HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-07-12, Page 51 WENIE lY,. JULY 12, 1995 '�,:�� �yr/6,6 i��h �.u/lf1ib4: �laY/.r'/.�.,�'" ' �'r/riF //�i v!�.�./.ir, ,j// s�/..s.!GGi.'�✓/!//'/�l1/a/,.: i/ /!/(,G!✓.d .� i // students lea e way with ideas DATELINE OPPORTUNITY — Students at F.E. Madill Secondary >,Schooi led the way in terms of de- veloping ideas for community com- merce and economic renewal in Wingham. The recent Community Com- merce Opportunities Contest, spon- sored by several local businesses and the high school, was created to help the economic renewal task force identify areas in which Wing - ham can develop business to be- come more self-sustaining. The project has been done in communities around North Ameri- ca to help identify how much mon- ey and where it leaves the commu- nity. In Milverton, for example, it has been reported that they identi- fied some $10 million annually that leaves the community in products and services that could be produced there. The 30 entries covering some 45 different ideas in the Wingham contest ranged from the very com- plex to the very simple. The chal- lenge from the organizers was straight forward: "'In 100 words or less, identify a product or s Wingham currently imports from "This would provide a place for outside our service area (20 mile ra- teens, instead of on the street, and it dius) that you think would be eco- would prevent teens from getting nomlcally produced locally on a into trouble. It would be a safe en - part or full time basis; or products vironment for teens to relax and and services that are not available have a good time." that we need; or a product or ser- "At night this facility would be vice that we have but need more of able to hold teenagers attention in the community." with roller-skating or roller - Bethany Edgar, one of the con- blading, loud music, arcades, pool test winners, covered several bases or just if they want to sit and re - with her nine ideas submitted. Ed- lax." gar suggested a bulk food/health "It would keep them off the store; a cake decorating service for streets, give them something to do, brides; a farmers' market; a year- and a place to socialize. In this round community greenhouse; an place they could have pool tables amusement park/water slide; annu- set up, a snack bar, video games, a h and tables ervice idea of a club for youth were: al community flea market with do- pop machine, roue es nations from local merchants to washrooms, weight equipment, a unique ideas with his plan to pro - raise mopey for local schools; do- juke box, and a stage' for local duce ee aridityanlocally water by har ess- nating computers to schools; higher bands to perform." g _ education of rrn for store. a recy-with a combined"We believe restaurant estaurantat a er rink would the "This electricity could be used to clingSplant; a arm parts azole. Wingham power at a low- • Several teens from Madill idents- • be an asset to the town...It would help giveg pied one need that is felt dramatical- give people of all ages something er cost than Bruce Nuclear Power ly in Wingham and discussed quite to do, especially kids in order to Devveldopmally, this week, Melinda frequently: a drop-in centre for keep them off the streets." youth. Another popular idea among the Wheeler had another simple sug- Some of the comments on thissumisswns b ' was that of a health gestion to improve the local econo- tal made ,the 'suggestion of a farm equipment dealer for Wingham to provide more convenience to the farming community surrounding Wingham. A paint -ball course was also a popular suggestion. How about this one from Matt Brewer and. Erin Tester: "I think Wingham should have a larger airport because it will create other businesses. like skydiving, hot air ballooning. " In the long term this will create more jobs and the town will make a large profit from this service be- cause everyone wants to try thrill- ing things." Josh Piel had one of the most eDeath of an Innocent I''went to a party mom, I rernetnbered what you said. You,aold me not to drink mom, SOI'drank soda instead. I felt really proud inside mom, Just like you said I would, , 1'didn't drink and drive mom, Even though others said I should. He didn't know where he was go- ing, mom, He was probably at the same party as 1, the only difference is, He drank, and I will die. The guy who hit me is walking mom, I don't think that's fair,. I know I did the right thing mom, I'm lying here dying. Iknow you're always right, While all he can do is stare. Now the party is finally ending, As everyone,drives out of sight. As I got into my car mom, not to'drink and drive, If only I know 1'd get home in one piece, they'd have taken time, Because of the way you raised me, hwould still be alive. So responsible and sweet. Why do people drink mom? It can ruin your whole life, I'm feelingsharp pains, now, Pains just like a knife: Someone should have told him, mom, 1 started to drive away mom, Butas I' pulled. out:into the road, The'atheedar didn!lisee me, And hit' me like' a load: As I lie here on the pavement mom. 1 hear the police man say, The other guy was drunk mom, And now I'm the one who'll pay. I'm lying here dying mom, I wish you'd get here soon, How come this happened to me mom? My life burst like a balloon. There is blood all around me mom, Most of it is mine, I hear the paramedic say, I'll die in a very short time. I just want to tell you mom, I swear I didn't drink, It was the others, mom, The others didn't think. My breath is getting shorter mom, I'm becoming very scared, Please so don't cry for me mom, When I needed you, you were al- ways there Tell my brother not to cry, tell daddy to be brave, And when I go to heaven mom, Write `Daddy's Girl' on my grave. I have one last question mom, Before I say goodbye, I didn't ever drink, So why am I the one to die? This is the end mom, I wish I could -look you in the eye, To say these final words mom, I love you and goodbye! — Author Unknown Ma Submitted by Lynne gee centre that incorporated weight ma- my. Provide grants to local busi- chines, squash and racquet ball nesses to improve their store fronts courts, an indoor swimming pool — and cut taxes in the first year of and child care for • the complete business. This, she said, will family use. prove the visual value of town. A spin off of this'idea was a nat- Over the next few weeks, the ural healing centre which may 'in- Advance -Times will investigate elude a message therapist. some of these suggestions and re- Karrin Marks and Isabel Schies- port on how things are progressing. 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