HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-03-08, Page 10Helena Drost...wps Going back to elementary get involved in Co-op programs. It school helped me make decisions is very rewarding and gives you for my future. A school classroom first-hand experience. If you are can be many things, but it always planning to enroll in a Co-op pro - should be enjoyed by every indi- gram my advise to you is never vidual who attends. give up, always try your best, be Hi, my name is Helena Drost. I patient with yourself and do not be am 16 years old, and am currently afraid to ask questions. enrolled in the Grade 12 level at 1 would like to thank Mrs. Reed F.E. Madill Secondary School. and my twenty-seven new friends My Co-op placement is in the for making this a. wonderful experi- grade 5/6 classroom at Wingham ence. Public School, and my supervisor is Mrs. Reed. Going back to ele- mentary school in a role other than a student has helped me to see things differently and appreciate the time and effort teachers have put towards my education. I never Grace realized how much extra time and care a teacher takes in planning ac- Carrnieheal tivities,' marking, etc. and are ready to teach each day. , WDCLA During my experience at Wing- hamyou Public School, I have been in- volved with helping students in so- someone was saying to you? 1 name is Jenean Todd. I tial studies and art: I have signed don't mean someone talking to Hi, my out library books; I have marked you, I mean signlanguage. am a 17 year old student at F.E. i Carmicheal Madill Secondary School. This Marilyn MacLean...Decor Shoppe My name is Marilyn MacLean. I done at The Decor Shoppe are: as - had the privilege' of taking a Co-op sisting customers and assist them in education class this year. After finding what they are looking for, some preparation in class sessions I calculating intory in ordealrs, orga- began work at my placement, The nizing paintcans serial Decor Shoppe. number, pricing items, organizing This is a store which sells a va- merchandise in the store room, riety of wallcoverings, paint, car- cashier duties, and the most reward - pet, and various kinds of tools used ing job so far has been wallpaper- in home improvement. I am cur- ing the store. rently taking a course in school Aside from myself there are also called housing, which is my in- three other girls working at The De - school related subject. I am enjoy- cor Shoppe..I have two alternating ing my work and feel -that when I supervisors. Someday I hope to am through I will have a lot of very give decorating advice to customers valuable experience which will as freely as my supervisors. I also make me a better candidate for a hope to get into the Interior Deco - future job. rating business when I'm out of the Some of the tasks which I have an►Y what Byron Efglish...Zehrs Have you ever considered what would likely occur if there were no grocery stores to shop in? You would go hungry! Hi, I'm Byron English. I• am 16 years old, and am currently en- rolled in the grade 11 Co-op pro- gram at F.E. Madill Secondary School. As you have probably guessed already, I am working as a stock boy and bagger at the Zehrs store in Wingham. When I started. I.. had to ,learn a lot of new procedures. Like where different products are kept on the shelves. I also had to learn how to unload a truck and where the boxes had to be stored until, the products were put on the shelf. 1 really like it when I have to pack groceries at the till. You meet so many interesting people. I enjoy working with my fellow'employ- ees, because they are willing to take the time to teach me what they have learned. i work with a guy, his name is Dong. Together we make a great team when it comes to stocking shelves, or packing groceries_ I enjoy my job at Zehrs because itis very hard work, but I am learn- ing new skills and meeting so many new people. Jenean Todd...T&C Ho'I'rlemakers tests, and helped to complete art My name s Grace h I am the projects. I have also observed many in -school projects. The environment of the grade 5/ 6 classroom is very friendly and co-operative. In this classroom both students and teachers follow the Rules for Co-operative Learn- ing and Living: everyone partici- ,epates; speak quietly: stay focused, keep on task: stay with your group: ask the teacher only if the whole group is confused: talk to each oth- er; listen carefully; no put downs; share ideas, thoughts, .materials; and the most important rule is no one is allowed to refuse to work with another person. It is very en- couraging for me to see these con- cepts introduced in a classroom, have had the opportunity to get a because I believe that the seeds. of few books which have enabled me success are sown in childhood. I to learn a little sign language. hope these students will carry these Working at The Jack Reavie Cen- concepts throughout their lives, tre is very enjoyable and very help - Working at Wingham Public ful because I now know what to School is a very enjoyable experi- expect f rom wommendrking thni Co-op pfield. m ence. it has been both interesting, meeting each and every student, to anyone who knows what career and educational by trying to. meet ' they wish to pursue in the future. I the needs and understanding every suggest this because they will gain student individually. This experi- knowledge about their career ence has helped me prepare and choice. Also, because they will make decisions involving my fu- know what to expect there is no ture career in child studies. I worry of not enjoying their field of would encourage other students to work. and I live in Wtng am. daughter of John and Doris Carmi- cheal. I am currently attending F.E. Madill Secondary School, where I ant enrolled in Grade 12 Co-op. My placement is with The Wing - ham and District Community Liv- ing Association at The Jack Reavie Centre in Wingham, and my super- visor is Joan Chamney. During my experience at The Jack Reavie Centre, I have assisted the people working on contracts, and have done a little job coaching. I have also learned a lot about peo- ple with disabilities and the bar- riers they face in the community. While at my Co-op placement I year I have been given the opportu- nity to work in the Co-operative Education program at school. My Co-op placement is at Town and Country Homemakers in Wingham. I work in the office do- ing clerical work such as photocop- ying, keying, typing, filing and Other odd jobs. Town and Country homemakers is in the home support business and helps people who require assis- tance to stay in their homes. The organization sends homemakers to the homes of the disabled and eld- erly people to help the clients•' with homemaking tasks and personal care, such as cooking, cleaning, and bathing. They also co-ordinate the dining for seniors program and frozen meals for use in the home. The Co-op program helps young people decide what they would like to do once they graduate from school. In this program students gain valuable work experience that will ,benefit them when they are out in,toys competitive working world. The Co-op program also teaches students the need for re- sponsibility and punctuality at work. When 1 graduate from secondary school I 'would like to attend Coi- lege or University to study Busi- ness Management/Administration. By working at Town and Country Homemakers I am learning valu- able office skills which I will be able to use in a career in business. The staff at Town and Country Homemakers is very helpful and friendly. I really enjoy working here. I would like to thank Jean Young, Debbie Ryan, Rose Ohm, Betty Dale, Barbara Wagar and the rest of the staff of Town and Coun- try Homemakers for what promises to be a great year. 1 Kate Jez...Braemar The world of nursing is being opened up to F.E. Madill Co- operative education student Kate Jez through her placement at The Braemar Retirement Centre in Wingham. Hi, I'm Kate Jez. I am 19 years old, and am currently enrolled in the grade 12 level at F.E. Madill Secondary School. This year I was given the opportunity to work for r. Howard Ramsay in Braemar Re- tirement Centre. Every second day of school I drive down and work for the afternoon through the Co- op program. Every student enrolled in Co-op is allowed to pick an area in which they would like to receive some "hands -on"' experience for the school. year. I chose to work as a nurse because I enjoy working with people and helping them, After just a few weeks ori the job, I have learned a considerable amount that I did not know about nursing. I enjoy working with all 4he nurses and my supervisor, Howard Ramsay. The duties I have been in- volved in so far include feeding the residents, helping them in the bath- room, playing games with them, talking to them, making beds, and going for walks with them. By the end of the year, I will have a good idea what nursing is all about. As for myself, I knew it would be a great experience and 1 would encourage other students tre get involved in the Co-op program at the school. I thank the Co-op department for what promises to he a great year.