HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-12-12, Page 1013.4
Dear Santa,
For Christmas this year I would
like a opsy daisy doll, pj sparkle,
money, McDonald's kitchen, ice
cream maker and a teady bear. Did
you get your cookies and milk that
I left you last year? Did Rudolphy
get his carrott? This year I will
leave you the same thing again, I
was very glad to see all the preas-
ants I got last year. Have a safe trip
Meghan Walker
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I am doing
great and have been a real good
boy this year. I would like to thank
you for all the nifty toys you got me
last year.
This year I would like a GI Joe
tent, GI Joe army men and vehicle. I
would also like some hockey equip-
ment like skates, a remote control
car and the new game shark -attack.
P.S. I will leave some milk and
cookies for your and a carrot for
Paddy Bailey
Dear Santa,
Thank you very much for the
toys I receivedf last Christmas. I
play with them a lot. 1 bet you are
really busy this Christmas. I -hope
you have a safe flight this year.
Now I'll write what I wish for
Christmas this year. I would like a
remote control tow -truck, a play -
dough snack shop so I can make
French fires, a remote control
dinosaur from Radio Shack and a
GT snowracer. It would be nice if I
could have some surprises in my
stocking. Last year I left you milk
and cookies. I left the reindeer car-
rots and water. This year I'M do the
same. 1 hope to see you next year
and this year.
Zane Davies
Dear Santa,
Santa my name is Aaron Rochon
and for Christmas I would like
some heavy duty tools. Some tools I
would like are a hammer, wrench
and a wratchet set, if possible some
nails. Last year I was a really good
boy. I left yousome milk and cook-
ies last year and carrots for
Rudolph the red -nosed reighn deer.
Aaron Rochon
We at
Token Treasures of Wini/iam
would like to take this opportunity
to thank,you, our valued customers,
for your continued -patronage
throughout the year.
May the _goy of Christmas
be always yours.
Albert Martens cfr 9eanne McDonald
Dear Santa,
Thanks for everything you
brought me last year. My reading
buddy thanks you too. This year for
Christmas I would like shark
attack, hot weels, color racer, for-
mula racer and zacks. I would like
a 11-piecen golf set and Pete Rose
baseball. We will leave you, milk
and cookies and carrots for the
Geoffrey Lindsay
Dear Santa,
Hello how are you and the rein-
deers? Last Christmas you brought
me all the presents I wanted and
this year I want some ghostbusters
and Batmen. Another thing I want
is a Tomy computer. I will be sure
to leave you some milk and cookies
and a carrot for Rudolph. Bye!
Andrew McBurney
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like to get
a GT snow racer, a remote control
car, stuffed horse and a stuffed elf.
This Christmas I will leave you a
box of cookies and some hot choco-
late. I hope you deer will get your
around safe this year. Please don't
get stuck in our fireplace or in the
door. I was good to everyone this
year so please send me my gifts. I
will try to stay up, but I will proba-
bly fall asleep. If I fall asleep, please
don't wake me up. My brother
wants a firetruck and a fun tube.
That's all I want for Christmas.
Kent Readman
`Ytdngham, Ontario
Dear Santa,
My name is Tanya Good. Thank
you for all the nice presents you left
me last year. Did you like the apple
I left you and the carrot for
Rudolph? Were you busy making
toys all summer? I hope you didn't
wear yourself out.
This year if you could I would
like a dressing doll, light Brith and
dress' n dazale. Thank you.
Tanya Good
Dear Santa,
Hi! How are you? I'm fine. I
would like to thank you for the rice
gifts you gae me last year. For
Christmas this year I was wonder-
ing if you could bring me a "Super-
star" barbie, little Miss Dressup,
Superstar Ken and a kitten. I would
like that very much. Please say hel-
low to the reindeer, Mrs. Claus and
your elves.
Elyse Lachance
Dear Santa,
Hi! How are you this winter. I am
fine. Thanks for giving me those
presents last year. I really like them,
How is Rudolph the reindeer? I
hope he is okay. Oh! this year I am
going to wait up all night for you to
write. 1 hope I don't fall asleep
early. I am going to leave you and
the reindeers lots of treats. This
year I really want a oopsy daisy, PJ
sparkles, my little pony, Little Miss
Dress -up, dress and dazzle, maxie,
cry babies and cabbage patch kids.
Well, bye!
Lesley Burton
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? Well, I'm
fine and I'm really lookoing for-
ward to Christmas. This year I've
been mostly a good boy, but some-
times I just get excited and hyper
and get in trouble (only about once
or twice this year). Santa, if you
could, could you bring .me one or
two of my ideas, please. My ideas
are: 1) a pool table 2) a GT snowrac-
er 3) a proton pack. If you could
bring that it would be great. Thank
Jamie Chester
Dear Santa,
Hello Santa. How are you? I'm
fine. For Christmas I would like
Teen Age Mutant Ninga Turtles and
Slime. I would also like a hockey
stick and some hockey equipment.
How is it up at the North Pole? It
must be very cold. How is Mrs.
Claus and the little elves? It must
be very busy up there with all the
toys still to be built, so I will say
goodbye and Merry Christmas.
David Lisle
Dear Santa,
Hi! How are you doing this year.
•m doing fine. This year has gone
so fast, I can hardly believe it. Well,
anyways,r thanks for all the nice
presents last year. In enjoyed open-
ing and playing with them this past
year. I am really sorry that I didn't
put out any cookies, milk and car-
rots, but I forgot. This year I will
remember to. This year year I
would like some trucks, GI Joe fig-
ures and maybe a new bike.
Gregory Lynne
Dear Santa;
Hi Santa! How's Christmas going
this year. I hope Rudolph's nose is
still shinging. For Christmas this
year I would like a remote control
car and hockey socks. I've been a
very good girl this year. I will leave
you some cookies and a glass of
milk. For the reindeer I will leave
some carrots and apples:
Kate Lane
Dear Santa,
I want a VCR and a remote con-
trol truck and a toy gun. I also want
a nutcracker.
Sean English
Dear Santa,
I `would like a play umlxeorbike
with real gas. Also I oul411
tar and a hockey g e. Titanic you
Santa, I will leave yo cookies and
milk and Rudolph so a carotes.
Jo an Rhodes
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like:a:Nin-
tendo, A GI joe man with a jet, a
mask, a wistel, a lizard and a horn.
Please bring my presents. ..
Paul Cardiff
Dear Santa,
I want Oopsie Daisy, barbie
clothes and a barbie for Christmas.
Ashley Metcalfe
Dear Santa,
I would like a goldfish for Christ-
mas and a collection of plastic
P.S. I will leave you a treat it will
be milk and cookies and I willleave
the reindeer carrots.
David Riggs
Dear Santa,
Last year you were really nice.
And you gave me a ninga turtal.
And this year I would a turtal cycle.
And Raffeol and my brother wants
a turtal man and and he has a pur-
ple band.
Duane Schiestel
Dear Santa,
I would like a airplane, a set of
. dinosaurs, a remote control .car,
Nintendo entertainment system
and some games.
Justin McKinlay
Dear Santa, -
Hi Santa, how are you? Have I
been good this year? If I have, I
would like the Heart Family, the
ate Bed Bugs and theer,ie d
Maxi. I will Leave. cookii s�out er
you and your reindeer. Thank you
for reading my letter.
Julia Goll
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Dear Santa,
Hi, how are you? I'm fine.
Thank you for the stuffyou gave
me last year. this year I would
likme to get some toys and 'some
clothes and some money. I hope
you will be able to get these things
for me, if you can't, they's OK.
P.S.. How's everyone at the North
pole? I would like some books and
a hockey stick and goal pads and
pencil case and school bag.
Zachary O'Krafka
Dear Santa,
This year I would like a glow in
the dark doll, bouncing babies and
a barbie doll. 1 would be thankful if
I culd receive these gifts, I would
also like to thank you for the gifts
last year. Oh'ya, before I forget,
how is Mrs. Claus? Are the elves
very busy this year? I would.
imagine they are since,it's so close
to Christmas. Well, I had better go.
P.S. I will leave you some milk
and cookies on the table and I will
leave carrots for the reindeer. And I
would also like a dolly surprise
dolly. Bye for now!
Jillian Underwood
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the present you
gave me last year. I really liked
them. I will leave cookies for your
-and apple for rudolph. This year I
have been a good boy and I would
like a real rabbit, a good fish, a pair
of skis and a dart gun.
P.S. How is Mrs. Claus and the
other reindeer?
Shawn Deyell
Dear Santa,
I want a barbie, book and barbie
car, crayons, Little Miss Make-up,
coloring book. Have a good year
Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Ashley Khan
Dear Santa,
I have teen a good boy. I would
-like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, airplains.
fl'm going to give you a glass of
moik and cookies and a carrot and
a apple for Rudolph.
James Black
Dear Santa,
I. want a _pope-, cheerleader bar-
bie and a doll With bottle. Santa
how do your helpers help you.
Have a good year.
Courtney Schenk
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the toys last year
and thisyear I would like: Super
Star Barbie, a Barbie Van AND I
would like Baby -Shivers. I will
leave you an apple for Rudolph
and some milk and cookies for you.
Amy Robinson
Dear Santa,
For Christmas this year could
you please bring me P.J. sparkles
and gymnastics slippers. Thank
you for everything you brought me
last year. I'll leave some milk and
cookies for you and a few carrots
for Rudolph and his friends. Merry
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A Lawn As
Dear Santa,
It seems like no time at all since
wrote to you last time. How is Mrs.
Claus? I bet your elves are really
busy so close tO Christmas.
Oh, r almost forgot how are all
the rain deers D Bier, Dancer,
Prancer, Vb�cert' mitet, Cupid, Don.
her and 131 -@•1'i,' aljyri my most
favorite rain deer R door-. t
h dl$ n1 tb d y wants fie to
d has told me
0 wxite. l have ,been
Write and at
VIA lj; Want for
1:1 Mai -Up,
lu trill& and
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'WI the rami
Tamil Kerr
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy. I would
like a remote control car and a
1 ' remote control jet.
George Guse
Dear Santa,
Can i please have a VCR for
Christrnas. I elk) want a car. Thank
James Needham
Dear Santa,
How is Rudolph? For Christmas I
would like a radio, please. I would
alsolike a geto blaster and some
music tapes. Could you also give
me a Cabage Patch Kid with a bot-
tle. I will leave some cookies and a
carrot for Rudolph.
Deanna Townsend
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl this year,
so could you please try and send
me power wheels, Dancing flowers,
Nut cracker, doll garden party, bar-
bie, early bird game and dinamite.
We will leave you some cookies,
carrots, celery and milk.
Cheryl McBride
Dear Santa,
How are you? I will leave you
and Rudulph a treat. I would like a
ghost buster set.
Kent McPherson
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Dear Santa,
I would like a filtreatel lig ring
. and ,baseball bat,, inosatur, Nut
Cittiori toy f naki ,� Santa doll
and m %illlecr a Otto the rein-
deer andtoOde0On