HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-10-17, Page 10Page 10A - The Wingluun Miran Whitechurch—The . Women's Institute enjoyed a tour of the Wingham Museum when members held their October meeting on the llth. This was .the ci rator's meet- ing and Helen Currie aa nvener. .the tom. S thetho'hoMOot.pasartie040,... ning with 'Opening y Stewart Collect acrid lrhe. 'L rd .motto wr*given- ,. j� McGuire ladin con,iite et at hitec x FIRE PREVENTION WEEK was marked an open house last Fri- day at the fire hall on Wingham's main street. Future fireinen'Sean Martin, Jeremy Kregar, Scott Schiestel and Mark Gibson toured the emergency van. 00.0 e VIVroxeter Notes 407,40 '/°wfe et' Mr. and Mrs. Ron Higgins and Wanda and Kent Cleland of Strat- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Higgins and Andrew of Guelph were Thanks- giving guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Higgins. Scott and Pauline McLennan were Thanksgiving guests on Sun- day with Elgin Adams and boys at Whitechurch. Other 'guests at the. same home were Gordon and Jessie Adams of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Poirier, Mis- sissauga, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Cliff Marks. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Riley; Doreen and Dennis Wintemute; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Riley and family and Theron Riley of Wingham were guests on Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gilbert and fami- ly, Harriston. Scott and Pauline McLennan were Thanksgiving Day guests with Ron and Ruth Bell and family in Elmira and attended the Okto- berfest parade. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson had all their family home for Thanksgiv- ing. Mrs. Mac Allan visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Allan and family in Sarnia over Thanks- giving weekend. Friends are pleased to see Mrs. Clarence Clement home again from her stay in hospital and hope for improved health. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Galbraith were weekend guests at the home of her brother, Merton and Donna Brown in Windsor. Don't forget the senior citizens' euchre party on Oct. 18 in the com- munity hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith visited Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bernelle Smith and family in Listowel. Mrs. Allan Griffith accompanied Mrs. Bert Scott of Gorrie to Ottawa on Thanksgiving weekend to visit at the home of her cousin, Mrs. James Wake, while Mrs. Scott visit- ed with her son, David„ Lyle and Shirley Hart entertained their family: Jim, Susan and Peter Collison, Waterloo; Dianne and Kayla Drumm, Palmerston; Bob, Patti and Kelly Bradshaw. a6eTirmbvraw ifGaea®a PUBLIC NOTICE The Wingham Economic Development Committee, with the assistance of the F. E. Madill Grade 13 Geography class, conducted a household survey in Wingham during the first two weeks in October. Any questionaires that have not already been picked up may be dropped off this week at the Wingham Town Hall during normal business hours. If you have any' questions please contact the Economic Development Committee Chairman, Bob Murphy, at 357- 3016. ptuni lwanoto, her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mas Izumi of Toronto, visited on the weekend with Mildred McClenaghan and on Monday evening were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Jervis of Clinton. Mr• and Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer, Jeff and Julie of Waterloo; Mr and Mrs. l Tarry Cutoskie, Michelle and Michael of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell and Heather, Ancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Robinson, Tracy and Tim of Bel - grave; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul, Steven, Scott and Stuart of Luc - know and Mrs. Norma Rintoul attended the 40th wedding anniver- sary celebration of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Caldwell of Blyth, held at Wingham ° on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Simpson and Alex, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson of Toronto, were .Thanks- giving Day guests with Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Simpson. Thanksgiving Day, guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft were Ken Sinnamon, Glen Sinnamon and Hugh Sinnamon of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Forsyth, Walker- ton;.Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chreptyk and family of Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Forsyth and family, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Forsyth, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinnamon and Bradley, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sin- namon and family, Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Dwyer of Kitch- ener spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon _spent Thanksgiving in Chatham with Mr. and" Mrs. Donald Gaunt and ily, The community expreases,sym- pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walton on the passing of her masher on Sunday. Richard Day of Waterloo spent the Tharlvbavink wap-nZwith n 18 parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Day Mrs. Sandra Richards, Clark and new baby, C h ristinaEmily;a f R oc k. ParentsHe1a .o°nCurrie.Wood spent thepastwith her en. Otho; weekend ' sue*. w .Robert and Lisa Currie, Missssau"$a Paul Currie of Ottawa,,,,Heatht r and Michael Burke, Quelph, Paul and Ruth Courtis, Andrea, Erica, Ashley and Alex of Dorchester. Mr. and Mrs. David. Elliott and family' of London; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw and, family, Dorch- ester; Mr. and Mrs 'Paul Elliott and family, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Barry Elliott and family and .Kien Elliott were Sunday guests with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott.. Thanksgiving Day guests with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Gibson were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher of Hamilton; 4a. and Mrs. Reid Russell and fam- ily, Mount Brydges; Mr. and Mrs. Carman Machan and family, Brus- sels; Mrs. Joan Fisher and grandson Christopher of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Fisher, Waterloo; Rena Fisher, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson Jr. of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Newman and family of Ayton and Greg Gibson. RICHARD LORD of Clinton was the auctioneer at last. Friday evening's "talent auction" at Turnberry Central School. A wide array of items went on the auction ,block at the sale, including babysitting and cleaning services, even roasting chickens. The money goes to Turnberry's st9dent:parliarnent. HENSALL CONOP Hensall Co-op is pleased to provide farrner-owned grain and bean elevator faciities in Londesboro. By working together, farmers can build their own successful agri-business ! them a .r`" value bi yo benefit* that one eninys are o1 .m91*vale bee thanMe' 4. Peopl ,Who. have raise pthrough *e, roar' thiugathey have accomplished, elen Curcre conduce a, 400200 oulloW well. inherft. read their loial paper lean Tiffin and Jean Ross were thewinners,' Agnes Far.. vier read the minutes of the last meeting: The District rally is Oct. 19 at Paisleeyy, with Jean McGreire .Mar. jade Welt and Cathy Lubbers attending. The Whitechurch ladies will ° rew sent a ro Pinectest Manor, Lucknow, on Nov. 7. Roll call was answered by nam- ing a proverb. Final plans were made for the dessert euchre on Oct. 23. "God Save The Queen"' was sung, followed by Gra— Ted Km. Norrmaa Rintoul, Mrs. Mildred Pur - don and Mary Helm served lunch. ALTQN-SCOTT—Barbara Scott, daughter of Mr, and Ate. William Scott and Blair Alton,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Altonj will exchange wedding vows 011 Saturday, Oct. 28, at 3 p.nt. the marriage will take place at Tine River United Church. Please accept this,4 your personal invitation J attend the weddi„rto recepti at Lucknow District- Communis, Centre at 9 p.m. on Oct. 2$ iss McClenaghan osts UCW meeting Whitechurch—The October meet- ing of the United Church Women was held Thursday, Oct. 5, at the homey of Mildred McClenaghan. The topic was,: -Christian Develop- ment and Leadership" ' Mary Chapman opened the meeting with a reading, "Thanks- giving Prayer" and everyone read a Psalm in unison. Mrs. Chapman read scripture from the second chapter of St. Luke's Gospel. Muriel Thompson led in prayer and gave a meditation about a man who spent a night with a shepherd, watching his sheep near the hills of Bethle- hem. The offering and Least Coin were received and Muriel Thompson gave the offertory prayer. Jean Tif- fin, Gertie Durnin and Agnes Ferri, er sang "Mansion Over the Hill- top". Business was discussed and Mary Chapman read the Minutes and financial report. Mrs, Farrier read a note from the Nature Train- ing Centre and thanked the hostess. ° Rev; John Neilson dosed the: meet- ing withprayer, the travelling bas- ket was passed and the.hoatess served lunch. n - • Fall fair draw winners named at Howick HOWICK—The winners in the Howick Legion Ladies' fall fair drawt were: first, $100, Bruce Rut - tan, RR 1, Corrie; second, $75, June Just, Marathon; third, $50, Mike Best, Harriston. Mrs. Cindy DeVries of Listowel won the quilt in the Howick Town- ship Red Cross Society fall fair draw. • Wroxeter seniors en 0oWWU& C dinner WROXETER—With visions of a delicious potluck dinner and a social time together, the Wroxeter Senior Citizens gathered for their first'meeting of the year, It was a lovely day and after din- ner the club president, Mrs. Mil- dred Coupland, welcomed all and inentiohed those not able to be pre- sent due to illness. Also, there was a moment's silence in memory of Harry Acres. Mrs. Eileen Hamilton read "A Tribute to Seniors" and the minutes of the June.meeting. Mr. Ted Smith gave a favorable treasurer's report. Euchre parties will be held this year, with the first one Oct. 18 at Wroxeter Hall, 8 p.m. All are wel- come to attend. The group also agreed to partici- pate in the Howick Recreation Community Activity Calendar. Each household will receive a copy to help them keep in touch with dates for the township activities. A vote of thanks went to Mrs. Coupland for being president last year, and Hank Scott was nominat- ed president for the coming year. Mrs. Coupland read some humorous quips that were enjoyed by all to close the meeting. The next meeting will be Nov 1, 12.30 p.m., and all seniors are invit- ed to enjoy dinner and fellowship. Memorial doors are dedicated GORRIE—Relatives and friends attended the memorial service on Sunday, Oct. 8, at 10 a.m. in Knox Presbyterian Murch. Following the Thanksgiving ser- vice, Rev. Paul Chambers officiated for the dedication of new church .ors, in memory of Gordon Moir, David Neilson, Oliver and Eva Stewart, Mrs. Vera Heibein and Mrs. Faye McMillan. Lakelet WI learns about resolutions Mrs. Don Murray welcomed 10 members and two visitors to her home Oct. 5 for the Resolutions meeting of Lakelet Women's Insti- tute. Mrs. Lyle Murray, convener of 4-H N f QUICK SNACK PACK PORDWICH—The first meeting of the Fordwich "Quick Snack Pace", was held Monday, Oct, 2 at the %Me of Connie D'Arcey. The meeting was attended by seven members and two leaders. The meeting opened at 7 p.m. with the 4-H Pledge, followed by the roll call. The members then went on to read the inemb` pam- phlet, which was On preparing and Tannin ; meals in advance, freez- and heating when neces- el learn ,� .._ +,alld'tiV and the meeting, outlined the steps nec- essiily in drafting a resolution. She named many things now taken for granted which came about because of resolutions drafted by Women's Institute groups, such as bread wrappers. Everyone answered the roll call by naming a problem which they would like to see resolved by a res- olution. Groups were then formed to prepare sample resolutions on some of these topics. The president, Mrs. Derril Hall- man, conducted the meeting, and Mrs. Jake Versteeg led Devotions. A report of the district executive meeting, held In Brussels in September, was given by Mrs. Elva Jacques. She also gave a good report of the Huron County Rally, which wa's held on Oct. 2 in Ethel, when the warden of Huron County was the guest speaker. He told of the plans for rebuilding Huron - `view. Mrs. Emerson Ferguson gave the motto, "The peace of the world depends on food", and the Srhile was given by Mra. Percy► Huth.°An auction of planta, vegetables and fruits concluded the meeting and lunch was served by the president and the hostess.