HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-03-29, Page 11RESDAM. MARCH X9.1995 Fct rm I`�zmily safety A Farm Family Safety Day is planned for this Saturday, April 1, at Vincent Farm Supply, Seaforth, from 1 to 4 p.m. Steve Matisz of the Ontario Farm Safety Association said the day is part of a series being held all over Southwestern Ontario and is geared to farm families with chil- dren 10 years of age and over. Child fatalities and injuries con- tinue to plague the farm communi- ty, says Matisz. The farm is one of the few places in which' the work- place is also the family playground. The' ,also for the day includes a videotape presentation starting at 1 p.m. on tractor safety. This will be followed by a power take -off demonstration, as well as a demon- stration on all -terrain vehicle safe- ty. Flowing grain hazards will be addressed, as will loader safety and a demonstration on the proper use of fire extinguishers. Matisz says there is room to ac- commodate 50 to 60 people and there is a minimal registration fee. Those interested may call 527-0120 to register. Spending fever ° ° hits Rae Goforth meeting in Wingham Girl -child discrimination was the topica of the Goforth Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Wingham last Tuesday evening, March 21. Audrey McKague welcomed those present and introduced the topic of the night by ,sharing facts about the neglectful and abusive treatment of girl children in many countries of the world, even Cana- da. Children's hymns were used to set the mood for the topic, includ- ing many familiar favorites, accom- panied by Betty Richardson. Mari- lyn Baird led the group in a current QUEEN'S PARK —*Ontario Liber- al Leader Lyn McLeod said today that Bob Rae is engaged in a fit of pre-election wending fever, trying 'to bribe the taxpayers with their own4noney. "Between Christmas and the first day of spring the NDP government has spent at least $708,223,340, in- cluding millions on glossy ads which use a likeness of the NDP's party logo and feature pictures of NDP cabinet ministers," McLeod said. In the 13 weeks since Christmas, Bob Rae and 'his ministers have spent at a rate of over $54 million a week. "This three-month fit of • pre- election spending fever is a last - 'ditch attempt to make up for four and a half years of mismanage- ment," McLeod said. The Liberal leader said that the NDP continues to fail to understand the priorities of Ontarians. "The people of this province want a government that will' man- age their money carefully," McLe- od said. "Bob Rae and the NDP are throwing the taxpayers' money into the wind, hoping votes will come back." Noting that March 20 is the tradi- tioral day for recalling the Legisla- ture, McLeod said it was time for Rae to recall the Legislature and start 'working, or call an election and give the people a chance to choose a government that will. Fordwich sifters complete project meetings The Fordwich Sifters have com- pleted four meetings in the Batter Up! projecte.The group is led by Mrs. •Dianne•Taylor and Mrs. Mar- ilyn King. Executive members are Christine Hawkins, president; Me- ghann Taylor, vice president; Sa- rah McMullin, secretary; and Grace King, press reporter. The topic for the first meeting was Measure Up! Members learned different methods of meas- uring ingredients and looked at tools and utensils used for baking. They matched definitions to the names of baked goods and enjoyed a pan of brownies they baked. At the second meeting, members read some historical notes on bak- ing. They learned the method for mixing ingredients of muffins and tasted the peanut butter and jelly muffins they baked and compared the taste, texture, appearance and tenderness of different muffins — homemade, homemade low fat, bakery, and muffins made from a mix. The winner was the home- made low-fat muffin. At meeting three, members dis- cussed methods of mixing cakes and made, frosted and filled a but- ter cake. At meeting four, pastry was a challenge for inexperienced bak- ers. They learned different ways of decorating a pie crust and created an apple pie. At the next meeting, a guest will judge, the cookies and muffins the members bring. At the final meet- ing, a guest will demonstrate mak- ing an angel cake from scratch and another guest will demonstrate cake decorating. children's chorus. Special music was two piano solos by Mary Vaudry, "Any Dream Will Do" from the musical "Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" and the well-known hymn, "Man of Sorrows". Audrey McKague, Helen McKague and Joyce Bain presented some of the causes of discrimina- tion against girl children, including culture, tradition, sexuality, relig- ion, laws and poverty. The disturb- ing facts of selective abortion and, female genital mutilation were de- scribed as a means of limiting and controling. Isobel Arbuckle read from Mark 10: 13-j6, Mrs. McKague dis- cussed the passage, drawing out its implications for the treatment of children. The group enjoyed the World Vision videotape "Girl Child", narrated by Jan Tennant, showing the difficulties experi- enced by girls in Africa and Asia and how they can be alleviated by education. World Vision has a plan to raise the standard of 4I,iving in such countries through the Girl Child Partnership program. During the Missionary Moment, a letter from David Barrie in Mala- wi was read. He reported that the drilling for water . is progressing well and that the country is expect- ing a new freedom under its recent- ly -elected president. The speaker at the September meeting will be Gwyneth Whil- smith, author of A Basket of Stones. It also was reported that 30 Hairs of eyeglasses have been col- lected to send overseas with Chris- tian Blind Mission International. The committee closed the meeting by serving lovely refreshments. LEGION EUCHRE Eighteen tables were in play at the Wingham Legion Hall last Monday evening. Merle McFarlane was high lady and Muriel Grummett was second • high. Ed Stewart was high man and Joe King tied with Stuart Chamney for second high with Mr. King the eventual winner. Jean Deyell had the most lone hands. Draw prizes went to Jane Elliott, Ross Taylor, Kay Rich, Edna Davis and Barbara Tervit. The Legion card party, a shoot, will be held on Monday, April 3. HAPPY GA'1G EUCHRE A successful euchre party was enjoyed at the Wingham Armouries on March 26, sponsored by the Wingham Seniors' Happy Gang. Prizes went to the following: high lady, Mae Louttit; second high, Mary Robinson; high man, Kay McCormick; second high, Tom Culbert; most lone hands for the la hes, Delores Culbert men, Bob Carbert and lucky prize, Kay Rich. The next Happy Gang card party will be a shoot on April 18 at 1:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. BELGRAVE EUCHRE Euchre was played last Wednes- day, March 22, in the Women's In- stitute Hall.• High lady was Agnes Gaunt and second high was Jane Grasby. Ai- leen Leddy had the most lone hands and Iona MacLean was low lady. Bob Grasby was the high man and second high was Jim Coultes. Os- car Schefter had the most lone hands. Jean Pattison, playing as .a man, was low. . The next euchre party is tonight, March 29, starting at 8 o'clock. All are welcome. JUNIOR & SENIOR KINDERGARTEN , %,� REGISTRATION At 'Wingham Public School for children born in 1990 and 1991 Monday, April 3, 1995 at the school by appointment 357 - 3270 Marie Parsons, Principal I: ACHCOMBER SPA BOWLING Monday Night Men's League (Monday, March 20) Standings: Stone Rollers, 193, Flight 'C' Winners and Regular Season Champions; Vohs, 169; Gophers, 148; Boat People, 119.5; King Pins, 103; Matadors, 73.5. Weekly Results: Boat People, 28; Stone Rollers, 19; King Pins, 19; Volts, 11; Gophers, 11; Matadors, 2. High Singles: Greg Storey, 330; Carl Good, 330; Bill Wall, 225. High Triples: Greg Storey, 837; Carl Good, 811. Top 10 Averages: Rod Hickey, 239;, Jim Steffler, 220; Carl Good, 217; Bill Wall, 216; Rob McKenzie, 212; Joe Brophy, 210; Wayne Doerr, '209; Greg Storey, 209; Jack Ohm, 202; Len Sangster, 200. Bluevale Thursday Mixed League (Thursday, March 23) 'A' Side playoffs Caroline's, 6844; Dianne's, 6/12; Edna's, 6685. 'B' Side playoffs • Hanna's, 6546; Reggie s, 6468; Nan- cy's, 6319. High Singles (hdcp): Women -. Hel- en Whytock, 276; Ivadelle Hiusser, 266; Roxanne Visser, 262. Men - Rod Hickey, 322; Randy Somers, 268; Doug Fischer, 263. High Triples (flat): Women - Tra- cey Nicholson, 527; Dianne/Kraem- er, 518; Susanne Campbell, 503. Men - Rod Hickey, 751; Randy 'Somers, 597; Ernie Cook, 597. High Triples (hdcp): Women Hel- en Whytock, 701; Gail Fischer, 693; Ivadelle Hiusser, 686: Men - Randy Somers, 735; Rod Hickey, 730; Du- ane Diemert, 718. 200+ Games: Rod Hickey, 329, 211; Emie Cook, 231; Doug Fischer, 229; Randy Somers, 222; Tracey Carter, 215; Caroline Greenaway, 214; Steve Baxter, 209, 203; Helen Whytock, 209; Ivadelle Hiu'sser,' 201: '' Seniors Bowling (Wednesday, March 22) Men: Gord Louttit, 102, 216, 149; Bob Carbert, 136, 170, 192; flap Swatridge, 215, 206, 213; George Michie, 194, 171; Clarence McCal- lum, 103, 86, 93; Ray Neill, 104, 97, 83; Ken Saxton, 128, 156, 216. Women: Marj Coultes, 127, 145; Alice Nicholson, 147, 94; Betty Ir- win, 69, 97; Ivy Cloakey, 1.18, 120; Evelyn Galbraith, 79, 78; Irene, La- mont, 119, 107; Kathleen Westerhut, 92, 133; Louise Bosman, 86, 122; Mae Louttit, 92, 127; Eleanor Neill, 107. - THE WOW HISIANCE'TIMES 111 INTERIM TAXES DUE The tax installment for the Town of Wingham is due Friday, March 31 1995. Interest at 1 1/4% per month or any part thereof will be charged as of April 1 1995. NOTE.,Persons who have acquired properties and have not received a tax bill should contact the Clerk's Office. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment. A post-dated cheque dated March 31, 1995 may be brought to the Clerk's Office any time prior to the due date. J. Byron Adams Municipal Clerk • BEACHCOMBER SPAS • BEACHCOMBER SPAS. O AX STOREWIDE ONE DAY ONLY! FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. PAY. 0 TAX SALE* co m C 0 COm 1 NOTICE.OF PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT AFFECTING THE TOWN OF WINGHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the TOWN OF WINGHAM will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wingham Town Hall to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of, or in opposition to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is available for inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Wingham Municipal Office (519) 357- 3550, or at the office of the Huron County Department of Planning and Development (519) 524- 2188. DATED AT THE TOWN OF WINGHAM THIS 29th DAY OF MARCH, 1995. Byron Adams Clerk -Treasurer Town of Wingham P. 0. Box 90 Wingham, Ontario NOG 24V0 Purpose and Effect: The purpose of the zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning on land fronting the extension of Carling Terrace, between James Street and the former railway and in the Town of Wingham. As a result, the application for rezoning proposes to change the zoning on Lots 13 to 26, Block A and Part Block B, Registered Plan 451, Town of Wingham The' application proposes to change the zoning from FD (Future Development) to RI (Residential Low Density). These lots are part of Registered Plan 451 which was registered in the Registry Office in 1979. The Town and the local property owners have recently had discussions about street upgrading and municipal services. The location of the affected lands is shown on Schedule 'A' attached: The location map identifies the lands within the Town. The Huron County Board of Education WHO SETS THE MILL RATE ANYWAY? A Public Information Meeting ' hosted by the Huron County Board of Education • Budget '95 • Ministry Grants • Property Tax Trends Members of the Public and Municipal representatives will be invited to offer input, and suggestions. The meeting will be held March 30, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. at the Education Centre, 103 Albert Street, Clinton. R. -Brown Chair 1 Paul Carroll Director EACHCOMBE a to EACHCOMBER *We'll pay the taxes on all inventory items purchased March 31st RintOil's Pools & Spas Ltd.. 1/4 Mile North of Wingham on Hwy. #4 Cali 1®800-7164.8685 • BEACHCOMBER SPAS __.' BEACHCOMBER SPAS cn 1-313114OOH3V38 SEE KEY MAP JI E KEY MAP 4 SEE KEY J .I SE I I. I ( II MAP CIIARLGS STREET sow "Nsiiiingroco,cr. c R ES. 01.1E,5141E0,„ OS1STRET SCHEDULE 'A" KEY MAP 10 TOWN OF WINGHAM to 50 melon 0 2, 100 SEF I KRY IF1IAP 1 Zono than. from FO (Future Oovdopmen) 40 R1 (Rosb00001-low °aeafty) SEE KEY MAP 5 1 0 CHARLES SCIIEDUI.F. 'A" KEY MAP 11 TOWN OF WINGHAM .a maten o f too STREET 103 106 SITE KEY MAP 6 01 n K .R1- North 0 SEG KEY MAP 16 v 0 NE Zona change from Fb (Future Devtopmant) to RI (Reuktonllal-low Dansi,y) .33