HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1989-07-18, Page 17•
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By Margaret Stapleton
Editor's Note: This is the final
,..„1...segment in a three7part series
about a young Winghant man`l
world travels. This week we join
Tim Phibbs in Ns visits. to India,
China Japan and his readjustment
to life in Canada. -
• If Tim found the poverty o the
-,,- African continent a culture_shock,
nothing prepared him for What he
found in India. The first time be
went to wash after his arrival:in
Bombay, he was greeted by a rat in
Tim flew to India in,..early,Pebtut
any of this year. Never hadlie seen
such a mass of humani" crowded
together in such poverty Bombay it
a city of 10 million people, many of
its inhabitants living in gigantic
The thing he fouticl most digurb-
Ing about the Indian culture is the
saste_iyitem. No matter hoi4 harci
one works to improve hirpselt-he
always *Mains in the same caste or
same pike in soCiety. It is impossi-
:. ble for those born into a lower caste
to improve their lOt htFe system.
While m Bombay, rpn *tote this
poem abOutarkkOltamidriverr
A TyPieaLt4Y-itillIdia
Out of the human soup
pick me
-SWooping down like vultures
To deveur my White Skirt
•Rupees in their eyes
The first thing I hear is
,"Hello ... my friend"
Amongst• themselves
t '
-,. '744W-4A,A4if,
• • -$1,-tew
They scratch and squabble
the Chinese at the end Of thisceptAll.`
301.2Q...12...4 ry and much capitalhas beer(leaV-...,,
The lowest becomes the highest ing the city in anticipation.
He emerges from the motley pack Tim says he .10144 the Chinese
With the smile of a millionaire.' people friendly, yet extremely shy.
The other rickshaw drivers , • ced hisin'
He alsmexpenen worst co
Shrug their shoulders and forget munication problem of the trip,
About me as soon as the next finding it virtually irnpossible to be ..
Traveller comes round the corner , understood.
And plunges into the bow , Strolling through Chinese ma
Delhi) India, was muck, different kets, he saw dogs and cats hanging
-.,• :.' . ' : says many Tani ;
than Bombay, says Tim, very British feerselle,as,w. : s
- antlers.
intone, -• ., . *8
E0Wevers IlutPan-rlife is '1.19-t:, ',90inet ec ' '
tiod much there ' er.., . ., es0 use
All*010,bialt l' , - ' oughout all of
souls of great people come back in From Chinai,,Tim flew to Tokyo
'.914(i` '
undisturbed ' by pedestrians and dinner one evening ata Chinese .„...._.i.l'iv-4145.. "mornino- radio
vehicles stop to let them cross: restaurant, just as we would pick a ludicl‘
Hindu religion dictates that the lobster. '
Fle-p,‘,„-pt ..
1, : , 0 •,...- t.i- , , .., ,.
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' '' ' ogi, 44‘,....
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treated with the utmost respect. ht on his world triP- ,.,,.-
large aninial,s and therefore they ate on what:woukkbeOmelthe lastleg -4L--
• t•Th'I
fact, Tim says, restaurant ownersOriginally,he had intended to
put out food for,the cattle in the 'ipenit two years travelling and
mornings before customers are iwanted - to 'see AlistraliCatictScitith .
, even considered. . - America yet. However, 'the.-SheOt
After one month in India, Tim - mental'aP4:PhYSIC4U-Orra*: of 41-„,
flew - to the Tibetan mountains, trip, the loneliness
Where he stayed in remote villages, problems Werek.ttarting;4•Play'cofltinu
One Of them at. the base , of Mount .14Y-04,$,; -
Everest., • Poor health plagued .•
throughout his stay the inOuti;. — stay in ni,-Ar-:-.PnYv 10"
tains,,sonioting he blames onrthiT one of the most enjoyable Of .1
altitude change and he Was not sad hospitable He m&T,
to a ultand extremely
to leave there foi;Chhia. •-• ;We 1-Iteln$An '• 4
He and a travelling companion . fact, some peop*,.Wouittrig01.111.043r:.:
went into Clilliabythemselves. He miles out of their wayto give him a "eke"throughout Southwestern
visi,ted Hong Kong in callint:- ride or invite him to stay at their Ontario 01101:theiiv
to know as the.
it a crumbling empire". The homes- :coax:v•-nionling inake.andirlitsgefil
British turn the rich ,COIony_oyerict one•thin that was httle cuseort_him .whert4tt*Ittffito, advertising
. • • '
"72 certtilttlim*h'ilvas their question-
ing. Tim says they wantto know :tater Ilia month hestarts a new
. everything about you and if you Foe' ata Kitchener radio station and
don't tell them, they *ill usually willbe moving the family there. He
ask. He Wai_asked. what size .of .0P4„.61,:e- miss ibe,;014rn Ihit
0k0e6The*frife7a7tiiiii..4, :11[4 their ; homeifor *most_ 20
The coun is ma t set
a gigantic -Mount* range. Tokyo, ikesidents4itmghiltu.4.Wmits
the second tagest 07.in the World, -. the fandlres Throughout .the
is clean and, virtual* free of crime. years, Brian his heiorlyphteowith
it is a trtedelfoiAe nuMerbiaterViceclubs:and:Mitior
But: all good things .dome to an Sports; . . ,
end and was titnelOeTi*, • He' coached several B'
tof decide" what •-:tq. do 'After some teams town, rncluding
soul-searching, he chose: to return the ICentUeky Nuggets and the
to ;Cariada: SuperX 'Atoms, saying. it is itupor-
to his native country tint that. all youngsters have'an
was mOre 'difficult -than he ever opportunity -to play and learn. He
would have imagined:: says it also has coached softball I "'
felt "weird" "weird" coining back and for a In 0,0410* to Sports, Brian has
while, he viranted to hide and not been. inV9Wed. in other cointriUnity
see anyone. • grouptjele Is a past vice president
The culture shock is wearing off . Of -the, Winghain Kipfitnot Club and
though and. he is working here in tonlintittity Living Association,
Wingham for a, local construction
company .with the hope,: atten
inga*collegein the rtearfittnref, NCC adds
How has tpar away ;changedTim Phibbs? '
-ittt:says he has been. Nct Publishhig h1.
as added two
Years:and' die' only hornet** fOur
- children haViiknown. -
„ •
try Eptific n m ,„ •
s has
been nt
altil:erm asrften hera:s-Cr' btrieetn': 'itns")°pniretshaieNorth!
dent from 1982 to the present, dur-
ing a. time of steady growth forthe
*ClAnitollinithe°r*Lrewarding project has
....been hosting the "Children's Mira-
cle Network Telethon" each spring.
In fact, Brian is booked' to come,
• back to next year's telethon.
On the home front, the family
faced an extra challenge this past
year when son Michael went to
Sweden as an exchange student
and Raye, was away all week- at
school. However, with the help of
the remaining three ihikiren, Brian
Managed to keep the home fires
binning and now Michael has
returned -and Raye has graduated.
Brian says he will miss the town
that has given him so much, but
says it time to move on in life.
The town-wW miss the Ehnslie fam-
ily too: •
Have all the extra hours put into
working in the community been
worth it? -Yes, answers Brian with
no hesitation. "Everything you put
in, you get back ten -fold."
two magazines.
Other specialty magazines print-
ed by NCC Publishing's Ontario
division include Ontario Corn Pro-
ducer, Greenhouse Canada, Cana-
• dian Fruitgrower and Are Fighting
in Canada.
Community newspapers pub-
• lished by NCC Publishing include
• -The. Brant News„ The Tillsonburg
News, The Ingersoll Times, The
Norwich batette, The Dorchester
Signpost, The Caledonia Grand
River Sachem, The Times, The Del-
hi News Record, Paris This Week,
Thetistowel Banner, The MilVerton
The Wingharn Advance,. es; •
it profoundly by the expel inote,speitialized magazines to its
ence. Feir.;instange, he has more fOld.:The announcement was made
sympathy for minorities now and last .week by Bart Crandon of
' 0 h� is iiiOS, Sen#iii3O# towa!d: .:.__ Net's magazine division. L:
4 . 7. '. . Cattadia.n Coin 045x and tanai-
ff ikinY On 'Itk-OWit -alSO an'Vending* Specialized business
as 'Strengthened his regolVe. to do- magazines will Torksite printed and
4What.he feels is right iiiid not be published by NCO's magazine divi-
• : the majority. trefeelilie.... sit*, The two magaines will be
islessrnMerialistic now as well. published'in Mississauga and Mitt -
Wit he �mpIeti bis*inita tour,, ed at i new to square foot.
sometime en. the ii* fossibly, printingplant hi:Delhi,
'-'tnowhe is ti. ,. '' in Jim" -Haley' has been added to the
c.,',...4,. It
'by far the, ,has„,,,,. seen, he ; .0' ttio- , .,, totp ' ' o* tiliiixmlxitidesVseati;
world 1 01 ' e.164,.i,,.1-. — , attikei, albs,
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