HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-05-24, Page 1443, tr WSW CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK POLICE VILLAGE OF GORHIE REQUEST FOR TENDER SEALED TENDERS.properly marked will be received by the Police Village of Gorrie for: 1. The RECONSTRUCTION of approximately 4.478 square feet of concrete sidewalk. TENDER INFORMATION is available at the address and phone number listed below. ADDRESS: Corrie Village Trustee's, CIO William Cane, Inspecting Trustee P.O. Box 9 Gorrie, Ontario NOG 1X0 Phone: (519) 335-3938 Fax: (519) 335-6753 CLOSING DATE: SATURDAY. JUNE 17. 1995 THIS PROJECT is subject to approval by the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Works Program. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Canad'L 1'" iohsOntarlo boulotOntarin Corporation of the Township of East Wawanosh Tender For Design, Build Rectangular Sand/Salt Storage Building Sealed Tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 6, 1995, to supply and con- struct a Designed Sand/Salt Building 32 feet wide by 48 feet long and 22 ,feet high. An optional storage area 22 feet wide by 48 feet long lean-to along side sand/salt building. For more information and specifications contact the undersigned. Lowest or any tender will notnecessarily be accepted. Ralph Campbell, CRSI Road Superintendent Townshipof East Wawanosh P.O. Box 160 Belgrave, Ontario NOG 1E0 Phone: (519) 357-2880 Fax: (519) 357-4214 ornMin =Mr ra Huron County Board of Education invites tenders for ALTERATIONS TO VANASTRA PUBLIC SCHOOL Sealed tenders will be received at The Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM ILO until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 8, 1995. A Bid Bond amount of $13,000.00 is required to aceompany tender. The successful bidder will be required to provide a 50% Perform- ance Bond and a 50% Labour and Material Payment Bond. A limited number of tender documents will be available to General Contractors only, at the office of Garratt & Marklevitz, 516 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario.N5A 5T7, after Thursday, May 25, 1995, upon deposit of a certified cheque in the amount of 550.00 per set. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM ILO %tltlia $6. R. Brown Chair to� P. Carroll Director You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Children's Aid Society of Huron County on Wednesday, May 31, 1995 at the Rivermill, Benmiller Inn R.R.#4, Goderich, Ontario Business Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: Dr. Peter Marshall His presentation will emphasize the positives of working with children and their families. A social time will follow. Memberships ($5) available at the door, or may be purchased in advance at the agency offices, 413 MacEwan Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 4M1. THE WINGHAM INN "Ladies Night" Male Dancers Sat, June 3 Featuring 3 male Dancers Showtime 9:00 p.m. Cover Charge $7.00 Wingham Inn 238 Josephine St. Wingham 357-3811 "Good Times -Great Rock" 4%. ':i v r i• i. G. ri i. 3 .vy iS • prieuaairoo 4 The Teeswater Falcons Open40.9. twat Ray Lyell Friday, July 7, 1995 9 -1 p.m - Teeswater a Arena Floor Age of Majority $10.00 in advance 'e $12.00 at the door Visit Holyrood General Store For Garden Seeds, Beans, Peas, Seed Potatoes 395-5062 JOHNSTON/BORHO- We would like CO thank everyone who gtto ded our buck and doe and to those who bought tickets but weren't able to attend. Special thanks to Bluevale ReaCreation and Bluevale Bares for all their work, and to our wedding party for making it such a success. Thank you to anyone else who helped out. --Arlene and Mark JOHNSTON--I would like to thank everyone for coming to the community shower and to those who sent gifts but were unable to be there. All the gifts were beautiful. Special thanks to Bonnie and Audrey for organizing it and to everyone that helped at it. Thank you to the commentator and models for the fashion show and all my little helpers. --Arlene in Honour of our Parents Peg and "Ace" Bateson 50th Wedding Anniversary we are having an Open House (Casual) at the home of Jon and Betty Bateson 39 Helena Street, Wingham on Saturday May 27th 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Best wishes only please. Jeremy R. Schefter, son of Ron & Ruth Schefter, Wingham has received an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Water Resources Engineering from the University of Guelph. Jeremy is currently employed with an engineering firm in Waterloo. 1 DABBER BINGO. $1,000 jackpot must go, Wingham Knights of Columbus. Every Tuesday, Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open at 6 p.m. Early. bird, 7:15 p.m. LUCKNOW & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB dabber bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheelchair accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,100 jackpot must go every night. CALVIN -BRICK UNITED CHURCH is holding its annual "Cold Meat Supper" on Saturday, May 27 at the Institute Hall, Belgrave, 5 to 7 p.m. Adults, $7.50; children, $3; preschool, free. ROAST BEEF SUPPER at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Gorrie. Sunday, May 28, 4:30-7 p.m. Everyone welcome. BLUEVALE UNITEDCHURCH Wednesday, meat supper, May 24, 5-7 p.m: Adults, $7.50; children 12 and under, $3; preschoolers free. For take-outs phone 357-1123 from 10 a.m.-I2 noon on May 24. THE. FAMILY OF ELVA JACQUES invites friends and relatives to a Come and Go Tea to celebrate her 80th birthday, on Sunday, May 28, 2-4 p.m. at The Gorrie United Church. Best wishes only please. NOTICE Wingham & District Community Living Association NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Wingham & District Community Living Association will be holding it's Annual; General Meeting for the 1994/1995 fiscal year on Thursday June 15, 1995 at 7:30p.m.atthe Wingham Armouries Everyone Welcome! R.S.V.P. 357-3562 by June 9, 1995 THE HURON COUNTY Federation of Agriculture is sponsoring an All -Candidates Meeting for the upcoming Provincial election, Goderich Township Hall, Holmesville, Tuesday, May 30, 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. FRIENDS AND FAMILY ARE INVITED to a "Come and Go Tea" on the occasion of Annie VanStone's 90th birthday on Sunday, June 4, 2-4 p.m. at Riverview Home, Teeswater. YOU ARE INVITED to the 131st anniversary of Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch, to be held on Sunday, May 28. Services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. with Rev. John Congram as guest speaker. Special music at evening service. Lunch following morning service. Social , hour following evening service. BUCK AND DOE for Valerie Brewer and Paul Raftis, Saturday, Jgne 3, 9 p.m. -1 a.m. at the Harriston-Minto Auditorium. Music by Darren English. Age of majority. $5 per person. For tickets call John at 519-338-2591 or Ronda, 357-1392. INFORMAL INFORMATION SESSION on financial matters for women. Wingham Library, Wed., May 31, 7:30 p.m.. No admission charge. Refreshments. GORRIE UNITED CHURCH garden party. Wed., June 7, 4:30-7 p.m. Adults, $8; children, $3. RA OK NIGHT SAT. JUNE 3 9:00 pm- 1:00 am Bring your voices and enjoy an evening of karaoke. BRUSSELS OUNTRY IN 887-903 Wingham & District Hospital Corporation Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Wingham and District Hospital Corporation will be held in the Nursing Assistants' Training Centre, Catherine St., Wingham, Ontario on Thursday, June 15, 1995 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the revision of bylaws: for the election of Governors; for the appointment of Auditors; and for the transaction of such other things as may properly come before the meet- ing. Copies of the Annual Report and Hospital Financial Statements may be obtained at the front desk of the Wingham and District Hospital ef- fective June 12, 1995 and at the Annual Meeting. Memberships granting voting privileges may be purchased at the front desk of the hospital for five dollars ($5.00) prior to five o'clock p.m., Wednesday, May 31, 1995. No Membership sold, after that time will entitle the purchaser to a vote. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this fifth day of May, 1995. By order of the Board of Governors. L. Koch, .Secretary BELGRAVE KINSMEN calendar winners: May 14, Terry Moran, Teeswater, $40; May 15, Brent Robinson, Walton, $40; May 16, John Gamble, Kincardine, $40; May 17, Corey Mann, Belgrave, $40; May 18, 'Rob Nicholson, Listowel, $40; May 19, George Skinn, Wingham, $40; May 20, Rick Iler, Tillsonburg, $40. 210 LEOPOLD ST., WINGHAM, Saturday, May 27, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Dehumidifier, power tools, computer parts, children's clotting and toys, child's battery-operated Jeep, baby equipment. f MOVING SALE, Saturday, May 27, 9 a.m.-? Rain or shine. 180 King St., Blyth. Lots of items. IN WINGHAM, 329 Shuter Si, Wingham. Saturday, May 27,, 9 a.m. GIANT MULTI -FAMILY YARD SALE, Sat., May 27, 8 a.m.-? Freezer, odd chairs, bikes, drapes, much more. 135 Clyde Si, Bluevale. FAMILY AND FRIENDS YARD SALE at 39 Victoria St. W., Wingham. Saturday, May 27, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Includes furniture, dishes, exercise equipment, books, lawn chairs, garden tools, crafts, microwave and stand, etc. Auction ale of van, market gardening & office equipment, livestock & some household effects for Perry's Pumpkin Patch on part Lots 18 & 19, Con A, Howick Twp, 2 & 1/2 miles north of Wroxeter on Huron County Road #12 on Thursclay, June 1 at 1:00 p.m. Lunch Booth Van & Market Gardening Equipment: 1990 GMC Ventura 2500 cargo van (selling certified`; I.H. #434 diesel tractor with I.H. 111501 loader; Leyland #270 diesel tractor with Dunham Lehr loader; Wade port. P.T.O. pump; approx. 30 pcs. of 4"X30' alum. oipe and access; M.F. 3 -furrow plow; Triple K 11 ft. cultivator; fertilizer spreader, 3 Point Hitch; M.F. & J.D. 2 row corn planters with plates; 2 row potato hiller: seed potato cutter; 1 row transplanter; 2 potato diggers with P.T.O.; Vic Hyd. dump trailer; J.D. #42 pull type combine; wagon with rack; HD wagon gear & trailer Hardy knap sack sprayer; propane heaters; hand garden tools; produce coolers; portable sign; Fletcher -Terry glass cutter; Casio CE2300 cash register (new); Avery A600 elec. scales; trees and shrubs; peat moss; tools & other numerous items. Livestock: 2 X bred sows - rebred; purebred Duroc boar; 25 laying hens (brown eggs). Terms: Cash or cheque with I.D. day of sale. Owners or auctioneer not responsible for any accidents, loss or injuries on property day of sale. .AII verbal announcements take precedence over written advertisements. Proprietors - Diane & Tom Perry 519-335-3259 • • `Sale will be conducted by Len Metcalfe Auction Ltd. Mildmay, Ontario 519-367-2791 Real Estate & Household Auction Auction sale of real estate, furniture, antiques, misc. household items & tools to be held at 391 Albert St.., in the village of Brussels on Saturday, May 27 at 10 a.m. Real Estate- consists of a 1 1/2 storey frame house with attached garage with abitibi siding gn a lot 132' x 165'. House consists of 4 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, living room, dining room, kitchen and large sun porch. House is heated by high efficiency oil furnace (5 'yrs. old), 60 amp hydro service, serviced by town sewers,and water. House is in excellent state of repair with a large corner lot. Furniture- Westinghouse refrigerator, Westinghouse 24" electric stove, 5 pc. maple arborite kitchen suite, Strand wood stove, chesterfield and • chair, swivel rocker, leather sofa, small love seat, coffee and end tables, leather chair, Panasonic colour TV, bed and dresser, small table, picnic table, Revco 20 cu. ft. deep freeze, apartment size Simplicity washer and dryer, small desk, 2 chairs, and other misc. household items. Antiques- old wooden chairs, steamer trunk, old sleigh, wooden boxes, Queen Anne rocking chair, 6 chairs and gate leg table, china cabinet, treadle'sewing machine; quilt frames, oak book case, wardrobe, buffet, carnival, depression and Bavaria dishes; old dresser. Garden Tools -.JD 108 lawnmower with grass catcher,Lawnboy push mower, JD 8hp snowblower, JD rototiller, chain saw, shallow well pump, garden seeder, flower stands and planters, small quantity of hand tools and other misc. items. Note: This is a good clean offering, plan to attend. Real Estate: to be offered at 12:30 p.m. Household, Items: to be sold at 10 a,mt Anyone interested in real estate may call auctioneer. TERMS: Real Estate - 10% down day of sale with balance in 30 days. Chattels - Cash or cheque day of sale. Auctioneer & Estate not responsible for any accidents day of sale. Proprietor: Estate of Mabel Elizabeth Smith Executors: Harvey Smith (519) 887-6986 Joe Smith (519) 887-6415 AUCTIONEER: Joseph Zehr (519) 887-9599 LEN ETCALFE AUCTION LTD. Elora Rd. North Mildmay Ontario 519-367-2791 Auction Register FRIDAY, MAY 26 at 6 P.M..:- Sale of household effects & antiques for ANNE & CARROLL JOHNSON of Gorrie al the Metcalfe Auction Centre, Mildmay. Preview; 5 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 27 at 9 A.M.- Mennonite Relief Sale, New Hamburg. MONDAY, MAY 29 at 1:00 P.M.. • Sale of Beef Cows and Bulls for TED NQWAKOWSKI on Lot 34, Con. 2, Brant Township.. first comer east of Walkerton on Hwy 44, then 1 1!4 miles north on Bruce Cly Rd 419 and then west on Con 210 the first farm on the left. TUESDAY, MAY 30 at 5:30 P.M: Sale of Construction tools. supplies & office tumilure for TOM BROWN al A.J. Brown Ltd., 220 Rideout St., Walkerton. SATURDAY, JUNE 3 at 10 A.M.• Sale of household effects and antiques for the BERTHA DIETRICH ESTATE of Mildmay at the Metcalfe Auction Centre, Mildmay. PREVIEW 9 a.m. Consignment Auction Sale of household furnishings and farm related items. Lucknow Community Centre. Friday evening, June 2nd, 6:00'p.m. Good clean consignments accepted until filled. Call Allan R. Miller auctioneer 519-395-5062 RIVER PLACE PARK, 3 krih. west of Hwy. 6, between Durhat)l and Mount Forest. Overnight and seasonal camping. For information phone 1-519-665-2228 or write RR 3, Ayton,Ont., NOG ICO. Driving Instructor An established driving school requires a driving instructor for the Wingham area. Individual must be mature, responsible, self -motivated and have an excellent driving record. Mail resume to: Blue Water Driving Academy Ltd., P.O. Box 724, Owen Sdund, Ontario N4K 5W9 Fax: (519) 376-4736 or Call: (519) 376-2779.