HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-09-05, Page 7Page " 'Pr,v0307,4wmyonce- • 01:1901C4 . ' /47,F4g,t. , • • ' , t ••• •V! 4•-i44 1 SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Birthday or Anniversary Pictures $10.00 or $20.00 depending on size Engagement Notices (with picture) . • • . $5.00 Graduation Pictures $5.00 Anniversary rictures, 55 years and over ........ No Charge Wedding Write Ups No Charge. If copyis received within 4 weeks after the ceremony Charge for accompanying picture is $5.00 If received within 7 weeks picture and write up . $10.00 If received within 9 weeks picture and xvrite-up . $20.00 Birth Announcement l to our regular format.... No Charge FOR SALE TRADITIONAL chesterfield and chair, in excellent condition, solid wood frame, upholstered in almond and forest green, $275. Phone 357- 1994. CHAIN SAW, 12" electric; wren- ches; vise; dolly; 1/2 ton hand winch; Va hp motor; aluminum ladder, ext. 13'; axe; wheelbarrow; Bissel sweeper. Phone 357-1755. WEDDING INVITATIONS. Drop in and view pur latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance- Times,.192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ont. Phone 357-2320. rrb NEWMAC combination furnace. Phone 357-1796. 29,5 ADDRESS labels: gummed 200 for $5.95; press -on 200 for $6.95; trans- parent 200 for $6.95. Add 7 per cent pst to all prices. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, Box 390, Wingham, Ont. Phone 357-2320. 20rit QUALITY screened top soil. De- livered. Phone 529-7589. 22tf LOWRY ORGAN, excellent condi- tion. Carnival with magic genie, 2 keyboards. Phone 335-3222. DRY FIREWOOD. Phone Carl McGlenaghan 357-1988. 5,12 DO YOU have a favorite recipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photo- copies of it for your to pass along to your friends. We can do any quanti- ty. Drop in. at The Wingham Ad- vance-Timepffjc..1'hone 357-2320. rrb SERVICEABLE age purebred and crossbred boars from high quality bloodlines. Also bred gilts, vaccin- ated and due date. Peter Petrovic. Phone 656-2619. 20tf 1989 39' TRAVEL TRAILER, air, awning, 10' tip out, fully winterized, bay window and glass door, $22,000. Phone 357-1608. 29,5 OFF TO COLLEGE, need a bed? One 3/4 size bed for sale, used by 1 student, $100; dresser available, $75. Phone 357-3014, Nicholsons. DO YOU have items to advertise in 132 weekly newspapers? Call us now for details on our blanket classified coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the province. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. RECORD and cassette player, with speaker, in good condition. Phone 357-3090. 29,5 ENGRAVED SIGNS: door plates, Mailbox plates, house numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, washable, stainproof. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb 100 GALLON rectangle fuel tank with hand pump, fits full size pickup, asking $200; 100 gallon U.S. L- shaped fuel tank with electric pump for full size pickup, tool box with 2 lids and tray for a pickup, like new, -Asking $140; 350 bushel single axle Smyth grain buggy, only used 1 season, asking $3,990. Phone 1-529- 7783. INDUSTRIAL RAGS, $2 a bag. Phone The Thrift Shop at 357-3757. 18tf MOVING SALE. Appliances, furni- ture, miscellaneous. Please call for directions 335-6458. MAGNETIC SIGNS: many sizes available, 8"x17", $60 per pair. For further' information phone The Wirigham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 4tf PICKUP FLAT DECKS, $650 in- stalled. Phone Peter at T: P. Enter- prises 357-2709. 5,12,19,26 EVANS BROS. upright piano, in good condition. Phone 357-3835. • 29,5,12 , • CUCUMBERS for sale. 'Phone 357- 3331. 29;5 - - 2 attill: SOPA 11D dpIte Aeith4OXItt` Rie%i. • size iliattekt9, all in ereellent aerial epieitt tion. Please call 2574301. after 9 pin. WANTED TO BUY 3 -WHEEL ADULT BIKE, in good condition. Phone 357-2380. 5,12 WANTED TO RENT HOUSE or apartment in or near Fordwich. Phone 357-2118 after 3:30 p.m. 29,5 LAND WANTED TO RENT ABOUT 400 ACRES, we will look after it well. Please phone 357-3763, 29,5 CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1W7 spe 4. CHEV C-60, 5 ton, 366 motor, 5 d transmission, 2 speed rear 22' flat bed, good body, $2,000 or offer. Phone 357-2431. 29,5 1981 HORIZON, 70,000 km, auto., front wheel drive, nice economical car, $1,800, or certified $2,000. May exchange for larger car. Phone 528- 2399. 29,5 1979 OLDS , don't be mislead by year. One owner, low' mileage car. Fully loaded, not too great exag- geration to say this car's in mint condition. Certified. Must see and drive to belive. Phone 364-6587. 1981 BUICK REGAL, 2 door coupe, V6 auto. Will certify; 84 Honda ATV, 250 cc, 4 wheeler, $1,200. Phone 887- 9854 evenings. 1979 FORD LTD II (2), 30 motor, factory stripes, good condition, $1,200 or best offer. Phone 357-1631. 5,12 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES FOR SALE 1989 39' AMERICAN Traveller, 2 bedrooms, tip out, washer and dry- er, air, awning, glass door, fully winterized. As new, must• sell, $22,000 or best offer. Apply R. Win- ter, Riverside Park, Wingham. 29,5 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE McCORMICK No. 9 cutting box, 16" feeder with pipes, very good condi- tion. Victor Roland, RR 1, Gorrie, at Redgrave. Phone 335-3944 evenings. 5,12 ,t7 HAY AND STRAW FOR SALE BARLEY STitAW, 1,500 bales. Phone 357-3763. 29,5 25 LARGE BALES of straw. Phone 887-6489 Glen VanCamp. FOR RENT 2,000 SQ. FT. of good dry storage or workshop area, 1/2 a block from Main St., Wingham, second floor, heat op- tional. Phone Bob 357-1411 or 357- 1232. 13tf FURNISHED HOUSE in Wingham, from Nov,. 1 to April 30. Close to schools. All appliances, including dishwasher and .garbage disposal. All linens and dishes supplied. Elec- tric heat and air. References re- quired. Phone 3574896. ; 29 MOBILE HOME for rent in the country, approximately 4 miles north of Wingham. Some services included. References required. Phone 357-3215 after 6p.m. 5,12 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM apartment, second level, includes fridge, stove, washer; dryer, air eonditiortirig, private covered balcony, controlled entry, storage area, stair glicre,. Retirement living, "The Palmerston. Inforritatien, M. Robinson, 519442-22917 • 2MOCI7 . , APARTMENt FOR RENT MODERN very well -kept 2 bedroom bottom apartment,: close to .Main Street in Wingham. Fridge and stoye included. No pets. Tenant pays utili- ties. $350 per month. Phone 357-2433 after 6 p.m. 29tf 1 BEDROOM apartment, located off the Main St., Wingham, at the lights. Modest rent, fridge, stove, parking, cable. Available Oct, 1. Phone before 8 a.m., at lunch time or after 7 p.m. 357-3626. 5,12 LUCKNOW, 1 bedroom apartment, $240 plus hydro, appliances in- cluded. Phone 662-3392. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT PRIME OFFICE SPACE for rent, approximately 360 square feet, private entrance, will renovate to suit tenant. Phone357-1522 for de- tails, rrb HELP WANTED PART-TIME WORKER, 2-3 days .a week. Phone 357-1077. Bainton's Old Mil I Ltd. IN DOWNTOWN eLYIN HELP WANTED WOOL LEATHER moons 1,7 Enthusiastic mature sales persons needed. Full time and part time positions available. Come in and fill out an application. EQ:IfitANTEW PARTTIME 40tintei end grill work; 3 hourarday, 2,te &flays per week. Phone 357.2663. 5,12 LUCKNOW Presbyterian Church requires an org4nist-choir director. For further information phone 528- 3545. 5,12 COOK & WAITRESS wanted. Apply to Gfeat China House, Wingham. Phone 357-2732. 29,5 :÷1ELP WANTE0-: GODFATHER'S PIZZA has full time positions available. Day or evening shifts. Opportunity for advance- ment and good starting wage. Apply in person • Monday to Friday 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Phone: 357-2332 Scheduler Required Be responsible for scheduling of homemakers and homehelpers to work in clients' homes in Wingham and area. Phone , Town and Country Homemakers 357-3222 Nurse's Aides N) 4 Part4irne nurse's,aides re44041,01, BrookhaVen Nursing Hdme. TheteVositidtis entail shift work. Apply to: Donna Surgeoner, Director of Nursing •Phone 1-357-3430 • COMMUNITY LIVING - CENTRAL HURON has an opening for a Senior Bookkeeper/Secretary. This 23 week position, commences at the end of October 1989. The successful applicant will have strong verbal and written communication skills. A thorough knowledge of and experience with computers, all facets of bookkeeping, payroll and a famil- iarity with employee benefit packages is essential. For more information, please contact Rosemary Foran at 524-7362. Closing date, September 20, 1989. Apply in writing to: Mr. Brad Davey Executive Director Community Living - Central Huron 60 Lighthouse St. P.O. Box 527 GoderIch, Ont. N7A 4C7 ca -7 ---THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires a BUS DRIVER at MCCURDY PUBLIC SCHOOL Duties to commence September ,1989. The successful applicant must hold a class "B" Driver's License. Inter- ested applicants should send a letter of application and resume stating experience to the undersigned by 12:00 noon. Thursday, September 14, 1989. Jeanne Dionne, Personnel Manager Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street, cliptilio-tontario NOM 1L0 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. Mature women for 12 War daY Obiftar,14Ve or out Soma 41.glit shifts also avail- able; F. interview calf Cepelapd Lodge 357-22111 or 392-6894., 29,5 CARPENTER'S HELPER or ap- prentice. Phone 335-3664. 29,5 HAIRSTYPST - "A Career With a Future". Classes starting through- out the year. Contact the Kitchener - Waterloo. School of Hairstyling, 186 Victoria St. N., Kitchener, N2H 5C6 or phone 745-5641. OSAP loans avail- able. WAITRESS or waiter, experience preferred. Phone 357-3114. TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Get your Class "A" licence at On- tario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday. Tax deductible, weekend course, job assistance, r*R-Werie,,liteg., requlred. Mery Orr's Transport 1-800-265-3559 Cambridge. 3tf MALE OR FEMALE attendant for gas bar and equipment rentals, full- time. Phone 357-1666. 15tf HAIRSTYLIST WANTED for ma- ternity leave. Phone 528-3342. 29,5 WORK WANTED DO YOU HATE PAINTING? I will do interior or exterior painting for you at a very reasonable price. Phone 357-2558. 29,5,12,19,26 MAN willing to do odd jobs around the house. Phone 357-3483. 5,12,19,26 CLEANING LADY will do work in residential homes, also commercial. Phone 392-6343. 5,12,19,26 CHILD CARE WANTED • NEED a' babysitter for 1 -year-old reniek. Phone 352,142., boys, 7 a.m.-3 p.m., 5 days a4. • „4 • 1-:-•711 if -0 29,5, BABYSITTER ,WANTED, starting in October for 21/2 -month-old, Bel- grave-Wingham. Phone 357-1217. 5,12 CHILD CARE AVAILABLE RELIABLE child care by experi- enced child care worker, with CPR and First Aid Certificates. Physical- ly and -or developmentally chal- lenged children welcome. Phone • Joan at 357-1246. 29.5 SERVICES SEE US for your starter, alterna- tors, generator and regulator needs. Albrecht Auto Electric (north of Whitechurch). Phone 357-3495. 5,12,19,26 CUSTOM PLOWING. rates. Phone 357-1027. Reasonable 5,12,19,26 • 71V.,111/4111 RfI�S„ „ „ A., 4,1, ,,,,•••,4--t t‘,1, 0Nr°97. inat.The4it” V' Times Office. Phone 357.92911 PHIL'S Refrigeration ii, Service, 244rour eme.tlge used applienle sales. Pflen0 9062. PARKER XiOcK & -Saf4e7q9,,, and safe sales and stirvien:ItlfairtZ', Parker, 887-6350; Please' leave message. !••,- • ;• •-4tf• YES, WE REPAIR *tic! ,14‘eW‘ ing machines. 'Including* :WM* ' delivery weekly atCOVIefing41.111try Store. Yes, we have 35 perience and satisfaction gueran- teed. 5,19,3;17,31, TYPING, word processing service.: Resumes, letters, minutes, reports, etc. Phone Barbara Bender 351-1175, • • ''.1"44V1 West Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Company Dungannon 529-7922 Farm Protection For: torfg 404*" ; • " *Mgr merdrotmevezit ,s4 e • ri4c(40,01404, , rktrAirfirrow ,fgis prve,,Y***9Adlesiess, ;Itoior ON*3/4404r 4' For a quotation, please contact any of the following agents: FRANK FORAN, Lucknow 528-3824 LYONS & MULHERN Goderich 524-2664 DONALD R. SIMPSON Goderich 529-7567 JOHN NIXON Brussels 887-9417 DELMAR SPROUL Auburn 529-7273 KENNETH MACLEAN Paisley 368-7537 SLADE INSURANCE BROKERS INC. Kincardine 396-9513 LAURIE CAMPBELL Brussels 887-9051 PAR01 POWER -0 0 a total, reliable fuel service Wayne Jerome - Sales & Service Belgrave Co-op Aubum Co-op 357-2711, 523-4454 •526-7262 BEECROFT'S COLLISION CENTRE Expert Collision & Paint Service Frame & Unibody Specialist Free Estimates • Insuraric.e,ApOalsals roving & Car Rentals •357 1389 Cedar St. W., Wingham Ont. NOG 2W0 (Across from Premdor) ItE,AL-7 r ft:S . township �f frit LANDF11,11. SITE ATTENDANT Sealed arid clearly markedipPliOatieris are now being receivad for the position il,6f- too il Sit a Attendant for the. ToWnehiik ofM.:. • Duties hviude: 4,Supervising the acceptance of waste at the tgri • MaifltenanceInd F !,11,Stt Wort - eaohl. .to pent 9 9, 'et 6 6 lease oati the mu. r• *kiting ether with your tesurne to the •UtSday Septthber 7, 1988 at 400 pan. ,r TOwilsh of �S J. D. Fair Hearing Aid Service announces the regular clinic will be held Monday, September 11 at Dr. %rip Office, • 197 Josephine Street. New.extended hours: 9 to 12 p.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. • , Por appoiaterat for hearing evaluation or information re government grant, please call 3S7-3300 Ja D. Fair Hearing Aid Service 45 Ontario St., Stratford . , .1,14,:p• 11" •