HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-10-17, Page 5• • . voithigwwwwwilingiawiliaewasotwasgepjafae:;, • .1 '44 4 "04 'AIR -BAGGING' A CAR—Wingham firefighess Kevin Carter, Andy Foxton, Phillip Foxton and Peter Smits demonstrated "air -bagging" a car at last Saturday's open house at the Wingham fire hall to mark Fire Prevention Week. The air bags are used to free people trapped underneath vehicles. Make preparations for fire season, says chief Dear Editor: Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 8 to 14, is dedicated every year by the Office of the Fire Marshal and all fire departments within Ontario to relate to our citizens the importance of the prevention. In Ontario alone in 1988, 141 deaths occurred due to fire, along with over $317 million in property losses. Ontario has the second largest loss of life and property in North America. The following are some impor- tant points to look for within your home to help stop fire before it starts: —overloaded electrical cirruits; —improper fusing of electrical panels; —temporary wiring or excessive use of extension cords; —careless smoking; —accumulation of combustible waste materials within basements etc.; —improper storage of flammable liquids within your home; —improper disposal of painting materials, such as cloths and thin- ners; Lake study committees are looking for members,. Dear Editor: As a follow-up to the public information meeting held last April on the possible creation of a recre- ational lake in the Maitland River system within the Town of Wing - ham and Townships of East Wawanosh, Morris and Tumberry, the Lake Concept Study Committee has been formed with the support of the Wingham Business Associa- tion. Two initial sub-committ ees now are being organized: the Land -Use Committee and the Shoreline -Map- ping Committee. The Land -Use Committee will propose possible uses and development of the nine miles of lakeshore which would be created by the construction of a darn near the Zetland Bridge. The Shoreline -Mapping Commit- tee will confirm the location of the shoreline at 1,005 feet above sea level. (This level would be lower than the natural food levels the East Wawanosh Council and the river reaches most years without other residents of the subdivision. flooding any roads or buildings.) It The original complaint was about will identify any problems such a the noise, the dogs running loose water level might create, possible and the unsightly mess of the pens. ,corrective measures to be taken and I'm sure if you were to ask all of the cost estimates of such. immediate neighbors to Mrs. Mernpership on the above coin- Mason that they would all agree mittees is open to any resident of that the dogs have been a nuisance the four municipalities involved. in the past. I'm also sure that if you Interested citizens are invited to drove out to Mrs. Mason's house contact Jason Ainslie at 357-2822, and looked at the yard, you would chairman of the Land -Use Commit- not want to live beside her. tee or Gerry Kavanagh, 357-2022 (work) or 392-6922 (home), chair- The neighbors would not mind man of the Shoreline -Mapping the kennel if it was a decent kennel. Committee. How may "show" dogs do you A third sub -committee, the Eco- know of that Stay outdoors no mat- nomic Impact Committee„ will be ter what the weather is like? organized in the near fub'lle. Mem- Council Was only trying to pro-. bersidp on this coMmittee alki wilt text the value Of the property in the be open to all interested parties. subdivision and I give three cheers It is our purpose to have the to the Person wilo called in the many aspects of the lake concept original complaint. 1-2 fl1flrQ pursued as thoroughly as possible so that the people and municipal councils of our area will be in a well-informed position to determine whether or not the con- cept should proceed to the project stage. Yours sincerely, Jack Kopas, Chairman of the Lake Concept Study Committee — careless cooking habits, for example, leaving cooking oils and grease on the stove unattended; — check your portable fire extin- guishers on a regular basis to ensure they are in operating condi- tion and; —check smoke alarms on a regu- lar basis and replace the battery on a yearly basis. The heating season is fast approaching. It is advised to have your heating system checked by qualified personnel. If a wood - burning appliance is within your home, have the chimney and flue pipes cleaned before the heating season and check it on a regular basis. Chimney fires usually do not b create large dollar but do a theeost the taita Awn% 491lars for ' 'respond. • 4 n I Do you aveAa ire safety plan a within your home for'your family? pr If not, prepare one today. The life fun you save might be your own or one th of your family members. , exp It is the wish a myself and every ac member of this department that we av can have a safe fire season ahead. Yours truly, ho J. Harley Gaunt, the Chief of the Wingham Area ben Fire Department dre tho sta eac Pro need wit A good reporter should report rece the whole story, not justone side. revi Jan Alexander tions, the. Eston, baof Ontarj�'NfOtini will mobilize the goveMmex... **Schwas caolf410 to driving both 41teratiCISQW Thetraglc costs of accidents ofl _s Ontario loos are staggering.0,0411- 1y -injury claims in Onto*** in 1988 totalled $1.8 billion, with insurance rates,rising to match tbe esparatfog risk. :at 1e3, nt 1987, thiZettrdeleopre leceir ere for injured as a result of automobile accidents.' " ••••• sive lion very ring ent, and ced the em. vol - MS are s in ion 'ice nd ci- sts ;le 111 - he an ah or ot to te on es, in st once '1 e it in s 1 4 t inStitr' pt; )41,'ef • ^ 4 9. • apt 14 *11 be y next A,pril. #1-irt4he-lwerte CencePt:' jut glvith the government's 4onurdtment to innovative health trategies. As the premier has salit , are building a new systena of healtti ore for the 1st Century, one that einphasizes inriovation, corn - *unity services and illness preven- tion7 To qualify, a hospital-iri-the-home program must include: —guaranteed admission to the program within 24 hourverpon 1. "Today we are faking. ded action. toward the escalatillg., that the more than six mil drivers ?if this province face time they get behind a Stie wheel — increased riSk of accid property damage, injury death," said Mr. Elston. The new plan, to be introdu in legislation this fall, attacks underlying causes of the probl It recognizes that rising traffic umes, accidents, injuries and dai must be addressed if premiums to be held to reasonable level years to come. The Ontario Motorist Protect Plan strikes the right bala between affordable premiums a appropriate benefits when ac dents occur. "Without this reform, motori would have faced premium incre es of 30 to 35 per cent next year according to Mr. Elston. Under the new plan, the gove merit expects that premiums in t first year will rise no more. th eight per cent on average in urb areas and average rates f motorists in rural areas 'will n increase at all. • To help bring rates more in line, the government will elimina the three per cern premium 4x insurance for personal -use vehicl This will generate $95 million savings. Under the new Ontario Motori Protection Plan, certain insuran coverages will be mandator including third -party liability an "direct payment" property dam age, uninsured motorist covers and guaranteed accident bene insurance.. Guaranteed accident beneifts will e available to all victims injured utomobile accidents ,FIPSPATAI.-1.N411Fn.9114E The Minister. of -health -fia ruaouncecl that her ininistry will be oviding a total of $10 million ding for at least five hospital -in - e -home pilot projects. They are ected to provide more intensive ute-care servkes than now are ailable in home -care programs. This method of providing care at me enables patients to stay with Ir families and will be of most efit to senior citizens and chill - n. It also will enable some of se in hospital to shorten their y and go home earlier. The spe- c type of acute care provided in h hospital -in -the -home pilot jest will differ according to local s. roposals have been called for, h'a deadline of Dec. 29 for iving them. The ministry will ew the proposals and the suc- Belgrave dog issue has two sides, says writer Dear Editor: In reference to your article about the dog kennel at Mrs. Mason's in Belgrave, you should have got the facts straight before discrediting the Snow plow contract is awarded Morris Township has accepted two tenders for snowplowing this winter. A tender from John McKercher for the service of a single -axle plow was accepted at $45 per hou4 while George Radford Construdion was awarded atontract, at $49 per hoUr for the services of a construction grader. Both operators will be paid $30 -e -day standhrfran No 15 to March 31. In addition, thelownsillP also has two•grad stilt* for snow rentoVak Limited funds available for land ste Due to ek ther condi- tions in both th� I98Sand,4989 land stewardship rai liiit- ed funt:W,reinalfl 4Wthe Huron County Land Etewar Ship Pro- gram. The program eorraniftee has dis- cussed various options to ***mote Humn County's on-going f4nQoimiQ light itatterabera ha netelmary to teiviva cations to apply to a RIK Ydattarlik tett tlo Thiati one. received on Wiltritcorne, first. w served basis, with total COinityfands. Per tlibse wito have fiat bcen in‘0496tOt 114 pr�gn,14011# Of lo tItOefigiblik oat •, r • „ • • Abortion law womo protect the unborn Dear Editor: In the Oct. 3 Wingham Advance. Times, Judith Allen (a lawyer) says we should have no abortion law. This mean d that an unborn_child can be aborted legally right up to the day of birth. Who could possi- bly agree with -that? Wingham and area residents love our children and also those of oth- ers. We also want to protect our *inborn children hum something as deadly as abortion as well. itc44412. tAlet 14*nticltriber of IT paruament ew that we 'expect a Taw Atitlivil ' protect all our chil- dren, including our unborrii. , Yours truly, ' ' ' John Van ben Assem CNS runs foot clinics Dear I a into r at a 14. 4iitingto cliirlfy lnforma- :gardiitgfoot tate, 'Clinics theWingltamDay theHomeboud in a recent fded at ity ere41e1 by'. 01011 op, 19i.p labilityll , chStoito has b4q.ed 110(40 , 4ife highly-sogistioat4010iiiti support Critical COO /*AIWA :51 we are•cominitted,t0mehi h an enhancing* whNIOA•$40 e tbne MakIllit a Wider RIM: Of SW - WOO availa le to peOplkii:their Coinfnunitilei and as dikito home as possible. SCOUTS' APPLE DAY—Wes Simmons of Wingham was a soft touch for the sales pitch of Mark Bailey and Greg Machan last Sat- urday.as the First Winghorn Scouting Association held its annual Apple Day. THIRD TAXES DUE The third tax installment for the Town of Wingham is due October 31sto 1989. Interest at 1 1/4% per month or any part thereof will be charged as Of November 1st, 1989. NOTE: Persons who have acquired properties and have not received a tax bill should contact the Clerk's Office. Failure to receive a'bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment. 1t3rti •;! 4,-0,1 Wt- . . ” ' , ;(., „41,rr Adams r ' , Clerk Treasurer Ammnaminniummium,. .4. v.... 4:11-tticort RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS R. R. 2 Lucknow 529-7247 HOURS: Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sunday Selected Trees, Shrubs & Perennials . Instock Patio Furnfture & Accessories Hardy Garden Mums - Reg. $5.25. Royal Red Maples - Reg. $110.w. Wiflows - Reg. $55.00 All Cedars .......... 000E • LB White Pine ....... . .. Silverleaf & Yellowtwig Dogwood All Cotoneaster. Birch._ ..... ......... All Christmas Decorations— . • . • • • • • • • • 50% Off • • • - - 50% Off • . . NOW $ 2.63 . . NOW $ 50.00 NOW $ 27.50 • — • • 50% Off . — 50% Off • . • 50% Off — • • • • 50% Off • • • • • 50% Off . 0 • • • • 50% Off 1111111:11PIPIRIT 1tyAppliances for over 100years. 210 REFRIGERATORS e 'ma from '40 ;II RAAIGES from $459. 7 program WASHER $ 639. 11, 7 program DRYER $ 419. »» DISHWAS*R $589. <WQ� S IREEZEflSf om 45OO. FRIG. 649 fr. 41 ,.„ • t ' Pr°