HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-10-24, Page 504;ft,t;"•:,.. -0'.0
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1004 1, iltii an4'is al
mucus build.4p in theitwgs*410
OA OValICed St*" in ilt0,4torti.
Ten years tgio It• child would
have to take 100 pills with OM'
meal. Today, tbey can take 10 pills
and use machines, fto help ions=
the mucus so they an cough it up;
- A few years ago, children with
CF wouldn't see their twelfth birth-
Tax on electricity
will generate
half -billion dollars
Dear Editor
1 Brian Mulroneys tax on goods
and services won't bring the federal
government any more money,
according to. Finance Minister
Michael Wilson. Yet the tax on elec-
Welty in Ontario alone will bring
them over one-half billion dollars
from this previously untaxed neces-
New Otto Jelinek says he'll need
almost 4,000 new collectors to col-
lect the same amtount of money.
There seems to be room for some
Brian Mulroney should try NOT
taxing electricity'. In other countries
with a value-added tax, they have
recognized electricity as a necessity
D. C.arl Anderson,
Chairman of the
Municipal Electric Association
Highway 4 plans
unveiled Monday
Plans for the reconstruction .of
Highway 4, between Blyth and
Wingham will be unveiled at a pub-
lic information session next Mon-
day, Oct. 30, at Blyth.
The plans call for the recoristruc-
tion of this troublesome stretch of
'roadway to alleviate problems with
snowbanks and whiteouts which
have plagued drivers for years. The
paved portion of the road also is to
be widened.
The information session will be
held in e auditorium at the Blyth
Community Centre from 130 to 8
p.m. next Monday.
Construction is to begin in 1991
and be completed in 1992.
A new bridge will be constructed
over the Blyth Brook and several
culverts, including a cement culvert
just north of Belgrave, will be
THEATRE PLAYS AT HIGH SCHOOL—The Carousel Players of Toronto presented "The Gift"
last Friday at the F. E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham. Cast members include Soo Garay, War-
ren Coates, Maureen Cassidy, Alix Goulet and Jim Jones.
MEA urges Ontario Hydro
to adopt long-term strategy
Dear Editor:
At its Oct. 16 meeting, the
Ontario Hydro Board was expected
to decide its rate increase for 1990.
The Ontario Energy'1360:1 sp3)
•hakrecommended a3. per cent
increase in Hydro rates. The Munic-
ipal Electrical Association (MEA)
urges Hydro NOT to support the
OEB's short-sighted approach.
The association has recommend-
ed a 5.3 per cent rate increase, plus
the two per cent "government tax"
on Hydro's debt, resulting in a 7.5
per cent increase.
The MEA argues that the OEB
recommendation is based on a nar-
row interpretation of its mandate
from the Ministry of Energy to sug-
gest -as low a rate as feasibly pos-
sible for 1990". It also does not
account for future costs Hydro will
incur and that will restilt in extreme
Factors affecting Ontario Hydro's
future rates include the:
—impending 9 per cent federal
goods and services tax on electricity
(currently tax exempt);
—2.2 per cent t g rant be
"tax" the Ontari governmen
imposed on Hydro's debt;
—estimated five per cent infla.
tion rate;
—costs related to delays at Dar-
lington and;
—cost of updating I-Iydro's aging
transmiSsion,an4 generating facili-
The OEB is on record for its sup-
port of rate stability from year to
year. But its recommendation
proves otherwise. The 3.6 per cent
recommendation for 1990 could
mean a. 20 per cent rate increase for
The OEB approach also could
leave the utility without enough
funds to meet its legal debt retire-
ment requirements bY 1991.
The higher rate suggested by the
MEA will allow Hydro to tackle its
debit while promoting rate stability.
The MEA recommendation does
not pass the buck to future electrici-
ty users; the OEB recommendation
The MEA publicly urges Hydro
to adopt a long-term and feasible
approach in setting its rate. To not
do so could jeopardize the reliable
and cost-effective hydro system
from which customers currently
D. Carl Anderson,
Chairman of the Municipal
Electric Association
31.;,t47,k,1 ,
ato11 to.,- Thant; Pou,
have;PotsRPrit. •9t" this MO°
" 4 7144'newye 4h:Pe-er:
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The third tax Installment for the Town of Wingham is due ,
October 31st, 1989.
Interest at 1 1/4% per month or any part thereof will be
charged as of November i st, 1989.
NOTE: Persons who have acquired properties and have not
received a tax bill should contact- the Qlerli's Office. Failure to
receive a bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility
for payment of taxes, nor from.penalty for late payment.
J. Byron Adams
Clerk Treasurer
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Check our other Ad in this
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To ook at Lorraine you'd never know she has a disability but she does.
'IAA peoPlereOrd others who have a the many different kinds of hidden dis.
hidden (1101*10/ as incapable of handling a abilities. But Lorraine doesn't let it stop
job because thay don't understand, It's hardl her from leading a full life. She's an
to undiriWisOtnefhing you can't see," active member of her community, a wife
, O. Ottl in Ontarkt- , ,. and IA ttiOtitet of two children and she
Lorraine :., , •s a disabihtj She
f '14 ,.p: ‘• if
' kni,'':, has a full-tinip
4 ,
4: “t1,00 ‘ ' ''';I• .1. • ..° 1 •
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• '1,0;:•,••'•i'lk..,
In fat, the bi est problem Lorraine
has is not her epilepsy but the way
people look at it. Now, if we judge
Longing by something we can't see-
perhapti We should take a closerlook
fftc� for
Disablild Persona
David patonion, Peoenttir,