HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-12-12, Page 22PAP1.-,:hoWleghaee.o),
-.• e Kndergaei cla; has
'Vm*chlietma activities. They
nhi* Pa* chah to zhow how
and wrote letters to Santa Clans.
They made paperrplate Sants and
a Chtistataa tree using Outlines of
their hands for the branches, -
The pupils open their Advent cal-
endars fretrently. -
The Grade Is have started their
Chistartaileihrities. They ate read-
ing and writing Christmas stories
as well as making crafts. They also
are but), practising for the
Inas concert scheduled for Dec. 13.
The Grade 2-3s have been mak-
ing an Advent calendar and they
"1-- have (decorated their classroom
door like a gingerbread house.
Smite students presented puppet
plays for Which they made their
own puppets.
—Jane Darling
ML Liddle's Grade 4 class is fm-
ishing up subtraction in math just
in time to undertake their Christ-
mas activities.'Mi Sinnamon is
teaching them Christmas tunes on
the ukeleles.
WAVE TO SANTA—Little -M." Casserly of Wingham is encour-
aged to wave to Santa Claus at last Saturday's Santa Claus Parade
at Wroxeter.
Mr- !Cheadle. citule
legectu,:ng Ifinh*action
mas voctibulary
door is decorated with
Mrs. DeBruyn's Grade 5-6 dass
has decorated its dear with the
"I<night Before Cluistatas" in keep-
ing With their medieval studies.
They are starling graphs in math
and verbs in French.
—Shaman Philips
The -Grades 75 are starting a new
novel study after finishing their
speMing list. They have picked their
Kris Kringles and will enjoy drop-
ping little notes and being "mice'
to them until Dec. 22.
The Grade 86 are right into their
decorating activities, Mr. Sinnamon
may even quit and become an inte-
rior decorator. Meanwhile, his class
is doing a project on crocodiles and
alligators. Their French projects -
be finished sometime nextsping
and, slowly but simply, they are fin-
ishing their work on fractions in
—Shannon Phillips
BLUEVALE CRAFr SALE—A Chrtshmas craft and
was held last Saturday at the Bluevale hall. Debbie Wickens,
Wingham chats with Margaret Day of Bluevale at the sale.
Mrs. Overholt's afternoon
Kindergarten finished their unit on
how animalsuprepare for winter. At
the end of the unit, Mr. Overholt,
from the Ministry of Natural
Resources, visited the class and
brought animal furs which. thechd-
dren really liked. Thank you, Mr.
They finished up their computer
time with their buddies from Grade
11. Now they are working on the
Christmas concert.
Thpsnstreskanag isassanss sassas
class went swimming for the last
time and will soon start skating.
They are learning about the begin-
ning sounds of words.
Both classes have started a
Christmas unit Over the past two
weeks, Mr. Bfessson has been visit-
ing the class with his guitar for a
sing -song.
—Maria Gibbons
Mrs. Walke's morning Kinder-
garten has been watching movies
about winter. They also inade rein-
deer to help decorate their room.
They have also been working with
shapes and having fun identifying
them .
—Carolyn Elston
The Grade is are working on
Christmas activities. The reading
centres in their room now are based
on Phoenix. They are drawing and
they also are brainstorming ideas.
There are lots of Christmas deco-
rations, and good cheer, around the
classroom. The students enjoyed
eating their candy canes on St.
Nicholas' Day, Dec. 6. They are
counting down the days until
Christmas with paper rings.
In math, everyone is counting
with ones, fives and tens, which
leads into the counting of money
—Desiree Curtis
Mrs. Szarek's Grade 3 class has
some beautiful snow flakes hanging
down from the roof. They are doing
a play called "Santa's Present' for
the Christmas assembly. They also
wrote Christmas stories and -yawls.
They have done a project on black
bears as well.
—Laura Goll
Mrs. Train's class is very exdted
about Christmas approaching_ They
have put up a very nice
Christmas bee, and made pozicorn
garlands and decorationsfissm
baker's day. s
They had a wonderful luaj hutch
with Mrs. Overholt's claigs last
week They made spaghetti and
sauce and a pudding. The children
enjoy going to Mrs. Overholes class
for lurch once a month.
• Iltey started skating last week
and had a great time. Theyhope to
go skating every Tuesday for the
rest of the month.
—Nathan Laidlaw
We've recently had a citrus sale
involving Mt Shaw's, Mr. Lisle's
and Mr. Bowyer's classes. Mrs.
Orser is tabulating the money and
orders coming from the classes.
They painted their windows
because they are getting rEady for
Christmas. They are doing block
trainting in art.
—Jeremy Brown
Mt Shaw's Grade 7-8 class is get-
ting ready for Christmas by deco-
rating their mom and doing hris t-
mas art -work. In Language arts
they are writing stories for the
Prism Awards. Recently they have
had some exciting debates orseapi-
tal punishment and the firs trades s
--Nen Mowbray
All three c.hoiraare singing in the
Christmas concert. After Christnias
anyone who wants to may join the
choir. -
We are happy to have three new
members in our baritone section.
One looks much like Mr. Robertson
and the others look a lot like Mt
Lisle and Mr. Shaw. The choir
appreciates them joining.
—Lori Angus
The Library resource centre has
been a very busy place this week.
We are holding our annual Book
Fair. The selection of books is excel-
lent and the students have enjoyed
buying books for themselves as
well as for Christmas presents for
The students of Mrs. Schedler's
class have been rewriting the poem
"The Night Before Christmae.
They axe changing the setting and
Santa Claus arrives in some very
unusual places.
Mr. Lindsay's class has been
researching water animals. They
have worked extremely well and
the results are excellent.
—Wendy Finley
6 Discount is storewide
includes all red ticketed sale
Bags available at the store.
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