HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-10-17, Page 6",,,,yrrrnrwlykrvr „ - • , tro."..rinn.--NoliwrFtwo"v77-nv.,:n!Panr*nnifetvirnlav . . , ,•• r • • . • r . . misawygrammeryanymmor waworonstarazetagmaiza," SPECIAL NOTICE TES Birthday or Anniversary Pictures . . • . . • . . • $10.00 or $20.00 depending on size Engagement Notices (with pitture) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $5•90 Graduation Pictures .......... ....... $5,op Anniversary Pictures„ 55 years and over No Clare. Wedding Write Ups ... • .............. — . • No Charge If copy is received within 4 weeks after the ceremony Charge for accompanying picture is $5,00 If received within 7 weeks picture and write up . $10.00 If received within 9 weeks picture and write-up $20.00; Birth Announcements to our regular format a .0. No Charge FOR SALE WEDDING INVITATIONS. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance - Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ont. Phone 357-2320. rrb ADDRESS labels: gummed 200 for $5.95; press -on 200 for $6.95; trans- parent 200 for $6.95. Add 7 per cent pt to all prices. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, Box 390, Wingham; Ont. Phone 357-2320. 2Orrb FOR SALE MAGNETIC •SIGNS: many sizes available, 8"x17”, $60 per pair. For further information phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 4tf DOWNHILL 170 cm. Fischer skis, with Rosser birimnroz anti poles, $25. Nordica Nova ski boots, ladies size 8'/2, removable leather liner, like new, f,50. Great for a beginner set. Phone 357-3294. 17,24,31 71/2' SNOWPLOW, power angle QUALITY screened top soil. De- blade. Phone 335-6362. livered. Phone 529-7589. 22tf DO YOU have a favorite recipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photo- copies of it for your to pass along to your friends. We can do any quanti- ty. Drop in at The Wingham Ad- vance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. rrb SERVICEABLE age purebred and crossbred boars from high quality bloodlines. Also bred gilts, vaccin- ated and due date. Peter Petrovic. Phone 656-2619. 20t1 DO YOU have items to advertise in 132 weekly newspapers? Call us now for details on our blanket classified, coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the province. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb COMPUTER Xerox, IBM compat- ible. Includes keyboard, monitor and disk drive. Phone 357-1433 after 5 p.m.. 10,17 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RED airtight stove, $275. Phone 335- 3216. * * * * * * * * * * * * OVEN READY chickens, 5-8 lbs. Phone 528-2075 evenings. 17,24,31 * * * * * * * * * * * * LARGE model airtight heater, like new. Pre -fab stainless steel chimney with roof top vent. Phone 357-1946. 85' OF STARLINE auger feeder for sileage. Phone 357-1988. 17,24 PAIR OF BF GOODRICH Trial - makers radial snow tires. P 22 5-70- 15. Used one season, $50. Phone 357- 3775. SIMPLICITY spinner -washer in good condition, $200 or best offer. Phone 392-6699 before 1 p.m. or after 7 p.m. RIFLESCOPE, Redfield, 6x18 var- iable power, adjustable objective, excellent condition, $200. Phone 335- 3764 after 5'p.m. USED washers and dryers, fridges and stoves, 30 day warranty. Modern Appliance Centre, Hanover. Phone 1-364-1011. WRINGER washing machine in good condition. Phone 357-3443. ENGRAVED SIGNS: door plates, mailbox plates, house nurnbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, washable, stainproof. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb INDUSTRIAL RAGS, $2 a bag. Phone The Thrift Shop at 357-3757. 1811 For SAFE, WHOLESOME FRUIT Plant Our APPLE TREES this fall AND SAVE '10% For d ; spt19na. ,, • '-.of VL )1/4.)LYNA Ni1 V, • „ , kr t. * * * * * * * * * * * * * USED kitchen cabinets, complete with counter top and double sink. Also bathroom vanity with sink. Phone 357-3008 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE Winter Cabbage Great for coleslaw, sauerkraut and cabbagen:#11s. Also available • Brussels Sprouts • Carrots • Potatoes North Huron Gardens 2 1/2 miles north and 1 mile 1/4 east of Brussels. Phone 8874870 at meal times FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE GEHL High -Throw grinder blower. Phone 887-6097. 17,24 MASSEY-FERGUSON 50 tractor - loader with down pressure, $4,000 or best offer. Phone 357-3167 evenings. 17,24,31 * * * * * * * * * * * * 384 INTERNATIONAL tractor with loader. Phone 357-2836 weekends. BOARDING HORSES HORSE BOARDING, Wingham area, quality feeding, daily turnout ( weather permitting). Loving envir- onment for the horse you care about. Extra services available. Phone 519- 335-6294. 17,24,31 LIVESTOCK WANTED SOWS AND BOARS, also barbecue pigs, all sizes or complete herds. Phone 392-6099 or 327-8115, after 6 p.m. 17tfn PETS FOR SALE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DALMATION PUPS. Purebred, no papers, 8 -weeks -old, $200. Phone 392- 6746 after 6 p.m. CARS AND TRUCKS , FOR SALE 1 0 FORD van, 6 cyl., 30,000 miles, 4 reclining Captain's chairs, double bench seats and table, foam in- sulated, complete leather interior. Phone 357-2234 after 5 p.m. 10,17,24 1983 FORD Ranger, 4 cyl., 4 speed, blue with white cap, AM -PM cas- sette, $3,900 or best offer. Will certi- fy. Phone 357-1037. 10,17 PLYAtOtilit, 2.2, Mite, pb, sunroof and AMFM cassette; 10 good condition. Phone 357-1433 at* 5 p.m. 10,17 1967 TOPAZ, 4 tyl„,,5 speed, knti $1,000eeratiO• to. - TRANSPORT DRIVERS newt!. Get your Class "A" licence at 'On- tario's oldest. and largest training centre. CotirSes start every Monday. Tax deductible, weekend course, job ssistance, no experience required. Mery Orr's Transport 1-800-265-3559 Cambridge. 311 INTERNATIONAL Classy Lingerie Co., has openings. Three part-time and one full-time positions. Sales ex- peilence an asset but not a require- ment. Training provided, $25 aver- age hourly rate. Send resume in- cluding phone number to Bok 2629, c- o Wingham Advance-Tinies, Wing - ham, Ont. NOG 2W0. 3,10,17 HAIRSTYLIST - "A Career With a Future". Classes starting through- out the year. Contact the Kitchener - Waterloo School of Hairstyling, 186 Victoria St. N., Kitchener, N2H. 5C6 or phone 745-5641. OSAP leans avail- able. 3;17,31,8,22 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WAITRESS WANTED. Apply to Great China House. Phone 357-2732. 17,24 PART-TIME, approximately 15-20 hours per week. Must be able to work dayshift. Phone 357-3343. 17,24 PART-TIME cook. Part-time dining room waiter -waitress and full-time bartender. Blyth Inn, Blyth, Ont. Phone 523-9381. 17,24 HELP WANTED EDWARD FUELS LTD. requires a SPARE TANK TRUCK DRIVER and/or FURNACE SERVICE PERSON Related experience a benefit but not a require- ment e wN train the right person. Edward Fu- 'ets distributes Shell Petroistim Prodircts and provides. sake and eeryice of heating and coo - Mg equipment In Huron and Bruce Counties, from • offices in reeevrater. Coder/eh and Mahan. Mk lob oppottunly 19 bawd In Ta-' water ens& but Magi le requeed. Reply in writing to: EDWARD FUELS Teeswater, Ont. NOG 1S0 re , INTERVIEWERS commtuNirr HEALTH SURVEY' 9111ann400P.,: Typing and coroner skills. Good intexpersonalskBls These positions are avai/abk for 62- 3 week period in Noventher for data collection. Contact (by October 201101 S. Fagan Huron County Health Unit Box 1120, Chilton,, Ontario NOM 1LO 482-3416 or 1-800,265-5184 7 Nuomeiiiimmommi WORK WANTED DO YOU HATE PAINTING? I will' do interior or exterior paintiog for you at a very reasonable price. Phone 357-2558. 3„10,17,24,31 EXPERIENCED woman 'willing to do housecleaning. References. Phone 357-2673. 10,17,24,31 WILL DO babysitting in my home. Wingham-Teeswater area. Phone 357-2234. 10,17 INTERESTED in improving your French conversational skills? Phone Anne 887-6378. 10,17 NEED IT PAINTED? I will paint your house, inside or out. Freees- timates. Phone 357-2292 after 4:30 p.m. 10,17 * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXPERIENCEt woman willing to do housework. References. Phone 357-1579 after 5 p.m. TIRED OF DOING your house- cfeaning? Call us at 357-1525 after 6 p.m. MATURE responsible person to babysit. Phone 357-3443. 17,24 • NEEDS, ASSESSMENT PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR The Hard to Serve Committee of Huron County re- quires the services of an experienced person to conduct a comprehensive survey of the needs of children and youth and their families. Applicants should have experience in conducting de- tailed surveys of this nature. Please apply to: Chuck Rowland Superintendent of Student_Services Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 .,./k11 applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. Oct. 26, 1989. 111 JACQUES CANADA INC. P.O. Box 1417 Chatham, Ontario N7M 5W8 1-800-265-5289 Ontario's NUrnber Two Seed Cornpar* Is looking for an hon- est, aggressive individual Involved in the fanning industry to market our exclusive product line of corn, forages and soy- beans in an assigned area. This rewarding financial opportunity offers the sUCcessful candidate excellent commissioned earnings as well as various incentive programs. Now is the time to evaluate our product line and prepare for our next selling season. Apply to: Vince Trudell, RR #22 • Cambridge, Ontario N3C 2V4 , . „ (519) 08-580, • CtitiOitiVIL Y AVAILABLE • 5 CAREER POSITIONS IN. W1NGNAM iigt DISTRICT These position offer the opportunity to mate Into a management posItiOn hasedon Merit. . „ 5yearsIf I continue doing what 1 do now? Am li•duita ion tOi000. 4000. ,ire * Where IliMit" $50000 or more a yea'? WoUld like h but -Mess and. Ofor*brial.. 50,.,16%tirnift •. yijou141j14 'Jo setWoottitoOti,, •Oetaititol. $),!tilttilttfot *ifstart with 3 WIPob� 1Thitechurc • gjii4110Ill e in Wel#/, ;I, I* etOthank **01017' . 74229i. ' anddeat 008 and the rnarw'„fanswho Zod he '..i.' esli.tdiej. 91nau' ; : ! ' ' 1114uSti)Cirtwh. 4° - It@ tirneW ,, .;W. er .1.#0 l'i"el:147de.C11"49enllaedathilli:ay ,.., the.'1 ' Of'(10'Irs.band and filth' er.Thsu.vnn "thillY&ar7:Blyth at trict Community Cenfre, $3. J must $0, over $00010 prize* " 25rib WE AR. happy to hold yoUiphotos oVvv,eddings, anniversaries, etc, at The Advance-Timea Office. Bid if you leave them* mare than two weeks they may%"get lost in the shuffle". Please pick them up as soon as possible. ' 20M). BILL STEPHENSON of Investors • Group, business phone number is 357-1075. - • 1311 FOR your protection, The Wingham •Advance -Times does not accept en- gagement, marriage and birth an- nouncements by telephone. AU• such notices must bendelivered to our of- fice in person They should be typed or clearly handwritten. Friday at 5:00p.m. is the publication deadline. 2Orrb THE TELEPHONE NUMBER for B & M Rentals is 357-1668. 4tfn ARE YOU A non-smoking: non - drinking lady interested in going to Florida for 2 or 3 months in the New Year? I am lady, with ear, looking for good company -and someone to share expenses. Please write to Box 2631 c -o Wingham Advance Times, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0. • 17,24 MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU are a friend or relative of an alcoholic, the Al-Anen family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office, Box 1135, Wingham. rrb IN MEMORIAM. METCALFE—, In Or vin4 "reotrcay of our d',46Art who #.a.010 Aira 01,_an tober 20. The depths of sorrow we Can not tell Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps a p'eaceful sleep , Her memory we Shall always keep. —Always remembered by all of er family. CARDS OF THANKS • The family of the late Joyce (Walker) Heal, Hensall, wish toex- press their sincere thanks for the many expressions of sympathy. Jolm Heal, Julie, Jane and Verne Galbraith Marlene and Vern Redman would like to thank their family and friends who attended their surprise 25th an- niversary party in Kitchener on Sept. 30. Thanks also for the gift of money, flowers, best wishes etc. Thank you all for making our 25th (Oct. 10) a wonderful and memor- able occasion. I wish to thank all my neighbors on Frances 'Street 'for the nice Party at Mrs. Willis'. Also for the nice gift. Your kindness will never be forgot- ten. Sara Anstett The family of the late Harry Acres would like to express a sincere thank you to the many friends and neigh- bors from Listowel and Wroxeter and to the staff and students of LDSS for their expressions of sympathy through kind words, flowers, cards, and contributions. Your kindnesses will be remembered warmly by daughters Deborah and Kathryn and daughter-in-law Betty Ann. I would like to thank my f mily for • giving me such qice birth y party :,'entnnippet. and plant from the Unit 3 of Bluevale • United Church. Thanks for all your thoughtfulness. • iletfklotmston I wish to say thank you to all who me cads. let 0*, • Ate valt ,titt Oringnly lengthy stay in teitdow tioapita Thanks ,to my neighbors and sister- in-law for their ',kindness since re- turning hanie. Beulah Mason Weald like to n..• • -% • ; 4 - rt; r ' ' 0 hernYandPeter sincere thelek you.toallmy Fele- tivel isielOhOtO and Blends- who VisiteaLnte, sent car s: and for the beautiful BOW arrangements I re- ceived. A 'big- thanks AglYes to my daughters,. Anna, Marion( Ruth and Dorothy and their husbands. Also tki4V14ehildrea,and"greattgrand- ohliWen'Ior liiraligiiWatielte won- cierfut 8,5th birthday for me. • Alva Toner • Thank you to the ladies who put • the shower on for me and for the beautiful gifts I received from neighbors and friends. Julie (Stamper) Cameron I wish to express ray sincere thanks to friends and nei0bors for cards, flowers, gifts and visits during my. stay at Wingham and District Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Omole, Dr. Gear, Dr. Long and the nursing staff, for the excellent care I received. Jim McBurney To friends .and family who con- spired to make a great Saturday night. Many thanks for the gifts and your attendance. Remember — your turn will come! Floyd Thanksgiving weekend for Dave Heinmiller's family was very special this year because of the many people who helped after the accident and since his return from University Hospital, London. We would like to thank the ambulance attendants, the firemen, Dr. Brad- ley, all who helped in emergency July 29, the Baytons, Paul and the Brophys, the many people who call- ed, sent cards and letters and those who remembered Dave in their thoughts and prayers, to Rev. Grant and his family and the many other Ministers who took time to see Dave and ourselves ha London. Then there ,AE9„&thdepe svho have encouraged 77fitidiVoilfettAtliDave-sinde return- ing„to Wingham Hospital. Each and every member of the nursing staff, medical staff, orderlies, rehab, physio, housekeeping, office staff, Maintenance, laundry, the labs, X- ray, O.R. staff and the emergency department deserve our deep ap- preciation for taking time to en- courage Dave on every step of his recovery. The way is long but made so much easier by the help and en- couragement we have received. Thanks is a very small word to express our very large feelings. The Heinmillers GARAGE SALES PORCH -YARD sale: Saturday, Oct. 21, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at 93 John St. E., Wingham. Toys, dolls, books, house- hold articles, Hallowe'en costumes, etc., etc. PERSONAL HAIR PIECES FOR MEN: Newest products available, free private con- sultation. Broderick's Hair Design, London. Phew 519-434-7356. 26,3,10,17 CLEG12103132.1.0...Py' Happy 50th Dad From The 9 of us Lordy, Lordy Joyce Turns 40 74. ki . • '