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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-12-19, Page 13
CANADETTES' CHRISTMAS DRAW—The Wingham Canadettes Majorette and Flag Corps recently held its annual Christmas draw. Jennifer and Heather Hall sold the winning ticket for the $200 grocery hamper to Bob Wright of Owen Sound, George Skinn won the flower arrangement and Ellen McPherson won the third prize, a Christmas ornament hon, resident of thrum fag Dis- trict, was the special guest of the Women's instinste when the annual Cluistmas dhuter was held at the W hitechurch Notes Mrs. Ann Oberholtzer and Julie of Waterloo visited last weekend with Mrs. Norma Rintoul. Mr: and Mrs. Alan Falconer and Amy of Goderich visited Sunday with Me and Mrs. Wallace Milligan. The Milligan received word on Saturday .that their grandchild, Cody Irwin of Lytton, B.C., had fall- en and broken his wrist. He was taken by'am +land to Kamkoops to have it set. Cody is the son of Ms and Mrs. Steve Irwin. Mrs. John Neilson and Mas. Wal- lace Milligan visited shutins last Monday, including Mr. and Mrs. Vic Emerson at Brussels, 'hiss Annie Laidlaw at Dryden Manor, Luckstow, and other residents there. Fordwich Notes Your Fordwich correspondent would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and blessed new year. Please remember' to call me at 335-6273 and let me know if you were away or had guests for the holidays, Thanks. Mrs. Jean Clarkson, Mrs. Marian Johnston, Mrs. Ruby Armstrong, Mrs. Alma Hargrave, Mrs. Jack Reid and Mrs. Bill Sothern enjoyed a bus trip on Sunday, Dec. 10, to Niagara Falls where they saw the Jim Nabors Show at the Niagara Falls Convention Centre and were 'given a guided tour of the Christ- masiights. Friends of Mrs. Winnie Crapper will be pleased to know she has returned home from Listowel , Memorial Hospital and hope good h continues for her. Wor was received here that Mary Co bent passed away Sunday, Dec. 10, ' London. Funeral service was he on Tuesday, with spring intern' in Fordywich,Ce ry. Mr. d Mrs. Lorne Kelley visited Tuesd y with Mrs. Jean Matthews in I Baa �/y . Marx ... of the H ] ick Ministe- rial Assertion are planning a carol service for all who live in the town- ship, on Dec 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Brethren -in -Christ Church, Ford- wich. A number of Fordwich WI mem- bers were at the Village Nursing Home on Tuesday afternoon for their annual Christmas visit. Mrs. Leone Carswell and Mrs. Jean Clarkson led.a worship service and several Christmas carols were sung Twelve tables at card party in Fordwich hall FORDWICH—Twelve tables of euchre were enjoyed Friday night at the card party in the Fordwich hall. Winners of high prizes were Florence Wilson and John Subject. Consolation winners were Helen Treitz and Russell Nickel. Special prizes went to Jean Clarkson, Lola Subject, Mary Kelley, Dick Elliott and Roy Kennedy. The next card party will be Jan. 12. The sponsors look forward to seeing everyone in the new year and lunch will be provided. UCW notes customs of the season FORDWICH The general meet- ing of the Fordwich UCW was held Dec. 7 in the church school moms. President Mrs. Deanne Mann opened the meeting with a reading, –Didou know?" highlighting cus- toms f countries. untris. BA -mutes ruof the last meeting were read by Mrs. Rosemary Magill; Miss Minnie McElwain gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Mann read correspon- dence and led discussion of several • businette item*. The worship serve was pt - ed by Mrs. Clara Gibson, Mrs. Emmy Winkel and Mrs. Frieda Klassen. They chose the theme ..Christmas Eve". During a reading entitled "We Offer These Gifts" by Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Winkel lit the candles on the worship centre, fol- lowed by the hymn, © Copae, 0 Come Emmanuel". The scripture came from. Luke 2, and Matthew ew 2, recounting the .0. Christmas story. Hyl hietuded 'All Hail the Power of Jesus' Narrre." and "O Little Town of Bethlehem". The service clo'' 't ritl`. the aging, "Joy to the, ... emlf with Minnie McElwain at the piano. Mrs. Elmer Harding wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Santa Claus arrived and treats were given to the residents. A social time was then enjoyed by all. Trinity Anglican Church Women will hold their Christmas dinner on Thursday night at the community hall, Fordwich. On Tuesday, Dec. 19, carolers will meet at the home of Mark and Pat Brunarski and will sing carols in the village. Christmas Eve service will be held in Trinity Church on Dec. 24 at 8:30. Everyone is welcome. Sunday guests with Minnie McElwain.and John McElwain were Bruce and Ellen Harkness of Bel - more, Mac and Norma Inglis, Mary and David of Clifford and Mrs. Annie Piittendreigh. Mrs. Ruby Armstrong visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. David Schneider in ICtchener. Mrs. Wally Nixon spent Wednes- day in London. Mr and Mrs. Bill Soper visited Sunday, Dec 10, with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Soper in Shelburne. Mary -Anne Gibson returned to her work at Emerald Lake, B.C., on Monday after visiting a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson and other rela- tives. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Gibson entertained for a family Christmas while Mary -Anne was here. Dinner at St. Paul's precedes WI meeting Whitechurch—The Christmas meeting of the Women's Institute was held at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham, and began with a delicious dinner catered by the church ladies. Thirty-one sat down to dinner at noon. Following dinner, Mary Hehn and Marjorie Wall awarded some door prizes. A Christmas program followed, with readings from Eve- lyn Gibb, Mae Johnston and Mary Hehn. Gordon Wall favored the group with violin music, with Mary on guitar and Agnes Farrier at the piano. Russell McGuire played the violin, accompanied by his wife, Jean. A chorus of Evelyn Gibb, Jeanette Wardrop, Cathy Lubbers, Gertrude Durnin, Jean Tiffin, Jean Ross and Mary Hehn, accompanied by Mrs. Farrier at the piano, sang two Christmas numbers. Santa Claus arrived to distribute Secret Sister gifts and a good time was enjoyed by all, Mary Helmand Jean McGuire were hostesses for the meeting. Christmas theme for W VIS ladies Whitechurch—Chalmers Women's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Dora Neilson in Turnberry Estates on Dec. 14. Mrs. Jean Ross was convener and gave the call to worship, followed by a meditation on joy and peace. Each member contributed to the program with Christmas readings and stories. Carols were sung throughout the meeting. President Kathleen Elliott con- ducted the business and minutes were read by Mrs. Neilson. Roll call was answered by 10 members who each gave a verse containing the word, gift". Rev. John Neilson closed the meeting with prayer ?J. in MIL Earl giv l tarn led demotions.Mrs. Eva Wallace shared a emiTi and. Mrs. - Lyle Murray convened a Cluistmaa program. It consisted of bumorous readings by Mas. Emerson Fergu- son and Mrs. Don Murray. A skitx `.Tell Me, ", proved bolt humorous and educational. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. Demi Hallman. It was decided to remember shutins again this Christmas and to con- tritrate to a shower gift for bride - elect, Mass Margaret Shortreed, who is of Huron East District. Twenty-five dollars was pledged to the Christmas Magic Telethon on CKNX Radio. Twelve members and tluee visi- tors answered the roll call with Christmas concert incidents of the past. pennies for Friendship were collected for each Christmas greet- ing reeting the members intend to send. The meeting concluded with a gift exchange. The Jades of the community are reminded that there is no meeting in January. The next meeting will be at .the home of Mrs. Kavelman on Feb. 1 at 2 p.m. THE WINGHAM INSURANCE & INVESTMENT CENTRE Is it time to start an in- come from your ReR.S.P. Funds? We will answerAII your questions and get quotes on all your options. CALL LARRY CHIRCOSKI at 357-1664 259 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario Daffy 9 -1 NEWEST LINES NOW AVAILABLE AT... Community Calendar Sponsored -by: [NSURANCE BROKERS Gorrie 335-3525 Wingham 357-2636 INSURING TOMORROW TODAY' Judy Sanderson Insurance - All types. Homes, business, auto, farm, life Christmas, Eve Services, Sunday, December 24. Check the times at the church of your choice. Merry Christmas! Happy Boxing Day! THIS WEEK'S BEST G.LC. RATE 11 1/2% . \- -'- i I r(---- A kW.. - - -- 2 A w-..' i . ' \ - 7 V- -- .___, -7--0- �SAVOURYOURHOLIDAYMJORIES Ak WITH QUALITY PHOTO -FINISHING from Studio _ v GORVI:itst1444c4 Of the many gifts we've received, those of your loyalty and friendship mean the most to us. Thank you for your continued and valued patronage. AIM e ■ ■ i 1 ■ s: 1 ■ t...e ■ -5 ■ OF1 ■ s • e s e ! s e e ■ :s 5 to NZr_ re. F PROCESSING . 00 1 One Coupon per film Expires Jan 31 90 1' 1 ■ 1 ■- 1 s ■ 1 ■' s ■ l ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 5 t.1;. LMM. MGM MHO Studio 12, Exposures $7.99 15 Exposures $9.99 Kodak � Cohrwateh system L ma dim Aim eel. 24 Exposures $11.99 36 Exposures $15.99 issue111111 it ■ II-■ ■-.■ iris" ■ sails fr'■R s. A.. R. ■ ■ ear- _ - . 2ND SET 1 OCfrim Expiresneoupon Jan.per 31 90im BBB ieessessessuessiiesauseseet Studio Use our after hours film drop ... . So you can have your holiday mem- ories right -after Christmas. Our lab will be developing films Dec. 27, 28, 29 & 30 offering one day service. (35 mm only) 0 0 0 8.1 c�!` 11 Il They're here! Kodak KolorKins Easy to get. Fun to have. Collect them all. Award winning photo finishing by the Kodak Color Watch system ENTER for a chance to WIN a Giant Kodak Kolorkin or a Pedal Car, when you purchase Kodak Products 1st Prize: Pedal Gar 2nd Prize: Kizmo Draw date: Feb. 3rd Details at counter - Kodak 0