HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-09-13, Page 5--•••r,. .c y M ,ra y
Looking for
support in
bid to gain
Dear Editor:
For almost two years, the Wing -
ham and Area Chamber of Com-
merce has attempted to convince
cellular phone companies to im-
prove service in the north Huron
and Perth and south Bruce area.
The Bell Mobility Sales Depart-
ment has assured us that they will
be able to convince their associates
to construct three new cells in this
unserviced "black hole". If they can
obtain 400 new subscribers. Three
new cell sites would provide us
with excellent service.
We have had no reply whatsoev-
er from Bell's competitor.
Friday, September 8 commenced
a two week sales blitz by Mobility
to achieve this 400 threshold. Tem-
porary sales depots will be operat-
ing in Wingham, Listowel, Teeswa-
ter, Blyth, Brussels, Seaforth, and
Wroxeter during this two week pe-
riod. A commitment to subscribe
(when service is provided) and a
$50 deposit is the requirement from
us, the potential users.
We encourage any of your read-
ers who have the slightest desire to
use good cellular service to stop
into the sales centre in your area
and sign up. These locations and
times will he advertised in local pa-
pers and on CKNX, or call Jan
Godley • at 1-800-265-1892 for de-
We strongly encourage your
readers to sign on now to take ad-
vantage of this opportunity to ob-
tain good cellular service in our
Please sign up!
Andy McBride,
Past President
Wingham and Area
Chamber of Commerce
Belgrave school
fair this Friday
The 75th annual Belgrave School
Fair will be held this Friday, Sept.
15, at Belgrave.
Festivities get underway at 1
p.m. with the parade of school chil-
dren to the fairgrounds. Later there
will be judging of livestock and
everyone can take in the exhibits in
the arena.
The Belgrave Kinsmen are host-
ing a beef barbecue later in the af-
ternoon and a family dance on the
arena floor Friday night will round
out the celebrations.
Early bird draw Winner...Maxine Robinson of Wingham was the winner of
the Wingham and District Hospital Foundation's second early bird draw held Aug. 26 at the
Teeswater Fall Fair dance. Tickets are still available for the Foundation's fund-raising dance to
be held at the Teeswater-Culross Community Centre on Saturday, Sept. 16. The proceeds are
going towards the purchase of a colonoscope for the hospital. Robinson won a weekend for
two at the Waterloo Inn. Foundation chairman Holy Kaufman (left) and hospital treasurer Cord
Baxter (right) were on hand to present the prize to Robinson.
WDH to convert to gas
The resources committeerof the
Wingham and District Hospital
Board is proceeding with a study
on energy use.
Resources committee chairman
Bob Pike told the hospital board
last Thursday that the committee
had approved a proposal that the
hospital ctanvent to natural gas
He said it would produce a sav-
ings in the operating cost of the
Although the conversion to nat-
ural gas would cost close to
$30,000, Pike said the "pay back"
period will be one and a half
Chief executive officer Llofd
Koch, in his report to the board,
stated that heat in most of the pa-
tient care areas may have been a
contributing factor to patients
wanting out as soon as possible.
Further computerization and
home computers for employees
was also under discussion.
Pike said the committee is inter-
ested in acquiring 15 more desk-
top computers for the hospital, in
order to expand the the computer
network within the medical facili-
He said that the computers
would have the standard office -
type applications, and would be
able to produce spread sheets, and
The sporting life: it's
that time of year again
Well, we can all relax a
little now because the
children are back in
school. (Did you say
"Yeah — finally?)
My favourite television com-
mercial for hack to school. this
year had to be the one for The
Business Depot. Just in case you
haven't seen it, it had the music to
"It's the Most Wonderful Time of
the Year." It had an ecstatic father
dancing his way through the store
with• his despondent children in
Anyway, I mention this be-
cause as far as 1 am concerned
this is the most wonderful time of
the year for sports fans. This past
weekend, not only did we have
NFL Football and CFL (if you,
care), we also had some incredi-
ble action to watch as the U.S.
Open Tennis Championships. We
were lucky enough to see a great
final between the two top women
players in the world on Saturday,
and on Sunday we saw a superior
match between Pete Sampras and
Andre Agassi.
Hey, it gets even better.
TLCanadian Open was played
this week at Glen Abbey, just out-
side of Toronto. And like most
years, the final day was one we'll
remember for a long time. Bob
Lohr started the day with a three
stroke lead, but Mark O'Meara
shaved that down during the final
rot ad and a play-off was in order.
The 18th hole at Glen Abbey has
to be one of the most exciting fin-
ishing holes in golf, and that fact
was proven again on Sunday.
Anyway, O'Meara won the
play-off thanks to Lohr's second
shot landing in the water just a
few feet away from being an in-
credible shot. (Maybe next year
I spoke with the managing di-
rector of Glen Abbey on Monday,
Jack McCellan and he tells me
that they will cut down the rough
all week and by the weekend it
will be at their normal length.
You'll also be happy to hear that
they will slow down the speed of
the greens this week as well, so
mere mortals like you and I can
play at this golf course.
I said off the top that this is the
best time of year for sports fans.
We also have the baseball play-
off races heating up, and with the
new format or wild -card teams
it's even more exciting.
It would be much better mind
you if the Jays actually had a
team this year. What's the old
saying, "You can't win 'em all."
If this column hasn't depressed
the non -sports fan yet, have I
mentioned that hockey training
camps are now opening and hock-
night(s) in Canada are just
around the corner!
Oh well, as they say "boys will
be boys" and "girls will be girls"
in recognition of our female
sports fans.
Bruce Morgan can also be heard
on 96. , CHYM-FM.
could•be used for communication
and E-mail.
The committee chairman said
the committee was also looking at
the possibility of having the hospi-
tal assist employees in getting
computers for their home.
Pike said the hospital would not
help the employees financially
with their purchases, but help in
them locating a way to purchase a
computer less expensively.
He said that there would be no
cost to the hospital.
CEO Koch said he is aware of
the situation, and the hospital is
looking at competitive leasing
EWPS student news
By Amy Barmes amd Bridget
East Wawanosh Public School
has a whole new look this year. At
the end of the last term, workers
started on a new addition to our
school and when we returned in
September, it was all finished.
We now have a new Rindergart-
en room, a secretary's office .and
principal's office. They are much
larger than the old ones.
Our enrolment this year sis 209
pupils. We extend a big welcome„Cq,
all of the new students at EWPS
this year. We also welcome our
new teaching assistant, Monique
Gallaher, whom we interviewed for
this report:
Q.: How do you like it here?
M.G.: I really like it here
Q.: Why?
M.G.: The students and teachers at
EWPS are really friendly.
Q.: How long have you been a
teaching assistant?
M.G.: This is my second year as a
teaching assistant.
Q.: Where did you work before?
M.G.: I was a teaching assistant at
Walton and at Seaforth Public
Q.: What grades are you teaching
this year?
M.G.: I'm working in Mrs. Dodds'
Grade 2, Mrs. Hessels' Grade 3-4,
with Mr. Fisher's Grade 6-7 and in
the library.
Q.: Where do you live?
M.G.: I live in Wingham.
with Doug Avery
Hey there all you happy tax-
payers! Got a couple of things to
tell you about regarding the
show weekday afternoons on
FM102. With your help, the
FM 102 Afternoon Giggle is re-
Some people I had met asked
me if we were going to bring it
back, so I asked the boss.. He
said "No." We started a petition
and over 300 of you called in to
put your names on it and conse-
quently, the giggle is returning.
Ah, the power of the people!
Send your jokes to FM 102
Afternoon Giggle, 215 Carling
Terrace, Wingham, Ont. NOG
2W0, or 519-357-1897 if you
wish to fax one in.
If we use your joke on the air,
we will send you some neat
stuff. Remember, when sending
in jokes, children listen to the ra-
dio, so clean please!
Also the no so classic Un-
friendly Giant returns soon for
your listening and chuckling
Hey Swami, take over. The
answer is: Ivory, paul and
Jacques Parizeau.
The Question: time a soap, a
pope and a dope.
Q.: Where did you get your educa-
M.G.: 1 took courses at the Univer-
sity of Waterloo for four years and
at Conestoga College for two years.
Q.: Aro you married?
M.G.: Yes.
Q.: What are your hobbies?
M,G.: I like to knit, sew, bike, go
for walks and ride..bikes. a so en-
joy gardening.
Q.: What other jobs do you have?
M.G.: I teach Sunday School class-
es and cooking classes in Wing-
. ham.
Q.: Are you going to the School
M.G.: Yes and I'm looking forward
to seeing old school friends.
Q.: Do you ever think about any
other occupations.
M.G.: Yes, when I was little I want-
ed to be a police woman.
Q. Did you ever have'any teachers
we know?
M.G.: Yes, Mr. Bartlett taught me
in Grade 7 and Grade 8.
This Friday, Sept. 15, Belgrave
is having its 75th School Fair. Our
school will be marching in the pa-
rade. The class which does the best
marching will win a free pizza
lunch, compliments of the School
Fair Board. We will be entering a
float in the parade and two pupils
fromeach class will be riding on it.
•All of the students would like to
say "Hi” to Mrs. Brydges. We hope
that she is enjoying her retirement.
Make Bell Mobility Cellular Services
in this area a reality by giving
us your commitment!
Wingham Fire Hall
Tuesday, Sept. 19
Bell Mobility®
dud 11O117('/''';l 1(. 71, -II. •LV1'('k.•1.\'('/: (-( );l 1/' •I ,V ),im„.vent
asrs 920
September 23rd & 24th, 3 p.m
-Ann Mantini '-'Les Zaiser - McCormick Girls
Sandra Mantini -- Gary Ballagh - Frank Leahy
and The PrimeTime Country Band
October 28n1 & 29th, 3 p.m.
•- Kathy Korpi -Anita Smith
-- Larry MacDonald - Rainbow Connection
- Graham Townsend - Graham Jr.
- Gary Ballagh - Frank Leahy
-The PrimeTime Country Band
Dec. 9th & 10th, 3 p.m., 8 p.m.
Bring the entire family!
A show you won't want to miss!
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...At the door $151°