HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-03-29, Page 17• WW'DNESDAY, MARCH x'9.1985 SOLUTIONS M RQSS 1. Began 4. Flare 8. Eye 9. Adieu 10. Owner 11. Tub 12. Refer 13. Lifting 16. Docile 19. Sprawl 23. Despair 26. Ended 28, Cur X19. Gnome 30. Clean 31. Doe ,32. Matte 33. Demon DOWN 2. Grief 3. Neutral 4. Feeble 5. Aloof 6. Ennui 7. Sprig 9. Acrid 14. Tar 15. New 17. Ode 18. Imp 20. Pierced 21. Laden 22. Arcade 23, Dogrita 24. Storm 25. Alert 27. Dream -11 Classifieds Contihraiuted N h. W at'StctTcn Auto Supply Need some touch up work done on your car? +Give us the year, make & code and we can give you the matching paint in a spray bomb. Make minor body work a snap! Custom made spray bombs available in 16 or 8 oz. sizes i FEN, Steffen Auto Supply Mar 100 Pine St. Just off the B -Line ei17--A 357-•1550 Special Offer United Church memorial gift During a recent regular service at the Wingham United Church, a presentation was made in memory of the late William A. Tiffin. The presentation consisted of a brass Bible stand, purchased from dona- tions to the Church's Memorial Fund at the time of his passing, last September and a lectern Bible, do- nated by members of the Tiffin family, to be placed upon it. These items are to remain on the communion table during regular services, facing toward the congre- gation, as a symbol of the centrality of the word of God in Christian worship. For the ceremony, David Tiffin; on behalf of the family, presented the gifts to Ken Wood, who, as sec- Belgrave Institute A brief business meeting fol- lowed when members were remind- ed of a number of upcoming events, LEN ETCALFE AUCTION LTD. Elora Rd. North Mildmay Ontario 519-367-2791 Auction Register SAT. APR. 1 AT 10 AM - Sale of household effects and antiques for BEV & WALTER HYDE of Inverhuron and the ROY DANIEL ESTATE of Paisley at the Metcalfe Auction Centre, Mildmay. Preview: 9:00 a.m. MON, APRIL 3 AT 11 AM - Sale of property, horse drawn fano machinery, livestock, feed, lumber and household effects for LEVI K. STUTZMAN on lot 27, Con 13 Sullivan Twp, 1 1/2 miles east of Chesley on Grey Cty Rd #25 (or first farm east of. Scone). TUES APRIL 4 AT 1 PM - Sale of farm machinery and misc. items tor CAROL & REINHARD LANGE on Lot 5, Con 8, Normanby Twp, 33/4 miles north of Clifford on Grey Cty Rd #10, then 11/4 miles east on Con 8 and then 1st farm on the left. FRI, APRIL 7 AT 10 AM - Sale of fans machinery and misc. for ROBERT & GERRY WEISS of Formosa at the Metcalfe Auction Centre. PLEASE CALL TO BOOK A CONSIGNMENT TO THIS SALE. A Wedding Memento for your Guests 1. Softee Key Fobs with your Wedding details Imprinted 25%, OFF OFF au your Wedlq Stanone er 6l, its O r More lAoril2515. . Cowan Quality Pen sets for the Wedding Party ' Laser -engraved and -Gift Boxed Printing & Advertising, Lucknow (519) 528-2730 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS 16th LONDON ARTS & CRAFTS Spring,Show & Sale. Canada Build- ing, Western Fairgrounds, London. Saturday, April 1 11-9. Sunday, April 2 11-5. Admission $3.00. 100 Craftspeople , Olga Traher 519-679- 1810. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START YOUR OWN home-based business! Watkins is today's best business opportunity! For free infor- mation contact - Independent Mar- keting Director, 218 Meglund Cres- cent, Saskatoon, Sask. S7H 4Z6 (1- 800-263-2999). EDUCATIONAL OPPS. REGISTER ANYTIME for Acadia University (Wolfville, NS) credit dis- tance education courses. Call 1- 902=542-2201, X1434, or fax us 1- 902-542-3715, or e-mail us, gra- fuse@max.acadiau,ca for a free brochure. HELP WANTED CHARLTON RESORTS IN BANFF, Alberta offer year-round employ- ment opportunities for HOUSE- KEEPING ATTENDANTS and FRONT DESK AGENTS. Competi- tive salary, excellent working condi- tions. Contact Jason Braun GM Tel 403-762-4485 Fax 403-762-2744, P.O. Box 1478, Banff TOL OCO. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot of money selling chocolate bars . NEW $2.00 PRODUCTS. Nothing to pay in advance, fast delivery 1- 800-38-DELUX $ STACEYCRAFT LTD.$ DO YOU HAVE SPARE TIME?' -Earn extra income marketing craft products. Over 50,000 different items; make between 25% to 50% profit. No quo- tas to meet. No inventory to buy. Info: send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: STACEYCRAFT LTD., 25 Connie St., Ext. 105, Toronto, Ontario M6L 2H8 MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST S24,000 in prizes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lines or less: National Library Of Poetry, Box 704-1370, Owings Mills, Md 21117. BELGRAVE--There were 50 mem- bers and friends present for the last Women's Institute potluck lunch- eon of the season last Tuesday, March 21. President Dorothy Coultes welcomed everyone and then called upon Rev. John Roberts to ask the blessing. Following the sumptuous meal, Mrs. Coultes led in a sing -song of favorite tunes. She was accompa- nied on the piano by Mrs. Gladys Van Camp, who also read two poems. Mrs. Van Camp then introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Eileen Bak- er, who gave an interesting account of the cashew nut business which she and her husband operate out of their farms in Guatemala and Blue - vale. Mrs. Baker invited everyone to sample the cashews and related products, which were greatly en- joyed. She was thanked.and given a token of appreciation by Mrs. Van Camp. Mrs. Coultes added her thanks to Mrs. Baker for her inter- esting presentation, as well as to Mrs. Van Camp and Nancy Jardin for the poems they recited. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES ('A cost will be incurred.) LIVE PSYCHICS. Police use us...Harness your destiny. Your pre- sent and future revealed. •Love'Success'Money. Find out now. Call 1-900-451-4055. $2.99/min. 18+. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Thousands of satisfied callers. Gift- ed, Caring, Accurate, Positive. Love -Relationship -Career -Money. Live one on one 24 Hours. $2.99 min. 18+ 1-900-451-3783. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'll take it! Ameri- ca's largest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentals needed. Call 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS THE LAST BUILDING you'll ever need. Future Steel, the recognized leader in affordable, top quality, arch -style structures. For Value, Service, Integrity and free delivery, call 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDING SALE. . ,Ontario Manufacturer Direct. Guaranteed lowest prices. Sizes 500-15,000 sq/ft. Straightsided quonset with ends. Example: 25x42 55,698., 30x48 $7,794. Call Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. VACATION/TRAVEL WHITEWATER FUNI One and two day Whitewater Rafting Adventures in Eastern Canada on the famous Ottawa and Rouge Rivers, based from beautiful Outdoor Adventure Resorts! Family/Gentle Rafting, Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking, Bungee Jumping available. No experience necessary. Call now for a FREE colour brochure. 1-800-334- 5033. Whitechurch canvas club CANVAS CREATORS The Whitechurch Canvas Crea- tors have met a couple of times in the past two weeks to leam more patterns on canvas. These patterns include scotch stitch, byzantine stitch, cross stitch, continental stitch and slanting gobelin stitch. Members also learned the differ- ent factors when choosing yarn, types of needles, size of canvas, combining colors, graphing and fin- ishing edges. There is one more meeting be- fore the achievement program. On the whole, it has been a very inter- esting club. rrir THE WING= ADVANCETINES retary of the official board, re- ceived them on behalf of the con- gregation. In his comments, Mr. Tiffin remarked upon the generosi- ty of the people in donating to the Heart and Stroke Foundation and•to the Wingham United Church, at the time of his father's death. Mr. Wood, in tum, commented upon the keen interest and involve- ment of the late Bill Tiffin, in the life and work of the Church, citing his membership on the, property committee of the official board and mentioning that he had crafted the oak cabinet which houses the sound system at the back of the sanctuary and built the shelves for the minis- ter's study when it was recently renovated. Mr. Wood then asked the minis- ter, Rev. Rea Grant (son-in-law of the late Mr. Tiffin), to proceed with the dedication. Apart from family members who live locally, the late Bill Tiffin's brother, Jack Tiffin and his wife Ruth of Waterloo, were present for the occasion. Also attending were grandchildren An- drea Grant of Waterloo, Bill Grant of Toronto and his fiance, Susan Meisel of Kitchener. • Karen Lubbers, Press Reporter ersonah • It's AlforddebI a ltU Fait • It's Easy • On. Bill Doss It Ail • NorthernOntario $63 • Eastern Ontario $91 • Western Ontario. $162 • Cenual'Ontario $168 • All Ontario $380 National Paskattes Available • Call this paper for details! As this year marks the 75th anni-. versary of .the Belgrave, Brussels and Blyth School Fair, a variety concert featuring local talent is scheduled' •for May 26. Anyone with anecdotes pertaining to the East Wawanosh Public School is asked to contact Linda Campbell at 357-2188. On Thursday, March 16, visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Stonehouse was their cousin, 1�'IIrs• . Ethel Rath of Mossley. Mary Hatheway and Jennifer of Windsor were weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. Janisa Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch of London and Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston of Ilderton were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby and Laura Johnston. Ron Nicholson and daughter, Sherri of Barrie visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Garner Nichol- son. Dr. Ray and Cindy Nicholson and Victoria of Elmira also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson last Sunday, March 19. Rev. John Roberts and his wife Kay recently returned from their vacation in California. During most of their visit, they report beautiful weather conditions. HovVever, they also saw some of the flood - damaged areas and actually drove 'through one of them on their way home. One of the highlights of the trip was going on a whale -watching cruise when they saw some of the great mammals migrating north. The Belgrave Senior Choir held its annual social atthe home of Bill and Muriel Coultes. Court Whist was played and winners were Bar- bara Anderson, Lillian Campbell, Mr. Coultes and Ken Procter. Lunch was served and the annual meeting held with President Irene Lamont in charge. George Procter gave the financial report and an evening of fellowship was enjoyed. Linda Lichtenberger of St. Thomas, Abby and Pamela, spent several days during the March break at the home of Mr. and Mrs. litgarence Yuill. Murray and Vaughn Vincent and Harold and Etdith Vincent spent the weekend with Don and Carol Vin- cent and family of St. Lazarus, Que. Vaughn and his cousins, Aa- ron and Angela, enjoyed a day of skiing at Rigaud, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coultes have returned from a two-week trip to New Zealand and Australia. While in Melbourne, they visited with their son Steve, who is an en- gineer with a construction company there. They enjoyed very good weather. Freda Johnson, Laura Johnston, Mabel Wheeler and Freda Scott en- joyed seeing the musical comedy, "Crazy for, You" at the Royal Alex- andra Theatre in Toronto on Wednesday, March 22. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCallum and Jamie and Mrs. Jean Cook visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Cook and family of Owen Sound on Tuesday, March 21. The men's breakfast is this Sat- urday, April 1, at 8 a.m. in Knox United Church basement. The guest speaker is Murray Hall on the topic of antique cars. All are welcome. seniors D ", Bill and Ann Werner had a sup- per Sunday evening at the home of Walter and Marg Zimmerman and family, Eileen, Keith, Wayne and Murray of Clifford. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Johnson during the winter break from school were Da- vid Moir and daughters Chandelle and Krista of Mississauga. Also visiting for part of the week at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ball, Alexa and Andrew of Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Scott have returned after spending several days at Niagara Falls. Sara Boelke of Clifford is visit- ing for a few days at the home of Clifford and Hazel Pyke. Dale and Linda Housser and daughter Nicole ,of Stevenville called on their uncle and aunt, La- verne and Yvonne Housser and Ste- phen of RR 2, Wroxeter. They had lunch with their great-aunt and un- cle, Ann and Bill Werner, last Sat- urday. They also visited their grandmother, Suzannah Housser, who is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Bob and David Grainger of Wa- terloo visited with Mrs. Janet Grainger on Sunday. Marilyn Mann of Clinton spent a few days with Mrs. Velma Mann. Among the visitors at the home of Mrs. Archie Steumol' following the funeral last Wednesday of the late Albert Steumol at the Betts Visitation Chapel, Gorrie, were: Mrs. Albert Steumol and daughters Georgina of Kitchener, Lynn of Wiarton and son John of Bramalea; Jim and Winn Steurnol of Listowel; Peter Steumol of Midhurst; Paul and . Glennis Smith of Atwood; Debbie Ireland of Teeswater and Mrs. Beryl Steurnol. Keith and Karen Woods of Lon- don visited a couple of days with Cloyne and Odell Michel. Gary and Kathy Grainger, Katri- na and Graham of Neustradt and Mrs. Janet Grainger were supper guests last Saturday at the home of , Alvin and Eleanore Grainger. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Barrett of Waterloo, son Bruce Barrett and grandson Scott of Chilliwack, B.C., visited at the home of Jack and Hel- en Leppington last Thursday. The Knox United Church board of stewards' pancake supper is Wednesda A'15 E wel- come. y, pn . Eve By Barbara Snowden Spring has arrived and everyone is ready to get out of the house. We have just the solution here at the Wingham Seniors' Day Centre dust off your dancing shoes and head to the Blyth Community Cen- tre this Saturday, April 1, for our annual Spring Fling dance. There are 13 chances to win cash prizes at the dance from $50 to $1,000 and great door prizes gener- ously donated by local businesses. Drop by the centre to purchase a ticket. Phil Malcolm of Plant Paradise in Vanastra was our guest speaker last Tuesday. His topic was "Plant Propigations" and he brought along beautiful spring plants and gave hints on growing, transplanting and caring for our plants. Last Wednesday, Pastor Pat Ben - away joined us to speak on the top- ic "Spring Ahead! Re -Energize!". In keeping with the spring theme, Thursday's group welcomed . Fran McQuail to the centre. She gave some information on the com- munity -shared garden set to grow on her farm this spring. Consumers pay a share in advance to the farm- er, who provides a weekly supply of fresh vegetables. Mrs. McQuail showed a videotape on a communi- ty -shared garden and also beautiful slides of her farm. In closing, I'd like to share our weekly quote: `Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble." ��it�flillA Wingharn Spring grade 3air Sporsored by the Wingham & Area Chamber o f ,eom coerce April 12 and 13, 1995 • Royal Canadian Legion (Winghawt) • Wednesday April 12, 5 p.vn. - 10 p.m. • Thursday April 13, 5 p.vn. - 10 p.n'i. Admission: Donations to ttie WivigGrarn 'Volunteer jirernen 7ireworks 3und • Over 50 Booths Of Exhibits 3rom JUear and 3ar. AIM Mas.,,,-,, W CHAMBERS --Pat and Sharon Chambers of Teeswater welcome Ryan's little brother, Justin James, born March 8 at Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital and weighing 6 lbs., 15 oz. PYKE--Jeff and Julie (Nicholson) of Wroxeter are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of their first daughter, Jenna Ann, born Friday, March 10, at Listowel Memorial Hospital, weighing 7 lbs., 12 oz. Jenna is a first granddaughter for Harold and Lloya Nicholson of Lucknow and Glenn and Carol Pyke of Wroxeter. Great- grandparents are John and Helen Nicholson of Lucknow, Mildred Coupland of Belmore; Cliff and Hazel Pyke, Gorrie and the late Gladys Reed. KEMP-Doug and Judy Kemp of Wingham happily announce the ar- rival of their fourth child, a son; Daniel Douglas, 7 lbs., 3 oz., born March 15 at Wingham and District Hospital. He is a little brother for Jessica, Brandi -Lee, Allyson and Kern. Grandparents are Barb and. Gary Sholdice of Goderich, Bob and Bridget Kemp of Port Ryersby and Ron and Andy Line of Bramp- ton. LAMONT-THOMAS -- Susan Thomas and Robert Lamont of RR 2, Wingham, are proud to welcome Tiffany Morgan, born March 15 at Wingham and District Hospital and weighing 7 lbs., 12 oz. She is a lit- tle sister for Jessica and a grand- child for Harold and Marie Lamont of Wingham and Sharon and Rob- ert Thomas of Tobermory. VATH--In Rocky View Hospital, Calgary, on March 15,' to John and Brenda Vath, a son, Austin John. BALLAGH--Gary and Janice Bal- Iagh of RR 2, Teeswater, gladly an- nounce the birth of Paige Michelle, born March 19 at Wingham and District Hospital, weighing 8 lbs., 15 oz. She is a little sister for De - van and Michael Support Your Community SHOP LOCALLY • Salad Bar • Quiche • Delicious Crepes • Old Fashioned Ham • Home Fries • Eggs • Fresh Homemade Bread • Pancakes • French Toast • Bacon • Sausage • Meatballs • Rice • Fresh Muffins