HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-05-31, Page 9IOW 31, 1$05
Still seeking representation Blueva�
Dear Editor:
Where is decI hay
do the same
speak amountsto►,Our ri
be a source of irritation. in1 a
of the little guys
ght to
Area asked 50eproposed'hehesYrequestthat
looked at all levels of gove1 ha questions about th
n Canada, active a 50 questios of concern be
representve d yseeking for answered before tesing was to
emoccy, but it is start at the siteTha rare representative
s truly democrac in belief orFor most 1p service will dWe witnessd only a few we
ago, where our federal represe
tive, Paul Steckle did stand agaithe full weight of his party to rresent us, his constinThe sad state of affairs is, this not represeniofor all ofron Couny -rather, in iits 1a resident of Ashfield dealing wthe proposd A3 Dum g wi
only the iron hand of orce. An ee
ample; on March 18, 1995, th
conceed citizens of Ashfield &
at questios have questioac- not all been an- c
swered, yet the drilling equipmwas moved quickly moved on site,eks as plannd-
nta- One of the questios dealt with 1
last the issue of who is responsiblifeP- the test drilling causes a neighbour- thing well to fail. This is a crucial w
ere question thatHu- dressed ro erl4as not been ad- gu P P Y therefore remains no
unanswered.th We think of ourselves as lvingdo
el in a free land, but if wex- why is it we do are a fay?ree, e not have a say? iWhy is it we are unable to. reverse stna governmet ruling that is against Pothe will of the people? In Ashfield into
how is it that we are not able to give
a dump from being shoved one
n our throats?
hind, in n attempt to prod
hydro electric power, is foover l million people off.land, so they can flood the 1
We, in our highmindand
It is a democracy, when due
onflict of interest, our -representa-
tive of Ashfield; who should
council fighting on our behalf
by a conflict of interest.
Furthermore, we are not allowed
n alternative voice on council. If
is is a true de
ould be some contingency y' an here
et us representation and if there is
plan, Council of Huron should
something to get us a say.
For other reeves. who do not
ant the dump in their townships,
would appear that it is easy to
ck those without a say.
sitions in government came
existence because citizens of a
n constituency needed some -
to enact their common affairs
BLUEVALE II slated for Ma 31•
to a By Sarah Timm and ted and will
We Je : ca Kin n bring it to q v
st g ; ent'Da.. Achieve- and
septa -arced the - e- ng Y We also learned Susan. rje an he aur
be on p.m. with the'4-H edge. x:30 udge healthy fruit for size,how
Timm, Christie- and Laura Sarah
f is si-
enced talked aboutg - We bruises an o .wick, War:
and the e growing of seeds eshrtess. ndlie derserand
pr°' r type of soil for ideal We look f rward to the achieve Ginn and leaders Courtney
andth growing conditions. We ment r and Roxanne Visser
abouttalked progra tonight, May31, Marianne Warwick worked.
the h: adds ns too the Bluevale all at 7:30 in very hard to
and t little , much rain ryone is welcome, p.m. Eve- done in four get two 4-H clubs
Th unsltine. months. Con
• rs observed sproutingThe club members, Fernando and tions to everyone! gratula-
Ad -
seeds. Each Lindsay
girl bserved her own y deVos; Jennifer and Heath- We thank The reporting
a -H
er Hall, vance-Times for re
Jessica King,
fY■ Mary Ann news. Porting our 4-H
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S i l is
Continued from page five
tion. Any candidates that do run are gent
doing so as independents d how
support f Canada.
As I see it, any such independent force
candidates will only have the effect Person
of splitting the vote amongst those they e
voters supporting deficit and debt or due
control. We all want Bob Rae to he their d
.defeated. The best way t
other c
is to
, in simple terms means you
uce were hired as a servant of those
for that elected you. I don't know any -
their one that went to the polls to elect a
and. King to rule over us-
°" In Ashfield, we as voters have
nk, given up a portion of our sovereign
ow power to allow our representatives
yrs. to enact our needs. I don't remem-
will ber hearing any condi
thoughts of ourselves thi
barbaric, how cruel, and h
ane of those Chinese leade a smaller scale, 'you
some farmers and other area
s off their land, whether
ave their land expropriated
to the fear of leachate in
rinking water, or numerous
out the and
the S pport of the Reform Party inhum
Yet o
this put our full supportrt ensure
thethe only atty behind If th
Mike H provincial party, the democr
Harris PC Party. owners
I have reviewed in detail the PC differen
policies set forth in the Common of the r
Sense Revolution. Mike Harris has tilers, w
indicated he will introduce bal-
anced budget legislation- He wili
reform welfare- He will cut bureau-
cratic red tape and
size of he will cut the
These policies are all supported
whole heartedly by Helen Johns,
the PC candidate in Huron. She has
a firm business background, has a
fresh approach to politics and I am
supporting her as best I can' in' her
Common Sense campaign.
Maggie Visscher,
is is not China, but in fact a
atic nation, why will land -
still lose their land? The .
ce seems only the degree
emoval and instead of sol-
e have laws and courts to
Seek in
aid for
Dear Editor:
I know you will be surprised to
receive a letter coming from far
away on this isolated island of un-
fortunate human beings- But pray-
ing for your kindness and under-
standing I took the courage to write
to request you toplease
your newspaper an print in
desperate article about my
P plea for help.
I am a leper patient in this colo-
ny with two malnourished children,
and my husband is an invalid
caused by this cruel leprosy.
more to say,yP Y Sith ed
three young chi drensare livster ing th
us because her husband died in an
accident, leaving his family in ex-
treme poverty and sympathy.
My sister can hardly earn a liv-
ing because she has still a little
child to care for, besides our house
made of light materials is in
of repair and'weneed
thing to buythe don't have materials. Their
poor family 'adds more burden and
miseries to our lives since we our-
selves can hardly bear the suffering
as being lepers.
It breaks my heart to see the chil-
dren cry because they are hungry,
Their few old garments are worn
out already. i cannot provide for
my children anymore because my
sickness has deformed
and I am alreadyd me severely
bedridden. What
keeps us alive is only the food ra-
tion our government
tients like me, but this food is hard-
ly enough for us.
If you will be so kind to publi-
cize our helplessness and call for
help I just hope to find someone
who may want to share with us
some of his or her graces and send
us some food and old clothes.
I know this is a shameful thing to
ask for, but our young children are
sickly and starving as I have got to
try to find help somehow. i am beg-
ging you with all my heart -
May God bless you all. Hoping
to hear from you soon.
Lilia Teves,
Culion, Palawan,
(Ed No1e• Anyone interested in
making a donation of "clothes or
other items may receive the full ad-
dress of Mrs- Teves from the Wing -
ham Advance -Times.) -
or ask for the power or right
talk dof
rupt anyone's life by to dis-
off their land- forcing them
I look forward to receiving your
thoughts, individually or collec-
tively so I, and others likewise in-
terested may be enlightened on the
rights of Ashfield and area resi-
dents to resist, what appears to me
as a steamroller.
Held Twp
Rob McQueen
'Ashfield Twp•
eeking new educator
GORRIE — Hundreds of
and dozens of cups of pudding lat
er, Kim Baan of -Walton is winding
up her year as the Huron County
Dairy Educator,
Kim has been teachingcounty
students about the benefits
s where the milk they drink comes
- from.
Anyonewith knowledge of the
dairy industry, whether they be
male or female, married or single,
young or old, is welcome to submit
a resume to the Huron County Milk
Committee care of Eldon Bowman,
RR 1, -Comic, NOG 1X0 by June
30, 1995.
Thenew Dairy Educator will,
also be asked to co-ordinate ,his or
her own activities. The dual role is
a paid position of the milk commit-
and milk products, oftenof
givestudents akix
ample ofwhat she means She also
informs pupils about the business
aspect of dairy farming.
By July, when her year will end,
she'll have visited over 20 schools
and taken part in two barn tours
where students learn first hand
Young leara.n life skills..
through playfulacts
oving intently
through the tall
grass, body held
low to the ground, legs taut ��ture'S
and ready to rush, ang MlraCre$
ever energetic
Wolf pup stalks his
sleeping P g father's tail. �"• '' '
The pup chooses his mo- Monte HUM
mement to pounce, but father. wolfMEL
has, beon" isn't na-ppin�„as deeply as. he see
keeping.a half closed but watchful eye med-
'ng just the right instant to flick his tail to the side, fatherwatcheses as the
young hunter bites dust instead of prey.
Father wolf treats himself to a low snort as
bushed by his sister who is lain the-angster is then am -
You can plainly layinher own hunternd-
see preparation for survival as an adultein theame. la
young animals- 'The wolf pups practice physical skills and sharpen
tial perceptions they play of
spring. will need when they must feed their own off-
as young predators la
m Ju play at run -and -dodge -and -leap.
play hunt -and -attack games,young
mock phases Burin u odge-and-leap- Elk fawns, for istapreyjinn
and stand motionle� filch they practice alarm signals or suddenly
Whether an animal hunts' or is hunted,ng Y stop
young to become more successful adults_ Playthelts to gameshese ohet
uals who have developed the skills to survive and reproduce, thuss as-
suring produce individ-
a future for the species -
Play usually mirrors an animal'susually
own situation in nature. r
ance necessaryofBighornmay het them The gb-
for life on steepslopes. acquire the strength and knock heads in rehearsal for the mating battles tos lcome.
young Bighorn rams
Play seems to provide safe opportunities
grate themselves into their communities. gnifor icing animalsRhesus to inte-
si ewhoup Significantly,
grow without playmates become antisocial and Mon -
It is not always e aggres-
Fish, reptiles, insects and wild birds do not seem to la
recognizeumans to play in another species.
and ravens can occasionally be seen performing Y though crows
just for the fun of it. g aerobatics a
It may be, however, that these types apparently
not comprehend- Still,,it's nice to think that even s play in of we in nature leave all animals a little time for fun. the rigours of survival
. s Nature's Miracles is brought to you by the Adv
World Wildlife Fund Canada.. To find out how
wwF wildlife and wild places, call Advance -Times and the
WWF at 00-
I-8 you can help save
26 -PANDA.
I. Extinct 5. Kitt
cy 7. Certain 8. Exact 10. Loft 11. Personal
Buying 14. Skewer 17. Inciting 19. Want
21. yearn
22. Taunted 23. Inlet 24. Delayed
2. Thrifty 3. Near 4. Tunnel 5. Keepsake
9. Tolerated 12. Instinct 15. '6, Train
20. Full yy ealthY 16. United 7• Celebrity
18. Crawl
Public Notice
Hereby - Take Notice that
the Corporation of the Township of Morris
Proposes to enact a By-law pursuant to Sectio
TO STOP of the Municipal Act R.S.O.19n 297 (1) (c)
UP, CLOSE AND TO SELL 90' c' M.45,
within the Townshipof Mo that part of the road
of Concession , of the is lying
een Lots 10allowance
more and 11 in the North
P Monis,' in the County of Huron,
particularly described in Schedule "A"
AND FURTHER TA A hereto annexed.
who claims that his TAKE
or that the Council shall hear any
by-law and whoao be Prejudicially affected bythe person
Corporation of ��Townshiplof Morris, e heard at a meeting of the council of
Purpose in the council chambers at thes' which will be held for that
R.R.#4, Brussels; OntMunicipal Office, located at
the 6th day Ontario, Lot I4 Concession 5 of Mo
of June, 1995, at the hour of 8: Morris Township,
Dated this 3rd day of May , 1995,, 00 p.m. o'clock in the evening.
Corporation of the Township of, Clerk
P of Morris
All and singular that certain Sched>,le
Parcel or tract of land and premises situate,
lying and being that
part of the road allowance between lots 10&11,
Concession 1, Township of Monis, County of Huro,
described as follows: nmore
Firstl particularly
y Commencing at a point which is the northeast angle Lot 10;
Thence South -1 g �of said
Y and along the easterly limit of the said lot 10
approximately 3300 feet, to a point which is the south
north 1/2 of.L' Lot 10; '
east angle of the
Thence at right angles to the easterly limit of
feet to a point which is the southwest angle of the at north0, a /2 of co of ;
Thence northerly and along 1, of Lot 11;
approximately 3300 feet, to a point which iwesterly s t of Lot 11,
11;the northwest angle of Lot
Thence at right angles to the westerly limit of Lot
feet, to a point which is the northeast angle of 11,a distancehisthe of point
of commencement.Lot 10, which is
Township of