HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1995-02-08, Page 18tit
February s-11
ARIES — March 21/April 20
If you find it hard to focus on your
work this week, you should probably
just take a break from routine. Do
something for yourself for a change,
Indulge in a favorite hobby, read a
novel or just relax in front of the
television. Sometimes you need to
step back in order to forge ahead.
TAURUS — April 21/May41
Difficulties may arse at home, bu
little patience is all you'll need to'
work things Out. Don't let jealousy
get in the way of an important rela-
tionship. Remember, when you're
happy for others, it's easier to feel
happy about yourself. A business.
dealing will benefit you.
GEMINI - May 22/June 21
if you`re feeling somewhat irritable,
it's probably because you need more
rest. Instead of, taking your frustra- y
tions out on others, do yourself a I
'favor and sleep in one morning. A
social invitation will come from an s
unexpected source. On.Friday, you'll i
:learn something new.
22 A
A long-term problem 2withttaywork R
associate will be resolved. Ybu'll w
wonder why it had to take so long. A lo
weekend getaway gives you some- th
thing tb look forward to: Outdoor be
activity will satisfy your sense of Aq
adventure. A letter from an old co
friend lifts your spirits.
LEO •- July 23/,August 23 . PI
° Don't let that Leo pride stand in the Wa
way of an important friendship. If Alt
you're wrong, admit it. Looking to thin
make a career move? This may be spl lucky week. A friend of a rom
friend will help you in some way. you
Don't ignore fitness, no matter how up
mundane it seems.
SCORPIO — Oct 24/Nov- 22
Don't take your bad mood out on
loved ones. if something is bother-
ing you, it's best to be by yourself
for a while. An adventurous friend
will pique your interest in a new
activity. Go for it. Now is a good
time to take on bold adventures. A
former love will be on your mind.
SAGITTARIUS — Nov 23/De 21
A series of unforeseen mishaps
could disrupt weekend plans. You'll
realize that some things are just out
of venture ris not what it control. A seems be
Read all small print before making
any type of investment. Luck will
be on your side this Friday.
CAPRICORN — Dec 22/Jan 20
1.t will be an interesting week, i
you're in the communications field,
ou could find yourself in the lime-
ight. An opportunity to make more
money could come your way. Just be
ure you have the time before mak-,
ng .any commitments. You may be
alled upon to help a friend in need.
QUARIUS — Jan 21/Feb 18
omance will be the highlight of the
eek. Whether you're looking for
ve or have been married for years,
e romantic moments you have
en craving will be satisfied. For ,
uarians in steady courtships, this
uld be the time to make a stronger
girth doesn't change, but education does
The Advance -Times
Through education the obstetri-
cal department nursing.staff co
tunics to upgrade their knowledge,
but babies are delivered today the h
same way they were over 20 years f
ago at the Wingham and District
If Hospital.
Dr. Brian Hanlon, the hospital's s
chief of medical staff, said the pol-
icy for delivering battles at the m
hospital has not changed in the last ti
20 years. .
However, through continual en
training and education, the nurses m
and doctors at the hospital are ably;...-. ha
to handle most situations.
He said they try and screen bee
Gents prior to' being admitted to o the
Wingham, in labor. They prefer
the low-risk or normal pregnan-
cies. -
Dr. Hanlon said patients arc to c
usually screened to determine if phi
there ,will be any difficulties with
the birth. He noted that patients pal
with a history of diabetes, very,sc- ovc
vcre toxemia of pregnancy, or hy- of f
pertension or pregnancy are more
likely the ones who arc screened obst
and more likely to have their ba- "Yo
bics delivered in London. the
'These •patients should have . Ph
their babies at a tertiary unit," said educ
Dr. Hanlon.
part o
the health care of
babies, and part of
are given more choices,
She pointed out that women can
choose to have a mid -wife
with them, be looked after in a
irthing centre, or still go to their
amily doctor.
"Because of the money crunch
n• the health care field, we have
horter stays," said Phillips.
'We're doing more education to
others, in a shorter length of
She added that the life of wom-
has changed a lot. Today's
others don't have the benefit of
wing anyone at home to help,
ause grandmas are working, so
nursing staff is looked at al-
stolike a surrogate grandmother.
In order to fulfill that role, we
are calling the mothers after they
go home and allowing the moms
-all back with questions," said
The staff in the obstetrics de-
ent has remained constant
r the years, with a complement
ull and part-time staff.
There's not a large turn over of
etrical staff,"noted Phillips.
u get into 'Obstetrics you stay
re because you ike it."
illips said the staff is better
ated and kept more up to date
they were 20 years ago,, and
f that is through the perinatal
ach program .out of St. Jo -
Hospital in London and the
women having
that is that they
mmitment. Perhaps marriage
SCES — Feb 19/March 20
tch your spending this week
hough you are fond of the fine
gs in life„ now's not the time to
urge. Don't be a pushover in a
antic relationship, especially if
're involved. with an Aries. Stand
for your rights, and articulate
tly how you feel.
The next 12 months:
e will be periods at the begin -
of this year when you feel as if
is. going too fast and your
ress is going too slowly. Take
. You:II catch up by the end of
g. Use the slow period to col -
your thoughts and decide where
want to be in the future. A new
you, learn this year will be
mely beneficial later on. It
d, lead to extra income and
open many doors in your
path, A family member will
a milestone this year, and you
kelt' playa big role in orga-
the festivities. Fitness and
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22
Hold your sarcastic tongue this week YO
or you could end up in a heap of Ther
trouble. Not everyone understands
your unique sense of humor. A long- ning
awaited and very important docu- le
ment will arrive this week. A family heart
member will have good news. There
will be reason for celebration. span
LIBRA — Sept 23/Oct 23 feet
A midweek outing will serve as a skill
nice break from routine. You'll real- extre
ize that you work too hard and coul
should leave more time for socializ- could
Ing. Your increased energy level and career
good mood will help you tackle pro- reach
Jects with ease. Plans for an up.lom- will li
Ing trip need your attention. Pay nizing
attention to tiny details.
are a focus this year.
ill ill
1111111111111111 11111111111111111
11111111111111111 1° 111111111111111
11111111111111111 11111111111111111
11111111b11111ill 11111111.111111
111111111111111111 111111111111111111
1111111111111111111 11111111111111111
1111 II 1111111 II •
3. Large
7. Package
8. Keep
9. Come back
10. Reveal
11. Father
12. Lament
14. Annually
17. Reddish color
21 Protest
2a. Heanng organ
25 Rank
26. Fool
27. Confine
28. Doing nothing
29. Sunburn
I Rush wildly
2. Blame
3 A fair -hatred person
4 Avaricious
5 Imaginary ideal society
6 Thin lengths of shiny material
12 Silence
13. Contend
15. Recede
16. Nevertheless
18. Mean
19 Assemble
20. Dislike
21. Consecrate
22. Mix-up
23. Customer
Solution on Page 17
Name one
it's threatening the lives of 1.4 .million Canadians right no\A.
illir Qr(r !tot a km; viin
We wine pro -active in this
University of Western Ontario.
and not waiting and reactive
when it all happens'
She said they bring c
- the nurses and doctors
ham, and nurses from
also go to London to aue
ourses to
scher...comfotts day-old daughter
rid tours- Amanda last Thursday afternoon.
, tionship with the doctors at the St. small staff, and we probably know
people," Joseph's Hospital Centre and some their sister or their mother."
doctors at Victoria (hospital)."
all the ob- She pointed out that the staff at She stated that it's a very family
trained in Wingham does see the place of the sorientated department. Phillips
ds of the large teaching hospital for the knownthe staff at Wingham gets e
ve taken'high-risk obstetrical the people, and that it's like
lot - ways, she patients. In an extended family for the staff.
cd that Y pointed out, the
tees that
duty of the Wingham staff is to be "It's important for the people to
eges and able to pick out the ones that are realize that we have a good relation -
probably going to have complica- ship with the hospitals saic that handle
passing tions and have there deliver in the.the high risks," she said
er staff place that is safest for the mom In his report to the January meet-.
However, some patients do not "Th
want to have their babies delivered noted
in London. She
Teresa Fischer of Alliston, and stetric
formerly of Teeswater had her sec- NALS
and baby last Wednesday night. remain
Two weeks before the birth, she the co
f nd out the birth would be a nurses,
br ch. Her first baby was a nor- are ava
mal. elivery. .
"I came horne to have my "We
baby," w
eY are our resource
pointed out that
al staff have been
and about two-thir
ing nursing staff ha
arse. Phillips add
do attend other cou
ilablc through coli
keep educating and
formation on to oth
s," said staff nurse
ps said the Wingha
Hospital has a good work-
tionship with other agen-
t area, like public health.
f our staff is trained in the
vances in breast feeding
es so what we're giving
s here is bcing followed
community," she said.
I as providing pre -natal
the public health, the
ucation classes at F.E.
and parenting classes,
id that the hospital also
ction with special inter-
s, in order to "get the
a better footing before
smaller hospital, Site
DH has the benefit of
orris to stay a couple of
er said Thursday that in
morning. "I wanted to have my member
baby here in Wingham, I didn't Philli
feel like going to London."
• District
She said the staff at Wingham i
was very friendly,eg rela
s in th
feel very comfortable Because the cieAll o
nurses made her feel at home, Fis- latest ad
cher said she was not w tcchniqu
worried lcchi
about the delivery.
Fischer said the the mom
staff moved out in the
quickly when it was time for the As wel
Dr. Hanlon noted that tours for
checked ahead to make sure there Mahealth ed
would be an anesthetist on call and dill,
a doctor who could do the del.iv- Phillips sa
, ery, has inter -a
He said there is no reason whyest group
patient with a low-risk or no -risk momsg on
pregnancy can't have their baby theyBeing hoo a
delivered at Wingham. There cang
be problems arise during the dcliv- said that W
cry that require forces, allowing days.
can be dealt with at Wp ham. they extra e
Dr. Hanlon said ing the"On the
there have been times when past, causeco- aus the
pie have been 'storm stayed' inp the towe're
winter, but fortunately, the meth- deolonger h
cal staff usuallywas.' Dire with
as well, so the full. complement o f l Director
mcdioal staff was around. Icy said th
"We have a highly competent stay ecause Wing
obstetrical unit here in the form of regulated un
the training our nurses receive," fcssions Act,
said Dr. Hanlon,
H•owcver, he said that now a perinatht
doctors are uncomfortablesome hospital that
e mo
deliveries, but that is trend that is of the issues
occurring all across Ontario
Staff nurse Jane Westlooking s is
hospital staff �'d all policies shoal
are trained on a year- to the hospital
ly or bi-yearly basis on Neo Natal lieges here.
Advanced Life Support (NALS
NALS instructor, j' "We will
Emily Phillips, staff nurse and not wai '
etls hnurse has , said every ob- it all happens
been trained in should be a
the procedure, and two-thirds of mid -wives bei
the remaining nursing staff are their fullest ex
trained with NALS.
Even though there have Woodley sat
been no been no appliq
changestdn the obstetrical depart- 'We do have
ment at the Wingham hospital, have to go, to
Phillips said there are changes in lips. "We have
West. and the baby.
m and "You have to realize your limi-
whole we're probably
health field money, be -
able to keep them a lit -
d have more of a one -
them," said Phillips.
of nursing Bill Wood -
e average obstetrical
ham is 2.7 days.
mid -wives are now
der the Medical Pro -
Phillips said there is
tal commiuec at the
looks at policies that
thets and babies. One
the committee is now
mid-wifery and the
d a mid -wife apply
and be granted priv-
be pro -active in this'
ting and reactive when
said Phillips. "It
very exciting thing,
ng, able to work to -
tent." `
d that there have
tions to date.
some patients who
the city," said Phil -
a very good rela-
in a small hospital," said
Phillips. "The flip side of it is that
we see patients with their second,
third, fourth, fifth babies come in,
and it's like coming to old home
week. They know us, we're „ a
ing of the Wingham and District
Hospital Board, Chief Executive
Officer Lloyd Koch said the hospi-
tal has provided excellent delivery
and obstetrical services for many
years and it's important for the co-
munity to recognize that the hospi-
tal is' continuing to improve the ser-
vices it provides.
Bluewhales hold records
dinosaurs couldn't beat
A11 humans seems to
think babies are cute.
It's a little unnerving,
though, to realize that this
frisky newborn is already over
eight metres long and weighs a
plump 2,500 kilograms — as
much as a medium-size ele- Monte Hummel
Mother blue whale floats gently nearby. She has carried this calf for
nearly a full year and will nurse the alert young male for eight more
Each day during that time, the young whale will drink 250 litres of
milk, gaining over 90 kilograms of weight.
By the time her whale -calf is weaned, this mother will have seen him
double his present length and increase his weight to 10 -times his birth
weight. He'll already be larger than the adults of most whale species,
but still only half his 26 metre adult length and just one quarter of his
130,000 kg adult weight.
Blue whales are probably the largest animals ever to have lived on
this planet — larger, even, than the greatest dinosaurs of the distant past.
These huge creatures have huge appetites, yet they live almost entirely
on tiny shrimp -like crustaceans called krill. Each krill weights one-
tenth of a gram. When fully
tonnes of krill, or about 40 rnillioro individual crustaceans, per day. four
For now, though, mother and baby will rest and nurse. This young-
ster is a welcome addition to a blue whale population that is increasing
once again. Before the mid -19th Century,when
in -
thistly, there were probably about 300,000 blue whales in the world's
oceans. Today, the total appears to be fess than 10,000.
Few nations support comm ereial whaling no w With the recent Inter-
national Whaling Commission agreement to create a globe -encircling
Antarctic Sanctuary, the world's great whales are safer now than they
have been in more than a century.
4• s Nature's Miracles is brought to you by the Advance -Tunes and the
World Wildlife Fund Canada To frrrd out how you can help save
wive wildlife and wild places, call WWF at 1 -800_26 -PANDA