HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-03-08, Page 5c
Pension frau
lanigcs to itflectt
Dear Editor
On the issue of reforming MP's
1 pensions, Prime Minister Jean
t Chretithe naked
greed ofen Sheilacaved Coppsinto and her cro-
Hies and stands revealed as a hYPo-
n. n► r f c trite
4n Open letter to Canadian Grain
Over the past year the Canadian
Wheat $oard (CWB) has been
greatly debated in both farm and
national media. The publicity and
discussion surrounding this issue
has resulted in a polarization of
public opinion. Farmers who sup-
port changing the CWB are imme-
diately branded as Board destroy-
ers. Farmers who do not support
changes to the wheat board also
find themselves under attack by
those strongly in favor of change. t'n the announced .changes
During meetings with farmers only real option for the federal gov- cowardly
and farm groups are, if Sheila Copps retires h
ou s I have beenilpro-ga withnmde After all, who can 'argue if she will Costapps
d eo collect int threee
rooting a mechanism for building a democracy?
bridge across the gap which separ- I would appreciate hearing your years,
those who favor and those who views on this issue. Mail your re- million until age 75. Under the old
ales atten- plan, she would have collected $3.3'
Room 625 Confederation million.. There's no need to hgld
are against changes to the board. It sponse, postage free, to my
, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A any tag days for Sheila.
iscoulda mechanism which all farmers tion, The MPs' Sheil plan is still
support. I believe the frf l 0A6rst dor call me at (613) 992-4171. pe siill coat the sail
teal step eo CWB . throughroLeon E. Benoit, MP gold-plated,
Ve eville Constituency, payers millions and is still an out -
changer electedto the CWB is ir a
farmer board of directors Vegreville
which would replace the currentAlberta
system of government' app
Commissions and ' an Advisory
Board which has no real power.
Farmers should be hull en miscue
e au-
thority, which is the .bills, to because they pay
cide what type of wheat board they
want. An elected board of directors
would replace the current system of
government appointed Commis-
sioners and shift thecontrol
ntof away
from the federal government
Within 6-18 months of electing a
board of directors, farmers should
be given the chance to democrati-
., cally examine their organizational
and jurisdictional options. This will
allow grain farmers to carefully
consider and vote on a variety of
market opportunities.
These options could introducing
greater domestic and international
market competition; allowing the
purchase of wheat and barley on ei-
ther a cash basis or a pooled price
basis; and allowing the board to op-
erate as a seller from export termi-
nal positions only - which would
take the board completely m� ut of
the car allocation and gr
dling.process. These and other, is-
sues must be decided directly by
farmers through referenda.df directors
An elected board d for finis
would submit their proposal
tial crap payments to Parliament as
the Commissioners do now. Elect-
ed representauv) would then vote
to determine if (hese payments are
reasonable. The purpose behind
this measure is to provide a govern-
mental cheek on the lotherwise
dependent board by g
ment approve initial payments and
loan guarantees because taxpayers'
dollars are involved.
Farmers themselves will have
their own ideas regarding the CWB
and how to make it better workoatr
farmers. All of these proposals
must be.considered.
Several people have asked what
my personal position is regarding
Despite the token changes to
pensions announced by the
MPs ' ,s ensigns
possible changes to the board. I federal government, MP P
support the concept of opening up will still have unlimited protection
Pagainst inflation and .Will grow in
the board utop competition.t However,l value at h rate that's twice the legal
it is not up to me, or the federal maximutl't lit the. private SecCo;•
government to decide on the future When the gpver vote t c talking
of the board. This decision must 6e about raising the age. for receiving
made solely . Western Canadianpensions from 65 to 67, Liber-
grain farmers. CPP P
The CWB will be a subject of al ePs have decided
i ed to give them agreement
continued discussion until the dem- Even worse, MPs who have al -
gaster rights of Canadian grainreadyqualified for pensions will
givenrr are choice
and they are still e allowed to quit their jobs 0
n 3 -years ears
real choice in how their future.or- and receive super huge pension pay
ganization will- be run in the outs regardless of their age.
elected board of directors is the To g Ve you an idea of just how
That this MP' pension fraud
comes from a government , which
piously preaches about fairness and
about the need for sacrifice makes
this insulting 'reform_ plan even
worse. The hypocrisy is mind bog-
When are our elected representa-
tives going to lead by example?
David Somerville
National Citizens' Coalition
Dear Editor:
Chesley District High School
will be holding a school reunion on
Sunday, July 2, 1995 as part of the
Chesley Homecoming Celebra-
tions. We are trying to contact as
many of our forme% students and
staff as possible. We hope that any
of your readers who attended or
worked at CDHS will contact us
and let us know their addresses and
the names and addresses of any
friends and relatives who came
from the Chesley area.The success
of our reunion depends on our be-
ing able to contact as many of our
former students and staff as possi-
Dale N. Ahrens and
Ruth M. Ferguson,
Co -chairpersons of CDHS Reunion
Chesley Disb;ct }Bah S hoo
box3 Ol
Chesley, NOG 1L0
ACROSSa. Len 10Latta lk China 12, Ever
1< 'S 5 :Bj ,,a. Adage a
.1.5.. f der 11'. Ss*fd 18 ,S`tr'ong 20 High 21 Gauge 26. Owing ,
27,,.pgh 2$: iMge. '29. Gaffe. 30: Dated
DOWN7. Dia
1. Salute 2. Admire 3. Dance 4. Maxim
1 ed8. Sarong6.Parte 19. Reliefr
13: Vet 1. Bog 15. J4d 16: EggSnuggle
21. Insult 22. Hinted 23.. Funny 24. Ceded
Dear Editor:
I would like to comment on the
note Isabel Jeffray sent to the Ad-
vance -Times last week.
I too, totally agree that three- and
four -year-olds are too young to
send to school; and homes are
meant to raise their children.
It's a long time at school from
three -years to 18 -years.
Jessie Lapp
The tax installment for the Town of Wingham is due
Friday, March 31 1995. thereof will be
tatl1/4% A�
� 1 1995. or any part
NOTE: Persons who have acquired properties and have not
received a tax bill should contact the Clerk's Offica .er from
Failure receive for payment of taxes, norieve a from penalty for
late payment.
A post-dated cheque dated March 31, 1995 nay be brought
to the Clerk's Office any time prior to the due date.
J. Byron Adams
Municipal Clerk
comp,eteb re'QEsi9
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