HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-02-22, Page 13fl�DlS�gY• F�'R Y�2,1�95 'W NEW LOOK Aids Rokaahav PAINT & COLLISION SPECIALISTS Domestics & Imports ALL INSURANCE APPRAISALS ACCEPTED ®Collision Experts •Frame Straightening •Towing •Free Estimates Ask for JOHN MOUNT FOREST 323-4043 REEVES CONSTRUCTION LTD. ' DRAG LINE • BACKHOE BULLDOZING • TRUCKING SAND • GRAVEL •FILL •LOAM Pile Driving & Equipment Rentals. CONTRUCTION LTD. 372 Main St. N„ Mount Forest 323-1241 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22 EVENING 6:45 p.m. (Fc)*** "Shadrvlands" (1993) Anthony Hopkins, Debra Winger. Based on the Tater-life romance between British author C.S. Lewis and spirited American woman Joy Gresham. (In Stereo) 30 8 p.m. ® ** "A Child's Cry for Help" (1994) Veronica Hamel, Pam Dawber. A physi- cian suspects that her young patient's mother may actually be the cause of his mysterious illness. 8 p.m. ® ***, "Octopussy" (1983) Roger Moore, Maud Adams. A Russian general plans an 'attack against Western Europe, and Ws up to British agent James Bond to stop him. 9p.m." CD. *** "Sirens" (1994) Hugh Grant, Tara Fitzgerald. A British cleric's self- proclaimed liberalism is put to the test by a bohemian artist with an appetite for scan- dal. (In Stereo)110 1.0:45 p.m. **fix "Intersection" (1994) Richard Gere, Sharon Stone, A.successful archi- tect on a collision•course with fate is torn between his wit ' and a passionate new lover. (In Stereo11 1'1:30 p.m. . Ij) *** "Live and Let: ie" (1973) Roger Moore, Jane Seyms'Ur. Secret agent James Bond dodges sharks, crocodiles aapd voodoo' spells while searching for a Claribbean drug .operation. • 12:25 a.m. (—) **'/z "Heaven and Earth" (1993) Tommy Lee Jones, Joan Chen. Based on Le Ly Hayslip's accounts of her experi- ences during and after the Vietnam War. Directed by Oliver Stone. (In Stereo) MI 1 a.m. 0 **'/z "The Disappearance" (1977) Donald Sutherland, David Hemmings. An assassin's wife mysteriously vanishes, and the killer -for -hire finds his friends are more dangerous than his enemies. 2 a.m. 13) ***'/2 "The Spy Who Loved Me" (1977) Roger Moore, Barbara Bach. James Bond joins a beautiful Russian spy to stop a tycoon from using hijacked mis- siles to destroy New York and Moscow. 2:45 a.m. (Fc) "Le Sexe des Etoiles"` (1993) Marianne-Coquelicot Mercier, Denis Mer- cier.,A 12 -year-old girl must face the •fact that the father who abandoned her long ago has undergone a sex -change opera- tion. (Subtitled) (In Stereo) (Fc) THURSDAY, FEB. 23. EVENING 7:15 p m. ( ) *'h "Flinch" (1993) Judd Nelson, Gina Gershon. Two people who witness a murder while working as "live" ,manne- quins have trouble convincing the police department. 8 p.m. "Simon & Simon: In Trouble Again" (1995) Jameson Parker, Gerald McRa- ney. Premiere. A reunion between Rick and A.J. runs aground when circumst- ances force them to reprise their roles as private eyes. (In Stereo) iID 9 p.m. 0 m ** +/2 "Love for Rent" Lisa Eilbacher, Annette O'Toole. Two small- town girls who move to the bice city are forced by necessity into becoming high- priced escorts. 9 p.m, Fc "The Cool Surface" (1994) Teri Hatcher, Robert Patrick- A writer and his lover, have difficulty separating fact from fiction after he pens a screenplay based on their affair. (In Stereo) 10:30 p.m. Fc "Backstreet Justice" (1993) Linda Kozlowski, Paul Sorvino, A Pittsburgh cop vows to clean up her crime -ridden neigh- borhood and clear her late father of police corruption charges. (In Stereo) 11:30 p.m. (3)'**** "Rocky' (1976) Sylvester Stal- lone, Talia Shire. A small-time Philly boxer gets a shot at glory when he lands a Bicentennial bout with the heavyweight champion. Winner of three Oscars. 12:15 a.m. Fc **1/2 "Who's the Man?" (1993) Ed Lover, Doctor Ore. A pair of musically inclined rookie cops go after the crooked real estate developer who murdered their former boss. MI 1 a.m. >� r� "The Great Air Race" (1990) Helen Slater, Barry Bostwick. A wealthy Aus- tralian chocolate -maker announces plans far a 12,000 -Mile air race from London to Melbourne. 1:45 a.m. **'h "Jamon, Jamon" (19921Pene- lope Cruz, Stefanie Sandrelli. A woman (Fc) 4 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1995 InuMJui+1T, rtbrslJb►1'1T Cs, IVVO WDIV a WTVS s WJBK i CICA 21 CIII 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX 0 CKCO 0 CITY 0 CHCH CO CBLT 00 CKVR 0 CFPL m a V 6:00 .30 News NBC News MacNeil- Lehrer News Highway Patrol Ghostwriter .Science Guy News News -News News News News News News CBC News News News "Sweet Wer' Movie Curling Bportsaese 00 1 30 Wheel•Fortune Jeopardy' 'Business Rpt . Travel Mag. Extra Cheers Treasures of the Trust - Current Affair NHL Hockey ABC News Ent. Tonight Wheel•Fortune Jeopardy' W,rgs Am.,,ournal Star Trek: Next Gener Wings Canada Winter Extra 3arses All in Family M•A•S'H Wheel -Fortune Jeopardy! "Shadow- lands" Inside Sports Motoring 95 8 00 30 Dateline ' Mystery of the Sensed 'A Beverly Hills, 90210 Studio Two Toronto Maple Leafs at Sister. Sister •All•Amencar: Babylon 5 Movie 'A Child's Cry lir Movie: "Octopusyy Boogie's Oiner"Nanny Step by Step Liberty Street Woman of ream On EmptyNestSteele Nanny Liberty Street Remington Babylon 5 Horne -Imp -Ellen " ''''- Movie: "Sirens" World at Skiing Curling Tourna inept of Hearts 900 .30 Woman of Independent Nova Miniseries' Party of Five Inside the Line 3 Detroit Red Wins Roseanne Ellen' ' Home Imp 'EllenIndependent Help' 00 • 1 0.30 Means Hymn to Freedom News Human Edge Super Dave Primetime Live Under Suspicion Pnmeume Live News Means CBC Prime eneNews CBC Prime Time News Under Susplc+on Movie. TV Censored C1'alktelevison 1 00 1 :30 News Tonight Show Being Served Keeping Up HighwayPatrol Night Court Wait for God News Sportsllne News Nightline News CN News News MovieTV Mowe. 'Live News " CBC News Comics News Perry Mason News "Intersection" ' Sportsdesk 00 1 230 Jenny Jones Chante Rose Jon Stewart Sign -Ott Ent. Tonight Bdmaby Jones Inside Edition Am.Joumat 'Hard Copy Psychic Line Jolo's Psychic Fabulous'50s and Let Qie" Northam Res Northem Res C0000 Co. of Women Lost in Space Hard Copy Psychic Line " Mowe: Inside Sports 100 :30 " Paid Program Mystery of the Senses Top Caps Amen Movie: "Love " Sweat Bullets Gordon Elliott Jojo's Psychic Psychic Line Barney Miller Sanford & Son specter Morse House Masters Psychic Mavle: "The 0i- sappearance' - 3's Company Jojo's Psychic Psychic Une "Heaven and Earth" Sponfsrnng Don,Cherry InuMJui+1T, rtbrslJb►1'1T Cs, IVVO FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1995 WDIV T WTVS I. WJBK 1 CICA a CHI ' 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX 0 CKCO CITY ® 0 CHCH a CBLT 0 DII CKVR 0 CFPL• ' •m ec % sN T SN News MacNeil- News Ghostwrite, News News News News News News CBC News News News Pheadelphia Cueing 600 :30 NEC News Lehrer Highway Patrol Science Guy News Kidsperts NewsNews • Street News Street " Inside Sports 8 00 Experiment 2 Sportsdesk .00 Wheel -Fortune Business Rpt Extra Fragile Na:.:re Current Affair ABC News Wheel -Fortune Wings Star Trek Next Wings Canada Wiener All to Family Wheel -Fortune .Movie Inside Sports 7 30 Jeopardy' Sportsman Cheers Cheers Ent. Tonight Ent. Tonight Jeopardy Am Journal Gener Extra Games M•A•S°H Jeopardy' "Flinch' NHL Hockey. 00 Mad Abo You Red Green Martin Studio Tat Mad.Aba. You Matlock Thunder In TV Censored C1'alktelevison Movie: "The Movie: "Simon Nature of Hawaii Five -0 Thunder n '.1 Attack Mighty Ducks 8 30 Friends T Old Hbuse Living Single dth Read Friends Boy -World Paradise Bloopers Bodyguard" & Simon' In Things Friends Paradise Dog CityBump Saved by Bell of Anaheim al 00 Seimeltl Mystery'' In- New York Chet 2' Seinfeld Step by Step .Movie"Love New York Grammy s Trouble Again" Norttof 80 North o160 Movie: "Love Move. "The Toronto Maple 9 30 Friends specter Morse Undercover Murder-Hor•id Friends - for Rent' Undercover Greatest Mr Cooper Delia Smith's eat KidsBHorneW for Rent" Cool Surface" Leafs 11 O:PO ER Hymn 10 Freedom News Human Edge Destiny Ridge Day.One " ER Moments velours " CBC Prime Time News CBC Prime30 Time News Spordishmg Monte NHL Gemenn. 1100 30 News Tonight Show Being Served Ref Green Highway Patrol Night Court Hymn to News Sportsline News Nighthne News CN News News News Movie News CBC News Larry Sanders News Perry Mason News "Backstreet Justice' Curling Tournament o1 -1232 Berra Served May -Jac Charlie Rose Jon Stewart Freedom Current Affair Inside Editi n Hard Copy Psychic -Roc ' In the Heat o1 CODCO " Hard Copy Movie: "Who's Hearts Jenny Jones " " Sign -Off Bamaby Jones Am Journal Psychic Line Secret " the Night Open Wide Wild, Wild Psychic Line the Man?" Secret 00 " Sportsman Top Cops Pad Program 'Man ot,Aran Gordon Elliott Science Barney Maier '', Psychic Line I Fabulous 50s I • Northern Res "The Great Air West Silence " World of Go'lt 1 30 The Judge T Old House Amen Penn State at Sweat Bullets " , Psychic Line Sanford & Son " Northern Res Race' . Gilligan's Isle Psychic Line Jamon. Jamon Movie: "Mad Sportsworld FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1995 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1995 WDIV ., A WTVS s WJBK 3; CICA a CIII 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX 0 CKCO 0 CITY ® CHCH PPiD CBLTCD A 0 CKVR 0 CFPL 0 -7 00 T SN 6 00 News MacNeil- News Mirac. Mellops News News News • News News News CBC News News News Movie: "Solar Curling 30 NBC News Lehrer Highway Patrol Kidsperts NewsNews • Street Rocket Robin Street " Inside Sports 8 00 "- ..Criss Conte Sportsdesk 700 Wheel -Fortune Business Rpt Extra Baby Its You Current AffairABC News 1':neel•Fortune Wings Star Trek Next Wm CanGames All in FamilyWheel-Fortune Movie: "Indian Inside Sports 30 Jeopardy' Black Journal Cheers Baby Its You Ent Tonight Ent Tonight Jeopardy' Am Joumal Gener Extras Air'Farce M'A°S`H Jeopardy! Summer Hockey Week 8 00 Unsolved Wash Week MA.N.T 1 S " Studio Two Simpsons Family Matters. Family Matters Unsolved Movie: "The Unsolved ' Rita and Rita and "' Family Menem '.1 Attack Snow Trax 30 Mysteries Wall St Week One Scrim dth Read Ready or Not Boy -World Soy -World Mysteries " Bodyguard" Mysteries Friends Friends Boy -World Dog CityBump Saved by Bell Curling: 9 00 Dateline McLaugghim X•Files HeanBeat X•Files Step by Step Movie:' Aces: Tekwar Saved by Bell Street Smarts Step by Step Side Effects Side Effects Movie: "Aces: Move: "The Tournament a' 30 Pohsr Studio Gly Sagan O8 the Record Star Trek, " Three Stooges • Jungle Book 1 Opposite Sax Wonder Why" I and How ro Mr Cooper Iron Eagle III" Inside Stuff " Mr Cooper Delia Smith's eat KidsBHorneW Iron Eagle III" Piano" Hearts 00 1 O Homicide Lee Back to Back News Movie: 20 20 2020 Great Lakes •Homicide Lde " Homicide: Lie CBC Pnme CBC Prime Spordishmg Cerra. Going Fishing 30 on the Street Automag Fius LMargaret Cho Sponsdese "Leaving Figure Skating Sewng-Nancy. on the Street News on the Street Time News Time News Move 'Secret " " 11 00 30 News Tonight Show Berra Served May -Jac Highwav Patrol Night Cour, Lenin" Commercial News Sportsnne News Nightlme News CTV News News Nignt Party Movie ',Mid News CBC News Movie ' La News Mowe:' The News 'Move: Move: g Cop ' Sportsoesk 12 00 90 Jenny Jones Mowe "Bulldog Jack i Jon Stewart Breakdown 3 Sign -OH EOt. Tonight Young Inside Edition ' Hard Copy Basketball Orcnid Am Journal ALF M.A N T 1 5 In the Heat of +Postiere' the Nigh Ghost and Mr Hard Copy Chicken" ALF " Inside Sports 1 00 " Fish'n Canada Top Cops Ong: -as Comedians . ' Gordon Elliott Jolo's Psychic " '- Secret Jojo s Psychic Movie: "Bikini WWF 30 Pad Program 'Man ot,Aran Amen Speaking Up Sweat Bullets '', Psychic Line I Fabulous 50s I • I•.. Lucky Stars Let Hrm Have "Hall a Hero' Psychic Line I Summer" Wrestling Raw SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1995 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1995 WDIV WTVS e WJBK,CICA y39 CIII 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX 0 CKCO 0 CITY 0 CHCH 0 CBLT 00 CKVR 0 CFPL ' co—f, 0., I a -7 00 Today Atncans Madison Enc's Wore Care Bears Animal Advent. 100 Huntley Littlest Hobo Lite or veaus Bestsellers Jimmy Rocket Robin 100 Huntley , The Flyingn Hockey Week r 30 100 Huntley " What's Up Net. Chicken Flying Bears Captain Planet Street Secret Identity Ave Town & Cntry Street Rocket Robin Street " Inside Sports 8 00 World Vision Discover Mich. Eyewitness Tots TV Rangers Adv. of Sonic Ale Mermaid Big Top Talent Titans Hope -World's Barney Town & Cntry 1ISneaker Little Mermaid Movie: "Ace Sportsdesk 30 Cottage pray, Magazine Weekend Polka Dot' Batman•Robm Free Willy Beethoven Fishtul Think Love -"^.s Children Raccoons Can. Gardener Beethoven Ventura: Pet • Outdoorsman 9 00 WCW World Wood Doctor Reality Check Jc , In! Animanracs Cryptkeeper Aladdin Saturday Indc Gardener Sesame Street Urban Peasant Aladdin 1 Detective" Sporthshing 30 Wide Wrestling Hometime Creepy Crawl. '.1 Attack Eek' the Cat Reboot Gargoyles . Morning • One Scrim Discover " Home I Gargoyles 1 Move' 1 Rem Farting 1 O00 30 Name-Advntur Saved by Bell T Old House Yankee Shop Iron Man Fantastic Four Sewing -Nancy Weight Train. Dog CityBump Saved by Bell m Night Fudge 9 -Mer, Taz•Man+a Canada A M Weekend Eye : Asia Computer Cooking Game Umbrella Tree Street Cents Star Trek X•Men Sidekicks" Taz-Mania Soarer Saturday 11 00 30 Saved by Bell Street Smarts Michigan Trailside Adv Boogie's Diner Super Dave Car Care Victom Kitchen SharlV Kids Can Rock Bugs & Tweety Steve Fisher Jungle Book Wonder Why? Today -Inventor Home Again Pohsr Studio Gly Sagan Makin' 8 Angler -Hunter Star Trek, " Three Stooges • Jungle Book 1 Opposite Sax Wonder Why" I and How ro Aston Villa vs Sheffield . 00 12 Inside Stuff Sportsman WWF Delia Smith's eat KidsBHorneW College Science Outdoorsman " Real Fishing Little Rascals Science ! Live • • ednesday 30 City for Youth Great Lakes Superstars Garden Kidstreet Basketball: Automag Plus Spordishmg Cerra. Going Fishing Cottage Cntry. " Automag Fius LMargaret Cho Sponsdese 1 00 Figure Skating Sewng-Nancy. Beach Clash: Employees Young Robin Minnesota at World Wide Move 'Secret ' WWF Can. Gardener Gilligan's Isle World Wide Movie. "Last Racelrne 30 European w Joy of Painting Anatte!mlKC Future Sense Babar - , Ohio State Wrestling ,Weapons" Cara:a arWar Wrestling Pet Con. Challenge Wrebtling Light" Motorsports 2 00 Champion- Day's Gourmet College Business OHL Hockey TBA Fish'n Canada Images o1 Iran Ong: -as University Busy Bodies Real Fishing Fish'n Canada Paintbail Speedweek 30 ships Cucma Amore Basketball: • Speaking Up Kitchener Goad Fishing Littlest Hobo Komad Hoii•;.vcod B. Basketball: Disability Net. World of Go'lt , Littlest Hocc : " Spar: Diver 3 00 Track and Karr's Kitchen Penn State at Some Venture Rangers at PBA Bowling: Travel Mag. • Move 'Bach Spea•.e's Crnr. McMaster at Canada Winter Nature of ' Travel Mag Movie: "Mad Sportsworld 30 Field Frog. Gourmet Indiana Some Venture Guelph Storm National Political Mem to the Future EieC• c Circus Brock Gables Things Political Mem Dog and Curling: " Skiing World 1'l1 Fly Away High Tide Dudley Dragon We Do Work Championship' WWF Super Pan it College These Are Our " Man Alive ' WWF Super- Glory" Tournament of 400 30 Cup Freestyle Action Hero" " Bookmice " . Wide World of card Wrestling Voyages elec " Children World Cup World Cup card Wresa rg Movie: "hove Hearts 00 Lifestyles Previews News Tots TV .Bugs 8 Tweet,/ Sports , Crusaders Earth 2 Cl- _ :! 'M 30 Movie Show Skiing: Mens' Skiing: Men's Crusaders 'Matters" • a ;30 • ' ' Future:0uest Tough Target Polka Dot Bugs & Tweety ". " " News News Downhill Downhill Farming • 1 . 6'00 30 News NBC News In the Mix Club Connect Sirens Supersense Senior Report, News Focus Ontario News ABC News News Inquiry News Inside Entrant News • Fasr cetelev Kung Fu: The Legend Cant CBC News " News ' ' . All in Family , News Inquiry Move ' Sportsdese " Wheel -Fortune Nat'l Geo on Highway Patrol National ' Red Green Entertainment Robocop• The Move "Class Sta- ',ea: Next Missing Child Personal Best All in Family Robocop "e 'Chaplin ' NHL Sat Night T00 30 Mich Lottery Assignment • Highway Patrol Geographic Danger Bay Tonight Senes Cruse' Ge -e• Battle•Cnme NHL Hockey. NHL Hockey: Series Behind News World of Skiing Fashion.W Empty Nest Lawrence Cops Movie Lover Museum of Move: The Med:eine " Mo. a "i ' Neon Rider Winnipeg Jets Winnipeg Jets Medicine " Speedweek 800 30 Mommies Welk Show Cos Come Bac' Television & ' Adventures of Woman " Me: a Brady at Toronto at Toronto Woman Shawbuo NBA Basket - O00 30 Screen Actors Guild Awards American Cinema Amenca's Most Wanted Slxrwbuz Radia Presents •Huck Finn' Movie; `•, Cowboys Screen Attars Gadd Awards Ne'n^a+C u Kurt Vonnegut Forces Beyond Maple Leafs Maple Leafs • Movie • Cowbove Movie • Citizen X" ball Golden. State Warriors 1 A 00 Seaquest DSV . News Mowe 'That Marshal Marshal Don 1 Cry' ' ' Nesa " Comedy Club • " Wrote Dan t Cry Superman at Houston 0 30 " Night Court Touch of Mink" " American • Movie: "Op 1,+c a 'Talk Married... With NHL Hockey: NHL'Hockey• Movie: Coumrys In Rockets 11 00 30 News Saturday Night Austin City Limits Crypt Tales Crypt Tales " News Saturday Night News Movie• "Culp News Business CTV News News Rao c News WWF Gavel- Los Angeles Kings at Los Angeles Kings at News Business Move, "Hard Target Sportsdesk 00 Live Movie 'Lee Forever Knight Sign•Off Live ' Awards: The Move JclosPsychic On Values: code Wrestling Edmonton Edmonton Movie Nees Rider .Boxiy R+d- 1 G 30 the Dust" With Father" Sunday Report Neon Rider " - Rambting 21st Cen.Han Make Brad- Jack Van Impe Oilers - Oilers • Rambling Movie' C 1A dick Bowe vs 00 Sightings " Travel Perks RudnerBe " Pose' Movie' "Plea- occr Missing Northern Res " " Rose" ' Codename: Larry Donald 1 30 News Comedy Club CBC News •Country Beal Road News ' Inquiry Mild Big Mama 11 4 00 sure Palace" m Ac ion III" Norther Res First Season Mork & Mindy Matlock Alexa" Be a Player SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1995 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1995 • WDIV T WTVS C WJBK CD CICA (23 , • CIII 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX 0 CKCO 0 CITY m CHCH G) CBLT 0m CKVR 0 CFPL 0 Fc LTSN) 7:00 Computer Man World Jack Van Impe Eric's World Size Small Living • 100 Huntley Jimmy Lite on Venus Challenge ' Rocket Robin 100 Huntley Josh & SA.M. World of Skiing :30 Paid Program Comp Works 'Feed Children, Chicken Flying Bears Home Again Street Swaggart Ave. - Food for Lite • World Vision Street Movie: Speedweek :30 Today. Sesame Street Eyewitness Tots TV Tiny Toon Adv. Good Morning John W. White Sunday A.M. Body Tech ' Evaarn1gql Temple Cottage pray, " John W. White "Manhattan Sportsdesk 800 :30 Fresh Prince City for Youth Weekend Polka Dot Chipmunks America Da-Dlscove " Hello Japan It Is Written Can. Gardener John W. White Da-Discove Murder .' Motoring '95 8:30 Cotumbo' Dudley Dragon Moneywise Join Int Dog City Movie: Lite & Faith " Eye an Asia Prayer. Palace' Hymn Sing People's Lite & Raab Mystery" Rafting 9:00 30 " Barney Secret Art,Attack Adv. 01 Sonic "Matlock: The Terry Winters " Sain Sver Best -Sellers: Coronation Church Terry Winters Movie: '8 Inside PGA 1012 00 :30 - Storytime Mat c Bus MotorWeek Ertrergen Long Search Hour 91 Power Informer" Peoples • Church Rre'N Ice Questa. Period Eye on Asia Festival Porte, ase Street Lost in Space " Peoples Church Seconds" " Spanswond Gaodsparts r Home•Bld. Daedai Doors Super Dave 4th Read Robison S'skel & Eben World Vision Church Russian Italian 50 Up Three Stooges Wodd Vision " Pumped 1 1 :30 Meet the Press Business Page Super Dave Business Benny Hine Week -David " Services Car Pepperpot Panorama Alive): Health , News Dream On Be a Player • 00 12 30 NBA Showtime Back re Back Per.Power Travel Perks Parte 0werte Francais -Vidor Danger Day Terry Winter Brinkley Spotlight -News Sunday Edition Movie: "Perry Mason: The Johnny Lom- bardrs Festival World Vsron Meeting Place " " Sunday Edition Movie: "A Case for Sportsdesk Powerboat TV :00 NBA Editors Road Parcour9 1Srnog.gies Senior PGA Senior PGA Case of the All- Italiano " entry, Canada Cntry. Canada Senior PGA Murder' Sporttshing 1 :30 .Basketball: The Can . " Regle-comptes Care Bears Galt. Ch ter Golf Ch ler Star Assassin" Images o1 Iran ALF - Curling: Curling: Gott. Ch .r Movie: "Ifs All Paintbail :00 Chicago Bulls Black Journal College Vent du sud Institute for the Cup -- Final Cup - Final Movie: "Little Komad Mime: Tournament of Tournament of Cup - Final True" Bodybuilding: 2 :30 at Orlando Tony Brown Basketball: " • Prevention of Hound Round Women" UleainiSll "Bonanza The Hearts Final Hearts Final Round Mr. Olympia :00 Man 1'c Asia Now Illinois at J'ai un Child Abuse " " Travel Travel Return" ' — " Movie: "Last 30 NBA We Do Work Michigan probleme Telethon College Travel Mag. " Electric Circus " " " Travel Mag. Action Hero" " Basketbe8: This Is Hawkeye ' Voyages elec " Basketball: Business Movie: "Utte Elora " " Business " Snowmobile 4:00 30 Charlotte America L'Etalhn noir " Duke at UCLA Computer Women" " " " Computer Racing Hornets at Allred 1. Du- News Babar Abuse Tele- " Farming " CHUM FM 30 Movie Show World Cup World Cup Farming Movie: Snow Trax 500 :30 Phoenix Suits Pont Journal- Eme re Claire Fontaine thon Continues " Fami Farmer " " News Ski ! Skii . F. : Fanner "Manhattan Rinksrde News ism Awards Extra Btsou News News News News News Kung Fu: The Magical World News News Murder Hockey Week 6:00 :30 NBC News Dreams -Kings " Von ABG News Behind News Provpicewide Fashion.W Legend Cont. of Disney . AOIn Family ,Behind News Mystery" Sportsdesk 00 Earth 2 ' Around Bre Ghiwing Up Pestival de 60 Minutes '' Home Videos WFang Home Videos . Ooh La La Earths Road to Road to "White Fang Movie: "The Boxing: Eger- / :30 " World Brady jazz Home Videos Shawbuo An. Funniest Speakers Cmr. ' Avonlea Avonlea Slxrwbuz Thing Called ton Marcus vs. Seamiest DSV Nature Simpsons Celine Dion: Murder, She Los & Clara Lots & Clark- Seaquest DSV Movie: "Lethal Seaquest DSV Brian Orser Brian Orser Lois & Clark- Lova" Henry Manske 800 :30 " Hbuse-Buggin' The Colour Wrote Superman Superman Weapon 3" " " Superman " American • Movie: "Op Masterpiece Married... With Movie: "Trois 'Married... With Movie: Coumrys In Movie: "OD .:" Movie: Scales of Scales of Country's In Movie: "8 Sports 900 :30 Center Theatre Marded.,. Wr•h enfants darts Monied... With 'Vannes With Red Green Center" " "Chddmn of Justice Justice Red Green Seconds" Awards: The On Values: News le tlesordre" Dinosaur WaN ss Nees Rider - the Dust" Sunday Report Sunday Report Neon Rider " ESPYs 10:°33 Peggy Noonan Night Coup " Nowa Ventura Venture Movie: "Fire in " 11 00News 30 Sports Final TV Families Sports Zone Cheers Panorama Panorama Cub News Sportsline News Sunday Sports News Inquiry CN News News Newmus c _ News Comedy Club CBC News •Country Beal News World of Skiing News ' Inquiry the Sky" Sportsdesk 4 00 Comedy Around the Sirens Spectacles Current Affair Matlock Movie: "We're Jqo s Psychic Night Parry Jojo's Psyche " Paid Program Movie: 'we're World of Sluing :30 Showcase Word Extra " No Angels" Fabulous '50s MovieN Itwsions World Cup Paid Program No Angels" Movie:. 'The Racelrne 00 :30 Paid Program Paid P . tram •Nature1 " High Tide " Sign -Off Fabulous '50e Psychic Healer Inside Edition Entertainers incredible Hulk Twllght Zane "E' I" House Masters R:;al Capital Skiing_ r Ort • Paid Program Paid P • Tram " Getaway' Motorsports Real Thrills MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1995 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1995 WOIV WTVS 1 WJBK x CICA a CIII 0 WXYZ 0 CKNX 0 CKCO ® CITY ® CHCH 3o CBLT 0 6) CKVR 0 CFPL 0 Fc TSN) .n00 :30 News NBC News MacNeil- Lehrer News Highway Patrol Ghostwriter Science Guy News News News " News " News News " News News CBC News " News News " Movie: "Cadillac Thrills & Spas Sportsdesk 00 Wheel -Famine Business Rpt Extra Deep Probe Curren Affair ABC News Wheel•Fortune Wnge Star Trek: Wings Canada Winter A9 in Family Wheet•Fortune Ghb:1 Com'd Inside Sports :30 Jeopardy! Money Cheers Expeditions Ent Tonight Em Tonight Jeopardy! Am. Duma Deep S. ce 9 Extra Games, M•A•S•H Jeopard . Movie: Rlnkside 1X1 Fresh Prince City for Youth Melrose" Place Studio Two Coach Coach Melrose Place Baywatch Star Trek Me and Boys Fresh Prince Fresh Pence Melrose Place -Crosswinds" NHL Gamenit 8:30 Blossom Real' Check News " Dave's Wald New :. '.arire Forever Knight Heads of Hata 8attlf V...:r New Bal tame Blossom Blossom Forayer Knight Dream On NHL Hooke QO 11'-30 Movie. "Op Human Models Inc. Wycl' a Madison Movie: Models Inc. Movie. "Op Movie: "out for Best -Sellers: Skate Man Alive Modetsinc. Dream 0n Toronto Maple Q00 :30 Center" . . .. _ " French Action 1 Off Ra 0radbu "Dances With " Center' Justice" Men Who Hate 22 Minutes Alr. False Ccopapyy Psjchictine Movie: "M Leafs at St ij0 0:30 ' ' Honi Coles, Act el TapWeil News.. Mulberry for God Chicago Hope Wolves' Rescue 911 " Movie: 'Manhattan" Women and the Women... CBC Prime Time News CBC Prime Time News Rescue 911 " Father, the Hero" es Louis shies - 00 News Being Served Highway Patrol Senior Report News ` News News CTV News News News CBC News News News Movie: "Sugar " 1 1 30 Ton ht Shaw Yes, Minister N',111 Court Futum Seine Spot -talkie N'•htrete - New3 " Media. Conks P. Mason " Flit" rtsdesk 00 Charlie Rase Jon Stewart Vitt Frower Current Affair Inside Edition Hard Coppyy Jqopo s Psychic, Movie: Psychic COOCO Hard Copy 1 2:30 Jen Jones S'.n•Off Barna, Jones Am.Joumal P• . is Line Fabukxq'505 "Carrie' Invision Innocence Renk . on Ps'. '' Line " Inside Sports 1:00 0 Paid P • . ram Ciry for Youth Re • Check Top Cops Amen Sweat Buffets Gordon Mon Joe's Psydkc Ps icLine Barney Miller Sanford & Son " " Northem Res Northern Res 'Movie: "Men Are Not Gods" Steele Mork & Mind Jojo's Psychic P Ic Line Movie: " Na thi . • Lose" Outdoorsman Rai TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1995 PONTIAC BUICK GMC TRUCK LTD Sales • Service • Lease For your next new or used automobile see us!' We Make Good Dsar,s Happen 1000 Wallace Ave. N„ Listowel 2914791 • Fax 291-5064 YOUR MESSAGE HERE! Call The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 The Listowel Banner 291-1660 The Wingham Advance Times 357-2320 plots to have a man seduce her son's -girlfriend in order to break up the young couple's blossoming romance. (Subtitled) (In Stereo) 2 a,m. ® *** "Rocky 11" (1979) Sylvester Stal- lone, Talia Shire. Heavyweight contender Rocky Balboa signs for a rematch with Apollo Creed. the champion he attempted to dethrone. FRIDAY, FEB. 24 (Fc) EVENING 7:15 p.m. *** "Indian Summer" (1993) Alan Arkin, Elizabeth Perkins. Friendships and romances pick up where they left off when friends reunite at their summer camp after 20 years. (In Stereo) Cell 8 p.m. ® **'/2 "The Bodyguard" (1992) Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston, A Secret Ser- vice agent -turned -bodyguard finds dan- ger and romance while protecting an en- tertainer from a stalker. 9 p.m. O m ** "Aces: Iron Eagle III" (1992) Louis Gossett Jr., Paul Freeman. Four ex -fighter pilots fly refurbished World War II planes against a drug lord in the jungles of South America. 9:05 p.m, c) **** "The Piano" (1993) Holly Hun- ter, Harvey Keitel. Jane Campion directed this tale of a mute woman who. seeks escape from a loveless marriage in the arms of another man. (In Stereo) CM 10 p.m. �B ***''Leaving Lenin" (1993) Sharon Morgan, Wyn Bowen Harris. Welsh teach- ers become separated from their young charges when they take a group of stu- dents on a trip to Russia. (Subtitled) . 11:15 p.m, Fc *'/2 "Cyborg Cop" (1993) David Brad- ley, John Rhys -Davies. A drug agent in-' vanes the Colombian stronghold where his half=human brother is being held hos- tage. (In Stereo) Hag•^ 11:30 p.m. o *,** "l a Postiere" (1992) Chloe Sainte -Marie, Nicolas Francois Rives. A postmistress and her accomplices turn a small "community on its ear during her questto win a man's affections. (Subtitled) 11:37 p.m. ® ** "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" (1966) Don Knotts, Joan Staley. A timid typesetter who longs to be a reporter hopes to land a big story by spending the night in a haunted house. 11:45 p.m. .e0 ** "Wild Orchid" (1990) Mickey Rourke, Jacqueline Bisset. A young law- yer undertaking a business assignment in Brazil falls prey to the erotic desires of -a multimillionaire. 12 a.m. Le) *** "Bulldog Jack" (1937) Sir Ralph • Richardson, Jack Hulbert. Plans for a ' • major jewel heist from a British museum are stalled by a private eye. 1 a.m. (") * "Bikini Summer" (1991) Melinda Armstrong, David Milbern. Sun worshi- pers organize a swimsuit contest to draw attention to their plight when their favorite • beach is threatened. 1:20 a.m: 1**** "Man of Aran" (1934) Colman (Tiger) King, Maggie Dillane. The endless struggle for exiltB.• e of •parren, storm swept islands off .the Western coast of Ireland is portrayed. 1:29 a.m. itj * Yz. "Half a Hero" (1953) Red Skelton, Jean Hagen. Troubles begin for a family when the husband writes magazine arti- cles based on his experiences in suburbia. 1:30 a.m. ®(13 **1/2 "Let Him Have It" (1991) Chris Eccleston, Paul Reynolds. An account of 1952 England's controversial murder trial, in which a teen-ager was executed for a policeman's murder. ^ 2:05 a.m, (f) **'/2 "Malicious" (1974) Laura Anto- nelli, Turi Ferro. A housekeeper is courted by a widower with three sons, until she's involved in a compelling game of power. 2:25 a.m, C6) * * *'/2 "The Scarlet Pimpernel" (1935) Leslie Howard, Merle Oberon. A British nobleman turns swashbuckler to save aristocrats from the guillotines of the French Revolution, 2:30-a.m. (Pc) "Witehboard 2: The Devil's Doorway" (1993) Ami Dolenz, Timothy Gibbs. A young artist's experimentation with an old Ouija board opens up a direct pathway to pure evil. (In Stereo) X 2:58 a.m. ® ***'h "Horse Feathers" (1932) The Marx Brothers, Thelma Todd. A college president recruits two unlikely gridiron ,,eats after gambler§ beef up a rival .school's football team. 3:30 a.m. C7I ***''Stakeout" (1981) Richard Drey- fuss, Emilio Estevez. A routine surveill- ance case takes an -unusual turn when a Seattle cop falls for thewoman he and his partner are watching. 3:30 a.m. ® **'/2 "Dreamscape" (1984) Dennis Quaid; Max Von Sydow. A psychic who can project conscious thoughts into slee- pers' dreams discovers a plot to kill the president. WDIV ' 1 WTVS 1 WJBK 7 CICA a CIII t&'! WXYZ 0 CKNX Lt► CKCO A CITY op CHCH OD CBLT 0 0 CKVR 0 CFPL 0 CD (TSN) :00 � 30 News NBC News MacNeil -News Lehrer H'. hwa Patrol Gtastwriter Science News News News New News Ne NOVA. News News CBC News News News ' Movie: "The Dark" Com'd Women --,I, r+ts9 • t :00 730 Wheel -Fortuna J • • - d 1 Busine$9 Rpt Health Matters Extra Cheers Journeys 0- •: • • Current Affair Ent T. '•ht ABC News Ent T. '. Wheel•Fartune J r • : • ! Wins Am:Joumal Star Trek: Next Gener. Wings Extra, Canada Winter Games All in Family M"AS"H Wheel -Fortune Jr,' • • Movie: • ' Inside Sports Bea PI& in :00 5730 W. •. NY .er Nava " Movie: "Love and Betra al: Studio Two Wings .. Full House Meand•:.• • Full House Horne 1 • Top Cops Movie: "Love and Beira • : Rescue 911 5th Estate " 5th Estate - Full House Hanel • Jack" NBA Basketball: ,(] Q0 W:30 Frasier :Lar ., "de Frore9rte The Mia 'Famm • "' Nalleoal ' •yg • is Frasier Grace Under Hone trop Grace Under Platypus Man Love & War Rosearote -, ••vete The Mia FamiwS • Moyle: 'C of Mess Witn Magoom, P I. Platypus Man Love & Wer Movie: "Gunmen" New York , Wets at 00 10:30 Dateline Stepp?' News Vital Signs NYPD : : NYPD Bice • Forever Knight Heads of Hata 8attlf Pallan N the Dusr CBC Prime inn* News CBC Prime Time News Forayer Knight Dream On Orlando Magic Dan C QO 11'-30 News T.:,ht Show Being Served Mu.; ' Highway Patrol N.ht-Coul4 Arcnaeolbgy I • i . News ria News News" CTV News 915949: "The Pr •' Newsy CBC. News • News. Pe Mason Newt Movie; "Bhie'. 9gorbdesk 00 1 2 •P " .i400/ Jones Cfanie PORN . " JAI Stex¢rt French Action 1 Off Covent Affair Barna' Jones treats Weal Am.Joutnal hard�y hic the . ! Mona Murder' Northe+'.1 F4ea Nenhem Res 00000 Cider)! Fear herniae Ccopapyy Psjchictine Movie: `Zero ide Sports Rea , 00 1.30 " Tha Ju' .: • . " , Top Cops Amen Sq Ballets Gordon EtBod " 6820Barney ' hic Line f Sanford & Son Movie: 'Manhattan" Northern Res 1mnsions Movie: "Over the Moon" , Pad P ..ram Ellen Ps' . ie Una Patience" Powerboat N S.. Dteet . PONTIAC BUICK GMC TRUCK LTD Sales • Service • Lease For your next new or used automobile see us!' We Make Good Dsar,s Happen 1000 Wallace Ave. N„ Listowel 2914791 • Fax 291-5064 YOUR MESSAGE HERE! Call The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 The Listowel Banner 291-1660 The Wingham Advance Times 357-2320 plots to have a man seduce her son's -girlfriend in order to break up the young couple's blossoming romance. (Subtitled) (In Stereo) 2 a,m. ® *** "Rocky 11" (1979) Sylvester Stal- lone, Talia Shire. Heavyweight contender Rocky Balboa signs for a rematch with Apollo Creed. the champion he attempted to dethrone. FRIDAY, FEB. 24 (Fc) EVENING 7:15 p.m. *** "Indian Summer" (1993) Alan Arkin, Elizabeth Perkins. Friendships and romances pick up where they left off when friends reunite at their summer camp after 20 years. (In Stereo) Cell 8 p.m. ® **'/2 "The Bodyguard" (1992) Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston, A Secret Ser- vice agent -turned -bodyguard finds dan- ger and romance while protecting an en- tertainer from a stalker. 9 p.m. O m ** "Aces: Iron Eagle III" (1992) Louis Gossett Jr., Paul Freeman. Four ex -fighter pilots fly refurbished World War II planes against a drug lord in the jungles of South America. 9:05 p.m, c) **** "The Piano" (1993) Holly Hun- ter, Harvey Keitel. Jane Campion directed this tale of a mute woman who. seeks escape from a loveless marriage in the arms of another man. (In Stereo) CM 10 p.m. �B ***''Leaving Lenin" (1993) Sharon Morgan, Wyn Bowen Harris. Welsh teach- ers become separated from their young charges when they take a group of stu- dents on a trip to Russia. (Subtitled) . 11:15 p.m, Fc *'/2 "Cyborg Cop" (1993) David Brad- ley, John Rhys -Davies. A drug agent in-' vanes the Colombian stronghold where his half=human brother is being held hos- tage. (In Stereo) Hag•^ 11:30 p.m. o *,** "l a Postiere" (1992) Chloe Sainte -Marie, Nicolas Francois Rives. A postmistress and her accomplices turn a small "community on its ear during her questto win a man's affections. (Subtitled) 11:37 p.m. ® ** "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" (1966) Don Knotts, Joan Staley. A timid typesetter who longs to be a reporter hopes to land a big story by spending the night in a haunted house. 11:45 p.m. .e0 ** "Wild Orchid" (1990) Mickey Rourke, Jacqueline Bisset. A young law- yer undertaking a business assignment in Brazil falls prey to the erotic desires of -a multimillionaire. 12 a.m. Le) *** "Bulldog Jack" (1937) Sir Ralph • Richardson, Jack Hulbert. Plans for a ' • major jewel heist from a British museum are stalled by a private eye. 1 a.m. (") * "Bikini Summer" (1991) Melinda Armstrong, David Milbern. Sun worshi- pers organize a swimsuit contest to draw attention to their plight when their favorite • beach is threatened. 1:20 a.m: 1**** "Man of Aran" (1934) Colman (Tiger) King, Maggie Dillane. The endless struggle for exiltB.• e of •parren, storm swept islands off .the Western coast of Ireland is portrayed. 1:29 a.m. itj * Yz. "Half a Hero" (1953) Red Skelton, Jean Hagen. Troubles begin for a family when the husband writes magazine arti- cles based on his experiences in suburbia. 1:30 a.m. ®(13 **1/2 "Let Him Have It" (1991) Chris Eccleston, Paul Reynolds. An account of 1952 England's controversial murder trial, in which a teen-ager was executed for a policeman's murder. ^ 2:05 a.m, (f) **'/2 "Malicious" (1974) Laura Anto- nelli, Turi Ferro. A housekeeper is courted by a widower with three sons, until she's involved in a compelling game of power. 2:25 a.m, C6) * * *'/2 "The Scarlet Pimpernel" (1935) Leslie Howard, Merle Oberon. A British nobleman turns swashbuckler to save aristocrats from the guillotines of the French Revolution, 2:30-a.m. (Pc) "Witehboard 2: The Devil's Doorway" (1993) Ami Dolenz, Timothy Gibbs. A young artist's experimentation with an old Ouija board opens up a direct pathway to pure evil. (In Stereo) X 2:58 a.m. ® ***'h "Horse Feathers" (1932) The Marx Brothers, Thelma Todd. A college president recruits two unlikely gridiron ,,eats after gambler§ beef up a rival .school's football team. 3:30 a.m. C7I ***''Stakeout" (1981) Richard Drey- fuss, Emilio Estevez. A routine surveill- ance case takes an -unusual turn when a Seattle cop falls for thewoman he and his partner are watching. 3:30 a.m. ® **'/2 "Dreamscape" (1984) Dennis Quaid; Max Von Sydow. A psychic who can project conscious thoughts into slee- pers' dreams discovers a plot to kill the president.