The Wingham Advance Times, 1995-01-18, Page 3p •
agrees to
iyear with
The Advance -Times
East Wawanosh Township
icouncil agreed to extend its agree-
ment with the North Huron Spe-
cial Transit Corporation (NHSTC)
for 1995.
1 The one-year extension was
krnade at last Tuesday's January
tenancil meeting, following a depu-
tation by NHSTC chairperson
Vicki Piluke and Doug Fraser.
The NHSTC operates Wheels
Away for the special needs resi-
dents of north Huron and south
Bruce Counties. The NHSTC is a
lion -profit charitable organization
with a volunteer board of direc-
Piluke said that the number of
rides have increased in East Waw-
anosh over the past few years, go-
ing from zero rides in 1992 to 181,
rides last year. There were 14
• rides in 1993. She added that the
the number of rides is not consis-
tent, because it depends in the
population and who is using the
service in the township. Piluke,
pointed out that Wheels Away rid-
ers are approved by an eligibility
"East Wawanosh had 7.8 per
cent of the total ridership last
year," Piluke told council.
As well as agreeing to an exten-
sion to the agreement, East Wawa -
nosh council also agreed to pay its
estimated cost for ridership for
1995. The cost of the service is
shared with the 12 other munici-
palities in the area.
'It's difficult t guarnntee' the
• number of rids fOr I'995," said Pi-
She noted that the provincial
government has been funding spe-
cialized transportation since 1969,
and a service in central Huron will
be the 100th service when it be-
gins later this year.
Rates will be changing, so that a
person going from one end of
Wingharn to the other will pay zer-
tain rate, but a person coming in
from a rural area and going to a
certain area in town will pay an-
other rate.
A ride is considered to be a one-
way trip. People living in town are
charged a flat rate, with riders
coming in from out of town will
be charged a tate of 25 -cents for
every 4-lan.
Please see WHEELS/Back Page
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East Wawanosh Townhsip hires
MVCA man as drainage boss
Continaed from front page
hour for the call.
Wingliun Fire Chief Harley
G tint wondered what would hap-
pen if Wingham tesponded to
"misdirection" call in Culross Tuesday afternoon.
Township. King and MVCA president
Baker said that if that did hap- Ross Duncan were both in atten-
pen, Culross would pay the $500 dance at the Jiinuary council
per hour fee to the Wingham Area meeting to provide reasons why
ire Board. King's application should be ap-
Cultos would OW provide a Duncan said that thewuld only be
re have MVCA. He noted that the town-
FIle added that Teeswater- proved.
back-up tanker if the Wingham been a lot of chatiges in the ears
public ship odealing with
Area fire department responded to service over the past few. y, Jeff King when it came to
drain -
a call ill the northern part of Turn- which have not only cut some ser- age work.
berry. Teeswater-Cukoss will bill vices, but has decreased the "Jeffs duties would depend on
Turnberry Township $200 an hour amount ef government involve- the township's requirements: said
ter iipplying water orgy. tle add- meta. , Duncan.
ed 'that the Wingham department He said conservatiOn authori- He stated that King has been
would not be asked to provide ties throughout the province are with the MVCA for eight years.
back up for the Teeswater-Culress attempting to form. •parmerships He is currently the superintendent
dePartment. that will provide greeter local at the Falls Reserve "Conservation
"This is a big step in the right content and in -put. Some MO- Area at Behmilter. An well, in his
direction," said Baker. "This could pies of •conservation authorities own time+ he is the drainage
lead to a mutual -aid agreement." having good wodting relation- perintendent for Bullet toot -
Chief Gaunt said he wotild like ' ships are reforestation, the CURB ship. ral Affairs (0
to re,apprOach the Teeswater- program, drainage insfeetiom arid King said he has been the "This could become a full-time
drainage superintendent in Hulled job, if more townships become M-
ixt departments can reach an. Duncan said that conservation for the ptst five year& Vet the volved," he said.
authorities are mord accountable past two. years, he has, also been King noted that he would like to
Caress department to see if the tree and weed inspeetion,
Baker said that it was a goad because of their partnerships al- the tile drainage inspector, . get core local contractors in -
aid that, hopefully _it "broke though there are different *WS 4 , Attittugh 40041 the rertuired volved in the etearaeca, which
0 ae04avalten it COMes. tii getting involved in thepattnersMP. /4#41$ COW .00050Si. WO' sidtt OnIzing Writild help make the; plograni
The Advance -Times
East Wawanosh Township
council hired the services of Jeff
King, through the Maitland Val-
ley Conservation Authority
(Ma/CA), as drainage superinten-
dent at its monthly meeting last
the Falls Reserve Conservation
Area, and- employed by the
MVCA, he would be more flexible
if an emergency arose in East
Wawanosh Township.
He said that if required he
would make monthly reports to
council. King noted that because
he is employed by the MVCA he
could acquire work permits from
the Ministry of Natural Resource,a
(MNR) more easily and also get
new drain permits. He could also
assess out -of -drain mainte-
He added that he would like to
inspect all the municipal drains in
the township. to find out which
ones have to be cleaned out
"I would like to inspect the
drains on a regalar basis, over the
next five years," he said.
King said the MVCA would
help with the costs of training and
attending any cdurses required. He
added that he could also help, to
promote the other MVCA prog-
grams that are available as wed as
those offered by the Ontario Min-
istry a Agriculture, Food and Ru -
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