HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-10-24, Page 9AIX.W.S.X AMMO,
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Large crowds a
church anniversa
The Wi a A4yaiice 04, 24, *689-i
Beautiful autumn weather was a
blessing as worshippers gathered at
the Wineham United Church on
W hitechurch
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Trausdell of
Duncan, B.C., visited Monday of
last week with Mildred McCle-
naghan. Mrs. Trausdell is the for-
mer Barbara Gaunt.
Mrs. Olive Gillespie of Sarnia vis-
ited a few days last week with
Agnes Farrier.
Mrs. Guy Gossellin and baby
Benjamin of Paris visited Tuesday
of last week with Mildred McCle-
naghan. Mrs. Gossellin is the for-
mer Beatrice McClenaghan.
Mrs. Kathy Gibson and Mrs. Joan
Fisher of Waterloo spent a few days
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Lougheed of Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McClenaghan
and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Finlay of
Kitchener accompanied John McK-
innon and Mildred McClenaghan to
Lucknow Wednesday evening for
the supper in the Lucknow United
Mrs. Cathy Lubbers, Mrs. Mar-
jorie Wall, Mrs. Jean McGuire and
Mrs. Helen Currie attended the fall
rally of the Women's Institute in
Paisley on Thursday.
Sunday morning to celebrate the
126th anniversary of the congrega-
tion. Special music by organist Mar-
garet Kai• and pianist Judy Morton
provided the setting for the special
service which was conducted by
Rev. J. Rea Grant. Special music
was provided by the senior and
junior choirs.
Guest speaker for the occasion
was Rev. John F. McKay of River-
side United Church, London. In his
sermon, Mr. McKay talked about
changing direction. He spoke about
the destruction of the rain forests of
the Amazon and man's misuse of
God's gifts, warning that people
must move in a new direction if
they are to save and protect the
world which God created.
He then used the parables of the
lost coin and the lost sheep from
the New Testament, showing how
the shepherd rejoices over finding
one lost sheep and returning it to a
fold of 99. He reinforced the idea
that God values every lost soul and
rejoices when that person's life
takes a new duction and leads hint
back to the gentle Shepherd. He
added that God plans the direction
our lives take and the Good Shep-
herd will carry His lost sheep on
His shoulders when their lives
become a struggle:
Mrs. McKay"told the ;junior con-
gregation a story; urging them to
look for God in alt': people and all
things, for He disguises Himself
and appears to His followers in
many forms,
At the evening service, Mr.
McKay spoke about "The Trans-
forming Friendship". A ladies' cho-
rus sang "I Believe" and an instru-
mental ensemble, featuring Anne
Spivey on organ, Judy Morton,
Hilda Grant and Amy Bateman on
piano and Andrea Grant on piano
and synthesizer, presented two
much -loved numbers, "Ode to Joy"
and "Amazing Grace". Prior to the
service, everyone joined in a
singsong and after, all participated
in a social hour of fellowship and
A special floral„ arrangement was
placed in the church by Miss Ruth
Jesshope, in memory of her parents.
BELMORE FOODFEST-Harry Mulvey of Bel/tore concentrat-
ed on his meal at last week's annual Foodfest at the hamlet. The
Foodfest features five different kinds of meat -lamb, beef, pork,
chicken, and rabbit - all locally raised..
Ireland W'f member
brings gifts for Maitland
Maitland Women's Institute was
the recipient of gifts from Ireland,
brought by Mrs. Eleanor Beattie of
Crumlin, Northern Ireland. She
belongs to a Women's Institute in
Ireland, composed of 97 ladies. It
was of great interest to hear of their
many activities and competitions
Belgrave hosts
regional rally
BELGRAVE-The North Huron
regional rally of the United Church
Women was hosted by Knox United
Church, Belgrave, on Thursday
evening, Oct. 19. President Mrs.
Marilyn Elgie of Wroxeter conduct-
ed the meeting.
Mrs. Robert Grasby and Mrs.
Mabel Wheeler were in charge of
registration. The 68 in attendance
enjoyee a prelude of organ and
piano music with Mrs. George
Procter and Mrs. Leslie Shaw.
Mrs. Ross Higgins welcomed the
gathering to Knox United and
greetings were brought from
Huron -Perth Presbyterial by the
president, Mrs. Helen Anderson of
Tavistock. Guest soloist was Ian
Morton, accompanied by his moth-
er, Mrs. Judy Morton. There was a
fellowship lunch and a book dis-
play was enjoyed during a break.
The speaker for the evening was
Mrs. Eleanor Ward of Wingham,
who spoke on the theme, "If God
Be For Us". Wroxeter United
Church Women conducted a wor-
ship service.
The meeting concluded with an
intinction communion served by
Rev. Peter Tucker of Knox United
Belmore hosts
first euchre
of the season
I3ELMORE-Six tables were in
play for the first euchre party of the
season, held Oct. 19. High man for
the evening was Delmar Dickert,
second was Hank Dos. The high
lady was Helen Nickel; steegnd was
Audrey Dickers.
Hostes,es were Mildred J ase
Myrtle Weir and Myrtle Metcalfe,
The ' next party will be Nov.
and to view the gifts. Mrs. Carol
Beattie, her sister-in-law, told of
Eleanor's visit and involvement in
the WI.
The group met at St. Paul's
Anglican Church, with the presi-
dent, Mrs: Doris Bushell, beginning
with the Institute Ode, Mary Stew-
art Collect and a delightful poem.
Business included a treasurer's
report given by Mrs. Ruth Orien
and a report on a very successful
dessert euchre held earlier at the
town hall. Two members set up an
old-fashioned display at the
Teeswater Fair.
A donation was made to the pub-
lic library for the computer fund. A
general proficiency award is to be
given at the annual F. E. Madill
commencement in November. Mrs,
C. Bray, elected as a delegate to the
rally at Ethel, gave a report on her
visit. Mrs. Helen Daugherty and
Mrs. Bushell were delegates to the
75th annual convention in Embro
on Oct. 12.
Mrs. Daugherty related a story
and poem on Thanksgiving and roll
was answered by "Where you cast
your first ballot". Motto was "All
people smile in the same lan-
The ladies enjoyed a rousing
singsong led by Ethel Adams at the
piano. A social time followed and
lunch was served by the president
and her committee.
Chatsworth minister
is anniversary guest
GORRIE-Rev. Donald Lennie of
the Chatsworth-Desboro-Massie
pastoral charge was the guest min-
ister for the 132nd anniversary of
the Gorrie United Church on Sun-
day, Oct. 15. ThiS was actually the
97th anniversary celebrated in the
present church building.
Mr. Lennie opened the service by
singing "A Quiet Understanding".
He chose as his text portions of the
seventh chapter of St. Luke's
Gospel, when the apostles said to
the Lord, "Increase our faith". He
sang a solo, "Great is Thy Faithful-
ness", then talked about how every
generation should take care of the
church heritage and pass it on to
the next generation, as it was hand-
ed down to us. "This is the way the
church has survived throughout the
centuries," he said, "and may it
long continue."
The choir sang two anthems,
"Bless This House" and "Nothing
Is Impossible", accompanied by
Mrs. Patti Haasnoot at the organ.
Following the service, a cold lun-
cheon and a time of fellowship
were enjoyed.
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