HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-07-18, Page 19• •;(4"c.,, , %we* PeeWees d� on grave 7-1 in their , the regular DCnjs ,Wintemute waS- ning pitcher, gotng the distancel m an V.cc-0011t, per nt4teziaVe try four* 1404.13-iead throughout the game end one unearned run. He struck out 11. potential hitters, while -Walking none. His teammates supported him with seven runs on 11 hits and two errors. 1; • tfac 0,1W914,44:11 Single hi' Robeits and D. added to *CMS Runs.batted with two, whil grave and • Stint.,..:01fettirti more-1i.q4017 Summer brings additional day- light -hours and time for recreation and relaxation. It also brings a dra- matic increase in the number of vio- lations of the Liquor Licence Act as rea partygoers abuse their privileges and reate potentially dangerous siurtions due to carelessness. Last summer there than,23,000 charges were laid in ateaCifilii province patrolled by the Omni() Provincial Police. Most of the charges related to the Mesa con- sumption of liquor in places other than licensed premises or placei of residence. The term, "residence", includes tents c sites or boats equipped with. sleeping accommo- dations when moored or tied up. .Police add that these figures are • ent1 to te ,,,,144 `451"P33ST°4' .34'aZO , .• • • fOr. fortbegame, '• ,t4J ad. ,One eac 010 the tip of the iceherg. Beach parties are one Of the biggest problems. Drinkers may attempt to swim when inebriated, putting their lives at risk. Also, 1bro- ken glass on the beacli createsdu ger for children -and adults enjoying the beach. It, is also illegal -to drive or, has e Ogre aa4,..COntrOl of a-M9tor VeNcl wttbopett hOttlavf filc91101io bev- erages and police stress that people should not go to the beach or park • with alcoholicbeverages. Not only is the illegal consump- tion ,of alcohol a problem in itself but it can also lead to more serious problems, .such as impaired driv- ing, the most common contributing factor in fatal motor vehicle acci- dents. . Cooked beans can be used to make ice cream This familiar phrase from th Charlottetown Players productio of Anne of Green Gables bring back memories of hot summ afternoons, yummy-, drippy ic cream cones and relaxation: "Why evert the most respectabl eat ice cream. It's wonderful on ' summer's afternoon hi June." Yes, everyone loves ice cream but sometimes the 13y -product '''4,4*IrtrZeginnWiN2 1-0510S •vf/A02-44, raXaSage.YA, '44 •?-60ArMaire";07;,-, l'"Witt01140140* Frit90** Of tOmorn t• • AL. Last ThtirgdaY -grouppf the .Wmglitint'Spertisirien's AssoCia- tion got together wlth ken Mare/lets and Steve ROChettaiiithe ministry natural resOurce.s to' improve the nursery habitat of one • of our loCal treuf:streains, " • Group.. merribers thank the - Jatidewner involved permission . to work on his property. This was the first "e;.'• Wingham Fishing and , • Continittee and was,teert as a • cess by eV'eryoneinV'alv'eCT imatinAtim aFtaiM _ .„tf e their diets tend to experience an n evening out of blood sugar levels. s pther findings show that soluble er fibre consumed' regularly helps to e preyentcancerof the colon. Recipes for homemade bean ice e cream and other baked foods using a pureed beans developed by Dr. Currie and Deb Cam,pbell-am 01(4- , able by contacting Centralia' Cel - used in the ice cream recipe cause • reaction for children who sully from allergies. Dr: Violet Currie foods researcher, Centralia College has addressedt this problem -recent ly. in a research prbject Prided by the Ontario- Bean Producers' Mar- keting Board, Dr. Currie discovered that cooked, pureed white beans are an excellent thickener in home- made'ice crearn. To make bean ice cre.am, start by cooking white beanae.faIlowingtfite usual method; that cook for about 1 1/2 hours. Cool &Wit and puree the beans. Using a traditonal, ice cream recipe, Dr. Currie adds pureed beans to half and haif cream, sugar, and flavoring (fruit, vanilla, rum and raisin, etc.). She has used both the ice cream freezer method and the freeze and stir method with equally good results. The finished ice cream is • smooth, creamy and "delectable". In the past Dr. Currie used bean and flour to develop recipes for baked goivds. However, she says, •"My work with bean flour pro- dueei satisfactory results, but since bean flour is not read* available, I began substituting pureed beans. Solar, 4 see no difference -in the „s4Luality of the finished food p uct.7 Health conscious coniuniqs, would be wiseto cansidet the-Wh4te bean content�f their diets, bean fibre soluble Oust like oat loan). Researchers speculate that soluble- fibre Might 'Mu lower blood cholestent Diabetics who eat soluble fibre in . • • I, • d • • • s lege. Currently, bean reeiperojects a underway incltide honterna e pasta and bean taco chips. Dr. Currie, is co-ordinator of the Foods TecholOgy-Beetiort, Con.- tralia:ColliwolAgrlarukti*1 nology. Both Deb Campbell and Dr. .•Curife research *ail' teach in the Food Service:Management pro. gram, a two-year diploma course offered at C.C.A.T. •Conservatil) 1 Huron Soil. and Water Conserve - tion IXstrict d servation- Day Aug. 23,; at the farm • Of Peter and 'Brian Cildridge,'near Blyth. TheiOldridges have .been active in conservation cropping syStems, - for a number of yeart;CUrrentbr their system utilizes chisel plowing, aer-way and noatill ttePPittg,,. depending on -the crop :and e . plans kheC,PmMittee.inctft4,0-:., more. Strewn rehabilitation work and clean -Up our ; While A, wOrkiii•g,;00ishiug'prOjects; is concerned 'With:other areas of wildlife management. For more information, please contact Richard:0o 666g or Phil : •Marusaik, 357-282a . o•f 1 raises total: Winghain Mayer:fan IVIoreland *pinta that last weekentra'"JailAtora-- !Bail" Crime Stoppers'fimd-raiser was an even greater success than. had bet**gifted. Mr. Morelrpot_ that $16,900 Watialse4 for.ctiMe Stop- pers of MTP,Ps90146710c Coderich in return fattnedges, or bail. — • The mayor was cine those: who spent time behind. bars f* a cause; .Organizers had hoped to raisi:$16„ ,000: s con ucting a Con- - restduest` '11;e days'agenda ink Udes • afternoon, With:Iunch. and of the.Atemf.411,botit,,00t ' guest., : 'and ,.. a *kers „At #' o,Topics to,be . a include 404* andt oe:.40::',. cIi1t,e; , .,.at the local office,. Ontai 4090 •tutoa0, ..,. . . . • ., ,• , , " , ' " s ' 1 P. ' J WI ,F ' $ tt )” A ..,,,:•1 ••• , : : *t • • „r7 „1,1' ".• thane 44,9hr;n4'4” rhii • et U • • ". C7•4 ns, pito aw, ii Atop brin • ple4so IL Ju1y22 • oiiger; tr reedi'7Age'o lant. • :7;4," .• .6VlluiiieH K'S BST ATF i/4% ° Efikvti. e July 17 to 30, 1989 NeetI3ikini Line - Bair Remover . .. . . • . . . •200 ml. aerosol, 55 g sticks or 60 m11011 -on egret ts - 4 *rant Nice , , air Colour . a • 0 • • • V 0- (.4. • • • ,49 50 ml. Read & Shoulders Shampoo .3.79 um ml. tube • rest Toothpaste • • a • • • • • • 1.69 in 'Net 225 ml. Non -Aerosol irsp ay • • • •'S'�.. ••. 2.79 4 Of- o • • 2.... . • - • sh Produce er atapole40.11 0. 100 caps • • • • • .2.79 ,S 6's Super or 30"s *• *• ea toe*. 00•••• PATIN AlfbiCiNESe COSMETICS •TOBACCO AI :r 0; • • " I t A t° • • • • • • • 4,` 11• liti4;44kt,%4'le i?4,4.4iri 4 41'4 4 ILI 444 44 4 4 VIA** 4 4-41if .41111,.4),/01410,„.1ko 0,1,4 ,:„