HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-10-10, Page 17,VVIVP:Mr,),44.,.7.;.%1VVI:EWMA7crntfrP;,- r" •.:7;w56 -4i
Edited by:
Jy• thaRnLarbleday and Jim Winkel
Kindergarten children are learn-
ing about apples. We planned a
visit to the Maitside Apple
Orchard. The K "A" visit was can-
celled last Monday because of rain.
The K "B" went last Tuesday and
were caught in the cold, wet, snowy
We hope sunny weather prevails
for "A" classes next planned visit.
We will use some of our apples for
apple sauce. We also will have a,
taste of apple cider and apple but-
Mrs. Underwood
Mrs. Ward's Grade 1 have been
learning about milk. We found out
about Miss Muffets curds and
whey. We discovered curds taste
like cheese. We also discovered that
if you shake whipping cream hard
enough, it ends up as butter. We
also have learned to take care of
three gerbils.
Grade 2 made Thanksgiving
Turkeys and a Thankful Book. They
think there are very lucky and have
a lot to be thankful for!
Mrs. Baker's Grade 2 class has
been busy working on an apple
unit. One of the activities is to cut
an apple in half, find the star, paint
your apple and make an apple
print page to show the star. Anoth-
er activity is to make a torn tissue
paper apple using glue, pencils, tis
sue paper and apple forms. Please
watch for our interesting crafts to
come home!
Miss Gingrich's Grade 2-3 stu-
dents last week enjoyed making
Wombat Soup with Miss Sander -
son's class.
Grade 3 made circle stories last
week and also did color magic.
They liked it.
Cara and April
Edited by:
Erin Taylor and Kathy Kennedy
Last week Mrs. Radley's and
Mrs. Halfpenny's class learned
about different people who live in
our province and country. They
started soccer in gym and like it
much better than cross Country.
They love doing their novel studies.
Mrs. Halfpenny
Mrs. Radley
Last week Grade 4 learned whit
multiculturalism means. "Multi"
means many. We put ourselves into
groups of three. One person was
the secretary and the rest told him
or her what to put down. They also
got their water table. Andy, Kyle
and Chauncy are doing a mural for
the fall fair. In Environmental Stud-
ies they made a title page.
Lillian Raynard
Stephen Miller
Mr. Harrisones Grade 5-6 stu-
dents have started, the VIP program
last Wednesday with Constable
Marshall. The VIP program helps
.tes understand OUTSEAVi..'$. It covets
Values, Influences and Peers. We
are working on mapping the How -
ick Township. °
Mr Harrison
Mr. Hencher's Grade 6 went to
Wawanosh. Everybody liked the
game we played called "Instincts
for Survival", where we pretended
to be an animal! We also got our
first newsletter done. For Art we
used bleach to make pictures. We
traced the mass of an object and put
in the details.
Richard Baumgarten
Edited by:
Matthew Enunerton
Last Wednesday half of Mr. Dou-
bleday's Grade 7-8 class was away
at the soccer tournament at Grey
Central. They did very well. In
English Mr. Doubleday's class is
doing a diary on what they watch
on T.V. and also how T.V. Guides
are madd. The class is also busy
with Pizza sales and fundraising.
Nicole Labrie
Everyone looked forward to the
Fall Fair over Thanksgiving week-
end. It has not been decided if we
will go on the •Grade 74 five -4y
trip to Quebec' City,_Montreal,
Ottawa and Toronto. Wean start-
ing decimals in Math. We are on
our second :diode for "Code
Name: Icarus." The soccer -tourna-
ment was held on Wednesday, Oct.
4. Watch next week for a report of
our results!
venni Gibson
Edited by:
Erin Taylor
On Wednesday, Oct. 4, Howick
soccer teams went to Grey School
for a soccer tournament. The was
a senior girls' team, and a senior
boys' team. The members of the
boys' team were David Keil, Jun
Winkel, Trevor Chambers, Josh
Doubleday, William Korporaal,
Kevin Meyer, Ryan Ruttan, David
Jacques, Lee Brunarski, Dean
Wheeler, Jeremy Flear, Peter Van-
thoff, Cory Roth, Alec McGregor,
Scott Doig, Scott Richard, Scott
Miller and Joey Glaze.
The participants of the girlsteam
were Sarah Buck, Lara Fenton,
Charlotte Lockie, Kim Miller,
Peggy -Jean Sider, Patty Bennett,
Careen Harding, Susan Heimpel,
Cheryl Howes, Jennifer Moore, Erin
Taylor, Kathy Kennedy, Jenni Gib-
son, Kim Scotchmer, Debbie Gadke,
Amy Metcalfe, Jennifer Barrie, and
Stacie Prentice.
Although it was cold, both teams
did a very good job.
The boys won two, lost one and
tied two. The girls won two, lost
two and tied ope.
a --
The -schools that were included
were \Grey, Howick, Winghant,
Turnbeiary, East Wawanosh, and
Brussels. Na___
Mr. Harrison and Mr. Livermore
coached the teams and helped ref-
They were all good games and
played well with lots of sportsman-
Stacie Prentice
ROLL ON, SKATERS—Roller skating is a popular off-season pastime at Howick Arena, land this
painting by Cheryl Howes, Patty Bennett and Erin Taylor shows it all in living color. Ten Howick
School students painted six colorful murals to decorate the walls oftlie community centre.
HOWICK ARTISTS—Charlotte Lockie and Roland Kynt are responsible for a colorful fresco of
action on the hockey rink at Howick Community Centre. The six murals were unveiled this week.
types painted on the
brick wall' this fall to
er iaiiited by grin Taylor and Charlotte Lockie is alto** the many Spbrting ,
Walls of Howick Cornanunity Centre. Several school students put paint biuth to
PrOduce some colorful murals, unveiled last week.
•, Edit=
Jane Darillg
The Kindergarteneriv have been
working on Apples. They visited an
apple orchard last week and they
are tasting apple butter and apple
cider as well as making apple
The Grade 1 class has been deal-
ing with the theme "Thanksgiv-
ing". They have been talking about
past and present custom; and they
have lieen[worldng with fruits and
The Grade 2s are working hard
and are starting a special unit called
"Community Helpers". They are
also studying plants, as well as fin-
ishing a unit on mice. They are
eagerly looking forward to Hal-
The Grade 3 class has been work-
ing on Indians and Trees. They
have made teepees and totem poles
which are magnificent.
Jane Darling
Shannon Philips
drace 4s are making, shielda
Attila themselves. In, French, the
•••, glakia learning how to count and
tile' 41 '00; and in art they are
pith isafe&
..9 Grade 5-6 cIssIs
&ling' Widen In Math4 and in
they are studying a 110%/61
Called 41.1)St on the Trail". Acrostic
,Poeins are being komposed, using
theirtiVrtlitinittSaIrt Environmental
dij therlartir dittcutsing with
Ilir Ac14 att.
atade 5-6 stu-
dent are
*lotting basic 'Math
eeblogy; and four -
1 objets in ern The
to welcome another
tjiis tnonth, Shattne
The Grade 7 students have fin-
ished up their "Me" project. In
French class, Mlle. Lazzari got quite
a kick out of their baby pictures. In
Math, the pupils have wrapped up
"Factor Trees" and the four uses
they have; and in Language Arts,
they are doing a novel study. The
students are practising their sewing
skills in Family Studies; and in
Industrial Arts, they -are using their
creative minds and hands working
with wood.
The Grade 8 class has admitted
that "nothing out of the ordinary"
has happened this week. They have
finished their Dot Art and are
doing Fraction a in Math. They are
learning about Phrases and Sylla-
bles in Spelling and are reading the
novel "Sounder".
The students in both Grades 7
and 8 are working hard.
- Becky Corrigan
The Talent Auction is being held
this Friday, Oct. 13, at 7.30 p.m. at
the school. Here's a chance to bid
on such items as farm produce,
housework, antique car rides,
babysitting, Christmas baking,
murder mysteries and many other
services and items.
The Garage Sale Oct. 14, 9.a.m. to
1 p.m. features clothing, equipment,
games, toys, etc. for young people.
Proceeds from these events go
toward Turnberry Central P.S. Stu-
dent Parliarnent.
Kerry Hill
What is a "stubble jumper?"
(a) ra2or? (b) beard -growing con-
testant? (c) tractor? (d) Prairie
dweller who moved west?
{Answer next week)
Christmas & Country
will be closing October 16, 1989
& reopening Sat. Oct. 21
Christmas & Country Flowers & Gifts
Under the new ownership of Deanna SneII & Wilma
Scott, Wilma Scott Flowers, will be closing the shop
at the farm as of 5:00 p.m. October 14, 1989. We
wouldilke to take this opportunity to thank our cus-
tomers for their patronage during this past year and
Welcome you to visit us in out new location in Blyth.
Christmas & Country Flowers & Gifts
Thanks Again,
Mk% Scott & Deanna Snell