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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-10-31, Page 16
Faze g *' The Wingham Advaace-Timea, Oct. 81,109 FOR RENT BEDROOM house, in Wingham. Flume 357-1044 after 6 p.m. 2,000 SQ. Fr. of good dry storage or workshop area; 1/2 a block from Main St, Wingham;'second floor, heat op- tional. Phone Bob 357-1411 or 357- 1232. 13tf DRYDEN MANOR. LUCKNOW RETIREMENT HOME FOR SEN- IORS. Complete care 24 hours a day, including all nutritious meals and snacks. Assistance with baths, foot- care and drug control. Doctors on call. Reasonable rates. Phone 528- 2300 for more information. 17,24,31 IMINIIRMIIRREMIEMorrimor NEW LISTING Spacious and luxurious country home on 2 acres, Moms Twp., 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, all new throughout. NEW LISTING - The Perfect General Farm, 150 acres in Morris Two., very produc- tive, all buildings clean and well maintained, including a 2 floor red brick home in im- maculate condition. BLYTH - New bungalow, Morris Street, electric heat, attached garage, very attractive. BLYTH - Brick bungalow, Hamilton Street. Like new, many extras. 100 ACRES - East Wawanosh, 80 workable. Vendor financing. RESTAURANT & GAS BAR - 3/4 acre paved lot, busy highway corner, in- cludes good home on same property. Priced reduced. 100 ACRES - Ashfield Township, Impressive home, barns for cattle and. hogs. Additional land available. RESTAURANT - Licenced for 60, apartment above, central location in busy town. Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. Mason Bailey, Broker • Clinton 0 482-9371 24 Hour Service xnm w{: , "THE NfrizrQ ur, PaliAerstimk,. one bedroom apartment, Orel' fridge, stove, washer, drym'r: +aa conditioning, private eovered 'bal- cony, controlled entry, storage area, stair glide, parking: Retirement living. Information, viewing, M. Robinson, 519-343-2201.; 024-D12 WELL -KEPT two bedroom bottom apartment close to Main Street in Wingham. No pets. Tenant pays utii= ities. Fridge and stove included. Available Dec:' 1. Rent, $375. Phone 357-2433 after 6 p.m. 24tf Baldwin Realty Corp. BLYTH Charming three-bedroom home on a good sized lot, quiet street and mature trees. Maintenance free exterior, two -car unatta- ched garage and paved lane. This home is very clean and has been very well kept. A plea- sure to show. For more Information call Stephen J. Tate 673-0660 BALDWIN REALTY CORP. bare land with an estimated FARM FOR SALE Approximately 100 acres 72 workable acres. About 12 acres hardwood bush. Two - acre pond surrounded by wooded area. Located one mile west of Ho- Iyrood on south side of road: Lot 7, Concession 7, Kinloss Township, Bruce County. Offered for sale by tender. All offers must be received by Thursday, November 2nd, 1989. A certified deposit of $2,000.006 must accompany. the offer. For further information contact: Farm Credit Corporation, Arthur J. McGahey, 1315 Yonge Street, South, Box 428, Walkerton, Ontario NOG 2V0 Telephone: 519-881-1490 Please refer to Loan #31789 BROKER R E A L E 8 TA -sr E. 199A JOSEPHINE ST., 357• 57. 1117 WHITECHURCH - Good value is offered in this newly reno- vated home. Modern kitchen and dining area. Large living room, master bedroom and bath all on the main level. Updated electri- cal, plumbing and insulation, forced air heating. Village taxes are low. Open to offer. 95 ACRES - County road. Victorian style home. Country kitch- en, main floor family room. Attached garage. Bank barn has loose housing. Farmatic feed system. 85 productive acres, bal- ance in hardwood bush. $155,000. 200 ACRES - HWY. 66 - Large home and bank barn. 140 acres systematically tiled. Balance in mixed woods. Low rate FC as- sumable mortgage is a plus. $195,000. HOME, SHOP $ SEVEN ACRES - Three-bedroom, one -storey home, built 1975. Metal clad shop of 3680 sq. ft. partially heated with heavy wiring. Well located on hardtop road. $160,000. WINGHAM ONTARIO MI El 0 MLT PIE U l4 !SERVICE K. FITZSIMMONS 357©1117 Wingham BRIAN McBURNEY 3353761 RR 1, Wingham The Man To See Is ROOMY 3 BEDROOM HOME comprising kitchen, dining room and Targe living room. New furnace and chimney plus full insulation result in very low heating cost. Attached garage and small workshop. Make sure you call us about this one. ! NEWLY CONSTRUCTED in Belgrave, over 1300 sq. ft. with ground level entry attaching to garage, e, 3 bedrooms, extra large modern kitchen, living and dining rooms, 4 pc. bath with vanity, plus unfinished walkout basement with patio doors. A dream lot with stupendous view. PRICE RECENTLY SLASHED! ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW in quiet residential area, features separate dining and living roorr'fs, spacious Neb.room and huge laundry and`WdrkshOp. `Call ug for an appoint - Ment to view. COOL OFF OR HEAT UP In this 3 bedroom Gorrie borne comprising large, eat -in kitchen, living roorti,"dint root, en,. doled Insulated porch. Jacuzzi tub for 6 inside AND 16 x 24 swirnMir. g I outside. An interesting buy at $82,900. A N11 • N DEVELOPERS! There's magic in $;acres near �lllitt Ill, currently being developed Into 10 executiv , taut ►oltil eh. the Maitland River and fronts on y , TI� ki hW �I,, entIy there's a 3 bedroorri b' alive ittt 2 full ath d ning rooms, plusmolt e;, the ale It' atfernetlt. Central a rt A CE ` O EVi REDUCED TdJ#t‘ ��.' OFFICE 3$74344 BEDROOM apArtment fog t.r Wingbant.':Avallable r 1, gi ound floor, private entrance, non-smoker, no pets. Phone 3572825. 3,10,17,24,31 1 BEDROOM apartment located downtown including fridge and stove. Phone 357-1851 before 6 p.m. 24,31 GREGORY COURT Apartments, Minnie Street, has a 1 bedroom apartment available Dec. 1. Stove and fridge included. Laundry facil- ities available. Ideal location for quiet, mature adult. References re- quired. Phone 357-3721. 24,31 APARTMENT close to Wingham. Quiet village setting, ground flogr,1 bedroom, large living room, eat -in kitchen. Available immediately, 5300 per month plus utilities. Phone 1.9136-3022. 24,31 2 BEDROOM apartment, 7 km. from Wingham. Ground floor, $380 per month plus utilities. First and last. References. Available immediately. Phone 519-986-3022. FOR RENT Luxury 2 Bedroom Apartments in Wingham Phone 291-1887 or 357-3321 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT PRIME OFFICE SPACE for rent, approximately 360 square feet, private entrance, will renovate to suit tenant. Phone 357-1522 for de- tails. rrb COMING EVENTS DABBER BINGO Lucknow and District Lions Club dabber bingo every Sunday, Luck- -now Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 Nen. Air condition- ed. Wheelchair acsible. Potential prize board over $3,000, $1,100 jack- pot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. lltf 23RD ANNUAL CRAFT AND HOBBY FAIR On Sat., Nov. 4, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at Elma Memorial Community Centre, Atwood, Ontario. Lunch available. Bake sale at 1:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Maple Leaf Women's Institute. 17,24,31 KINGARF FOWL SUPPER St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Kingarf annual fowl supper. Sunday, Nov. 5, 4-7 p.m. Adults, $7; children 10 years and under, $3; preschoolers free. Follow Highway s to Kinloss, turn north on County Read 1. 24,31 Plan to„attend the WALkERTON HERITAGE FAIR One of Ontario's best craft shows. Over 30 booths of traditional crafts and quilts. Many one -of -a -kind items. Tea .. Room. Organized free parking: Knights of Colum- bus Hall, highway 9 between Walkerton and Mildmay. Ad- mission $2.0Oo NOVEMBER 481.and 5th. COM11131111 4:010 p.m. teens and 01 exhibitors. cafeteria se meals ell da *ewe, fVis..Over411 Hair LuNCHEO u ; county ll cellaneous a. Ouches and. Anddrew's Pres. 'Wijtlgham, Ont, 31,7 1:30;p;rn. BAZAAR A D TEA . Anglican C11 et} Women, Eel ave are holdings Bazaar al d;Tea at Bel - grave Wom i's. Institute Hall -on Friday, Nov.40at2p.m ****r*'*'***** DAY TRIP . To the People's Church in Toronto to see "The Living Christmas Tree" musical program in December. Call Daybreak, Marg Burkhart, 528-3544 for further details. Book now ... This is a popular one! 17,24,31 TEA AND BAZAAR St. Paul's Anglican Church annual Christmas Tea and Bazaar will be held Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2-4 p.m. Everyone welcome. 24,31,7,14,21 "COUNTRY CiIR!STM. S" BAZAAR Wroxeter United Church, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2 p.m. 24,31 45TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Ernest and Marjorie Beecroft invite you to an open house in honor of their parents' 45th wed- ding anniversary on Saturday, Nov. 4, from 2-4 p.m. and 8-10 p.m., at the Armouries in Wingham. Your pres- encewill be their cherished gift. 24,31 *********** MEETING East Wawanosh History Book, gen- eral meeting, Wednesday, Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m., Township Office. Please plan to attend. 24,31 CHURCH PARADE Wingham Branch 180 Royal Cana- dian Legion members will be attend- ing the Salvation Army for Church Parade this year on November 5. The parade will commence from the Legion at 10:30 a.m., All members are asked to be at the Legion by 10:15 a.m. Rides will be provided if necessary. CURLERS' SOCIAL EVENING Wingham Country Curlers' Social.,. iii 113; esday, Nett, "8 p.m., at, Wingham Curling Club. Enjoy cards, crokinole, practise and in- structional curling. New curlers welcome. Ladies, please bring sand- wiches. GORDON T. MONTGOMERY LTD. BUS TRIPS Nov. 9 - Royal Winter Fair, Toronto Nov. 12 - Kim Mitchell Concert, Hamilton Place June 9, 1990 - Geritol Follies, Hamilton Place Call Thelma, 528-2813 Gordon T. Montgomery Ltd. Bus Lines Lucknow 528-2813 NIGH r SCHOOL at F.E. Madill S.S. Beginning in January of 1990 evening courses will be offered for credit towards a high school diploma. For more details call the school at 357-1800. ive ranch Cake J Ming 3 sorting: muftis .ti • ' uhchoons ake 'table at St. erra Curch, ear. 3,X17, a.in. to v tic,. .�, •t,. FAQ. PAIR AWARDS,111 GIST Howick-Turnbe ry Fall Fair Awards Night, Mobiy, v. 6, 8 m p ., at Howick Ptele iity Centre. All awards to be presented. Prize money available. Everyone wel- come. CRAFT AND BAKE SALE The Legion Auxiliary to Branch 180 is sponsoring their 10th Annual Craft and Bake Sale, Nov. 18, 10 a.rn.-4:30 p.m., at the Legion Hall, Victor,i a St., Wingham. All kinds of crafts. Lunch counter and bake sale. Ad- mission 50 cents, children free. 31,7,14 ANNUAL DANCE Howick Legion Branch po7. Music by: "Entertainers", on Saturday, Nov. 4. Dancing, 9 p.m. -1 a,m., at Howick Community Centre. Lunch provided. Admission, $6 per person. Phone 335-3385. 24,31 BUCK AND DOE For Doug Craig and Joyce Rettin- ger, November 4, Auburn Hall, 9 p.m. -1 a.m. * * * * * * * * * * * A NIGHT To REMEMBER Everyone is welcome to Boys' Night Out,— Ladies' Night Out, Tuesday, Nov. 28. Highlights of the evening in- clude a dinner; internationally known speaker and author Ernie Hollands (from convict to Chris- tian) ; entertaining music from the Benders and loads more. Don't miss it. It will be ...! For more details, call Dave Martin at 357-1668, a local church or tickets available at Ralph's Texaco in Wingham. * * * * * * * * * * * BOOK SALE At-Wingham Public Library on Fri- day, Nov. 3, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and Sat- urday, Nov. 4, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Every- one welcome. Sponsored by Friends of the Library. 24,31 BEEF DINNER Wingham United Church beef dinner, Wednesday, Nov. 8. Two set- tings 5 and 7 p.m j. Add tet, qx elem'i >3taiy,.. 3 Afelbii tgi pre= schoolers free. Tickets available at Vance's Drug Store, Miller's Ladies' Wear and Harris Stationary. Ad- vance sale of tickets' only. 24,31,7 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The Mother's Auxiliary of the Ford- wich Brownies and Guides will be holding their annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 18 at Fordwich United Church basement from 2-4 p.m. White Elephant Table, tea room, crafts and many delicious baking items. Everyone welcome. 31,7,14 CARDS OF THANKS A sincere thanks to my family, relatives and friends for making my 90th birthday such a memorable day. A special thanks for the lovely cards, gifts and visits. It was all deeply appreciated. Leah Currie McDOWELL-COOK. Thank you to all our Westfield neighbors, friends and family for an enjoyable evening. The programme was fabulous. The gifts and social time will be treasured forever. Gerald and Carol, Arnold and Erma The family of the late Clarence Wodd would like to thank everyone for their many expressions of sympathy. For the flowers, cards and donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Arthritis Society and all the food brought to the house. Also to the pallbearers and the flower bearer. To Doug Mc- Burney and Doug Layton for the sympathetic way they treated us; Dr. McGregor and the police for their kindness; Rev. Vaudry and Rev. Madge for their comforting words; to the ladies of the church for serving lunch after the funeral. Also to our friends, family and neighbors for being with us in our hour of need. Many thanks and may God bless you all. Lycille Wood and Doug, Joanne and Mike Marks We would like to thank each and every one who made our 80th wed- ding anniversary reception such a memorable occasion. Their good wishes with phone calls, cards, flowers and gifts. Sineerely, Morris and Louise Thank you to Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital staff and retirees and friends and relatives.3 would like to thank everyone for mydeiieio+ils din- ner and retirement titirtY, gifts and ear' that 1 tecefved They were very amen a related and will be tong tl eas )red. Sincerely, Helen C setho re ir" r •Bty t iospital, and-- ;11)..1k:Vi their `anti's* rt•. you to Doctors cubicle,, fwgeri ;EX Henderson. nurses 111 LC'U for care. Thanks t0, my neighbors and friends brought to the house w- awa: And sine! .corrin Thanks, to Audrey andSusi to keep hebouse insha .yea; .. fo tbe,l pp••'f Thank you t �, aid . d"•r church for the gifts' ad date . . the baby shower for Andrew and Specialthank you to Hegel':.Laidl'aw, Mary Simpson and Karen and Kath. leen Elliott for ail the work they put into the shower. Also to:^Coslital Elliott for the lovely balloon deeo,Y ations. It was very muck ',apprec- iated. •. , >u Kim and Andrew Ross Special thanks to Dr. Gear; nurses on second floor, friends and neig- bors in Turnberry Estates for being so kind and helpful while I was a pa- tient in hospital. Jas. R. Wilson A sincere thank you , to all out? friends and relatives who made: o 25th wedding anniversary'vei special. Your best wishes , and sur. prise party and gifts were deepplyi# predated and will always be re= membered. Doug and Marie Sinn I'd like to thank those who drove me to London. A special thank0 for cards, gifts and visits, especially to Jeanette and Diane for their care at home: Nettie Ross We would like to say a special prayer to thank God for making Greg well again. We would also like to thank Dr. Bekasiak, Dr. Shubat, the pediatric nurses and the second floor nurses for the great care and attention they gave Greg while he was in the hospital. Thank you very much. Nic, Bev, Jennifer and Greg