HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-09-26, Page 14 5 FIRST SECTION :. .14:41i- • r• . 4.4 +1.4 Skigle Councillor submits his resignation Turnberry Coundllor Mery Baker submitted his resignation to the Sept. 19 meeting of council. How- ever, his fellow council members refused to accept the resignation and have deferred the matter until the next regular meeting. Citing business and personal commitments as his reasons for resigning, Mr. Baker submitted a brief letter to last week's council meeting. The resignation will be discussed at the Oct. 3 meeting of Turnberry council. Walk-a-dog-athon is this Sunday Wingham's annual Lions Club - sponsored walk-a-dog-athon is this Sunday, starting at 1 p.m. As in past years, Lions Club members are hoping for a good turnout of participants. Money raised goes toward Canine Vision Canada and its mandate of provid- ing training for visually -impaired Canadians and their guide dogs. Starting time is from 1 to 1:30 p.m. at the Lions Picnic Shelter at Riverside Park. Participants are invited to join in the walk with their dog or a favorite stuffed ani- m!leltyou are unable to take part itt:it*Aralk-a-dog-athon, sponsor soitiebne'who is participating. Pledge sheets are available at Gemini Jewellers, Hill's Shoes, Hannes Men's Wear, Bakelaar Jew- ellers, Hayes Clothing, B & M Rentals, Vance's Drugs, Win ham cleArkerS, HoWson 8; *di 74, ' • LOOK, DADDY, A BUNNY—Little =illy and 14*.nnegia, *along with dad, Keith, were thrilled by the rabbits at last week's Brussels Fall Fair. The Elston fintily Hires in Morris. 'mshlp, just out- side Wingham. Turnberry Township ouncil considers enactin property standards bylaw • Although they are not eager to do so, Turnberzy council members may be be forced,to ertaein, Over- ty standard!, bylawft he., tat4thf ‘4,44,a4i4p, .401,4 cotincil-to take- action. J9130 e'10(, said' -he is (ot 4 4 ..tett , "411.c - t SI° py and the Wing mVeterina, Car burns A vehicle was destroyed by fire in Howick TownShip Sunday eve- ning, according to a Wingham Fire Department spokesman. Wingham's Corrie sub -station was called to the scene at about 8:25 p.m. after the vehicle, a 1982 Chry- sler Monte Carlo, caught fire at Lot 30, Con. 4 of Howick. The vehicle is owned by Darrel Lee of RR 3, Pahnerston. C10610 township., owever, recent prob- lems have fox* comic:Rio take a closer lookat tomb a bylaw. County planning department representative-BrianTreble attend- ed last Tueaday evening's meeting of council, bringing with him a draft property standards bylaw for council members to study at a later meeting. - Several complaints in the past few months, especially about mobile homes, have prompted Lower Town Bridge is strictly off-limits Turnberry Township Council has deemed the Lower Town Bridge strictly off-limits and any offenders will be subject to a fine. The bridge was closed three weeks ago on the advice of town- ship engineers, who said the 100 - year -old structure is not safe for vehicular traffic. At last Tuesday evening's meet- ing, Councillor Paul Elgie asked if a path could be left on the bridge for baby bu:,:ies, bicyclists and pedes- trians. However, he was told that a bylaw closing the bridge makes it an offence for anyone to cross it. Trespassers use the bridge at, • their own risk and are subject10,4 $50 fine. Still with the bridge, council has applied for subsidy in the amount of $25,000 for 1989 from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. The emergency funding is to be used to carry out preliminary enemerfrig studies, soil tatting and legal sur- veying this year. Road Superintendent Ross Nicholson also Was ilistrueted'tO sign the area thoroughly and, have reliable lights marking the bridge site. "les going to be- out fere king. time," PrerlittedlOntidig4o, Cox, "On we Might as 1.01140 rfarin bis' "WhatrEWe thathe 1asi. he .- "1 sea f th any h4trOff' tvleBurney._Whez. ne • Councillor please 100 per,eent Ogle opposed to "Yes, !tile gi,114$4 ' he het people," said 061, El 6 AAA., ciuer g , rq- gotded7, , /lie call Sat - *MY fven#k• • Pirefightei were tailed to the me of, arold Hutton, Lot 42, n. 14 of East WaWanatift Town- atputtolidirtsal ciionx.oityilitafigree aist repotted tot "iteme, according to a departme.nt Wakeman. Trench isdug at the scene 9f underground fire A trench was dug at the scene of an underground fire in Turnberry last week in an effort to extinguish the blaze. Fire -Chief Harley Pain* says the fire, at the William deVoak ProFier- ty at lot,,13„,,,Con..a, of Turnberry, was reported: last Thursday, although it apperontly.hae been burning most of the summer. A b,aelcheefwassiiMinoned to rlig •0 trench intheleamy, Soil Where the • fire was burning. • 'The .ffte:atas' •unciennined•the mats of a, number of •trecisktinairtg- then”' to topple Although Chief Gaunt says undergrottindetftare rare, they are not unheard of. He is uncertain , fire, but says ' if people about the i elinaoipf this particular 4are #6 bF0:11;067tfcularlY in mossy, loamy areas, the fire. can • .‘. , egitokiifi • ..• 4¼9e4A Comriuni'Page 5A hi NOM CIaSSifieds Page SA Sports • Page,A Page 21,' �Per smdal74$1afl was 40.VO4 years ago, it Was dec eranees would Turrtlierm,h10,, allowedIn a' • -, retiring., town0 4'.' HoWeVe 4, t a er A. tangyhie '. •e ed thereasone for heavy additionalcouncil.meetings ."beenuthe absence of a mentagreement. Since rio gfaiiikiSagreetners in ancil had to spend many place,place,0, hours Ise 114 Of with individual lc" '41,1/00fierli% other, /Op:, tieite, fie*u der-• The new Township ottlowick wood said1e4e.1* the same tunic- Development Agreefnern has ,been tions that, apply in the hamlets ,In the works shwalastyear and is should agry fix the country, as well, soon to be afteraired by courwil. dards bylaw.•• be( picked ur ,by any prospective • even if t tine:• int a:'prOpeity Once P , the .41Ventent can • If cottneil were tel inatitUte a developer spells out most of property standards bylaw; said Mr, what is, requiredIfor development Cox, council could act as the coin- in the township. Almost SO pages mittee to ensure that the bylaw is thick, the agreement may seem used withdiasietiOn. • intimidating at first, but is no big - "They're (property ,standards ger than ones Used by other numic- bylaws). all right, if ,theytre. Used 401.14, right, :saiitlito Vielho**"ifiFtits • • l'ittafraidOtitilliweltavotWritten Tito baslc purpose of the agree - letter of toMp 11,10;#64ta dot Mat 00 Omit,' the developer will V.Prt 41te* 4444 4 • • .` if/Instruct alid befall roadways, bo* iii4,,V10111.11 te,* 1 9,018,10/tiOnietva- 4. i4ntrW kdrainage and other , , 1 neltean • • 'or • r. d ding te ded1 THE lot AYGROWD EQUIPMENT at Wingharti Public School is alWays well toeci at recess and noon hour. Here Jillian Under- wood, Cheryl McBride and Jimmy Townsend enjoy playing on the tire swing in the junior playground. rtitrertit Combined efforts result Otodk, or ire a cash • lot,10.1!,PhIlle# of ng sucb • ; . Ode*. OPTION* fal'i'llas eenapprOved by. council ,,the "leve o tr. f 0 in 120 new parking spots Through the combined efforts of town cOuricil, the Wingham Busi- ness Association and private enter- e,,ter 100 new parking, spaces been developed, or soon will bel Opted, in town overthe past itle it to the monthly meet - Ing the Wrngham Business Asso- clation, 0111 Keil provided an eta -pi the parldng situation in arid ,years ago, the business thterfigh the capital ,ief Several members, pur- aed.,pfece Of property for a , the south end Of „ Middleten and 141 tr, Ott, 4dtjoi • rf •lr„:„,a) •••..1?. 4 „ titr1V "',1•••4'. tr r •‘" + 0: ;1.', 41 ' 4.4441 • purchase. Eventually, a municipal parking lot will extend from the rear of the SAAN store right to Victoria Street, said Mr. Keil. The town has been "more than gerrerous" in its dealings with the associatin, said Mr. Keil, adding that the new lot will be paved, lighted and fenced. The combined efforts of the town, the business association and private business have done a lot to alleviate the parking problem in Wingham over the past few yers, continued Mr. Keil. A municipal parking lot at: the library serves the north end of town, the south end is well served by the parking lot on Vittoria Street and' recent parking changes on biagithalRoad anti at the Kneehtel StOte have resulted in additional parking placs. By the time the new parking lot M the southend N coMplete,, Mr. 126` newtrilobata' i"nemit ri nd the town Weil on its wy ththig larking probleth which ad beRn plaguing it for several • A.,....A4hatAAAisAAALA