HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-09-26, Page 17elgrave
Continud from page
Matthew Campbell, all of Belgrave.
Young Ducks: Wayne Fenton,
Tyler Fenton, Shannon Cook, Chad
Cook, all of Belgrave.
Pair of Geese: Wayne Fenton, Bel -
Pair of Exotic Fowl: Tyler Fenton,
Pair of Banties: Ryan Fear, Bel -
grave; Jason Fear, Belgrave:
Brown eggs: Judy Walker, Paul
Dawson, Jason Howatt, Lisa Goll,
Jodi Snowden, Brian Sinclair, all of
White Eggs: Chad Cook, Bel -
grave; Mary Beth Brigham, Blyth;
Heidi Meier, Belgrave; Laura Meier,
Belgrave; Michael Walsh, Blyth;
David James, Belgrave.
Gr. 4,5,6,7,8
Pumpkins: John Armstrong,
Blyth; Kimberlykichmond, Blyth;
Micah Hussey, Belgrave; Brian
Machan, Blyth; Vaughn Vincent,
Belgrave; Matthew Campbell, Bel -
Green Peppers: Margie Gordon,
Belgrave; Ronnie Abell-Rinn, Blyth;
Chris Piluke, Belgrave; Lindsay
Michie, Belgrave; Karen Bromley,
Blyth; Jennifer Brigham, Blyth.
Beets: Tabitha Pattison, Belgrave;
Mark Wilson, Blyth; Brent Robin-
son, Belgrave; Manuel Hussey, Bel -
grave; Jennifer Brigham; Blyth;
Ronnie Abell -Rion, Blyth.
Cabbage: Kimberly Ferguson,
Blyth; Ronnie Abell-Rinn, Blyth;
Kevin Martin, Belgrave; Rebecca
Morrison, Blyth; Erin Cook, Bel -
Carrots: Craig Empey, Blyth; Kar-
rin Marks, Belgrave; Pamela Morri-
son, Blyth; -Ronnie Abell-Rinn,
Blyth; Tracy Robinson, Belgrave;
Shawn Clark, Blyth.
Cucumbers: Darryl Marks, Bel -
grave; Anne Taylor, Belgrave; Ron-
nie Abell-Rinn, Blyth; Melissa
Snowden, Eugene Fefiton, Grace
Carmichael, all of Belgrave.
Onions: Jennifer Elston, Belgrave;
Kristy Caldwell, Blyth; Jeffrey Fer-
guson, Blyth; Grace Carmichael,
Parsnips: Kerry Hallahan, Erica
Cook, Ian Caldwell, all of Blyth.
Squash: Eugene Fenton, Bel -
grave; Brad Robinson, Belgrave;
John Walden, Blyth; Julie Elston,
Nancy Darlow, Angie Wharton,
Muskmelon: Heather Keller, Bel -
grave; Rhonda Gibbons, Blyth.
Watermelon: Henry. Bos,,,Bl
Mark Arson, Belgrave Andreyv,,f
ter;. Belgrave.',..._ u:• ,:,
Tomatoes: John Anderson, B
David McBurney, Belgrave; Ma
Gordon, Belgrave; Rhonda G
bons, Blyth; Karrin Marks, B
grave; Danielle Taggart, Belgrave
Late Potatoes: Vaughn Vince
Belgrave; Mark Wilson, Bly
Melissa Snowden, Amber Lu
Brent Robinson, Jennifer Elston;
of Belgrave.
Early Potatoes: Jayne Vince
Vaughn Vincent, Trisha Taylor, Ju
Elston, Tabitha Pattison, all of
Three Varieties of Squash: Darryl
Marks, Tracy Robinson, Ma
Robinson, all of Belgrave; Cra
Empey, Blyth; Karrin Marks, Be
grave; Darryl Shannon, Blyth.
say Michie, Belgrave; Kathy Fraser,
Blyth; Melissa Snowden, Belgrave.,
Arranlenient in a Tea p,.ot:
Vaughn ent`' Belgrave, c3ala
Gibbons, Blythe n Mair' csi� Bel -
grave; Joltnl Orlaioag, Blyth; Jen-
nifer Black, ve°
Christmae. Arrangement: •
John Ramie,• Blyth Andrew Pot-
ter, Darryl wig/ Margie Gordon,
Ray Martin, Nancy bellow, all -of
Arrang.eme�ll in Pumpkin:
Shawn Walker, Julie'ElatQ ,. James
Piluke, Margie Cordon, all of Bel -
grave. -
Spikes of Gladiolus;; Margie Gor-
don, Belgrave; Lindsay. IVltchie, Bel -
grave; Carrie Ansley, 'Blyth; John
Armstrong, Blyth.
Dahlias: Margie ,.Gordon, Bel -
Bou %uet of Roses: John Arm-
strong, Blyth; Margie Gordon,
Jayne Vincent, Lindsay Michie,
Rebecca Van Camp, all of Belgrave.
Basket of Flowers for Flower Girl:
Margie Gordon, Belgrave; Kimberly
Ferguson, Blyth; bean Walker, Bel -
grave; Lindsay Michie, Belgrave;
Kathy Fraser, Blyth; Abigail
Ramirez, Blyth.
Plate of 5 Eating Apples: Margie
Gordon, Belgrave; Lindsay Michie,
Belgrave; Erica Clark, Blyth; Can- g
dice Irwin, Belgrave; Eugene Fen- a
ton, Belgrave; Shawn Clark, Blyth.
Elderberries: David McBurney,
Lindsay Michie, Ben Hallman, - B
Michelle Freiburger, Colin Camp-
bell, Matthew Campbell, all of Bel -
Early Pears: Margie Gordon,
Mark Robinson, Melissa Snowden,
Micah Hussey, Lindsay Michie,
Tracy Robinson, all of Bel�ve.
Plate of Wild Apples: Jennifer
Black, Grace Carmichael, Margie
Gordon, Rebecca Van Camp; Corey
Moran, Tracy Robinson, all of Bel-
Basket of Assorted Fruit: Lindsay
Michie, Belgrave; Margie Gordon, Bl
Belgrave; Mark Wilson, Blyth. J
Thanksgiving Arrangement:
Lindsay Michie, Belgrave; Margie B
Gordon, Belgrave; Mark Wilson, C
Pair of.Hens: Mark Olson, Bel- W
grave. p
Pair of Market Cockerels:' Jennifer
Cook, Colin • Campbell, Lindsay C
Hopper, Amy Ba.r.n Heathe_r.. ,JuiiI
Black, Chad h , •uf � n•J mak,
Pie Pumpkin. Chha, Co 1#e1z
grave; Heather lack eJ tai
Devin Shannon, , MatleAl ioluir ; Belgrave, T
Michael Walsh„ .ally -of Blyth; Cole Niue! 1 w. uFt
Vincent Belgrave i.J� y
Formed V etabl ° Blitek as a k B�e1Bx V ?a tt
Odd��eg, esP;. Justin Bjark, Bel
Rion, Blyth; Chad Cook, Bel'
Mark Machan,Blyth; ��`' � ►hip° with
y ; Matthew <upii�l•10•yam,, and under:
Bromley, Belgrave; Shawn Cottrill, ►,, . , n
Bel v. � Halter hy•U4*�rr ,,
Mature Sunflower: Amy Barnes,• lav i ;Marie CQQ1u, Carla cCee,.
bbie;;lldcGee, -Courtney McGee,
Amanda Palmer, Heather Black, all all of Belgrave, •
of Belgrave° H Showmanship with Beef '.Calf,
Three Tomatoes: Amy Barnes, pupil 19 years and under; Erin
Belgrave; Matthew Brownley, Bel Cook, Calf'• Halter Eby Larry Robin -
grave; Mark Machan, Blyth, Laura • son Trucking; Jodie Walker, Shan -
Meier, Belgrave; Justin Rinn,'Blyth; non Cook, Jennifer Black, Justin
Kimberly Freiburger, Belgrave. Black, Jason Howatt, all of Bel -
Three Onions: Mark Machah, graves
Blyth Devin Shannon, Blyth; Chad Showmanship Dairy Calf, pupil
Cook, Belgrave; Laura Meier, Bel- , 11 years and over: Henry Bos of
wave, Blyth, Calf Halter by Dr.: L. Clark;
Three Carrots: Devin Shannon, Brad Ramsey, Belgrave.
Blyth; Paul Dawson, Belgrave; Showmanship Beef Calf, pupil 11
Chad Cook, Belgrave; Mark years and over: Todd Walker of Bel -
Machan, Blyth; Justin Rion, Blyth; grave,' Calf Halter donated by
Laura Meier, Belgrave. Win Veterinary
Largest Potato: Kennyg Pn r ether
'McCrack- IrWe Lamb or Wether: Mark
en, Cole Vincent, Matthew Bromley, Olson, Belgrave.
Paul Dawson, Chad.Cook, Shawn Showmanship Market Lamb,
Cottrill, all of Belgrave. pupil 11 years and over: Mark
Largest Cucumber: Matthew Olson, Belgrave.
Walker Belgrave; Chad Cook, Bel- PONIES
rave; Paul Dawson, of Belgrave Pupils 11 years and over: Jayne
nd Justin Rinn of'Blyth, tied; Vincent, Nancy Darlow, Marilyn
Devin Shannon of Blyth and Amy MacLean, all Of Belgrave°
Barnes, Belgrave, tied; Matthew Pupil 10 yds: and under Becky
romley, Belgrave; Mark Machan, Van Camp, Kevin Campbell, Cole
Blyth. Vincent, Chanda Casemore
PETS Michelle Freiburger,. Cindy
Pair of. Kittens; Colleen Van Freiburger, all of Belgrave. •
Camp, Danielle Thompson, Tim. Pupil 11 years and over: Jayne
Robinson, Jeremy Campbell, Lisa Vincent, Marilyn MacLean, Nancy
Goll, Elizabeth toll, all of Belgrave. Darlow, all of Belgrave.
Cat: Marie Cook, Belgrave; David Pupil 10 years and under, Pony
Craig, Blyth; Sherri Robinson, Sarah or Saddle horse to be shown with
Cowan, Kevin Campbell, Jody saddle: Cole Vincent, Chanda,Case-
Walker, all of Belgrave. more; Kevin Campbell, Michelle
Rabbit: Jennifer Godfrey, Blyth; Freiburger, Cindy Freiburger, all of
Sherri Robinson, Belgrave; Lauren Belgrave,
Walker, Belgrave; Tyler Wilson, Costume Class, no silver saddles,
yth; Kevin Campbell, Belgrave; pupils 11 years and over: Marilyn
ason Fear, Belgrave. MacLean, Jayne Vincent, Nancy
Dog: Andrew Ward, Matthew Darlow, all of Belgrave.
eck, Candace Procter, Sarah Costume Class, no silver saddles,
owan, Matthew Cameron, Gavin pupils 10 years and under: Michelle
Van Camp, all of Belgrave. - Freiburger, Cole Vincent, Cindy
Feathered Novelty Pet: Andrew Freiburger, Chanda Casemore, all
arra, Sarah Cowan, Allie-Culbert, of Belgrave.
eggy Procter, all of Belgrave. Best Pony on Ground: Kate Van
Cat, Grade 4 and over: Chanda Camp, ',Nancy Darlow, Kevin
asemore, Belgrave; Pauline Stew- Caatpbell,. Michelle Freiburger,
rt, Blyth; Aaron,Coultes,.Belgrave; CindyFieiburger, all of Belgrave.
urne Ansley, Blyth; Jackie Cook,. HOGS
grave. ' .; Hos Adam Garniss
incdsay Michie, Kevin'Martin, all � ean1i'kig.pito d der'50 lbs
f Belgrave; Leslie Wilson, Blyth. Adam Garniss, Ann Garniss, Ryan
Dog;Carla Cook, Jason Evans, Cook, all of Belgrave.
Dean Walker, Adam Garniss, Grace PairPiga50 lbs and 100: Jennifer
armichael, all of Belgrave. Cook, Belgrave.
Pair of Pigepns: Dwayne Martin, HOME ECONOMICS
grave. Large cookie not decorated: Jessi-
LIVESTOCK ca Lockridge, Heather Black, Vicky
Dairy Calf, Heifer, senior: Robbie Black, Tyler. Fenton, all of Belgrave;
cCee, Belgrave; Brad Ramsey, Rachel' Morrison, Blyth; Teaguen
Dairy Calf, Heifer, junior: HenryOrin, Christmas:.
s, Blyth; Carla Cook, Belgra; Blyth;
Cane: Dean Wilson,
h s, Ramsey, Belgrave. yt ; Ryan Cook, Belgrave; Jamie
Black, Blyth; Carleigh Galbraith;
Dairy Calf, Heifer, born after Gavin Van Camp, Heidi -Meier, all
ay 31: Marie Cook, Courtney of Belgrave..
cGee, Cole Vincent, all of Bel-. Hard boiled eggs decorated:
ave. Christina Black, Blyth; Kendra
Michie, all of Belgrave. ' a
tin Pair of Pullets (heavy breed): Jen -
y niferr Co k Erin Cook Lindsay54" Y Be
,,, &IWO@ Cole Vincent;all.of 'Bel-
ly,th° grS1VEL'ibt . °h '' - r' ' P. • • ,,} - L
77 •� ,
ie Pair of Youngs Ducks: Erin Cook, o
Yb_ Belgrave; Eugene Fenton, Belgrave.
el- Pair of Exotic Fowl: Eugene Fen-
ton, Belgrave. C
nt, Pair of Banties: Aaron Coultes,
t h; Belgrave. Bel
tz Brown Eggs: Anne Taylor, Nancy
all Darlow, Melissa Snowden, Laura
Sinclair, all of Belgrave. M
nt, White Eggs: Erin Cook, Belgrave;
lie Nancy Darlow, Belgrave; Brad
Bel- Walsh, Jennifer Brigham, Sandra Bo
Walsh, all of Blyth. Sh VEGETABLES
i Largest Tomato: Kimberly M
g Freiburger, Shawn Cottrill, Travis
1- gr
a Ri .._.
Largest Pumpkin or Squdsh; John f
rmstron Blyth; lin Pal
Butter Tarts : Jennifer Plsioni,
Mt ell
>~a111 ,iic, >p mtio1i , A' -r
Walker, Jennifer Black, f4nd.4 '
Michie, McJlelJe Freiliiurg,r,
Garniss, Jennifer Cook, all of Bel-
Marie Itaihh sots, Mark Olsen, all of
Bel ve. .
' ut'ritiouis `Snacks: Lauren Walk-
er,. Belgrave; Matthew Morrison,
Blyth; Amanda, Palmer, Belgrave
Rachel Morrison, Blyth; Timothy
Caldwell; Blyth; Paul Dawson, Bel-
• grave.
Cheese Fruit and Cracker ILlate:
Jennifer Cook, Margie Gordon,
Danielle Taggart, Melissa Snowden,
Trisha Taylor, all of Belgrave; Zoey
Onre Blyth.'
Peanut Butter Snack: David
Craig, Blyth;, Jodi Snowden, Wayne
Fenton, Tyler Fenton; Carleigh Gal-
braith, Tania Pletch, all of Belgrave.
Aussie Bars: Erica Culbert, Bel -
grave; Vaughn Vincent, Belgrave;'
Kathy Fraser, Blyth; Jayne Vincent,
Erin Cook, Grace Carmichael, all of
Sewing Card of a Bird: David
James, Belgrave; Michael Campbell,
Belgrave; Rachel' Morrison, Blyth;
Vicky Black, Lisa, Black, Laura
Meier, all of Belgrave.
•Flowers on Bristol Board: Jeremy
Van Amersfoort, Blyth; -Matthew
Beck, Julie Snow, Cindy Freiburger,
Danielle Thompson, Michelle
Thompson, ail of Belgrave.
Ornament for Christmas Tree:
Christina Black,. Blyth; Erin Cook,
Belgrave; Michael Freiburger, Bel -
grave; Mark, Wilson, Blyth; Michael
Marks, Belgrave; April Van Amers-
foort, Blyth:
Spice Rope: Tabitha Pattison, Bel -
Animal made from plasticine:
Travis Hopper, Kimberly Freiburg-
er, Heather Black, Julie Hopper,
Laura Meier, Harmony. Spivey, all.
of Belgrave.
Toothpick picture: Heidi Meier,
Belgrave; Michelle Thompson, Bel -
grave; Shawn `Bromley, Pauline
Blok, Jeremy Van Amersfoort, Jef-
frey Lewis, all of Blyth.
Lego Toy: Michael Marks, Bel -
grave; Vaughn Vincent, Belgrave;
Michael Courtney, Blyth; Luke
Lockridge, Belgrave; Mark Wilson,
Blyth; Jason Sanders, Belgrave.
Bulletin board tor a etutd's room:
Jayne Vincent, Margie Gordon,
Cheryl Allen, all of Belgrave; Chad
Haggit, Blyth; -Pamela Morrison,
Blyth; Candice Irwin, Belgrave.
Painted Sign: Mark Olson, Bel -
Door . Stop: Michelle Pietcli, Bel -
grave; Melissa .Snowden, Belgrave;
April Van Amersfoort, Jeremy Van
Amersfoort, Jamie Black, all of
Blyth; Carla Freiburger, Belgrave.
Continued on page.6
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newly renovated premises
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Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-6; Sat. 9-1
Fleece Looks �'abul
A Chris
g, J uke, Bel
Ramirez, Blyth; Andrew Potter, Bel -
grave; Kerry Hallahan, Blyth.
White, Navy or Field Beans:
Margie Gordon, Belggrave; Michelle
Freiburger, Belgrave; Ian Caldwell,
Blyth; Kristy Caldwell, Blyth.
Colored Garden Beans: Tabitha
Patison, Belgrave; Lindsay Michie,
i elgrave; Kristy Caldwell, Blyth;
Danielle Taggart, Belgrave; Margie
Gordon, Belgrave.
Collection of Vegetables: Lindsay
Michie, Karrin Marks, Darryl
Marks, Eugene Fenton, all of :Bel -
grave; Mark Wilson, Blytlli.
Asters: Pamela Morrison, Blyth;
Laura Sinclair, Belgrave..
Cosmos: Craig Empey, Blyth;
Shawn Walker, Tracy Robinson,
Chanda Casemore,, all of Belgrave;
Ian Caldwell, Blyth.
African Marigold: RonnieAbell-
Rinn, Blyth.
French Marigold: Brad Robinson,
Belgrave; Brent Robinson, Belgrave;
Kim Ferguson, Blyth; Tabitha Patti-
son, Belgrave; Ray Martin, Bel -
grave; Jeff Ferguson, Blyth.
Nasturtium: Kristy Caldwell,
Snapdragon: Abigail Ramirez,
Blyth; Darryl Marks, Belgrave;
Mark Olson, Belgrave; Kevin Ans-
ley, Blyth.
Petunia: Micah Hussey, Belgrave;
Tara Wilson, Blyth; Rebecca Mori-
son, Blyth; Michelle Freiburger, Bel -
Phlox: Dwayne Martin, Belgrave;
Nancy Darlow, Belgrave.
Zinnia: Shawn Clark, Blyth; Mark
Robinson, Blyth, Karlin Marks,
Blyth; Julie McNichol, Blyth; Angle
Wharton, Belgrave.
Bachelor's Mutton; Erin Cook,
Belgrave; John Armstrong, Blyth;
Jennifer Elston, Bradley Ramsey,
' Julie Elston, all of Belgrave; !Caren
l3rotriley, Blyth.
Calendula: Anne Tayl r, Bel-
; Br1 Machan, Blyth
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