HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-09-05, Page 10{,l
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B elgrave
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Vincent of
Milton spent Saturday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vin-
cent. Carrie Anne returned home
with her parents after spending her
holidays with her grandparents.
Mrs. Doug Mitchell of Hanover
spent Saturday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent.
David Paadmeister of Oakville is
spending ,his holidays" with
Mrs. Leslie Vincent.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lon? of
Scottsdale, Arizona, and Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Long of Atwood visited
Wednesday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Johnston.
Just a reminder that the Belgrave
Turkey Supper is on Wednesday,
Oct. 4, in Belgrave Community
Centre. Tickets will be available
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch have
returned home from a holiday to
Kingston, Gananoque and a boat
cruise through the Thousand
Islands accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. David Pletch of Oshawa.
On the way back, they hada visit
with Mrs. Harold Cantelon of
Tweed, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hill
and Mr. and M*'s. Gibb Saurie of
Mr. Harold Keating, who is mak-
ing his home in the home for
seniors in Lucknow, recently spent
the weekend with his sister, Mrs.
Stanley Snell of London. He also
visited with his nieces, Mrs. Shirley
Guite of London and Mr. and,Mrs.
JeffBrady and Ericof Mossley.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna
have just returned home after a
motor trip through Western Cana-
da, where they visited with' Mr. and
Mrs. David Hanna and Susan; Mr.
and Mrs. Jam Hanna, Kimberly,
.. 4x,,.6 f .4 • ,
Amanda and Tiffany and Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Hanna and Christine,
all of North Battleford, Sask.
Clarence and Ruby accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna and
Susan to Vancouver Island, where
they visited with Mrs. Les Robin-
son, an aunt of Clarence's, of Victo-
ria, B.C. They also called on other
Dorothy -Log -an( Mr. arid
N s. Leslie Vinceik liyf'ik.''and Mrs.
Hthrold Vincent attended the funer-
al of their cousin Norman McDow-
ell at the Tasker Funeral Home,
Blyth, on Aug. 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Logan and
Trevor of Wyoming spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. George
McGee and Mrs. Dorothy Logan.
Kevin Logan, who has spent the
summer months with the McGee
family and Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Procter returned home with his par-
ents on Sunday.
Mrs. George Johnston, Tara and
Erin of Ilderton, spent a few days
this past week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Grasby. Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Leitch and Jeff of Water -
down spent the weekend at the
same( home.
Anyone interested in the 4-H
safety project contact leaders Mrs.
Bob Gordon or Mrs. Larry Elston,
and for Food Project, Mrs. Glen
Montgomery or Mrs. Pete Camp-
Exercise classes start Sept. 12, to
be held Tuesday and Thursday
evenings, .7.30 p.m. to 8.30 in the
W.I. Hall, Belgrave. Instructor is
Sofia Rosa Wallace, R.R. 2, Blyth.
The fee for six weeks is $30. Pre-
registration, Sept. 6 from 7.30 to
8.30 p.m. in the W.I. Hall.
Former brussels resident we
A former resident of Brussels,
Judy Work of Kitchener, daughter
of Graham and Margaret Work of
Brussels, was married in a pretty
summer ceremony at three o'clock
on Saturday, July 15, in Melville
Presbyterian Church. The groom,
Rob Lowry, is the eldest son of Per-
rin and Marian Lowry, RR 1, Kin-
Rev. Carolyn McAvoy officiated
for the double -ring ceremony
which was solemnized amid a set-
ting of floral arrangements. Joanne
King was organist. Debbie Gillies
and Brian Lowry sang a duet,
"Each for the Other" and Debbie
sang "Wedding Song" and "Ever-
The bride entered the church to,
"Trumpet Voluntary", wearing a
gown made by a friend. The floor -
length gown of ivory moire taffeta
had a cathedral train, tulip lace
bodice and hand -sewn pearls. She
carried a bouquet of gardenias,
stephanotis and freesia.
Nancy Mifflin was honor atten-
dant and Myrna Eby a bridesmaid.
Both are friends of the' bride from
Kitchener. Kathy Schl'attman, sister
of the bride and Debbie Gillies, sis-
ter of the groom, also attended the
bride. They wore goldenrod yellow
street -length dresses with tiered
skirts and carried bouquets of yel-
low roses, carnations, daisies and
purple statis.
Brian Lowry of Kitchener was his
brother's best man. Paul Courtney
of Point Clark, a friend, Kevin
Lowry, a brother and Brian Work,
brother of the bride, served as ush-
For receiving guests at the Ripley
Community Centre, the bride's
mother chose a dress of periwinkle
blue, grey accessories and a laven-
der orchid. Mrs. Lowry chose a
dress of plum chiffon, grey acces-
sories and a Molly orchid.
For travelling to the Pocono
Mountains, Pennsylvania, the bride
wore an eggshell two-piece suit
with peace camisole and bone
accessories. On their return she will
taka,up farmin'-wi'tli, her husband
held for
at RR 1, Kincardine.
Among the guests were the
bride's grandmother, Mrs. Alvin
Moffat of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs.
Elden Lowry, Kincardine; Ken and
Paula, Timothy and David Work of
Hinton Al
Hinton, Berta:„ 4hct
Tschirhart of,Brjti QolumbIa a .l,'`
friend of thebxide.
;: 4
Town of Wingham
Improvements and Expansion of Sewage Treatment Work and Replacefnent of Pumpl.C1g-Statfor►0
Notice of Completion of Environmental Study. Report
September 5,1999
As a requirement under Ontario's Environmental Assessment Act, the Town of Wingham
hereby notifies all interested individuals and parties that the Environmental Study Report (ESR) for
the above-mentioned project has been completed. Subject to the comments received as a result of.
this Notice and. -the receipt' of other approvals as necessary, the Town of Wingham intends to
proceed with the construction of the above-mentioned project.
The purpose of the project is to correct identified problems with the sewage pumping stations,
upgrade the treatment process and expand the treatment capacity of the works. The project
consists of work that will be carried out at three locations as follows:
(1) Sewage Treatment Works, Lot 41, Concession 14, Township of East Wawanosh.
• construction of an extended aeration process mechanical pre-treatment facility to be
located immediately SOUTH of the existing lagoons (which will continue to be used),,:
• provision of facilities for ultra -violet disinfection of the sewage effluent prior to discharge.
• construction of a new access road to the facility, extending west from Highway hlo. 4 (at
Lloyd Street) across Lot 42, Concession 14, Township of East Wawanosh.
The above works will provide for a more: effective treatment of sanitary sewage and permit
future growth of the Town,
(2) Josephine Street Sewage Pumping Station, Lot 37 & 38, Plan 413 Town of Wingham.
• replacement of existing facility with a new, pumping station located immediately adjacent.
(3) Howson Dam Sewage Pumping, Station
• replacement of existing, pumping station with an inverted syphon sewer crossing the
Maitland River.
The estimated cost of the project is $3,103,465. The Ministry of the Environment is funding
69.47% of the capital costs - $2,134,630 through the Direct Grant program. The Town of
Wingham is responsible for the remainder of the costs.
The Environmental Study Report has been written as part of the project planning process as
set out in the Class Environmental Assessment}for Municipal Sewage and Water Projects. The
ESR will be availablefor review,and public commertfat the following locations:
Town of Wingham Municipal Office
274 Josephine Street,
Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0
Telephone: (519) 357-3550
Office Hours: Mon. -Fn. 8:30 am -5:00 pm
Town of Wingham - Branch Library
' 281 Edward Street,
Wingham;,Ont hN0e2WO ,
Hants: Thea =Thu ,7110firr1-9.00 p
Fri., 10:00 am -5:00 pyla
Sat. 1:00 pm -5:30 phi
A miscellaneous shower was
held Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Gwynne Brown in
honor of Carole Kendred of
Teeswater, bride -elect.
Several contests were enjoyed.
The gifts were presented by
Melissa Noble, Kristi Fudger and
Tiffany Brown.
Lunch was served by the hostess
assisted by Tammy Noble.
The marriage of Barry Hogg and
Carole Kendred will take place in
Teeswater United Church Sept. 23.
Ministry of the Environment
Regional Offices, .
985 Adelaide St. S.,
London, Ont. N6E 1V3
Office Hours: Mon. -Fri 8:30 am -4:30 pm
jA7 1 r m; 1.4 m as !�
To see a copy of the Class Environmental Assessment or for further information, contact the
Municipal Office.
Interested individuals and parties have 30 calendar days from the date of,this Notice to
comment on the proposal. Comments must be in writing and must be received byahe Municipal
Office by 5:00 pm on Thursday October 5, 1989.
If concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved, a person/party may ,request that the
Minister of the Environment "bump up" this project to an individual environmental- assessment.
Bump -up requests must be submitted to:
The Honourable Jim Bradley
Minister of the Environment
135 St. Clair Avenue West
15th Floor,
Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1P5
If there are no concerns expressed by the above date, the Improvements and Expansion of
the Sewage Treatment Works and Replacement of Pumping Stations will proceed to construc-
tion as presented in the ESR.
J. Byron Adams
Clerk, Town of Wingham
op isOleaseitto provide
farmer-oWne grain arid anlibeatfolevatoi facil'ties
in Londesboro. By working together, farmers
can buildthe own successful Agri -business!