabon People's Church Day -Discovery " Movie: Auto Pacing Motorcycle -00 1 O 30 Lifestyles 2arey & Firers Paid Program NFL Films K,te Crary Peal Estate Hour of Power Ma"cck I Lie & Fain Pedde s P szaxers Garan w.a sort Eye "n Asia Festival ,e Portuguese Six Million Douai Man Late & Fath People's "Barcelona" " , Racing Wres:.'ng :00 1 30 Heine 514 Meet :he Press Lac Crcp inc•.s "ick Saipan Ml,ch. Pecia', Cr -ss Tra.ricg. Toe to Grey' Robison Benny Hinn S,skel 3 08er, Jyek•Da.•C Ceuren Ka &Cog Cru':r Serv'ces F,e.:n Asia ?hi.cc re S aaBan ; SC 'Jo Panorama A.ivai: Health Three Stooges Festival Church Karts & Dog Movie. 'The Sperseese NFL Ga .eday r� 00 12 '30 NFL on NEC T•a.es n •__rcce \FL Surcay La Latera T ecrricues de Town & Orr/ 1 Snrc:ey Terry Wirier Sgd igrl•News Surcay Eaten Per, Mason :curry Lorin - The Case c' Carni s Fest vol Place Care for the Being Served Berg Served Sunday 'edition River Wild" 1:00 .30 Eery Mason: Case of Tell. '•wools Mcve 'Our of MIcloriNeek Paid Program Poi Martin Parings NFL Focmal !!love The irdiaracohs I Er-eaGreen Jays Basebail Math League tee Manicured Maser Wants images of Iran Children I -and and Sea Movie Show CF_ Football: Real Fishing World of GO Jays Baseball Major League .•Ma;cr Movie: "King League 0aseca!: 2 00 30 Tale Talk Show Host :•euro" :cad Courser:are Colts at ry - Buffalo E is ' Baseball. M:hwaukee !love :F4mdy 5 rs' Kcntakt Ukrarian Movie; "Slop i C-awa Rough at Nothing • 1 E.:ers at Paid Program Paid Program Baseball: Milwaukee of the Hill" " Houston Astros at 300 .30 Einer Ca.I Tour-Micnigan ' Extra ..a Forel 'ere Arne Maya `.le"cck " Brewers at Toronto Blue Bruce Canis Story' Travel Travel E'ednc Crcus " E.T•ingham " Barracudas Ctyline " Brawers at Toronto Blue Mlovie: "Andre" Montreal expos 400 :30 NFL Football' Regional Naive s NFL Football Chicago Bears Allied J K Bsou Dog City "1 " Cryotkeeper " Jays Computer Movie Eyes 01 a'Jntness" " " Extra " " I Horse Racing: Town & Cntry Inside Country Jays Computer " Week•3aseball 5 00 30 Coverage ' 3,-crcry at Tarpa Ea y E.ccareers C:aaetor; ere Teddy R,.x:'r S"gs & Tweery'=^:erairrer: Bugs 3 Twee),I T:ngrt Farina, Family rarer I CHUM FM 3C Wire Tour !'cisoe Mill News Street Cents Hercules: Le- gendary Jmys. Farming Family Fanner Dream On Movie: "Dazed Equestnan World Cuc 6 00 30 ' Kees Amerce 5 rare Cccc-e i C:asse Marr News News •I ABC .News News Berird News News ,1:'•rcew de News Fasncr:eev K„ng Fut The Mesita Wood _egecd Com of ..usnev News Fasricntel'ev, News Behind News and Confused" Qua.Fer Spc scene. 700 '30 Bribery Love .Minor Adjust 1• Tg 3e Arrcurced =arurs Vacarces 80 M aures 1 Home V tees , -ore V cess Br:rredy Leve Ccurlry 5 n F-rnest -:re Yce:s Con La _a Sceakers Ccr Mcvie -A 5! Way cf tie Season of Siars To Be Announced Brotherly Leve Country s In Movie "The Beverly Ni"... P-ret:me 00 C7 30 8 Mad About You 3reat'Love Simpscrs Soros I Parsers 3400 55:5 n i-cre rvis Simpsons I Lois & Clark. S•mpscrs I Sucer"ar cis b Clark Las .c VSA Media. Mcve"V -iece' ^ J'e: " McLie: Live Sect " Lois & Clark- Superman Hillbillies" NFL. E:c:coil: Calan 9 CO 30 Movie 'Zoya' Marred Wtn Ned -Stacey 'IC -e La Saras,re Marred Win Coach Wye ;The S''arger DemM„cr)i Brown n ' Net a You douse -Zoya' Movie rcurity" " . " Movie: "Zoya" Cient " Movie: 'Barcelona" Cow:ays at Mu -resole 1 O00 30 !' a'eaece Naws "'eve Har P:uge Beside Mre' ' .as 1 •Ter C =,eday ?ecce, 'Jernae " Movie: "Body vk a 00 11 30 News Spurs Final Vr eerto Mcr" Creers Otc'_re^'sire Nigh CCourSccrs.,re News News I Sur day Sccrs News Busiress 7.7V -V News .ess News News CEC News Nigrt =art Comedy Club Country Beat News Renegade News Business Snatchers' Sports:ask 12 00 3p.6as•eAlt' Cemeeccyy Kern Amerce Srgirgcera Sirens: 5 gr•C'f Curer) A`fa,r Ma•'oda I ' Siskel 6 Eben Crtano Fora mr, Swaggac Mcrae 'T' a Northern Fes Cour,-N'arial Northern Pas -Worse Radrg Perry Mason Siskel & Eben Ortano Ford Movie: 'Payback' E^usinan. Wcrc Cue 1 00 30 Pad Program Paid Program High Lila I Jdc s Fsycric 1 Enera "z> F7rd•Ceae 3 Baoylcn 5 Fsyc'ic Corr Ca •a'Oa'e :1 2AJ7 rGal•a-Cate Vdscn Mill. L1d:reil' Northern Fes 5.9n•08 :rcnside 5atylen 5 "' Cua•:`.er Spee^_ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 THE W11 VOHAN MAMMIES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1995 WDIV _i WTVS s WJBK T, CICA to CIII 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX 0 CKCO 0 CITY ED CHCH co CBLT 0 th CKVR 0 CFPL (3 77 ('pis 6 00 30 News NEC News MacNeil- Lehrer News Bonds Tor,ght Science Gu•', Inc s World News News News " News . . News News News News CBC News - News News Lours 19th King -Airwaves Am Gladiators Scorsdesk 700 :30 Wheel -Fortune Jeopardy' Business Rpt, Loons on Pond Highway Patrol Most Warted School of Stuff Italian Cookery Current Attar Ert. Tonight ABC News Ent Tonight Wheel•Fartune Jeopardy Wings Am Journal Se.nfaid Semleld Wings Extra Cityscapes Fresh Prince AI in Family WA'S'H Whee:-F •r -use Jecoa•:v' Movie. "Mr Janes" triads Sports Macr League 8 00 :30 Fresh Pnnce In the House John Tesh Live at Red Melrose Pace Studio Twc " Murder She Wrote Marshal " Melrose Place Baywatch Star Trek Voyager Nawsradio In the House Nattily Can't Hurry Kirk First Time Out Metros4 =ace " " 3aseball Toronto Blue 00 Movie 'Zoya' " Pocks Partners Ned•Sracey Ruth carded Mlystenes Fanners Ned -Stacey NFL Foo18311 Pittsburgh Nowhere Mar. " Caradian Country Music Movie 'Zoya' NFL Football: Pittsburgh Touched by an Angel Mcrae 'Zoya" Ncwre•e !Ian Women of Me Night IV Jays at New9'30 ',sett varkees 000 " ..1 Being Sacrad News Nobel Legacy Chicago Hcpe Steelers at Miami Forever Knight awards '• Steelers at Miami NatjonaLCBC Naws Seven Rider Rockford Files °:reser .(- VT Mone 'Fii'Mich:30 cl the 3asecail 1 :00 1':30 News Tonight Stow Being Served Berg Served Cheers ,Nigrt Cour. Massage 'cr "each News Sccrtaine Dolphins " +News ..News CTV News Naws Addcbons Dolphins CBC News Aosolutely News Tcngrl Srcw Naws Tle0Cerl" Sccrsoesk 00 1 2.30 ' Jenny Jones Jcen Tesn Live at Red Extra Top Coos Mcw4 Poor+ at :he T:c' Stephanie Maar News Nightline Noma Lies en.* Fed Fabidous SOs °sychie Con. V:v'e "Point E•are" News Ncrihem Pas 'Journey "3 Darkness The Late `u9r: Later MhL. es 11015 F0: Move . rs,Oe Sdcrs 'Ccr.bie a_:: Each y Css ' a_Ic Raoult Trec:c 1 FtECC Seres 1 00 :30 ' The Judge Rocks Highway Pari Night CCun " Current Attar Baraby Jones side Edition Am.Joumal - " Eock'crd Files Invision Dial -a -Data Bruce Canis Story' TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1995 NEW LOOK 4010 C(•Cx Li' i/.4114/. PAINT& COLLISION SPECIALISTS Domestic & Imports AU, INSURANCE APPRAISALS ACCEPTED *Collision Experts • Frame Straightening • Towing • o Free Estimates Ask for JOHN MOUNT FOREST 3234043 . FRIDAY, SEPT.. 15 Continued 9 p.m. tent) ** "Betrayal of Silence" (1990) Meg Foster, Joanne Vannicola. An assistant district attorney uncovers sordid secrets at a foster home where a 16 -year-old was brutally molested. 9 p.m. ® *** "Wisecracks" (1991) Whoops Goldberg, Phyllis Diller and Lucille Ball are among those featured in this female comics' showcase. SATURDAY, SEPT. 16 (FC) EVENING 6:15 p.m. *** "Clear and Present Danger" (1994) Harrison Ford, Willem Defoe. The CIA's Jack Ryan comes up against a duplicitous American government during his quest to nab a Colombian drug lord. (In Stereo) ® 8 p.m. *** "My Man Godfrey" (1936) William Powell, Carole Lombard. A madcap so- ciety woman plucks a bum from shanty- town to be a butler in her Park Avenue apartment. ® - p.m. 0*** "The Princess Bride" (1987).Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin. A man regales his ailing grandson with a tale of romance and adventure in this lighthearted fairy tale from Rob Reiner. 9 p.m. 0 ** "Encino Man" (1992) Sean Astin, Pauly Shore. Two Encino Valley teens unearth, defrost and befriend a lovable caveman in suburban California. (In Stereo) 139 9 p.m. *** "The Crow" (1994) Brandon. Lee, Ernie Hudson. A murdered rock star comes back frorff the dead to exact re- venge on the men who attacked him and his future bride. (In Stereo) air 10 p.m. Qe **** "Twentieth Century" (1934) John Barrymore, Carole Lombard. After a string of failures, a producer. frantically tries to persuade a hot-tempered starlet to join his newest venture. 81 10:45 p.m. *'/2 "Benefit of the Doubt" (1993) Donald Sutherland, Amy Irving. A woman tears the return of her recently paroled father 22 years after her suspect testi- mony convicted him of murder. (In Stereo) tE (FC) (FC) 11:30 p.m. O *' "Dakota" (1986) Lou Diamond Phillips, Herta Ware. A rebellious teen- ager on the run from a family tragedy comes of age on a Texas Thoroughbred farm. 11:30 p.m. m *** "Tommy" (1975) Ann -Margret, Roger Daltrey. Based on the Who's rock opera about a deaf, mute and blind boy who becomes a modern-day messiah exploited by all. 12 a.m. 0 tl) ** "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me" (1992) Sheryl Lee. Moira Kelly. The events leading up to Laura Palmer's murder are explored in David Lynch's prequel to his cult TV series. 12 a.m. ® **1/2 "The Golden Gate Murders" (1979) David Janssen, Susannah York. A detective and a nun join forces to prove that a priest's death resulted from a fall off the Golden Gate Bridge. 12:17 a.m. ®co **1/2 "Huckleberry Finn" (1931) Jackie Coogan, Mitzi Green. A boy and a runaway slave become involved in a series of adventures while fleeing down 'the Mississippi River on a raft. 12:25 a.m. "Fatherland" (1994) Rutger Hauer, Miranda Richardson. An SS detective and an American journalist investigate a series of murders that may bring the Third Reich to its knees. (In Stereo) 1:30 a.m. Q **'/2 "Hot Rod" (1979) Robert Culp, Grant Goodeve. A lop -notch hot rodder lands in trouble when he enters a small- town race in which the local hero is a favorite to win. (FC) SUNDAY, SEPT. 17 EVENING 7 p.m. IID "A Season of Hope" (1995) JoBeth Williams, Stephen Lang. A family dis- covers their lemon groves have been stricken with a disease that threatens to destroy both crop and family. 30 7:15 p.m. Fc ** "The Beverly Hillbillies" (1993) Jim Varney, Diedrich Bader. A cash - craving woman hopes to tie Jed Clampett with fhe bonds of matrimony in this big- screen version of the TV series. (In Stereo) 31] 8 p.m. 90)**1/2 **'/2 "Diplomatic Immunity" (1991) Wendel Meldrum, Michael Riley. A Can- adian diplomat Is drawn into El Salvador's web of violence when she is sent to ov- ersee her country's aid program. 3 9 p.m. ®®0 "Zoya" (1995) (Part 1 of 2) Melissa Gilbert, Bruce Boxleitner. Pre- miere. Based on Danielle Steel's novel. A Russian orphan marries an American Army officer and moves with him to New York. (In Stereo) MI 9 p.m. • *** "La Sarrasine" (1992) Enrica Maria Modugno, Tony Nardi. A Montreal, un tallleur Italian est condamne a mon pour le meurtre d'un Canadien-francais. QD WDIV T WTVS 3 WJBK Z News Bonds Tomtit .r CICA '..• Science Guy Encs World Pnsen..Gravttty Delia Srhith CIII ID News News Current Affair Ent. Tonight WXYZ Q News " ABC News Ent. Tonight CKNX CKCO 0 (1) News News ' _ ' Melrose Place Wings Am Journal CITY *3 News Seirfeld Sanfeld CHCH al News Neese Wings Extra CBLT ®® CBC News On Pcad Market Place - CKVR 0 News .' All ,n Family M'A'S'H CFPL D• News .. Melrese E'ece " J Moine, 'The Return el Tommy Tucker" , Makirg. Tommy Tricker •sN Auto Pedro Spersdesk 'rs:de Spurs Major League Basebal: Torccto Blue GG 00 •O.30 News NBC News MacNeil- Lehrer 700 :30 WWheel•Fonune Jeopardy' Business Rpt. Best of Pledge HighwayPatrol Most Wrted 800 :30 Wings Nawsradio - Movie 'Divas" Studio Two Wings Cave's World Roseanne Hudson Street Client Roseanne ' `cNowsradio Star Trek: Oeep Space 9 Client " Voices of Change Time Eves No Place Lke Client " 900 :30 Frasier Pursuit -Happy Best of Pledge Caron's Commercial Frasier Grace Under Home Imp Coach Home imp Movie: "In the Pursuit. appy Prate" Movie: "Her Deadly Rival" Movie ' ' In Coccen ' Home imp Pursuit- aCpy May*: "Fresh" Jays at New York Yankees 00 1 0:30 Dateline " News Vaal Signs Murder One News Sportsline Murder One News Nightline Simon Red Green News CPI News Nevi News Addictons - News " NatanaLCBC News.up Cr BC News Moult t y Mesiery &oming News Tonight Show Simon Red Green News ' Movie: 'Strictly Ballroom Baseball Sparttdesk 1 00 1 :30 News Tonight Show Best of Pledge Cheers Night Court Gardening thing in Light 1r1 00 4, :30 Jenny Jones Extra Top Cops ' Movie: "Death of a San" Stephanie Miller Inside Edition Am.Joumdl Movie: "rite Psychic Con. Magnificent Psychic Mifvte:'Play 11 Again, Sam Joio's PbyChis Northam Keg Movte: "liaising Bar" " tate Night Movie: '74 Maghiflcent Movie:1he , Inside Sports Iron. Triathlon -9 00 1 :30 The Judge . Best o1 Pledge Highway Patrol .Night Court Sign -08 Current Altair BamabyJanaa Gordon Elliott ,,.. Seven Rider Rockford Files Northam Res Nerthem Res • Later Mel' Seven e'' Secret AND Racing NEW LOOK 4010 C(•Cx Li' i/.4114/. PAINT& COLLISION SPECIALISTS Domestic & Imports AU, INSURANCE APPRAISALS ACCEPTED *Collision Experts • Frame Straightening • Towing • o Free Estimates Ask for JOHN MOUNT FOREST 3234043 . FRIDAY, SEPT.. 15 Continued 9 p.m. tent) ** "Betrayal of Silence" (1990) Meg Foster, Joanne Vannicola. An assistant district attorney uncovers sordid secrets at a foster home where a 16 -year-old was brutally molested. 9 p.m. ® *** "Wisecracks" (1991) Whoops Goldberg, Phyllis Diller and Lucille Ball are among those featured in this female comics' showcase. SATURDAY, SEPT. 16 (FC) EVENING 6:15 p.m. *** "Clear and Present Danger" (1994) Harrison Ford, Willem Defoe. The CIA's Jack Ryan comes up against a duplicitous American government during his quest to nab a Colombian drug lord. (In Stereo) ® 8 p.m. *** "My Man Godfrey" (1936) William Powell, Carole Lombard. A madcap so- ciety woman plucks a bum from shanty- town to be a butler in her Park Avenue apartment. ® - p.m. 0*** "The Princess Bride" (1987).Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin. A man regales his ailing grandson with a tale of romance and adventure in this lighthearted fairy tale from Rob Reiner. 9 p.m. 0 ** "Encino Man" (1992) Sean Astin, Pauly Shore. Two Encino Valley teens unearth, defrost and befriend a lovable caveman in suburban California. (In Stereo) 139 9 p.m. *** "The Crow" (1994) Brandon. Lee, Ernie Hudson. A murdered rock star comes back frorff the dead to exact re- venge on the men who attacked him and his future bride. (In Stereo) air 10 p.m. Qe **** "Twentieth Century" (1934) John Barrymore, Carole Lombard. After a string of failures, a producer. frantically tries to persuade a hot-tempered starlet to join his newest venture. 81 10:45 p.m. *'/2 "Benefit of the Doubt" (1993) Donald Sutherland, Amy Irving. A woman tears the return of her recently paroled father 22 years after her suspect testi- mony convicted him of murder. (In Stereo) tE (FC) (FC) 11:30 p.m. O *' "Dakota" (1986) Lou Diamond Phillips, Herta Ware. A rebellious teen- ager on the run from a family tragedy comes of age on a Texas Thoroughbred farm. 11:30 p.m. m *** "Tommy" (1975) Ann -Margret, Roger Daltrey. Based on the Who's rock opera about a deaf, mute and blind boy who becomes a modern-day messiah exploited by all. 12 a.m. 0 tl) ** "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me" (1992) Sheryl Lee. Moira Kelly. The events leading up to Laura Palmer's murder are explored in David Lynch's prequel to his cult TV series. 12 a.m. ® **1/2 "The Golden Gate Murders" (1979) David Janssen, Susannah York. A detective and a nun join forces to prove that a priest's death resulted from a fall off the Golden Gate Bridge. 12:17 a.m. ®co **1/2 "Huckleberry Finn" (1931) Jackie Coogan, Mitzi Green. A boy and a runaway slave become involved in a series of adventures while fleeing down 'the Mississippi River on a raft. 12:25 a.m. "Fatherland" (1994) Rutger Hauer, Miranda Richardson. An SS detective and an American journalist investigate a series of murders that may bring the Third Reich to its knees. (In Stereo) 1:30 a.m. Q **'/2 "Hot Rod" (1979) Robert Culp, Grant Goodeve. A lop -notch hot rodder lands in trouble when he enters a small- town race in which the local hero is a favorite to win. (FC) SUNDAY, SEPT. 17 EVENING 7 p.m. IID "A Season of Hope" (1995) JoBeth Williams, Stephen Lang. A family dis- covers their lemon groves have been stricken with a disease that threatens to destroy both crop and family. 30 7:15 p.m. Fc ** "The Beverly Hillbillies" (1993) Jim Varney, Diedrich Bader. A cash - craving woman hopes to tie Jed Clampett with fhe bonds of matrimony in this big- screen version of the TV series. (In Stereo) 31] 8 p.m. 90)**1/2 **'/2 "Diplomatic Immunity" (1991) Wendel Meldrum, Michael Riley. A Can- adian diplomat Is drawn into El Salvador's web of violence when she is sent to ov- ersee her country's aid program. 3 9 p.m. ®®0 "Zoya" (1995) (Part 1 of 2) Melissa Gilbert, Bruce Boxleitner. Pre- miere. Based on Danielle Steel's novel. A Russian orphan marries an American Army officer and moves with him to New York. (In Stereo) MI 9 p.m. • *** "La Sarrasine" (1992) Enrica Maria Modugno, Tony Nardi. A Montreal, un tallleur Italian est condamne a mon pour le meurtre d'un Canadien-francais. QD