HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-09-19, Page 6P o OA -':ice WisWhasis AdvnEelTy , $c$ 1% 1
Mrs. Mel Craig hosts
Bluevale WI meeting
BLUEVALE—Mrs. Mel Craig was The Guelph Area 50th anniver-
hostess when 12 members and one sary convention will be held at
guest atten,ed the meeting of the Maryhill Oct. 26 and 27, with the
Women's Institute, Mrs. J. C. John- theme, "Going Strong". Mrs. Math-
ston, International Affairs convener, ers and Mrs. Ralph. Darlow will
was in charge of the meeting. attend, with Mrs. Harry Elliott as
alternate. Those attending will vote
President Mrs. Wendell Stamper on a resolution formed by North -
opened the meeting with a poem gate WI, "The Legal Enforcement
and the Institute Ode and Mary of the Living Will".
Stewart Collect were read in uni-
son. Members were informed of the
Huron County 38th WI rally to be
held at Ethel on Monday, Oct. 2.
Mrs. Stamper and Mrs. Craig will
be delegates, with Mrs. Charles
Mathers and Miss Edith Garniss as
Miss Lana• Jones of Holmesville
was winner of'the Institute scholar-
ship. Mrs. Stamper reported on the
district directors' meeting she
attended. Short courses offered will
be folk art, images of success and
home decorating. Members are
urged to write their member of par-
liament to protest the suggested
dosing of Via Rail at Kitchener.
Roll call was answered by
responding with the name of a
Third World country. The motto,
"All nations smile in the same Ian-
guage", was given by Mrs. Bert
Garniss. Mrs. Johnston spoke on
apartheid in South Africa, using
maps and charts to show the sys-
tem. The members expressed their
strong opposition. She Was assisted
by Mrs. William Peacock and Mrs.
Mathers and a discussion followed.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Jack
Fischer, Mrs. Harvey Timm and the
a project,of
Come and Join in the Fun at the
Wingham Riverside Park
Lions Picnic Shelter
October 1 - 1 :30,Rim. startin �, t'r-
Sponsor someone or join in the walk with your''o6' de
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Refreshments for participants
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• Steffan Auto Supply • Wingham Veterinary Clinic
For donations over $10.00
a charitable tax receipt
will be issued
Or•4- r
HOWICK LEGION OPEN HOUSE—The Howick Legion Branch hosted an open house Sunday at
Wroxeter to mark Legion Week. Donelda Graham, Howick Legion auxiliary president, left and
Leonard Sanderson, branch president, right, welcome jean Edgar and show off a Legion display.
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Nieces and nephews entertained
their aunt, Miss Maude Harding,
on Sunday, Sept. 10 at the Fordwich
hall, in honor of her 93rd birthday.
About 50 attended from London,
Nobleton, Listowel, Grand Valley,
Conn, Toronto and Edmonton. Miss
Harding resides at Geri -Care Nurs-
ing Home, Harriston. Special guests
attending were Mr. and Mrs. John
Markovich of Edinnton and their
family, Jesur airdsPlip Markovich --
of Toronto. Mrs. Markovichis a
niece of Miss Harding.
Saturday visitors with Mrs. Jean
Clarkson were Mr. and Mrs. Os
Harris of Nobleton, Mrs. Cathy
Seip and family of Exeter, Mr. and
Mrs. Terry Clarkson and family of
Brampton. All attended the melno-
rial service for Bruce :Armstrong at
the Betts Funeral Home, Corrie.
Those from here who attended
the fall executive WI meeting held
in the Brussels library on Monday,
Sept. 11, were Henrietta Claus,
Leone Foerter, Elfrieda Klaassen,
Joyce Lockie, Clara Gibson and
Ruth Harding.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Greg Douglas who were married
Saturday, Sept. 16, at the Fordwich
H.ensall Co-op is pleased to provide
farmer -owned grain and bean elevator`facilties
in Londesboros By working together, farmers
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NOW REc1rNQ SOYA ��#t�15 &CORN
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United Church. A reception fol-
lowed at Howick Community Cen-
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Grant of
Teeswater were Sunday guests with
Mrs. Evelyn Wilson.
Family and relatives entertained
Mr.. and Mrs. Morris Welsh of Ches-
ley on the occasion off their 40th
wedding anniversary on Saturday,
Sept. 9, at the Fordwich hall. Mrs.
Welshrwas• 'helormer t,ily2D'An ey.
Friends in the area express best
wishes to them.
Mrs. Evelyn Wilson and her sis-
ter, Mrs. Nellie Taylor of Gorrie,
visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Duff at Drayton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh and
John Welsh Jr. of Nepean spent last
weekend with Mrs. Elva Cooper
and all attended the 25th wedding
anniversary celebration- of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Huether at Cambridge
on Saturday, Sept. 9. Mrs. Huether
was the former Elizabeth Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harding
entertained for a family dinner on
Thursday night. Those attending
were Mrs. Jean Wilson, Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Katges, all of Listowel;
Mrs. Margaret Wood of Clifford,
Man Joh M.ark`...e ick: of Edmonton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Nixon
attended the funeral on Friday,
Sept. 8, of the latter's aunt, Mrs.
Tena Bellerby, at the Ratz-Bechtel
Funeral Home, Kitchener. Inter-
ment followed at Fairview Ceme-
tery, Listowel. Mrs. Bellerby had
resided for some time at the Golden
Age Nursing Home, Cambridge.
Mrs. Robert Lawson returned
home last week from Palmerston
and District Hospital where she
underwent surgery. , , �:
On Sunday, Sept. '4,' Tt`ittity
Church; Fordwich ands -Stephen'§
Church, Gorrie, will hold a com-
bined service at Gorrie at 11:30 a.m'.
Guest speaker will be Fred Clarke
from the Church of St. Andrew
Memorial, London, who will leave
for Papua, New Guinea, in Novem-
Don Wilson and Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Wilson, 'accompanied by Mrs.
Jean Rabb, attended the funeral of
Paul Wendt on Wednesday, Sept. 6,
at Alderwood United Church, Eto-
bicoke. The sympathy of the com-
munity goes to his wife, the former
Marjorie Schaefer, and family.
Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Lawson on their 25th wed-
ding anniversary on Tuesday, Sept.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Jamie Baker who were married Sat-
urday, Sept. 9, in Fordwich United
Church, with a reception following
in Kurtzville Community Centre.
Stewardship and missions
stressed to WMS ladies
BLUEVALE—Mrs. Glenn Colley
chose "Stewardship and Missions”
as the theme for the September
meeting of the Women's Missionary
Society of Knox Presbyterian
Church, held at the home of Mrs.
William Elston.
Mrs. Gordon Mundell chose vers-
es from the Psalms, with comments
by Mrs. Alice Elliott telling of
scenes from a train ride. "Pieces of
our lives fit together like a puzzle,"
she said. "True joy of life is like the
trip and we should relish the
moment." She urged everyone to
live, love and toil each day, for the
Lord said, "This is the day the Lord
hath made so rejoice in it." Mrs.
Mundell offered prayer.
Eleven ladies answered the roll
call with a verse from the Bible con-
taining the word, "harvest". The -
minutes of the last meeting were
read by the secretary, Mrs. Joe
Walker. Mrs. Jack Jenkins gave the
treasurer's report and accepted the
offering,with prayer by the presi-
dent. o thank -you Ietters were,
read, acknowledging used stamps
which had been sent from the
group and from Margaret Hamil-
ton, expressing thanks for help at
Camp Kintail. An invitation was
received from Mrs. Arbuckle to go
on a bus trip to Crieff Hills but
none of the members could attend.
Plans were made for the Fall
Thankoffering in October and a
brief discussion. folI wed on the
study book luf the' Philippines for
Mrs. Larry Welch showed a film
with narrations of Susan Keroma-
mang. It gave Members an insight
of what it is like to grow up in
South Africa. White people have
their education paid for but the
black people must earn enough to
pay their own expenses. Susan
worked as a servant as well as a
cleaner at a hospital. When she
completed her education there, she
came to the United States to the
National Youth Program where she
was active in church communica-
tions. She enjoyed being in the
white community where she was
well received and felt free. It gave
her a new understanding and she
touched many lives.
Susan returned to Johannesburg
to help her people to witness for
justice and freedom, with new
hope, and to inspire God's power in
The meeting dosed with a hymn
and prayer and lunch was served
by Mrs. Mundell, Mrs. Elliott and
Mrs. Elston during a social time.
Mrs. Pauline Dixon and Mrs.
Mike Newton visited with Mt and
Mrs. Allan Adams at Varney one
day last week
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson,
Goderich, werre Sunday guests with
Mrs. Allan Griffith.
Mt: aril 11 etiattfolistabgan of
Stroud Visited over the weekend
with Cordon Gibson. Mrs. Isabelle
Adams of Corrie was also a visitor
one day last week.