HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-03-22, Page 3esponse: Greenlights../br , re fitg iter s
fib still awaiting board dcsion
t sa • s Whether or not themembers f John Duskoe of Morris Town- He said all the suits should, be
oe rewritten ���� o
the Wingham and Area Fire De- ship said his council was in favor washed at least once a year.
The Wingham Area Fire De�X:i�, "4"�" partment will be gettinggreen of a twoper cent raise, but onlyto• "If theyare properly washed
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batttnent has been responding to �� t flashing lights for their vehicles is a specific segment of the fire de- these suits should last eight to 10tto accidents and various types R " . still up in the air. partment years;' said chief Gaunt If they
�' But after last Wednesday's In another matter, chief Gaunt are improperly washed they'll only
Sit rescues, including water rest
Uses, for years. l meeting of the Wingham Area informed the board that the appa- last three to five years."
.,, However, fire chief Harley s Fire Board, the fire fighters may rants floor of the Wingham station He noted that each suit costs
'Gaunt learned at a meeting hast` be getting a raise, instead of the should be spray -cleaned. about $1,000.
Month that the fire department has board purchasing the green lights. "The build ng is 11 years old, The board recommended that
ho authorization from the Wing- � } >s F,' € s Fire chief Harley Gaunt said he but the floofhas not been washed the chief continue to send the suits
ham Area Fire Board to attend ac- { •� " it would be surprised if the green once;' he said. out to get cleaned on a yearly ba-
cidents or any rescues.`, a`� � ' s'�
� .� lights became mandatory. He in- The chief said the dirt is mainly sis of $30 per suit.
In an effort to clarify the situs- s `��, b $ formed the board at the February residue from the fire truck's ex-
tton, the Wingham Area Fire meeting that these emergency haust, but in order to get the floor
Board has established a_committee lights did not relieve the fire fight- clean they would need a cleanerNo ore
to re -write the Establishing and Response...wingham. and Area Fire Department by- ers from obeying the traffic laws, that can cut the grease.
Regulating By-law of the board so law for accidents to be examined. but that the only people authorized The board recommended, on a
the fire department can respond to w to use them were volunteer fire motion by Baker, that chief Gaunt
auto accidents, and water rescues. has no authority to go to accidents law that can be used. fighters. look into the cost of getting a mo -
Fire chief Gaunt told the board ..or rescues of any kind, including Board chairman Harold Gibson Mery Baker of Turnberry bile wash company to come in and
at its regular meeting last Wednes- water rescues. of Howick Township, vice- Township was concerned about clean the floor.
day evening that at a fire .chiefs The fire chief added that when chairman Mery Baker of Tumber- the possibility of fire fighters Chief Gaunt also informed the
management seminar in Clinton the fire fighters are at a fire, under ry Township, fire chief Gaunt, abusing the lights. Chief Gaunt re- board he looked into the cost of
last month he learned that under the current by-law they have no deputy -fire chief Lynn Hickey and sponded by reporting that there are getting a washing machine to
the current Establishing and Regu- authority to knock down walls of board secretary Byron Adams two sides to every situation, but a clean the fire fighters turn -out
lating By-law, the fire department buildings to get at fires or even to were named to a committee, along local fire fighter had abused privi- suits.
hoard up buildings after a fire. with.a representative from the law lege of the green flashing lights. He noted that a new 25 -pound
"There is nothing in the current firm of Crawford, Mill and Da- He added that the fire fighter had commercial washer would cost
by-law that says we can tear down vies, to come up with a more spe- been verbally reprimanded by the $4,771.10, while a 40 -pound
a building to get at a fire," said cific Establishing and Regulating chief. ' washer would cost $6,515.90. The
chief Gaunt. By-law. Bruce Machan of Wingham said chief noted that the water would
He said a more specific by-law The final draft would come he was not in favor of the green be able to go down the municipal
would be required from each of back to the board, and then to each lights. .drain, but the 25 -pound washer
the five -member ,municipalities. of the municipalities for passing "Can we find money in the bud- could only clean two suits each
There is a lot in the existing by- into a by-law. get for a raise?" he asked. wash.
'not right'
Continued from front page
improve access, correct the ball dia-
mond problem, improve the park,
everybody was happy. If anybody
should be bending backwards, it
should be council."
Beard said they have missed the
chance to eliminate a missing link
in the community between the core
and Wingham's largest employer.
He said there are now plans among
the citizen'sgroup to start a letter
writing campaign in hopes of get-
ting the two sides back together.
Beard said the figure provided to
Wescast to refurbish the bridge was
more of a • "Cadillac" version and
can be scaled down in price, hope-
fully making the idea• more attrac-
tive for the two sides to get back to-
etlter. He is also planning to meet
*9 : flim both pat ties .to try to
A some serious 4 scussion.
for the claim of fair market
value: "The town is getting more
than they paid for it.".
The town purchased the rail land
last year from CN and in the agree-
ment, the bridge across Minnie
Street and the Maitland River was
to be removed along with the
tracks. In midsummer, a group of
concerned citizens approached
council asking they file a request
with CN to postpone the removal of
jhe bridge until all possible angles
could be explored. CN granted the
request to June 1995. •
Wingham paid $85,000 for the
17.74 acres of land,, plus legal and
survey costs and have since con-
ducted two . environmental assess-
The property committee has es-
tablisbed the price of $3.75 per
square foot cost for the commercial
core encroachments. The figure is
based on a relative cost of commer-
cial land in the core area. By, taking •
this figure, and the approximate
70x300ft parcel of interest to Wes -
cast, a logical asking price would
figure in at $18,750. This, however,
does not take into consideration
that the portion of land that borders
Minnie Street may not be as com-
mercially valuable and may affect
the overall asking. price. The actual
price council is seeking is not avail-
able to the public.
As it now stands none of the land
has been rezoned for commercial
use. The plot on the west side of
Josephine Street remains zoned as
railway land; which in actuality
nothing except a railway can be
placed on such land until a rezon-
ing application has been approved.
It was also discovered that the
cost to Wescast to refurbish the
bridge would figure in at over
In all, Wescast is planning to
spend an estimated $1.5 million on
landscaping and paving the foundry
and machining parking lots and $4
Million approximately on building
expansions which will include of-
fice additions to both the foundry
and machining plants.
The town does not have any oth-
er offers for that parcel of land cur-
rently. With the exception of the
parcels already sold, the rail land is
not zoned for commercial or resi-
dential use. The zoning of each par-
cel will hinge on the purchaser's in-
tention. In certain cases, surround-
ing lands indicate sensible zoning
applications., such as the land to the
east which is bordered completely
by residential property.
Council has passed a by-law that
prohibits people from jumping into
the Maitland River from the Hanna
Bridge jumping has been a popu-
lar summer past time of local youth
for several years, but came under
fire most recently with concern
over the flower boxes being vandal-
ized. In addition, insurance con-
cerns have increased.
Council has asked town clerk,
Byron Adams,` to order signs noti-
fying people that jumping from the
bridge will result in a fine.
Trunk release
Licence, taxes and insurance not included. Dealer may sellflea6 for less. Limited tirhe offer.
Other lease terms available, some mileage conditions apply. OAC. See Dealer for details.