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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-10-10, Page 19
Ile • BATHROOM TISSUE FAC ELLE 14F ovaie NO NAME DINNER MACARONI & CHEESE ZEHRS. SOFT MARGARINE GAY LEA REGULAR OR LIGHT SOUR CREAM (50°mLyAtCOTatertit :•• , tj..i;.g: • • • FARM• • ' • DINNER ••••••.• • • 'I:A% VAR t••••:.:• „ ,/r0 ;064 ii,STOWEL 97 Wallace Ave. N. Opan Wd., Fri. EVOnings nr • A ' RECYCLING TIPS RECYCLE Only clear and transparent green or brown glass bot- tles and jars can be accep- ted as recyclable glass material. Ceramies, light bulbs, white, blue and window . glass contaminate the glass load and can cause the entire glass shipment to be rejected. CA/ ti419 1:0,0:::•k4cf:. • 0714.%ig,o, 4 HALLOWEEN SNACK SIZE 280 g 1.69 LICORICE 16's 1.99 LISEVercik 500 159 SUNMAID 14's MINI SNACK RAISINS) 198g .99 rAisis.aggintaski 192 g 1.99 McCORMICKS KISSES 300 g .99 ASSORTED VARIETIES McCORMICKS BB BATS 1.99 ADAM'S HALLOWEEN CHICLETS 50's 2.69 WINGHAM Corner Highways 4 & 86 Open Weit, Thurs. & Fri. Evenings