HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-07-12, Page 14• ARIES - March 21/April 20 You may have to sit back and watch a loved one make a mistake., Even if you get the chance to intervene, (s)he probably won't listen to reason. But don't worry. Learning from experi- ence can be the best lesson of all. Even if you're tempted, refrain from aying, "I told you so." TAURUS - April 21/May 21 Don't let jealous feelings get in the ay of an important friendship. Jost e patient, and your time will come. u may be forced to make'a tough ecision towards the end of the eek. Stay strong. Don't let others fluence you. You'll know what the ght choice is. GEMINI - May 22/June 21 ing in the right place at the righ time has its advantages. You'll find out why later in the week. An unusu al dream will stay with -you through the week. Try to figure out its hidden meaning - you could learn some Shing about yourself. Get in touch with old friends CANCER - June 22/July 22 A week with unlimited potential. An may come opportunity benefit to our way, but it mayour notbe so -obvious t first. Use your keen sense of perception to read between the lines: A friend who has been n going through a tough time will - w b Yo d w in ri B SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Be reafistic when setting deadlines on important projects. Be sure to give yourself enough time. And remember to plan for unforeseen delays as well. Don't be afraid to seek the advice of someone more experienced. A lost object will show up in an unusual place. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Don't count on luck to get you through a tough period. It will take work and ingenuity this time. Do not leave ;anything to fate 'this week. An ironic situation will put you in a reflective state of mind later in the week. You may be inspired to do something unusually daring. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/ant Before you blame others orr o r frustrations, you should take a closer - ' look at your current situation. You may find that' you are the one who is holding you back. If you .want to get ahead, it will take action on your part. If you really, really want so thing, you II have to try harder. E��E AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 A conflict between work responsibil- ities and home responsibilities will put you in a tough spot. If you think creatively, however, you are likely to find a suitable compromise. This is ot'the week to make large' invest- ments. You should keep a lid on pending overall. ISCES - Feb 19/March 20 loved one. friend or work associate ill come to you for advice and con- °lation. Kindness on this day will be membered. if. you're in a relation- ip with a Virgo, things could be cky this week. Keep a positive "ai- de for this is just a temporary situ= ion. LEO - July 23/August,23 P Work may take up most 'of your time A this week and you may feel as if .you w have no control. Take heart, your s Toad will lighten as the week pro- re gresses. When it. finally is time to sh come home, try not to take frustra- ro tions out on loved oases. Use exercise to as a way to relieve stress. at VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 It's not a bad thing to admit you're wrong. In fact, it could even make you look good. Although pride is an admirable trait, sometimes it can be detrimental. The workplace is not the appropriate .environment for your sarcastic humor - especially this week. Curb spending when possible. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 The insensitivity of a loved one should not be taken to heart. Shrug it off as those in bad moods may not • have your feelings in mind. Try to be more independent and stand up for what you believe in. For single Librans,, this week could mark the start of a new romance. Be on the lookout for mysterious Scorpios. YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK The next 12 months: A year of learning and growth. If you are a student, you will finally figure out the career path you want to take. if you already are established, an interesting opportunity willcome your way. Whichever it is, you will be happier and have a clearer direc- tion of what you want to do. Single Cancers may be longing for love but will only find it ,when they stop try- ing so hard. But what you will find is that when it rains, it pours. Your own creative hobbies and interests will flourish this year, especially during the winter months when you prefer to stay indoors. Avoid getting caught in ruts. • WEDNESDAY JULY 12,1995 GarlandElwin delivers .We must consider what is worth BRUSSELS -Elwin Garland brought the g message to the congre- gation at the Brussels Mennonite Fellowship on Sunday, July 2. He chose Philippians 3 as the•scripture reading. The message was based on verse 13: "But one thing I do: For- getting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." He said we all remember some things, but forget many. Memories can cause us to experience the same emotions as we did at the time of the actual event. Therefore, if we live only in the past, we go in cir- cles. Yet we do need to remember some things,. Mr. Garland contin- ued. A balance of remembering and forgeting is necessary for growth. Seniors Day By Barbara Snowden The staff at the Wingham Seniors' Day Centre is busy pr ing the August newsletter. Whe summer going? The great weather provides portunities for us to, plan oU programs. Last week we spent days at Riverside Park enjoy picnic lunches, games and act ties. .Unfortunately, ' the weat didn't cooperate for the Thursd participants to have a picnic, plan to reschedule for August. weather didn't dampen our spiri however, as everyone took part fun and games indoors. Last Friday, we packed a "pit basket and headed to Walkerton lunch at the park there and a tour the farmers' market. We" are pleased to have som new volunteers helping out at th centre. Volunteers assist in the pr gram area, kitchen, office, on, bu trips and with transportation of cli ents to ,and from the centre., Cur rently, we are in need of voluntee drivers for 'Wingham, Belgrave and Blyth areas. Mileage is reimbursed to compensate expenses. If anyone .can help out, please give the centre a call at 357-1440. In closing, I'll leave you with this thought: "Never act a certain way to fit in, for when all your acting is done, you will have forgotten who you really are." keeping. , There are three basic kinds of forgetting: insignificant events will ''naturally fade from our memory while significant ones will stay have caused Him. Mr. Garland en- couraged fellowship members, as Christians, to accept God's gift of remembering and forgeting so we can press forward. LindaCampbell was • w andSecondly, if remembering becomes leader ar orshiesse, accompap too painful, our mind will suppress these memories which are too much to bear. However, this is not the natural way to forget. Thirdly, said Mr. Garland, Christ offers us the gift of forgetting through repentance" The memories may still be there, but the pain is gone. The forgiveness accompany- ing repentance frees us and enables us to. forget and go forward. God forgives us in spite of the pain we Support group Area Head injury survivors hurt forev pre er. No'• matter how severe the. inju- re is ry, Drain injury survivors have gone through a major trauma, leaving dp_ some with permanent disabilities. door Many' of these disabilities are not two always evident to other people, but in.. something with which the survivor ivi must learn,to live. Survivors can be her helped' -overcome many of these ay problems by others who have gone We through similar situations. The A head injury support group for ts, the Wingham area is starting to pro - n vide support and head injury'.infor- mation to survivors 'and their fami- nic lies. The first meeting will be, held for' at the Wingham and District Hospi- of tal on Wednesday, Sept. .13, at 7 p.m. For more information, please e contact Joanne Bregman at 519- 392-6272. ' .. Gorrie pool - reed July opened 3 r • GORRIE-_The Gorrie Swim- ming Tool opened July 3 with the head lifeguard being Jennifer Bar- rie. ' The lifeguards are Carrie Anne Nicholson,. Rachel Jacques, Jen Machan and Mike Hurst. Amber Ruttan.'is the helper. The July lessons run for three weeks and August also has three weeks of lessons. nied by Christy Pardys, was song leader. Andra Dettweiler played a piano solo for the offertory. Last Saturday, July 8, the youth held a. car wash at the IGA parking lot as a fundraiser for the upcoming trip to Witchita. Thelma Steinman gave the message on Sunday and following the Christian Education Hour, there was a fellowship meal and shower for baby Daniel Wing- er, son of Lowell and Tracey Wing- er. CLUES DOWN I. Taxi 2. Brew 3. Membranes 4. Breadstuffs 5. Most valuable player 6. N.Y. Giants owner • 7. Depletes • ,8. Reddish browns ' 9. Romanian city 10. illumination unit 11. Numberless .19.Plot 21. Negligible amount 22. Lacking hair 23. Herb 24.. Volunteer in times of trouble 28. Scab 29.'Put up with' 30. Oh, God! '31. Indian groom 33. Wharfage • 37. Coat parts 38. Adult female 42: Pack 43. Biu-Mandara 44. Hybrid citrus fruit 45. Carrie Chapman _, suffragist 46. Intricate points 50. Snout 52. Flower petal 53. Restraint CLUES ACROSS I. Cool-headed 5. Women (French),abbrev. 9. Inches per minute, abbrev. 12. Wings .13. Blade of a windmill 14. Satisfaction 15. Sanctuary 16, Plan 17. Male offspring 18. Wood 20. Barrenness 22. Angiospermous trees 25. Volt-ampere 26. Every 27. Bloodsuckers 32. Goods carried by a large vehicle .34. Border for a picture 35. Bad fairy 36. Blighted 39, Animal product 40. Auto - 41. Way t� separate .43. Bowling pin 47. Counter 48. Honorable title (Turkish) 49. Site of British school • 51. Semitic fertility god 54. Bacon lettuce -tomato sandwich 55. Burden 56. King of Huns (Scandinavian) 57, Small island (British) 58. Latch a window 59. Start of a news story •ys'. 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