HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-06-07, Page 3The Town of Wingham will soon
have a garden refuse depot behind
Joe Kerr's building on Josephine
At the Monday night council
meeting, Councillor Ward Robert-
son explained the site will be for
grass clippings and general lawn re-
fuse only — not compostable house-
hold rubbish.
The site, which is temporary for
Council will seek extension =7:,
,.The Advance -Times
Provided CN Rail agrees, the for-
mer train bridge in Wingham could
remain in placefor another year.
On Monday evening, Wingham
Town Council received a report
from the committee examining the
possibility of preserving the struc-
ture and developing it as part of the
River Flats Ecological Park. In the
report was a recommendation from
the committee to seek a further de-
lay in demolition.
Bridge Preservation Committee
chairman Bruce Stainton made the
presentation to council prior to fil-
ing the report with them. In his
comments, Stainton the committee
is not seeking funding from the
town, but rather their support in se-
curing the deadline extension. The
committee had previously obtained
a delay until July 1, 1995 from CN.
Council was told CN had direct-
ed the committee to request another
extension through the town council
to the train company. Council said
they would request the extension to
April 1, 1996.
Stainton told council that the.
committee has been investigating
the possibility of developing the
bridge into a "safe, accessible com-
munity walking path" for several
months. At one point this spring, it
appeared Wescast Industries was
going to preserve the bridge and
turn it into a driveway for -their
business. However, that fell
Since that development, Wescast
has given, support to the latest pro-
posal and agreed to allow a walking
path along the southeast section of
the property to create a link with
the current eco -trail. By establish-
ing this link, the trail will become a
full circle, crossing the Maitland
River in the south and north.
Bridge®..could soon be pa
rt of. eco -trail.
What remains for the committee
and the local industry is to work
out the details over access to their
The report to council states:
"The bridge is a natural exten-
sion to the River Flats Trail that ex-
ists now,' and to possible future rail
lands trail projects. Its development
will help to create an extended
walking' path within the town of
Wingham that people can travel
virtually free of any exposure to
The committee has also dis-
cussed the possibility ,of creating a
walkway from the eco -trail along,
the former rail lands and connect-
ing near F.E. Madill Secondary
School in the southeastern section
of town. This particular concept is
still at the discussion stages.
The report further states: "The
completion .of this • project will
make a positive link between the
community and an existing valu-
able, community asset — Wescast In-
dustries. We feel people will be in-
terested in seeing the new facilities
they are building and the landscap-
work on the bridge. Goderich expe-
rienced similar support and estab-
lished a fund that will enable them
to perform some concrete mainte-
nance on the piers.
"Our project is smaller than the
Goderich project and therefore
even more obtainable. With input
from the Menesetung Bridge Asso-
ciation we have a great source of
information on how to go about
making this happen," Stainton said.
In terms of liability, the commit -
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tee has received a report from a lo -no
the insurance on the bridge would va, will be used as a transfer sta-
cal insurance agency stating that tion. It will open on June 15 for
general public use.
figure in at $1,000 per year.
"This project is intended to be a
community initiative. Once estab-
lished it will be an enjoyable asset
to the town of Winghant, both re-
ing work they areplanning to un- creationally and historically. As
denake along the west side of the part of the parks trail project it will
river. be a resource accessible. to almost
"It will allow the preservation of all, if not every member of our
a structurally sound historical land- community_ It also has the potential
mark — a link to our 'past which is to be an attraction„ to those vaca-
tioning or visiting our town."
distinctive and unique."
Stainton pointed to the Menese- The committee's report received
tung Bridge Association in Gode- the overwhelming support from
rich, which restored a former rail town council. Those who spoke to
bridge twice the span of the Wing- the submission stated the idea was
ham bridge and created one of the excellent, and the recommendation
top tourist attractions in Goderich. to seek a further extension granted
It was estimated that some 30,000 unanimously.
people crossed the bridge in the Of concern for council, however,
summer of 1994. was the possibility of .straightening
The project in Wingham is esti- the north end of Minnie Street to
mated at a total of $36,711.84. This elimituate the sharp curve under the
includes a conservative estimate of bridge.
$20,000 for labor. Stainton said this The Police Services have • been
cost may easily be averted with vol- asked for their written position on
unteer labor. The Goderich associa- solutions to what some councillors
tion was able to use volunteer labor have referred to as a problem.
for most of the reconstruction pro- However, the curve In the, road
ject, and. even obtained volunteer has been there since 1913, and in
engin r ng and skilled contractors the past 82 years there has. been
The r g
planning a fund raising campaign, recommendation made at council:
which they hope will create a re- was to change the road to a one -
serve fund for future maintenance way vehicle access.
W n ham association is only limited• traffic problems. One
oven re're 9 -
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Close shave for constable...oPP consta-
,ble Lincoln Dinning has fashioned a new hairstyle thanks to
the students at F.E. Madill Secondary School. The police offi-
cer had told the students that if they raised $1,000 for the Spe-
cial Olympics, they could shave his head. As of Monday morn-
ing, the total donation for the program teetered on the razor's
edge at $1,200 and Dinning was sporting a cooler head.
The Wingham Public Utilities
l ommission (PUC) accepted the
quotes to extend water lines and
ydro to the new subdivision being
eveloped near James Street and
arling Terrace.
The tenders were accepted at the
pUC's June meeting held last Tues-
day afternoon.
• The tender for extending the wa-
ter lines to the subdivision was
(iron by Carson's Plumbing Sup-
plies -of Port Elgin, for a price of
Grafton Utility Supply of Graf-
in will extend the hydro to the
ubdivision, with the exception of
the transformers, at a price
Carte of Oakville will provide
Ox required transformers at a
Lost of $12,132.
PUC general manager Ken Sax-
lbn said that the curbs will be put
lin this year. and the first layer of
itavernent will also be put down.
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