HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-07-12, Page 2rf/�p� ✓i'(.411.r•0""//f/ /// �/9 4%,..r 47/ • ,.L!i///.<4 a/s//G/y40-d
Powers of the mind...mentalist David Brooks demonstrated the abilities of the
mind in his fund raising show for the Wingham Legion and their wheelchair lift project this past
Saturday night.
Rezoning not required
for airport lands: ministry
A spokesman for the provincial
ministry off municipal affairs has re-
confirmed that a rezoning bylaw is
not required for the proposed new
Wingham municipal airport and
any buildings required for its opera-
Brian Treble of the Huron
County Planning Department told
The Advance -Times in a telephone
interview last week that Ken Peter-
son of the ministry of municipal af-
fairs told him last Wednesday that
his letter of August, 1994, still
stands. In it, Peterson states that it
is provincial policy that airport
lands and their required, associated
buildings do not require a re-
Treble said that representatives
of the provincial ministry and the
federal transportation ministry' are
expected to draft a definitive state-
ment outlining their positions.
The airport was a topic of discus-
sion at last week's meeting of Mor-
ris Township Council. The airport
site is located in Moms, just east of
Confusion arose last month over
a letter presented by Morris resi-
dent Debbie Himmelman at a town-
ship council meeting late last
month. The letter was from Doug
Young, federal minister of trans-
portation and appeared to indicate'
that the airport lands would require
a rezoning under the township by-
Himmelman, who has gone pn
record as opposing the airport de-
velopment to be located rear her
Morris property, attended last
week's meeting of township coun-
cil. lan Moreland, representing the
airport committee also was in atten-
dance, as was Craig Metzger of the
Huron County Planning Depart-
Metzger, who had been advised
by Morris council, to clarify the
matter admitted at last week's
meeting that he did not have much
to report as he has not been in con-
tact with Ken Peterson, a spokes-
man for municipal affairs.
The definitive word appears to
be "required", Clerk -Treasurer
Nancy Michie told last week's
meeting of Morris council. She
Said she had been speaking to Gary
Davidson of the planning'depart-
ment on June 26 and he told her
that anything associated with the
operation of an airport does not re-
quire a rezoning, including an air-
strip, a control room and hangar.
When Himmelman said she had
List of Advertisers to be found in this week's
ASSE Canada
All Wall Construction.
A. R. MacDonald
Askes Bros. Construction
Bakelaar Jewellers
Wallace Ballagh Auctions
Brian Rintoul Auctions
Bridge Motors
Brussels Bulls
Canadian Tire
Christine's Clothes Closet
Coldwell Banker
Cowan Printing
Craig Hardwood
Culligan Real Estate
John Cullen Chev Olds'
Dave's Aluminum
The Decor Shoppe
Doanne. Raymond
East Wawanosh Township
Fergus Truck Show
Fitzsimmon's Real Estate
Gibson's Mens Shop
Godfather Pizza
Hanna's Mens & Boys Wear
Hodgins Homecare
Homestead Group Home
Homuth Optometrists
Howick Homes
J.J.'s Fireside Cafe
Jags Roadhouse
Joe's Automotive
John Newell Carpentry
KG Electronics
Keils Insurance
Lucknow Farm Supply
McGowan Nursing Homes
Mclntee Real Estate
McPhee IDA Pharmacy
Middletora's of Wingham
Montgomery Mechanical
Moran Mechanical
Paul Rintoul
General Contractor
Pletch Electric
Power Vac Services
Psychic Answers
Reid & Associates
Roslalind's Fashion Avenue
& The Male Room
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Stainton's Home Hardware
Sunrise Dairy
The Two Step Family Shoes
Town of Wingham
Wingham Recreation Department
Ultimate Sound
Vances Guardian Drug Store
Village of Lucknow
Wattarp's Bob Backhoe Service
The Workshop
Wingham Lindon Motel
Ward & Uptigrove
The Wellington Tour Company
Wilson's Health & Gift Centre
Wingham Chiropractic Clinic
Wingham & District Hospital
heard that the airport committee is
planning to erect a terminal build-
ing, Moreland replied that no, it is
not. A utility building will be con-
structed at the airport.
Moreland went on to say that the
committee hopes to call tenders for
the first phase of the project by the
end of July with construction to be-
gin late this summer.
orean author joins Festival
for summer youth productioii
BLYTH -- M.T. Kang, author of
FIEE HEE Tales from White Dia-
mond Mountain, has arrived in
Blyth to begin working with the
young company. HEE HEE Tales
from White Diamond Mountain,
this year's Blyth Festival Young
Company production, presents de-
lightful Korean fairy tales and leg-
ends using music, story, mask and
A native of Korea, Kang immi-
grated to Canada when she was two
years old. In 1994, she made her
first trip back and was struck with
the differences between the Korea
she had remembered through child-
hood images and the reality of her
homeland. The result of this jour-
ney was HEE HEE Tales from
White Diamond Mountain.
Kang won the Yopng People's
Theatre, Word Play Competition
After numerous attempts to have
a Tumberry sawmill owner move
logs back from the roadside, town-
ship council has authorized a fence
be built at the property.
At a council meeting late last
month, council accepted the tender
of Pai-Da Landscaping to build a
pagewire fence at McGlynn's saw-
mill at a cost 'of $1,910 plus appli-
cable taxes. Council also asked that
a surveyor be contacted to deter-
mine the exact location of the prop--
erty line.
In an earlier resolution, council
had given McGlynns two weeks to
clean up what members. consider a
safety risk, logs at or near the road-
side. When the clean-up was ' not
undertaken, council. authorized a
fence to be built with the township
bearing the cost...
Going Out
Of Business Sale
At Wilson's
Health & Gift Centre
Queen Street Blyth
30 - 40% .off
The Entire Stock
Shop Early for Best Selection
Sponsored by:
(Wingham) Ltd.
Randy Burhow
Gorrie, 335-3525 • Wingham, 357-2636
Listowel, 291-5100 "INSURING TOMORROW TODAY"
•Celebration '95 Sidewalk Sales, today, Friday and Saturday.
•Brussels Bulls and Brussels Optimists present The Country 92,7
Video Dance Party, B, M & G Community Centre, Brussels, 8 p.m.
•Dance at Bluevale Hall. Ladies please bring lunch.
•Life Jacket Day at Canadian Tire, Wingham, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Turn in your old lifejacket regardless of shape and receive
a $5 coupon for a new one!
All jackets turned in are donated to the
Wingham Recreation Department for'pool programs.
*Wingham Figure Skating Club bake sale,
Cruickshank Park, Wingham, 10 a.m.-?
*First annual Co -Ed Volleyball Blowout Tournament, 9 a.m.
•Singles dance, Wingham Legion Hall, 7-11 p.m,
•Branch 180 Royal Canadian Legion Wingham is having a
Duck Race at Maitland River at 1 p.m.
Everyone welcome to join in the fun!
• Farm Residential
• Competitive Rates
• inspection Service
• Auto
for My Sister's Visit. She is a con-
tributor with the Tarragon Theatre
Playwrights Unit and has done
workshops at the Theatre Centre,
Nightwood Theatre and Cahoots
Theatre Projects in Toronto.
This is Kang's first visit to the
Blyth Festival. She is very im-
pressed with the beauty and peace-
fulness of the countryside, and the
size of the mosquitoes.
HEE HEE Tales from White Dia-
mond Mountain will be directed by
James Simon. Simon has worked
with young people in Edmonton
LOWRY--Big brother Garrett is so
excited to tell you about the arrival
of his "little sister, Bailey Lynne,
born July 2 and weighing 6 lbs., 2
oz. She is the daughter of Paul and
Kim Lowry of Bothwell. Proud
grandparents are June Lowry and
Andy Allan of Wingham and Mur-
ray Lowry, Woodstock.
TERPSTRA--Tony and Sheila
Terpstra of RR 4, Brussels, are
pleased to announce the safe arrival
of Natasha Marie, born June 27 at
the Seaforth Hospital. She weighed
6 lbs., 4 oz. and is a sister for Chad.
Grandparents are George and Barb
Marklevitz and Charles and Cathe-
rine Terpstra.
WATSON--Lindsay, Andrew and
Zachary are happy to announce the
birth of their new baby brother, Na-
than Michael, born to Michael and
Valerie Watson ' on June 26 and
weighing` 8 lbs., 11 oz., at Listowel
Memorial" Hospital. Proud grand-
parents are Murray and Audrey
Johnston of Bluevale and Pat and
Ralph Watson, Brussels. He is an-
other great-grandchild for Mildred
and Jack Wheeler, Beth Johnston,
Carson and Elma Watson and Mary
WEISHAR--Terry and Wanda
,Weishar of Teeswater are happy. to
announce the' birth of, their daugh-
ter, Jenna Marie, born June 26 at
Wingham and District Hospital and
weighing_ 7 lbs., 12 oz- Proud first-
time grandparents are Paul and
Evelyn Fischer of Teeswater. Jenna
Marie is a third grandchild for Rob-
ert and Margaret Weishar, RR 2,
and Toronto. He was responsible
for the development of the teen
playwriting competition at Edmon-
ton's Citadel Theatre in 1993.
Masks for HEE HEE Tales from
White Diamond Mountain will be
created by the members of the
Blyth Festival Young COmpany
under the direction of Vrenia Ivo-
noffski. Ivonoffski is a wellknown
Toronto mask maker who has
taught at both George Brown Col-
lege Theatre School and Ryerson
Theatre School.
HEE HEE Tales from White Dia-
mond Mountain runs from August
15 through 19 at the Garage Thea-
tre in Blyth. For more information
contact the Blyth Festival Box Of-
fice at 523-4345.
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
,& St. Paul's Trinity
Anglican Church
are having their
Bible School
on August 21
to August 25
from 9:00 a.m.
to 1-1:1O a.m.
for children in grades
1 to 6 (as of September
'95). To register call
Randy Dearlove at
Lunch is
Daily Luncheon Specials
Homemade Soups
Come out for lunch
& bring a friend.
Wingham Golf
& CurliniClub
lst Concession So
of Wingham,
off Hwy 1f4
!raemar li.eti,rentertt Tentre
Residential Building
• All on one floor - Community oriented care centre
• Health support services • Beauty and Barber Shop
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• Caring, courteous & understanding staff
WINGHAM 357-3430
'A review of activities at
An educational program reinforcing the attitude that
diabetes is a life-long condition that can be controlled
through proper education of patients and their
families. The next class will be offered Tuesday,
August 1, 1995, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and
Wednesday, August 2, 1995, 8:45 to 2:45 p.m. A
physician's referral is required to attend. Please
contact B. Major-McEwan at 357-3210 for further
Plans are underway for a fall session. This seven
week program Is designed for those who have had a
heart attack, angina or heart surgery. Spouses/
partners are welcome. The registration fee is $30.00
For more information contact N. Brown or W.
Woodley at 357-3210.
The continuing Care Unit has volunteer openings to
assist with a variety of programs such as portering,
reading, letter writing, craft activities. Training and
orientation will be provided. For more information
call M. Campbell, Nursing Co -Ordinator at 357-3210,
Ext. 236.
There has been interest expressed in starting a local
support group for adult survivors of brain injury.
Anyone interested is asked to contact P. Pietrek at
357-3210, Ext. 267.
Board Members for 1995/96 are the following:
Mary Lou Cameron
Julie Deans
Doug Fortune
Bruce Hahn
John MacDonald
Marie McIntosh
Robert Pike
Helen Rintoul
Wayne Tessler
Gordon Baxter
Don Carter
Chris Dickson
Noreen Gnay
Dr. Brian Hanlon
Margaret McLeod
Donna Moffat
Dr. John Ping
Dr. M. Shubat
George Underwood
Lloyd Koch
• 1